
     1  #ifndef _EXT_BOXSTYLE_H_
     2  #define _EXT_BOXSTYLE_H_
     4  #include "ext_prefix.h"
     5  #include "ext_mess.h"
     7  #include "jgraphics.h"
    12  /**	Add an attribute to the current style.
    13  	@ingroup styles
    15  	@param	c	The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
    16  	@param	s	The name of the attribute to be added to the style.
    17  	@see The 'uitextfield' example project in the SDK.
    18  */
    19  void class_attr_setstyle(t_class *c, const char *s);
    22  /**	Add an alias to the current style.
    23  	This is used for backward compatibility where an attribute using an old name will want a style applied to it from a different name.
    24  	Typically you will use one of the macros such as #CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_NOSAVE rather than using this function directly.
    25  	@ingroup styles
    27  	@param	c			The class for whom the alias will be created.
    28  	@param	name		The name of the attribute of the style.
    29  	@param	aliasname	The name of the alias.
    30  	@param	legacy		Always pass 0 for this argument.
    32  	@see 	The 'jslider' project in the SDK.
    33  */
    34  void class_attr_style_alias(t_class *c, const char *name, const char *aliasname, long legacy);
    37  /**	Flag indicating we want this fill attribute saved (creates attrs).
    38  	@ingroup styles
    39  	@see class_attr_setfill()
    40  	@see The 'uitextfield' example project in the SDK.
    41  */
    42  #define FILL_ATTR_SAVE 1 
    45  /**	Specify that an attr requires a fill.
    46  	@ingroup styles
    48  	@param	c		The class whose attribute is a fill.
    49  	@param	name	The name of the attribute.
    50  	@param	flags	0 for none, or #FILL_ATTR_SAVE.
    51  	@see The 'uitextfield' example project in the SDK.
    52  */
    53  void class_attr_setfill(t_class *c, const char *name, long flags);
    56  /**	Fill using the current value of a named style color that exists either in the object or the defined style.
    57  	Abdridged example from the 'attrui' object:
    58  	@code
    59  		long is_fill = object_attr_getfill(destination, x->j_attr);
    61  		if (is_fill) {
    62  			jgraphics_attr_fillrect((t_object *)destination, g, x->j_attr, rect);
    63  			jgraphics_rectangle(g, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);	// ready to be stroked
    64  		} 
    65  		else {
    66  			object_attr_getjrgba(destination, x->j_attr, &color);
    67  			jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &color);
    68  			jgraphics_rectangle(g, rect->x, rect->y, rect->width, rect->height);
    69  			jgraphics_fill_preserve(g);
    70  		}
    72  		jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &bordercolor);
    73  		jgraphics_stroke(g);
    74  	@endcode
    76  	@ingroup styles
    78  	@param	b			The instance of your object.
    79  	@param	g			The jgraphics context.
    80  	@param	attrname	The name of the attribute whose fill style you want.
    81  	@param	area		The rect area to be filled.
    82  */
    83  void jgraphics_attr_fillrect(t_object *b, t_jgraphics *g, t_symbol *attrname, t_rect *area);
    86  /**	Fill using the current value of a named style color that exists either in the object or the defined style.
    87  	Example from the 'panel' object:
    88  	@code
    89  		t_rect r;
    91  		r.x = r.y = thick * 0.5;
    92  		r.width = rect->width - thick;
    93  		r.height = rect->height - thick;
    95  		pat = jgraphics_attr_setfill((t_object *)x, g, ps_bgfillcolor, &r);
    96  		jgraphics_rectangle_rounded(g, r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, round, round);
    97  		jgraphics_fill_preserve(g);
    98  		jgraphics_pattern_destroy(pat);
   100  		object_attr_getjrgba(x, ps_bordercolor, &color);
   101  		jgraphics_set_source_jrgba(g, &color);
   102  		jgraphics_set_line_width(g, thick);
   103  		jgraphics_stroke(g);
   104  	@endcode
   106  	@ingroup styles
   108  	@param	b			The instance of your object.
   109  	@param	g			The jgraphics context.
   110  	@param	attrname	The name of the attribute whose fill style you want.
   111  	@param	area		The rect area to be filled.
   112  	@return				The pattern.
   113  */
   114  t_jpattern *jgraphics_attr_setfill(t_object *b, t_jgraphics *g, t_symbol *attrname, t_rect *area);
   117  /**	Determine the color at a given position in a fill.
   118  	@ingroup	styles
   119  	@param		b			The instance of your object.
   120  	@param		attrname	The name of the attribute to query.
   121  	@param		pos			The position in a range of [0.0, 1.0].
   122  	@param		c			A valid #t_jrgba whose members will be filled-in upon return.
   123  	@return 				true if the object is a fill, otherwise false.
   124  */
   125  void object_attr_getfillcolor_atposition(t_object *b, const char *attrname, double pos, t_jrgba *c);
   128  /**	Determine if an attribute is a fill.
   129  	@ingroup	styles
   130  	@param		obj			The instance of your object.
   131  	@param		attrname	The name of the attribute to query.
   132  	@return 				true if the object is a fill, otherwise false.
   133  */
   134  long object_attr_getfill(t_object *obj, t_symbol *attrname);
   136  void object_style_setfillattribute(t_object *x, t_symbol *fillattr, t_symbol *entry, long argc, t_atom *argv);
   139  /**	Associate the name of an attribute of your class with the name of an attribute of a style.
   140  	@ingroup	styles
   141  	@param		c			The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
   142  	@param		attrname	The name of the attribute of your class.
   143  	@param		mapname		The name of the attribute from the style.
   144  	@see		'jslider' example project in the SDK.
   145  */
   146  void class_attr_stylemap(t_class *c, const char *attrname, const char *mapname);
   148  t_symbol *object_attr_attrname_forstylemap(t_object *x, t_symbol *mapname);		// internal use only
   149  t_symbol *object_attr_stylemapname(t_object *x, t_symbol *attrname);		 	// internal use only
   152  // menus of named styles
   154  t_jpopupmenu *style_getmenu(t_object *context, t_symbol *current, long mask, long *selecteditem, long *headercount);		// internal use only
   155  void style_handlemenu(t_object *context, long itemindex, t_symbol **current);												// internal use only
   157  // Attribute Macros for simple and maintainable style attribute definitions
   159  // CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA defines an RGBA style attribute with standard settings
   160  // and replaces RGBA style definitions of the following pattern, with and without "preview" and saving:
   161  /*
   162   CLASS_ATTR_RGBA(c,"accentcolor",0, t_jnumber, j_tricolor);
   163   CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c, "accentcolor", 0);
   164   CLASS_ATTR_PAINT(c, "accentcolor", 0);
   165   CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c, "accentcolor", 0 , "rgba", "Triangle Color");
   166   class_attr_setstyle(c, "accentcolor");
   167   CLASS_ATTR_ATTR_PARSE(c, "accentcolor", "preview", USESYM(symbol), 0, "triangle_fill");
   168   */
   170  /**	Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.
   171  	@ingroup	styles
   172  	@param		c				The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
   173  	@param		attrname		The name of the attribute of your class.
   174  	@param		flags			Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in #e_max_attrflags.
   175  	@param		structname		The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid #t_object header) representing an instance of this class.
   176  	@param		structmember	The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
   177  	@param		label			A human-friendly label for the Max inspector.
   178  	@see						#CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA is a variant that saves the state with the patcher.
   179  	@see						#CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_PREVIEW is a variant that provides a style preview.
   180  	@see						class_attr_setstyle() is the lower level function used to provide the style part of the attribute definition.
   181  */
   182  #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_NOSAVE(c,attrname,flags,structname,structmember,label) \
   183  {	CLASS_ATTR_DOUBLE_ARRAY(c,attrname,flags,structname,structmember,4); \
   184  	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,attrname,NULL,jgraphics_attr_setrgba); \
   185  	CLASS_ATTR_PAINT(c,attrname,0); \
   186  	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_LABEL(c,attrname,0,"rgba",label); \
   187  	class_attr_setstyle(c,attrname); }
   190  /**	Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.
   191  	@ingroup	styles
   192  	@param		c				The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
   193  	@param		attrname		The name of the attribute of your class.
   194  	@param		flags			Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in #e_max_attrflags.
   195  	@param		structname		The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid #t_object header) representing an instance of this class.
   196  	@param		structmember	The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
   197  	@param		label			A human-friendly label for the Max inspector.
   198  	@see						#CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_NOSAVE is a variant that does not save the state with the patcher.
   199  	@see						#CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_PREVIEW is a variant that provides a style preview.
   200  	@see						class_attr_setstyle() is the lower level function used to provide the style part of the attribute definition.
   201  */
   202  #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA(c,attrname,flags,structname,structmember,label) \
   203  {	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_NOSAVE(c,attrname,flags,structname,structmember,label) \
   204  	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c,attrname,0); }
   207  /**	Define an RGBA style attribute with standard settings.
   208  	@ingroup	styles
   209  	@param		c				The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
   210  	@param		attrname		The name of the attribute of your class.
   211  	@param		flags			Any flags you wish to declare for this attribute, as defined in #e_max_attrflags.
   212  	@param		structname		The C identifier for the struct (containing a valid #t_object header) representing an instance of this class.
   213  	@param		structmember	The C identifier of the member in the struct that holds the value of this attribute.
   214  	@param		label			A human-friendly label for the Max inspector.
   215  	@param		previewtype		Type of preview to use in the style bar, e.g. "triangle_fill"
   216  	@see						#CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_NOSAVE is a variant that does not save the state with the patcher.
   217  	@see						#CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA is a variant that saves the state with the patcher but does not provide the preview.
   218  	@see						class_attr_setstyle() is the lower level function used to provide the style part of the attribute definition.
   219  */
   220  #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA_PREVIEW(c,attrname,flags,structname,structmember,label,previewtype) \
   221  {	CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_RGBA(c,attrname,flags,structname,structmember,label); \
   222  	CLASS_ATTR_ATTR_PARSE(c,attrname,"preview",USESYM(symbol),0,previewtype); }
   225  /**	Define an unsaved alias.
   226  	@ingroup 	styles
   227  	@param		c			The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
   228  	@param		attrname	The name of the attribute of your class.
   229  	@param		aliasname	The name of the alias.
   230  	@see 'jslider' example project in the SDK.
   231  */
   232  #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_NOSAVE(c,attrname,aliasname) \
   233  {	class_attr_style_alias(c,attrname,aliasname,false); \
   234      CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE(c,aliasname,0); \
   235      CLASS_ATTR_PAINT(c,aliasname,0); }
   238  /**	Define a Max 5/6 saved compatibility alias
   239  	@ingroup 	styles
   240  	@param		c			The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
   241  	@param		attrname	The name of the attribute of your class.
   242  	@param		aliasname	The name of the alias.
   243  */
   244  #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_COMPATIBILITY(c,attrname,aliasname) \
   245  {	class_attr_style_alias(c,attrname,aliasname,false); \
   246  	CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE(c,aliasname,0); \
   247  	CLASS_ATTR_SAVE(c,aliasname,0); \
   248  	CLASS_ATTR_PAINT(c,aliasname,0); }
   251  /**	Define a Max 4 legacy RGB attribute alias
   252  	@ingroup 	styles
   253  	@param		c			The class whose attribute will be added to the style.
   254  	@param		attrname	The name of the attribute of your class.
   255  	@param		aliasname	The name of the alias.
   256  	@see 'jslider' example project in the SDK.
   257  */
   258  #define CLASS_ATTR_STYLE_ALIAS_RGBA_LEGACY(c,attrname,aliasname) \
   259  {	class_attr_style_alias(c,attrname,aliasname,false); \
   260  	CLASS_ATTR_INVISIBLE(c,aliasname,0); \
   261  	CLASS_ATTR_PAINT(c,aliasname,0); \
   262  	CLASS_ATTR_ACCESSORS(c,aliasname,NULL,jgraphics_attr_setrgb_alias); }
   267  #endif // _EXT_BOXSTYLE_H