
     1  /* 
     2  	ext_dictobj.h
     3  	Copyright 2010 - Cycling '74
     4  	Timothy Place,	
     5  */
     7  #ifndef __EXT_DICTOBJ_H__
     8  #define __EXT_DICTOBJ_H__
    10  #include "ext_prefix.h"
    11  #include "ext_dictionary.h"
    15  /**	Register a #t_dictionary with the dictionary passing system and map it to a unique name.
    17  	@ingroup dictobj
    18  	@param		d		A valid dictionary object.
    19  	@param		name	The address of a #t_symbol pointer to the name you would like mapped to this dictionary.
    20  						If the t_symbol pointer has a NULL value then a unique name will be generated and filled-in
    21  						upon return.
    22  	@return				The dictionary mapped to the specified name.
    23  **/
    24  t_dictionary *dictobj_register(t_dictionary *d, t_symbol **name);
    27  /**	Unregister a #t_dictionary with the dictionary passing system.
    28  	Generally speaking you should not need to call this method.
    29  	Calling object_free() on the #t_dictionary automatically unregisters it.
    31  	@ingroup dictobj
    32  	@param		d		A valid dictionary object.
    33  	@return				A Max error code.
    34  **/
    35  t_max_err dictobj_unregister(t_dictionary *d);
    38  /**	Find the #t_dictionary for a given name, and return a <i>copy</i> of that dictionary
    39  	When you are done, do <i>not</i> call dictobj_release() on the dictionary, 
    40  	because you are working on a copy rather than on a retained pointer.
    42  	@ingroup dictobj
    43  	@param		name	The name associated with the dictionary for which you wish to obtain a copy.
    44  	@return				The dictionary cloned from the existing dictionary.
    45  						Returns NULL if no dictionary is associated with name.
    46  	@see				#dictobj_findregistered_retain()
    47  **/
    48  t_dictionary *dictobj_findregistered_clone(t_symbol *name);
    51  /**	Find the #t_dictionary for a given name, return a pointer to that #t_dictionary, and increment its reference count.
    52  	When you are done you should call dictobj_release() on the dictionary.
    54  	@ingroup dictobj
    55  	@param		name	The name associated with the dictionary for which you wish to obtain a pointer.
    56  	@return				A pointer to the dictionary associated with name.
    57  						Returns NULL if no dictionary is associated with name.
    58  	@see				#dictobj_release()
    59  	@see				#dictobj_findregistered_clone()
    60  **/
    61  t_dictionary *dictobj_findregistered_retain(t_symbol *name);
    64  /**	For a #t_dictionary/name that was previously retained with dictobj_findregistered_retain(), 
    65  	release it (decrement its reference count).
    67  	@ingroup dictobj
    68  	@param		d		A valid dictionary object retained by dictobj_findregistered_retain().
    69  	@return				A Max error code.
    70  	@see				#dictobj_findregistered_retain()
    71  **/
    72  t_max_err dictobj_release(t_dictionary *d);
    75  /**	Find the name associated with a given #t_dictionary.
    77  	@ingroup	dictobj
    78  	@param		d		A dictionary, whose name you wish to determine.
    79  	@return				The symbol associated with the dictionary, or NULL if the dictionary is not registered.
    80  	@see				#dictobj_register()
    81  **/
    82  t_symbol *dictobj_namefromptr(t_dictionary *d);
    85  /**	Send atoms to an outlet in your Max object, handling complex datatypes that may be present in those atoms.
    86  	This is particularly when sending the contents of a dictionary entry out of an outlet as in the following example code.
    88  	@code
    89  	long		ac = 0;
    90  	t_atom		*av = NULL;
    91  	t_max_err	err;
    93  	err = dictionary_copyatoms(d, key, &ac, &av);
    94  	if (!err && ac && av) {
    95  		// handles singles, lists, symbols, atomarrays, dictionaries, etc.
    96  		dictobj_outlet_atoms(x->outlets[i],ac,av);
    97  	}
    99  	if (av)
   100  		sysmem_freeptr(av);
   101  	@endcode
   103  	@ingroup	dictobj
   104  	@param		out		The outlet through which the atoms should be sent.
   105  	@param		argc	The count of atoms in argv.
   106  	@param		argv	Pointer to the first of an array of atoms to send to the outlet.
   107  **/
   108  void dictobj_outlet_atoms(void *out, long argc, t_atom *argv);
   111  /**	Ensure that an atom is safe for passing.
   112  	Atoms are allowed to be #A_LONG, #A_FLOAT, or #A_SYM, but not #A_OBJ.
   113  	If the atom is an #A_OBJ, it will be converted into something that will be safe to pass.
   115  	@ingroup dictobj
   116  	@param		a	An atom to check, and potentially modify, to ensure safety in the dictionary-passing system.	
   117  	@return			If the atom was changed then 1 is returned.  Otherwise 0 is returned.
   118  **/
   119  long dictobj_atom_safety(t_atom *a);
   122  enum {
   123  	DICTOBJ_ATOM_FLAGS_DEFAULT = 0,	///< default
   124  	DICTOBJ_ATOM_FLAGS_REGISTER		///< dictionary atoms should be registered/retained
   125  };
   128  /**	Ensure that an atom is safe for passing.
   129  	Atoms are allowed to be #A_LONG, #A_FLOAT, or #A_SYM, but not #A_OBJ.
   130  	If the atom is an #A_OBJ, it will be converted into something that will be safe to pass.
   132  	@ingroup dictobj
   133  	@param		a		An atom to check, and potentially modify, to ensure safety in the dictionary-passing system.
   134  	@param		flags	Pass DICTOBJ_ATOM_FLAGS_REGISTER to have dictionary atoms registered/retained. 
   135  	@return				If the atom was changed then 1 is returned.  Otherwise 0 is returned.
   136   **/
   137  long dictobj_atom_safety_flags(t_atom *a, long flags);
   140  void dictobj_atom_release(t_atom *a);
   143  /**	Validate the contents of a #t_dictionary against a second #t_dictionary containing a schema.
   145  	The schema dictionary contains keys and values, like any dictionary.
   146  	dictobj_validate() checks to make sure that all keys in the schema dictionary are present in the candidate dictionary.
   147  	If the keys are all present then the candidate passes and the function returns true.
   148  	Otherwise the the candidate fails the validation and the function returns false.
   150  	Generally speaking, the schema dictionary with contain values with the symbol "*", indicating a wildcard, 
   151  	and thus only the key is used to validate the dictionary (all values match the wildcard).
   152  	However, if the schema dictionary contains non-wildcard values for any of its keys, those keys in the 
   153  	candidate dictionary must also contain matching values in order for the candidate to successfully validate.
   155  	An example of this in action is the dict.route object in Max, which simply wraps this function.
   157  	@ingroup dictobj
   158  	@param		schema		The dictionary against which to validate candidate.
   159  	@param		candidate	A dictionary to test against the schema.
   160  	@return					Returns true if the candidate validates against the schema, otherwise returns false.
   161  	@see					#dictobj_dictionarytoatoms()
   162  **/
   163  long dictobj_validate(const t_dictionary *schema, const t_dictionary *candidate);
   166  /**	Convert a C-string of @ref using_dictobj_syntax into a C-string of JSON.
   168  	@ingroup dictobj
   169  	@param		jsonsize	The address of a variable to be filled-in with the number of chars in json upon return.
   170  	@param		json		The address of a char pointer to point to the JSON C-string upon return.
   171  							Should be initialized to NULL.
   172  							You are responsible for freeing the string with sysmem_freeptr() when you are done with it.
   173  	@param		str			A NULL-terminated C-string containing @ref using_dictobj_syntax .
   174  	@return					A Max error code.
   175  	@see					#dictobj_dictionarytoatoms()
   176  **/
   177  t_max_err dictobj_jsonfromstring(long *jsonsize, char **json, const char *str);
   180  /**	Create a new #t_dictionary from @ref using_dictobj_syntax which is passed in as a C-string.
   182  	@ingroup dictobj
   183  	@param		d		The address of a dictionary variable, which will hold a pointer to 
   184  						the new dictionary upon return.  Should be initialized to NULL.
   185  	@param		str		A NULL-terminated C-string containing @ref using_dictobj_syntax .
   186  	@param		str_is_already_json
   187  	@param		errorstring
   188  	@return				A Max error code.
   189  	@see				#dictobj_dictionarytoatoms()
   190  **/
   191  t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromstring(t_dictionary **d, const char *str, int str_is_already_json, char *errorstring);
   194  /**	Create a new #t_dictionary from @ref using_dictobj_syntax which is passed in as an array of atoms.
   195  	Unlike many #t_dictionary calls to create dictionaries, this function does not take over ownership of the atoms you pass in.
   197  	@ingroup dictobj
   198  	@param		d		The address of a dictionary variable, which will hold a pointer to 
   199  						the new dictionary upon return.  Should be initialized to NULL.
   200  	@param		argc	The number of atoms in argv.
   201  	@param		argv	Pointer to the first of an array of atoms to be interpreted as 
   202  						@ref using_dictobj_syntax .
   203  	@return		A Max error code.
   204  	@see		#dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms_extended() #dictobj_dictionarytoatoms()
   205  **/
   206  t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms(t_dictionary **d, const long argc, const t_atom *argv);
   209  /**	Create a new #t_dictionary from from an array of atoms that use Max dictionary syntax, JSON, or compressed JSON.
   210  	This function is the C analog to the dict.deserialize object in Max.
   211  	Unlike many #t_dictionary calls to create dictionaries, this function does not take over ownership of the atoms you pass in.
   213  	 @ingroup dictobj
   214  	 @param		d		The address of a dictionary variable, which will hold a pointer to
   215  						the new dictionary upon return.  Should be initialized to NULL.
   216  	 @param		msg		Ignored.
   217  	 @param		argc	The number of atoms in argv.
   218  	 @param		argv	Pointer to the first of an array of atoms to be interpreted as @ref using_dictobj_syntax , JSON, or compressed JSON.
   219  	 @return	A Max error code.
   220  	 @see		#dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms() #dictobj_dictionaryfromstring()
   221   **/
   222  t_max_err dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms_extended(t_dictionary **d, const t_symbol *msg, long argc, const t_atom *argv);
   225  /**	Serialize the contents of a #t_dictionary into @ref using_dictobj_syntax .
   227  	@ingroup dictobj
   228  	@param		d		The dictionary to serialize.
   229  	@param		argc	The address of a variable to hold the number of atoms allocated upon return.
   230  	@param		argv	The address of a t_atom pointer which will point to the first atom 
   231  						(of an array of argc atoms) upon return. You are responsible for freeing the pointer
   232  						returned with sysmem_freeptr() when you are done with it. If you pass in existing memory,
   233  						it must be memory allocated using sysmem_newptr() and the pointer may be resized.
   235  	@return		A Max error code.
   236  	@see		#dictobj_dictionaryfromatoms()
   237  **/
   238  t_max_err dictobj_dictionarytoatoms(const t_dictionary *d, long *argc, t_atom **argv);
   241  /**	Given a complex key (one that includes potential heirarchy or array-member access), 
   242  	return the actual key and the dictionary in which the key should be referenced.
   244  	@ingroup	dictobj
   245  	@param		x			Your calling object.  If there is an error this will be used by the internal call to object_error().
   246  	@param		d			The dictionary you are querying.
   247  	@param		akey		The complex key specifying the query.
   248  	@param		create		If true, create the intermediate dictionaries in the hierarchy specified in akey.
   249  	@param		targetdict	Returns the t_dictionary that for the (sub)dictionary specified by akey.
   250  	@param		targetkey	Returns the name of the key in targetdict that to which akey is referencing.
   251  	@param		index		Returns the index requested if array-member access is specified.  Pass NULL if you are not interested in this.
   253  	@return		A Max error code.
   254   */
   255  t_max_err dictobj_key_parse(t_object *x, t_dictionary *d, t_atom *akey, t_bool create, t_dictionary **targetdict, t_symbol **targetkey, t_int32 *index);
   262  #endif // __EXT_DICTOBJ_H__