
     2  #ifndef _EXT_OBEX_H_
     3  #define _EXT_OBEX_H_
     5  #include "ext_prefix.h"
     6  #include "ext_mess.h"
     8  #include "ext_preprocessor.h"
     9  #include "ext_hashtab.h"
    10  #include "ext_dictionary.h"
    14  #ifndef TRUE
    15  #define TRUE 	1
    16  #endif
    17  #ifndef FALSE
    18  #define FALSE 	0
    19  #endif
    21  #ifndef C74_USE_COMMON_SYMBOLS
    22  /**	The namespace for all Max object classes which can be instantiated in a box, i.e. in a patcher.
    23  	@ingroup class */
    24  #define CLASS_BOX				gensym("box")
    26  /**	A namespace for creating hidden or internal object classes which are not a direct part of the user 
    27  	creating patcher.
    28  	@ingroup class */
    29  #define CLASS_NOBOX				gensym("nobox")
    31  #else
    32  #define CLASS_BOX				_sym_box
    33  #define CLASS_NOBOX				_sym_nobox
    34  #endif
    36  /** Attribute flags
    37  	@ingroup attr
    39  	@remark 	To create a readonly attribute, for example, 
    40  				you should pass ATTR_SET_OPAQUE or ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER as a flag when you create your attribute.
    41  */
    42  typedef enum {
    43  	ATTR_FLAGS_NONE =		0x0000000,	///< No flags
    44  	ATTR_GET_OPAQUE =		0x00000001,	///< The attribute cannot be queried by either max message when used inside of a CLASS_BOX object, nor from C code.
    45  	ATTR_SET_OPAQUE =		0x00000002, ///< The attribute cannot be set by either max message when used inside of a CLASS_BOX object, nor from C code.
    46  	ATTR_GET_OPAQUE_USER =	0x00000100, ///< The attribute cannot be queried by max message when used inside of a CLASS_BOX object, but <em>can</em> be queried from C code.
    47  	ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER =	0x00000200, ///< The attribute cannot be set by max message when used inside of a CLASS_BOX object, but <em>can</em> be set from C code.
    48  	ATTR_GET_DEFER =		0x00010000,	// Placeholder for potential future functionality: Any attribute queries will be called through a defer().
    49  	ATTR_GET_USURP =		0x00020000,	// Placeholder for potential future functionality: Any calls to query the attribute will be called through the equivalent of a defer(), repeated calls will be ignored until the getter is actually run.
    50  	ATTR_GET_DEFER_LOW =	0x00040000, // Placeholder for potential future functionality: Any attribute queries will be called through a defer_low().
    51  	ATTR_GET_USURP_LOW =	0x00080000, // Placeholder for potential future functionality: Any calls to query the attribute will be called through the equivalent of a defer_low(), repeated calls will be ignored until the getter is actually run.
    52  	ATTR_SET_DEFER =		0x01000000, // Placeholder for potential future functionality: The attribute setter will be called through a defer().
    53  	ATTR_SET_USURP =		0x02000000,	// Placeholder for potential future functionality: Any calls to set the attribute will be called through the equivalent of a defer_low(), repeated calls will be ignored until the setter is actually run.
    54  	ATTR_SET_DEFER_LOW =	0x04000000, // Placeholder for potential future functionality: The attribute setter will be called through a defer_low()
    55  	ATTR_SET_USURP_LOW =	0x08000000,	// Placeholder for potential future functionality: Any calls to set the attribute will be called through the equivalent of a defer_low(), repeated calls will be ignored until the setter is actually run.
    56  	ATTR_IS_JBOXATTR =		0x10000000,  // a common jbox attr
    57  	ATTR_DIRTY =			0x20000000  // attr has been changed from its default value
    58  } e_max_attrflags;
    60  /** Flags used in linklist and hashtab objects 
    61  	@ingroup datastore */
    62  typedef enum {
    63  	OBJ_FLAG_OBJ = 			0x00000000,	///< free using object_free()
    64  	OBJ_FLAG_REF =			0x00000001,	///< don't free
    65  	OBJ_FLAG_DATA =			0x00000002,	///< don't free data or call method
    66  	OBJ_FLAG_MEMORY =		0x00000004,	///< don't call method, and when freeing use sysmem_freeptr() instead of freeobject 
    67  	OBJ_FLAG_SILENT =		0x00000100,	///< don't notify when modified
    68  	OBJ_FLAG_INHERITABLE =	0x00000200,  ///< obexprototype entry will be inherited by subpatchers and abstractions
    69  	OBJ_FLAG_ITERATING =	0x00001000,	///< used by linklist to signal when is inside iteration 
    70  	OBJ_FLAG_CLONE =		0x00002000,	///< object should be cloned when added to data structure (i.e. dictionary)
    71  	OBJ_FLAG_DANGER =		0x20000000,	///< context-dependent flag, used internally for hashtable code
    72  	OBJ_FLAG_DEBUG =		0x40000000	///< context-dependent flag, used internally for linklist debug code
    73  } e_max_datastore_flags;
    76      #pragma pack(push, 2)
    77  #elif C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK
    78      #pragma pack(2)
    79  #endif
    81  #define C74_SPLAT_PREPARE(splat_prev_arg)   va_list splat_va_args;     \
    82  void *sp_arg1, *sp_arg2, *sp_arg3, *sp_arg4, *sp_arg5, *sp_arg6, *sp_arg7, *sp_arg8;  \
    83  va_start(splat_va_args, splat_prev_arg);     \
    84  sp_arg1 = va_arg(splat_va_args, void*); \
    85  sp_arg2 = va_arg(splat_va_args, void*); \
    86  sp_arg3 = va_arg(splat_va_args, void*); \
    87  sp_arg4 = va_arg(splat_va_args, void*); \
    88  sp_arg5 = va_arg(splat_va_args, void*); \
    89  sp_arg6 = va_arg(splat_va_args, void*); \
    90  sp_arg7 = va_arg(splat_va_args, void*); \
    91  sp_arg8 = va_arg(splat_va_args, void*); 
    92  #define C74_SPLAT_PASS						sp_arg1, sp_arg2, sp_arg3, sp_arg4, sp_arg5, sp_arg6, sp_arg7, sp_arg8
    94  #define C74_SPLAT_CLEANUP					va_end(splat_va_args);
    96  /** Common attr struct. This struct is provided for debugging convenience, 
    97  	but should be considered opaque and is subject to change without notice. 
    99  	@ingroup attr
   100  */
   101  typedef struct _attr
   102  {
   103  	t_object		ob;
   104  	t_symbol		*name;
   105  	t_symbol		*type;	
   106  	long			flags;  		//public/private get/set methods
   107  	method			get;    		//override default get method
   108  	method			set;    		//override default set method
   109  	void			*filterget;		//filterobject for get method
   110  	void			*filterset; 	//filterobject for set method
   111  	void			*reserved;		//for future use
   112  } t_attr;		
   114  /** macros for settings and getting attribute dirty flag */
   116  #define ATTR_SET_DIRTY(x) (((t_attr *)(x))->flags |= ATTR_DIRTY)
   117  #define ATTR_UNSET_DIRTY(x) (((t_attr *)(x))->flags &= ~ATTR_DIRTY)
   118  #define ATTR_GET_DIRTY(x) (((t_attr *)(x))->flags & ATTR_DIRTY)
   120  /**
   121  	A method that always returns true.
   122  	@ingroup misc
   123  */
   124  t_atom_long method_true(void *x);
   127  /**
   128  	A method that always returns false.
   129  	@ingroup misc
   130  */
   131  t_atom_long method_false(void *x);
   134  #ifndef class_new
   135  /**
   136  	Initializes a class by informing Max of its name, instance creation and free functions, size and argument types. 
   137  	Developers wishing to use obex class features (attributes, etc.) <em>must</em> use class_new() 
   138  	instead of the traditional setup() function.
   140  	@ingroup class
   142  	@param 	name	The class's name, as a C-string
   143  	@param 	mnew	The instance creation function
   144  	@param 	mfree	The instance free function
   145  	@param 	size	The size of the object's data structure in bytes. 
   146  					Usually you use the C sizeof operator here.
   147  	@param 	mmenu	Obsolete - pass NULL.
   148  	 				In Max 4 this was a function pointer for UI objects called when the user created a new object of the  
   149  	 				class from the Patch window's palette. 
   150  	@param 	type	A standard Max <em>type list</em> as explained in Chapter 3  
   151  	 				of the Writing Externals in Max document (in the Max SDK).  
   152  	 				The final argument of the type list should be a 0.  
   153  	 				<em>Generally, obex objects have a single type argument</em>,  
   154  	 				#A_GIMME, followed by a 0.
   156  	@return 		This function returns the class pointer for the new object class. 
   157  					<em>This pointer is used by numerous other functions and should be 
   158  	 				stored in a global or static variable.</em>
   159  */
   160  t_class *class_new(C74_CONST char *name, C74_CONST method mnew, C74_CONST method mfree, long size, C74_CONST method mmenu, short type, ...);
   161  #endif
   164  /**
   165  	Frees a previously defined object class. <em>This function is not typically used by external developers.</em>
   167  	@ingroup class
   168  	@param 	c		The class pointer
   169  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   170  					or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   171  */
   172  t_max_err class_free(t_class *c);
   175  #ifndef class_register
   176  /**
   177  	Registers a previously defined object class. This function is required, and should be called at the end of <tt>main()</tt>.
   179  	@ingroup class
   181  	@param 	name_space	The desired class's name space. Typically, either the 
   182  	 					constant #CLASS_BOX, for obex classes which can 
   183  	 					instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, 
   184  	 					etc.), or the constant #CLASS_NOBOX, for classes 
   185  	 					which will only be used internally. Developers can define 
   186  	 					their own name spaces as well, but this functionality is 
   187  	 					currently undocumented.
   188  	@param 	c			The class pointer
   190  	@return 			This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   191  						or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   192  */
   193  t_max_err class_register(t_symbol *name_space, t_class *c);
   194  #endif
   197  /**
   198  	Registers an alias for a previously defined object class.
   200  	@ingroup class
   201  	@param 	c			The class pointer
   202  	@param	aliasname	A symbol who's name will become an alias for the given class
   204  	@return 			This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   205  						or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   206  */
   207  t_max_err class_alias(t_class *c, t_symbol *aliasname);
   209  // function: class_copy
   210  /**
   211   * Duplicates a previously registered object class, and registers a copy of this class.
   212   *
   213   * @ingroup classmod
   214   *
   215   * @param 	src_name_space	The source class's name space. 
   216   * @param 	src_classname	The source class's class name. 
   217   * @param 	dst_name_space	The copied class's name space. 
   218   * @param 	dst_classname	The copied class's class name. 
   219   *
   220   * @return 	This function returns the error code <tt>MAX_ERR_NONE</tt> if successful, 
   221   * 			or one of the other error codes defined in "ext_obex.h" if unsuccessful.
   222   *
   223   */
   224  t_max_err class_copy(t_symbol *src_name_space, t_symbol *src_classname, t_symbol *dst_name_space, t_symbol *dst_classname);	
   227  #ifndef class_addmethod
   228  /**
   229  	Adds a method to a previously defined object class. 
   231  	@ingroup class
   233  	@param 	c		The class pointer
   234  	@param 	m		Function to be called when the method is invoked
   235  	@param 	name	C-string defining the message (message selector)
   236  	@param 	...		One or more integers specifying the arguments to the message, 
   237  	 				in the standard Max type list format (see Chapter 3 of the 
   238  	 				Writing Externals in Max document for more information).
   240  	@return			This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   241  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   243  	@remark 		The class_addmethod() function works essentially like the 
   244  	 				traditional addmess() function, adding the function pointed to  
   245  	 				by <tt>m</tt>, to respond to the message string <tt>name</tt> in the   
   246  	 				leftmost inlet of the object. 
   247  */
   248  t_max_err class_addmethod(t_class *c, C74_CONST method m, C74_CONST char *name, ...);
   249  #endif
   252  /**
   253  	Adds an attribute to a previously defined object class. 
   255  	@ingroup class
   257  	@param 	c		The class pointer
   258  	@param 	attr	The attribute to add. The attribute will be a pointer returned 
   259  	 				by attribute_new(), attr_offset_new() or 
   260  	 				attr_offset_array_new().
   262  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   263  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   264  */
   265  t_max_err class_addattr(t_class *c,t_object *attr);
   268  // private
   269  t_max_err class_addadornment(t_class *c,t_object *o);
   272  // private
   273  void *class_adornment_get(t_class *c,t_symbol *classname);
   276  /**
   277  	Retrieves the name of a class, given the class's pointer.
   279  	@ingroup class
   280  	@param 	c		The class pointer
   281  	@return 		If successful, this function returns the name of the class as a t_symbol *. 
   282  */
   283  t_symbol *class_nameget(t_class *c);
   286  /**
   287  	Finds the class pointer for a class, given the class's namespace and name.
   289  	@ingroup class
   291  	@param 	name_space	The desired class's name space. Typically, either the 
   292  	 					constant #CLASS_BOX, for obex classes which can 
   293  	 					instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, 
   294  	 					etc.), or the constant #CLASS_NOBOX, for classes 
   295  	 					which will only be used internally. Developers can define 
   296  	 					their own name spaces as well, but this functionality is 
   297  	 					currently undocumented.
   298  	@param 	classname	The name of the class to be looked up
   300  	@return 			If successful, this function returns the class's data pointer. Otherwise, it returns NULL.
   301  */
   302  t_class *class_findbyname(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *classname);
   305  /**
   306  	Finds the class pointer for a class, given the class's namespace and name.
   308  	@ingroup class
   310  	@param 	name_space	The desired class's name space. Typically, either the 
   311  	 					constant #CLASS_BOX, for obex classes which can 
   312  	 					instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, 
   313  	 					etc.), or the constant #CLASS_NOBOX, for classes 
   314  	 					which will only be used internally. Developers can define 
   315  	 					their own name spaces as well, but this functionality is 
   316  	 					currently undocumented.
   317  	@param 	classname	The name of the class to be looked up (case free)
   319  	@return 			If successful, this function returns the class's data pointer. Otherwise, it returns NULL.
   320  */
   321  t_class *class_findbyname_casefree(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *classname);
   324  /**
   325  	Wraps user gettable attributes with a method that gets the values and sends out dumpout outlet.
   327  	@ingroup class
   328  	@param 	c		The class pointer
   329  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   330  					or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   331  */
   332  t_max_err class_dumpout_wrap(t_class *c);
   334  t_class *class_getifloaded(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *classname);
   335  t_class *class_getifloaded_casefree(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *classname);
   338  /**
   339  	Determines if a particular object is an instance of a given class.
   341  	@ingroup obj
   343  	@param 	x		The object to test
   344  	@param 	name	The name of the class to test this object against
   345  	@return 		This function returns 1 if the object is an instance of the named class. Otherwise, 0 is returned.
   346  	@remark 		For instance, to determine whether an unknown object pointer is a pointer to a print object, one would call:
   348  	@code
   349  	long isprint = object_classname_compare(x, gensym("print"));
   350  	@endcode
   351  */
   352  long object_classname_compare(void *x, t_symbol *name);
   354  t_hashtab *reg_object_namespace_lookup(t_symbol *name_space);
   355  method class_method(t_class *x, t_symbol *methodname);
   356  t_messlist *class_mess(t_class *x, t_symbol *methodname);
   357  t_messlist *object_mess(t_object *x, t_symbol *methodname);
   358  method class_attr_method(t_class *x, t_symbol *methodname, void **attr, long *get);
   359  void *class_attr_get(t_class *x, t_symbol *attrname);
   360  t_max_err class_extra_store(t_class *x,t_symbol *s,t_object *o);
   361  t_max_err class_extra_storeflags(t_class *x,t_symbol *s,t_object *o,long flags);
   362  void *class_extra_lookup(t_class *x,t_symbol *s);
   363  t_max_err class_addtypedwrapper(t_class *x, method m, char *name, ...);
   364  t_messlist *class_typedwrapper_get(t_class *x, t_symbol *s);
   365  t_max_err object_addtypedwrapper(t_object *x, method m, char *name, ...);
   366  t_messlist *object_typedwrapper_get(t_object *x, t_symbol *s);
   367  t_hashtab *class_namespace_fromsym(t_symbol *name_space);
   368  t_max_err class_namespace_getclassnames(t_symbol *name_space, long *kc, t_symbol ***kv);
   369  t_max_err class_setpath(t_class *x, short vol);
   370  short class_getpath(t_class *x);
   373  #ifndef object_alloc
   374  /**
   375  	Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header. 
   376  	It is used like the traditional function newobject, inside of an object's <tt>new</tt> method, but its use is required with obex-class objects.
   378  	@ingroup obj
   379  	@param 	c		The class pointer, returned by class_new()
   380  	@return 		This function returns a new instance of an object class if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.
   381  */
   382  void *object_alloc(t_class *c);
   383  #endif
   386  /**
   387  	Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header <em>internal to Max</em>. 
   388  	It is used similarly to the traditional function newinstance(), but its use is required with obex-class objects.
   390  	@ingroup obj
   392  	@param 	name_space	The desired object's name space. Typically, either the 
   393  	 					constant #CLASS_BOX, for obex classes which can 
   394  	 					instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, 
   395  	 					etc.), or the constant #CLASS_NOBOX, for classes 
   396  	 					which will only be used internally. Developers can define 
   397  	 					their own name spaces as well, but this functionality is 
   398  	 					currently undocumented.
   399  	@param 	classname	The name of the class of the object to be created
   400  	@param 	...			Any arguments expected by the object class being instantiated
   402  	@return 			This function returns a new instance of the object class if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.
   403  */
   404  void *object_new(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *classname, ...);
   406  #ifdef C74_X64
   407  #define object_new(...) C74_VARFUN(object_new_imp, __VA_ARGS__)
   408  #endif
   410  void *object_new_imp(void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, void *p4, void *p5, void *p6, void *p7, void *p8, void *p9, void *p10);
   413  /**
   414  	Allocates the memory for an instance of an object class and initialize its object header <em>internal to Max</em>. 
   415  	It is used similarly to the traditional function newinstance(), but its use is required with obex-class objects. 
   416  	The object_new_typed() function differs from object_new() by its use of an atom list for object arguments—in this way, 
   417  	it more resembles the effect of typing something into an object box from the Max interface.
   419  	@ingroup obj
   421  	@param 	name_space	The desired object's name space. Typically, either the 
   422  	 					constant #CLASS_BOX, for obex classes which can 
   423  	 					instantiate inside of a Max patcher (e.g. boxes, UI objects, 
   424  	 					etc.), or the constant #CLASS_NOBOX, for classes 
   425  	 					which will only be used internally. Developers can define 
   426  	 					their own name spaces as well, but this functionality is 
   427  	 					currently undocumented.
   428  	@param 	classname	The name of the class of the object to be created
   429  	@param 	ac			Count of arguments in <tt>av</tt>
   430  	@param 	av			Array of t_atoms; arguments to the class's instance creation function.
   432  	@return 			This function returns a new instance of the object class if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.
   433  */
   434  void *object_new_typed(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *classname, long ac, t_atom *av);
   436  void *object_new_menufun(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *classname, void *p, long h, long v, long f);
   439  #ifndef object_free
   440  /**
   441  	Call the free function and release the memory for an instance of an internal object class previously instantiated using object_new(), 
   442  	object_new_typed() or other new-style object constructor functions (e.g. hashtab_new()). 
   443  	It is, at the time of this writing, a wrapper for the traditional function freeobject(), but its use is suggested with obex-class objects.
   445  	@ingroup obj
   446  	@param 	x		The pointer to the object to be freed. 
   447  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   448  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   449  */
   450  t_max_err object_free(void *x);
   451  #endif
   454  /**
   455  	Sends an untyped message to an object. 
   456  	There are some caveats to its use, however, particularly for 64-bit architectures.
   457  	object_method_direct() should be used in cases where floating-point or other non-integer types are being passed on the stack or in return values.
   459  	@ingroup obj
   461  	@param 	x		The object that will receive the message 
   462  	@param 	s		The message selector
   463  	@param 	...		Any arguments to the message
   465  	@return 		If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method() returns the result. Otherwise, the function will return 0. 
   467  	@remark 		Example: To send the message <tt>bang</tt> to the object <tt>bang_me</tt>:
   468  	@code
   469  	void *bang_result;
   470  	bang_result = object_method(bang_me, gensym("bang"));
   471  	@endcode
   472  */
   474  void *object_method(void *x, t_symbol *s, ...);
   476  #ifdef C74_X64
   477  #define object_method(...) C74_VARFUN(object_method_imp, __VA_ARGS__)
   478  #endif
   480  void *object_method_imp(void *x, void *sym, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, void *p4, void *p5, void *p6, void *p7, void *p8);
   482  /**
   483  	do a strongly typed direct call to a method of an object
   485  	@ingroup obj
   488  	@param  rt		The type of the return value (double, void*, void...)
   489  	@param	sig		the actual signature of the function in brackets ! 
   490  					something like (t_object *, double, long)		
   491  	@param 	x		The object where the method we want to call will be looked for,
   492  					it will also always be the first argument to the function call
   493  	@param 	s		The message selector
   494  	@param 	...		Any arguments to the call, the first one will always be the object (x)
   496  	@return 		will return anything that the called function returns, typed by (rt)
   498  	@remark 		Example: To call the function identified by <tt>getcolorat</tt> on the object <tt>pwindow</tt>
   499  					which is declared like:
   500  					t_jrgba pwindow_getcolorat(t_object *window, double x, double y)
   501  	@code
   502  	double x = 44.73;
   503  	double y = 79.21;
   504  	t_object *pwindow;
   505  	t_jrgba result = object_method_direct(t_jrgba, (t_object *, double, double), pwindow, gensym("getcolorat"), x, y);
   506  	@endcode
   507  */
   509  #define object_method_direct(rt, sig, x, s, ...) ((rt (*)sig)object_method_direct_getmethod((t_object *)x, s))((t_object *)object_method_direct_getobject((t_object *)x, s), __VA_ARGS__)
   511  method object_method_direct_getmethod(t_object *x, t_symbol *sym);
   512  void *object_method_direct_getobject(t_object *x, t_symbol *sym);
   514  /**
   515  	Sends a type-checked message to an object.
   517  	@ingroup obj
   519  	@param 	x		The object that will receive the message 
   520  	@param 	s		The message selector
   521  	@param 	ac		Count of message arguments in <tt>av</tt>
   522  	@param 	av		Array of t_atoms; the message arguments
   523  	@param 	rv		Return value of function, if available
   525  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   526  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   528  	@remark 		If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method_typed() returns the result in <tt>rv</tt>. Otherwise, <tt>rv</tt> will contain an #A_NOTHING atom.
   529  */
   530  t_max_err object_method_typed(void *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av, t_atom *rv);
   533  /**
   534  	Currently undocumented. 
   536  	@ingroup obj
   538  	@param 	x		The object that will receive the message 
   539  	@param 	mp		Undocumented
   540  	@param 	s		The message selector
   541  	@param 	ac		Count of message arguments in <tt>av</tt>
   542  	@param 	av		Array of t_atoms; the message arguments
   543  	@param 	rv		Return value of function, if available
   545  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   546  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   548  	@remark 		If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method_typedfun() returns the result in <tt>rv</tt>. Otherwise, <tt>rv</tt> will contain an #A_NOTHING atom.
   549  */
   550  t_max_err object_method_typedfun(void *x, t_messlist *mp, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av, t_atom *rv);
   553  /**
   554  	Retrieves an object's #method for a particular message selector.
   556  	@ingroup obj
   557  	@param 	x		The object whose method is being queried
   558  	@param 	s		The message selector
   559  	@return 		This function returns the #method if successful, or method_false() if unsuccessful.
   560  */
   561  method object_getmethod(void *x, t_symbol *s);
   564  /**
   565  	Retrieves an object instance's class name
   567  	@ingroup obj
   568  	@param 	x		The object instance whose class name is being queried
   569  	@return 		The classname, or NULL if unsuccessful.
   570  */
   571  t_symbol *object_classname(void *x);
   574  t_symbol *object_namespace(t_object *x);	// return the namespace this object's class is part of
   577  t_symbol *class_namespace(t_class *c);		// return the namespace the class is part of
   580  /**
   581  	Registers an object in a namespace.
   583  	@ingroup obj
   585  	@param 	name_space	The namespace in which to register the object. The namespace can be any symbol.
   586  	 					If the namespace does not already exist, it is created automatically.
   587  	@param 	s			The name of the object in the namespace. This name will be 
   588  	 					used by other objects to attach and detach from the registered object.
   589  	@param 	x			The object to register
   591  	@return 	The function returns a pointer to the registered object. Under some 
   592  				circumstances, object_register will <em>duplicate</em> the object, 
   593  	 			and return a pointer to the duplicate—the developer should not assume 
   594  	 			that the pointer passed in is the same pointer that has been registered. 
   595  	 			To be safe, the returned pointer should be stored and used with the 
   596  	 			bject_unregister() function.
   598  	@remark		You should not register an object if the object is a UI object.
   599  				UI objects automatically register and attach to themselves in jbox_new().
   600  */
   601  void *object_register(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *s, void *x);
   604  t_symbol *object_register_unique(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *s, void *x);
   607  /**
   608  	Determines a registered object's pointer, given its namespace and name.
   610  	@ingroup obj
   612  	@param 	name_space	The namespace of the registered object
   613  	@param 	s			The name of the registered object in the namespace
   615  	@return 	This function returns the pointer of the registered object, 
   616  	 			if successful, or NULL, if unsuccessful.
   617  */
   618  void *object_findregistered(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *s);
   621  /**
   622  	Determines the namespace and/or name of a registered object, given the object's pointer.
   624  	@ingroup obj
   626  	@param 	name_space	Pointer to a t_symbol *, to receive the namespace of the registered object
   627  	@param 	s			Pointer to a t_symbol *, to receive the name of the registered object within the namespace
   628  	@param 	x			Pointer to the registered object
   630  	@return 	This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   631  	 			or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   632  */
   633  t_max_err object_findregisteredbyptr(t_symbol **name_space, t_symbol **s, void *x);
   635  /**
   636  	Returns all registered names in a namespace
   638  	@ingroup obj
   640  	@param 	name_space	Pointer to a t_symbol, the namespace to lookup names in
   641  	@param 	namecount	Pointer to a long, to receive the count of the registered names within the namespace
   642  	@param 	names		Pointer to a t_symbol **, to receive the allocated names. This pointer should be freed after use
   644  	@return 	This function returns the error code <tt>MAX_ERR_NONE</tt> if successful, 
   645  				or one of the other error codes defined in "ext_obex.h" if unsuccessful.
   646  */
   647  t_max_err object_register_getnames(t_symbol *name_space, long *namecount, t_symbol ***names);
   649  /**
   650  	Attaches a client to a registered object. 
   651  	Once attached, the object will receive notifications sent from the registered object (via the object_notify() function), 
   652  	if it has a <tt>notify</tt> method defined and implemented.
   654  	@ingroup obj
   656  	@param 	name_space	The namespace of the registered object. 
   657  						This should be the same value used in object_register() to register the object.
   658  						If you don't know the registered object's namespace, the object_findregisteredbyptr() function can be used to determine it.
   659  	@param 	s			The name of the registered object in the namespace. 
   660  						If you don't know the name of the registered object, the object_findregisteredbyptr() function can be used to determine it.
   661  	@param 	x			The client object to attach. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object. 
   663  	@return 	This function returns a pointer to the registered object (to the object 
   664  	 			referred to by the combination of <tt>name_space</tt> and <tt>s</tt> 
   665  	 			arguments) if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.
   667  	@remark		You should not attach an object to itself if the object is a UI object.
   668  				UI objects automatically register and attach to themselves in jbox_new().
   670  	@see		object_notify()
   671  	@see		object_detach()
   672  	@see		object_attach_byptr()
   673  	@see		object_register()
   674  */
   675  void *object_attach(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *s, void *x);
   678  /**
   679  	Detach a client from a registered object.
   681  	@ingroup obj
   683  	@param 	name_space	The namespace of the registered object. 
   684  						This should be the same value used in object_register() to register the object.
   685  						If you don't know the registered object's namespace, the object_findregisteredbyptr() function can be used to determine it.
   686  	@param 	s			The name of the registered object in the namespace. 
   687  						If you don't know the name of the registered object, the object_findregisteredbyptr() function can be used to determine it.
   688  	@param 	x			The client object to attach. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object. 
   690  	@return				This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   691  						or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   692  */
   693  t_max_err object_detach(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *s, void *x);
   696  /**
   697  	Attaches a client to a registered object.  
   698  	Unlike object_attach(), the client is specified by providing a pointer to that object 
   699  	rather than the registered name of that object.
   701  	Once attached, the object will receive notifications sent from the registered object (via the object_notify() function), 
   702  	if it has a <tt>notify</tt> method defined and implemented.
   704  	@ingroup obj
   705  	@param	x					The attaching client object. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.
   706  	@param	registeredobject	A pointer to the registered object to which you wish to attach.
   707  	@return						A Max error code.
   709  	@remark						You should not attach an object to itself if the object is a UI object.
   710  								UI objects automatically register and attach to themselves in jbox_new().
   712  	@see		object_notify()
   713  	@see		object_detach()
   714  	@see		object_attach()
   715  	@see		object_register() 
   716  	@see		object_attach_byptr_register()
   717  */
   718  t_max_err object_attach_byptr(void *x, void *registeredobject);
   721  /**
   722  	A convenience function wrapping object_register() and object_attach_byptr().
   724  	@ingroup obj
   726  	@param	x					The attaching client object. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.
   727  	@param	object_to_attach	A pointer to the object to which you wish to registered and then to which to attach.
   728  	@param	reg_name_space		The namespace in which to register the object_to_attach.
   729  	@return						A Max error code.
   731  	@see		object_register() 
   732  	@see		object_attach_byptr()
   733  */		
   734  t_max_err object_attach_byptr_register(void *x, void *object_to_attach, t_symbol *reg_name_space);
   737  /**
   738  	Detach a client from a registered object.
   740  	@ingroup	obj
   741  	@param		x					The attaching client object. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object.
   742  	@param		registeredobject	The object from which to detach.
   743  	@return							A Max error code.
   745  	@see		object_detach()
   746  	@see		object_attach_byptr()
   747  */
   748  t_max_err object_detach_byptr(void *x, void *registeredobject);
   750  // function: object_subscribe
   751  /**
   752   * Subscribes a client to wait for an object to register. Upon registration, the object will attach. Once attached, the object will receive notifications sent from the registered object (via the <tt>object_notify</tt> function), if it has a <tt>notify</tt> method defined and implemented. See below for more information, in the reference for <tt>object_notify</tt>.
   753   *
   754   * @ingroup obj
   755   *
   756   * @param 	name_space	The namespace of the registered object. This should be the 
   757   *						same value used in <tt>object_register</tt> to register the 
   758   *						object. If you don't know the registered object's namespace, 
   759   *						the <tt>object_findregisteredbyptr</tt> function can be 
   760   *						used to determine it.
   761   * @param 	s			The name of the registered object in the namespace. If you 
   762   *						don't know the name of the registered object, the 
   763   *						<tt>object_findregisteredbyptr</tt> function can be used to 
   764   *						determine it.
   765   * @param 	classname	The classname of the registered object in the namespace to
   766   *						use as a filter. If NULL, then it will attach to any class
   767   *						of object.
   768   * @param 	x			The client object to attach. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object. 
   769   *
   770   * @return 	This function returns a pointer to the object if registered (to the object 
   771   *			referred to by the combination of <tt>name_space</tt> and <tt>s</tt> 
   772   *			arguments) if successful, or NULL if the object is not yet registered.
   773   *
   774   */
   775  void *object_subscribe(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *classname, void *x);
   777  // function: object_unsubscribe
   778  /**
   779   * Unsubscribe a client from a registered object, detaching if the object is registered.
   780   *
   781   * @ingroup obj
   782   *
   783   * @param 	name_space	The namespace of the registered object. This should be the 
   784   *						same value used in <tt>object_register</tt> to register the 
   785   *						object. If you don't know the registered object's namespace, 
   786   *						the <tt>object_findregisteredbyptr</tt> function can be 
   787   *						used to determine it.
   788   * @param 	s			The name of the registered object in the namespace. If you 
   789   *						don't know the name of the registered object, the 
   790   *						<tt>object_findregisteredbyptr</tt> function can be used to 
   791   *						determine it.
   792   * @param 	classname	The classname of the registered object in the namespace to
   793   *						use as a filter. Currently unused for unsubscribe.
   794   * @param 	x			The client object to detach. Generally, this is the pointer to your Max object. 
   795   *
   796   * @return 	This function returns the error code <tt>MAX_ERR_NONE</tt> if successful, 
   797   *			or one of the other error codes defined in "ext_obex.h" if unsuccessful.
   798   *
   799   */
   800  t_max_err object_unsubscribe(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *classname, void *x);
   803  /**
   804  	Removes a registered object from a namespace.
   806  	@ingroup obj
   807  	@param 	x		The object to unregister. This should be the pointer returned from the object_register() function.
   808  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   809  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   810  */
   811  t_max_err object_unregister(void *x);
   813  /**
   814  	Returns all registered names in a namespace
   816  	@ingroup obj
   818  	@param 	name_space	Pointer to a t_symbol, the namespace to lookup names in
   819  	@param 	namecount	Pointer to a long, to receive the count of the registered names within the namespace
   820  	@param 	names		Pointer to a t_symbol **, to receive the allocated names. This pointer should be freed after use
   822  	@return				This function returns the error code <tt>MAX_ERR_NONE</tt> if successful, 
   823  						or one of the other error codes defined in "ext_obex.h" if unsuccessful.
   824  */
   825  t_max_err object_register_getnames(t_symbol *name_space, long *namecount, t_symbol ***names);
   828  /**
   829  	Broadcast a message (with an optional argument) from a registered object to any attached client objects.
   831  	@ingroup obj
   833  	@param 	x		Pointer to the registered object
   834  	@param 	s		The message to send
   835  	@param 	data	An optional argument which will be passed with the message. 
   836  	 				Sets this argument to NULL if it will be unused. 
   838  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   839  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   841  	@remark 		In order for client objects to receive notifications, they must define and implement a special method, <tt>notify</tt>, like so:
   842  	@code
   843  	class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_notify, "notify", A_CANT, 0);
   844  	@endcode
   846  	@remark 		The <tt>notify</tt> method should be prototyped as:
   847  	@code
   848  	void myobject_notify(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *msg, void *sender, void *data);
   849  	@endcode
   850  					where 
   851  					<tt>x</tt> is the pointer to the receiving object,
   852  					<tt>s</tt> is the name of the sending (registered) object in its namespace,
   853  					<tt>msg</tt> is the sent message,
   854  					<tt>sender</tt> is the pointer to the sending object, and
   855  					<tt>data</tt> is an optional argument sent with the message. 
   856  					This value corresponds to the data argument in the object_notify() method. 
   857  */
   858  t_max_err object_notify(void *x, t_symbol *s, void *data);
   860  // currently for internal use only
   861  t_symbol *reg_object_singlesym(t_symbol *name_space, t_symbol *s);
   862  t_symbol *reg_object_singlesymbyptr(t_object *x);
   863  t_max_err reg_object_singlesym_split(t_symbol *singlesym, t_symbol **name_space, t_symbol **objname);
   866  /**
   867  	Determines the class of a given object.
   869  	@ingroup obj
   870  	@param	x		The object to test
   871  	@return 		This function returns the t_class * of the object's class, if successful, or NULL, if unsuccessful.
   872  */
   873  t_class *object_class(void *x);
   876  /**
   877  	Retrieves the value of an object which supports the <tt>getvalueof/setvalueof</tt> interface. See part 2 of the pattr SDK for more information on this interface.
   879  	@ingroup obj
   881  	@param 	x		The object whose value is of interest
   882  	@param 	ac		Pointer to a long variable to receive the count of arguments in <tt>av</tt>. The long variable itself should be set to 0 previous to calling this function.
   883  	@param 	av		Pointer to a t_atom *, to receive object data. The t_atom * itself should be set to NULL previous to calling this function.
   885  	@return			This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   886  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   888  	@remark 		Calling the object_getvalueof() function allocates memory for any data it returns. 
   889  					It is the developer's responsibility to free it, using the freebytes() function.
   891  	@remark 		Developers wishing to design objects which will support this function being called on them must define and implement a special method, <tt>getvalueof</tt>, like so:
   892  	@code
   893  	class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_getvalueof, "getvalueof", A_CANT, 0);
   894  	@endcode
   896  	@remark 		The <tt>getvalueof</tt> method should be prototyped as:
   897  	@code
   898  	t_max_err myobject_getvalueof(t_myobject *x, long *ac, t_atom **av);
   899  	@endcode
   901  	@remark 		And implemented, generally, as:
   902  	@code
   903  	t_max_err myobj_getvalueof(t_myobj *x, long *ac, t_atom **av) 
   904  	{
   905  		if (ac && av) {
   906  			if (*ac && *av) {
   907  				// memory has been passed in; use it.
   908  			} else {
   909  				// allocate enough memory for your data
   910  				*av = (t_atom *)getbytes(sizeof(t_atom));
   911  			}
   912  			*ac = 1; // our data is a single floating point value
   913  			atom_setfloat(*av, x->objvalue);
   914  		}
   915  		return MAX_ERR_NONE;
   916  	}
   918  	@remark 		By convention, and to permit the interoperability of objects using the obex API, 
   919  					developers should allocate memory in their <tt>getvalueof</tt> methods using the getbytes() function. 
   920  	@endcode
   921  */
   922  t_max_err object_getvalueof(void *x, long *ac, t_atom **av);
   925  /**
   926  	Sets the value of an object which supports the <tt>getvalueof/setvalueof</tt> interface.
   928  	@ingroup obj
   930  	@param 	x		The object whose value is of interest
   931  	@param 	ac		The count of arguments in <tt>av</tt>
   932  	@param 	av		Array of t_atoms; the new desired data for the object
   934  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
   935  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
   937  	@remark 		Developers wishing to design objects which will support this function being called on them must define and implement a special method, <tt>setvalueof</tt>, like so:
   938  	@code
   939  	class_addmethod(c, (method)myobject_setvalueof, "setvalueof", A_CANT, 0);
   940  	@endcode
   942  	@remark 		The <tt>setvalueof</tt> method should be prototyped as:
   943  	@code
   944  	t_max_err myobject_setvalueof(t_myobject *x, long *ac, t_atom **av);
   945  	@endcode
   947  	@remark 		And implemented, generally, as:
   948  	@code
   949  	t_max_err myobject_setvalueof(t_myobject *x, long ac, t_atom *av)
   950  	{
   951  		if (ac && av) {
   952  			// simulate receipt of a float value
   953  			myobject_float(x, atom_getfloat(av));
   954  		}
   955  		return MAX_ERR_NONE;
   956  	}
   957  	@endcode
   958  */
   959  t_max_err object_setvalueof(void *x, long ac, t_atom *av);
   961  /**
   962  	Returns the pointer to an attribute, given its name. 
   964  	@ingroup attr
   966  	@param 	x			Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
   967  	@param 	attrname	The attribute's name
   969  	@return 			This function returns a pointer to the attribute, if successful, or NULL, if unsuccessful.
   970  */
   971  void *object_attr_get(void *x, t_symbol *attrname);
   974  /**
   975  	Returns the method of an attribute's <tt>get</tt> or <tt>set</tt> function, as well as a pointer to the attribute itself, from a message name. 
   977  	@ingroup attr
   979  	@param 	x			Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
   980  	@param 	methodname	The Max message used to call the attribute's <tt>get</tt> or <tt>set</tt> function. For example, <tt>gensym("mode")</tt> or <tt>gensym("getthresh")</tt>.
   981  	@param 	attr		A pointer to a void *, which will be set to the attribute pointer upon successful completion of the function
   982  	@param 	get			A pointer to a long variable, which will be set to 1 upon successful completion of the function, 
   983  						if the queried method corresponds to the <tt>get</tt> function of the attribute. 
   985  	@return 			This function returns the requested method, if successful, or NULL, if unsuccessful.
   986  */
   987  method object_attr_method(void *x, t_symbol *methodname, void **attr, long *get);
   990  /**
   991  	Determines if an object's attribute can be set from the Max interface (i.e. if its #ATTR_SET_OPAQUE_USER flag is set). 
   993  	@ingroup attr
   995  	@param 	x		Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
   996  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
   998  	@return 		This function returns 1 if the attribute can be set from the Max interface. Otherwise, it returns 0. 
   999  */
  1000  long object_attr_usercanset(void *x,t_symbol *s);
  1003  /**
  1004  	Determines if the value of an object's attribute can be queried from the Max interface (i.e. if its #ATTR_GET_OPAQUE_USER flag is set). 
  1006  	@ingroup attr
  1008  	@param 	x		Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
  1009  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1011  	@return 		This function returns 1 if the value of the attribute can be queried from the Max interface. Otherwise, it returns 0.
  1012  */
  1013  long object_attr_usercanget(void *x,t_symbol *s);
  1016  /**
  1017  	Forces a specified object's attribute to send its value from the object's dumpout outlet in the Max interface. 
  1019  	@ingroup attr
  1021  	@param 	x		Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
  1022  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1023  	@param 	argc	Unused
  1024  	@param 	argv	Unused
  1025  */
  1026  void object_attr_getdump(void *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv);
  1029  t_max_err object_attr_getvalueof(void *x, t_symbol *s, long *argc, t_atom **argv);
  1032  /**
  1033  	Sets the value of an object's attribute. 
  1035  	@ingroup attr
  1037  	@param 	x		Pointer to the object whose attribute is of interest
  1038  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1039  	@param 	argc	The count of arguments in <tt>argv</tt>
  1040  	@param 	argv	Array of t_atoms; the new desired data for the attribute
  1042  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1043  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1044  */
  1045  t_max_err object_attr_setvalueof(void *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv);
  1048  // for internal use only
  1049  t_max_err object_attr_lock(t_object *x, t_symbol *s);
  1050  t_max_err object_attr_unlock(t_object *x, t_symbol *s);
  1052  //object specific attributes(dynamically add/delete)
  1054  /**
  1055  	Attaches an attribute directly to an object. 
  1057  	@ingroup attr
  1059  	@param 	x		An object to which the attribute should be attached
  1060  	@param 	attr	The attribute's pointer—this should be a pointer returned from attribute_new(), attr_offset_new() or attr_offset_array_new().
  1062  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1063  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1064  */
  1065  t_max_err object_addattr(void *x, t_object *attr);
  1068  /**
  1069  	Detach an attribute from an object that was previously attached with object_addattr(). 
  1070  	The function will also free all memory associated with the attribute. 
  1071  	If you only wish to detach the attribute, without freeing it, see the object_chuckattr() function.
  1073  	@ingroup attr
  1075  	@param 	x			The object to which the attribute is attached
  1076  	@param 	attrsym		The attribute's name
  1078  	@return 			This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1079  	 					or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1080  */
  1081  t_max_err object_deleteattr(void *x, t_symbol *attrsym);
  1084  /**
  1085  	Detach an attribute from an object that was previously attached with object_addattr(). 
  1086  	This function will <em>not</em> free the attribute (use object_free() to do this manually).
  1088  	@ingroup attr
  1090  	@param 	x			The object to which the attribute is attached
  1091  	@param 	attrsym		The attribute's name
  1093  	@return 			This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1094  	 					or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1095  */
  1096  t_max_err object_chuckattr(void *x, t_symbol *attrsym);
  1099  // obex
  1101  /**
  1102  	Registers the byte-offset of the obex member of the class's data structure with the previously defined object class. 
  1103  	Use of this function is required for obex-class objects. It must be called from <tt>main()</tt>.
  1105  	@ingroup class
  1107  	@param 	c			The class pointer
  1108  	@param 	offset		The byte-offset to the obex member of the object's data structure. 
  1109  	 					Conventionally, the macro #calcoffset is used to calculate the offset.
  1110  */
  1111  void class_obexoffset_set(t_class *c, long offset);
  1114  /**
  1115  	Retrieves the byte-offset of the obex member of the class's data structure.
  1117  	@ingroup	class
  1118  	@param	c	The class pointer
  1119  	@return 	This function returns the byte-offset of the obex member of the class's data structure.
  1120  */
  1121  long class_obexoffset_get(t_class *c);
  1124  /**
  1125  	Retrieves the value of a data stored in the obex. 
  1127  	@ingroup obj
  1129  	@param 	x		The object pointer. This function should only be called on instantiated objects (i.e. in the <tt>new</tt> method or later), not directly on classes (i.e. in <tt>main()</tt>).
  1130  	@param 	key		The symbolic name for the data to be retrieved
  1131  	@param 	val		A pointer to a #t_object *, to be filled with the data retrieved from the obex.
  1133  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1134  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1136  	@remark 		By default, pointers to the object's containing patcher and box objects are stored in the obex, under the keys '#P' and '#B', respectively. 
  1137  					To retrieve them, the developer could do something like the following:
  1138  	@code
  1139  	void post_containers(t_obexobj *x)
  1140  	{
  1141  		t_patcher *p;
  1142  		t_box *b;
  1143  		t_max_err err;
  1145  		err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#P"), (t_object **)&p);
  1146  		err = object_obex_lookup(x, gensym("#B"), (t_object **)&b);
  1148  		post("my patcher is located at 0x%X", p);
  1149  		post("my box is located at 0x%X", b);
  1150  	}
  1151  	@endcode
  1152  */
  1153  t_max_err object_obex_lookup(void *x, t_symbol *key, t_object **val);
  1154  t_max_err object_obex_lookuplong(void *x, t_symbol *key, t_atom_long *val);
  1155  t_max_err object_obex_lookupsym(void *x, t_symbol *key, t_symbol **val);
  1157  /**
  1158  	Stores data in the object's obex. 
  1160  	@ingroup obj
  1162  	@param 	x		The object pointer. This function should only be called on instantiated objects (i.e. in the <tt>new</tt> method or later), not directly on classes (i.e. in <tt>main()</tt>).
  1163  	@param 	key		A symbolic name for the data to be stored
  1164  	@param 	val		A #t_object *, to be stored in the obex, referenced under the <tt>key</tt>.
  1166  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1167  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1169  	@remark 		Most developers will need to use this function for the specific purpose of storing the dumpout outlet in the obex 
  1170  					(the dumpout outlet is used by attributes to report data in response to 'get' queries). 
  1171  					For this, the developer should use something like the following in the object's <tt>new</tt> method:
  1172  	@code
  1173  	object_obex_store(x, _sym_dumpout, outlet_new(x, NULL));
  1174  	@endcode
  1175  */
  1176  t_max_err object_obex_store(void *x,t_symbol *key, t_object *val);
  1177  t_max_err object_obex_storeflags(void *x,t_symbol *key, t_object *val, long flags);
  1179  t_max_err object_obex_storelong(void *x, t_symbol *key, t_atom_long val); 
  1180  t_max_err object_obex_storesym(void *x, t_symbol *key, t_symbol *val); 
  1183  // private
  1184  t_max_err object_obex_set(void *x, t_hashtab *obex);
  1187  // private
  1188  t_hashtab *object_obex_get(void *x);
  1191  // private
  1192  t_hashtab *object_obex_enforce(void *x);
  1195  /**
  1196  	Sends data from the object's dumpout outlet. 
  1197  	The dumpout outlet is stored in the obex using the object_obex_store() function (see above).
  1198  	It is used approximately like outlet_anything().
  1200  	@ingroup obj
  1202  	@param 	x		The object pointer. 
  1203  					This function should only be called on instantiated objects (i.e. in the <tt>new</tt> method or later), not directly on classes (i.e. in <tt>main()</tt>).
  1204  	@param 	s		The message selector #t_symbol *
  1205  	@param 	argc	Number of elements in the argument list in argv
  1206  	@param 	argv	t_atoms constituting the message arguments
  1208  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1209  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1210  */
  1211  void object_obex_dumpout(void *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv);
  1214  // DO NOT CALL THIS -- It is called automatically now from object_free() or freeobject() -- calling this will cause problems.
  1215  C74_DEPRECATED( void object_obex_free(void *x) );
  1218  //atom functions 
  1220  #ifndef atom_setlong
  1221  /**
  1222  	Inserts an integer into a #t_atom and change the t_atom's type to #A_LONG. 
  1224  	@ingroup atom
  1226  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose value and type will be modified
  1227  	@param 	b		Integer value to copy into the #t_atom
  1229  	@return 	This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1230  	 			or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1231  */
  1232  t_max_err atom_setlong(t_atom *a, t_atom_long b);
  1233  #endif
  1236  #ifndef atom_setfloat
  1237  /**
  1238  	Inserts a floating point number into a #t_atom and change the t_atom's type to #A_FLOAT. 
  1240  	@ingroup atom
  1242  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose value and type will be modified
  1243  	@param 	b		Floating point value to copy into the #t_atom
  1245  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1246  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1247  */
  1248  t_max_err atom_setfloat(t_atom *a, double b);
  1249  #endif
  1252  #ifndef atom_setsym
  1253  /**
  1254  	Inserts a #t_symbol * into a #t_atom and change the t_atom's type to #A_SYM. 
  1256  	@ingroup atom
  1258  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose value and type will be modified
  1259  	@param 	b		Pointer to a #t_symbol to copy into the #t_atom
  1261  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1262  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1263  */
  1264  t_max_err atom_setsym(t_atom *a, t_symbol *b);				
  1265  #endif
  1268  /**
  1269  	Inserts a generic pointer value into a #t_atom and change the t_atom's type to #A_OBJ. 
  1271  	@ingroup atom
  1273  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose value and type will be modified
  1274  	@param 	b		Pointer value to copy into the #t_atom
  1276  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1277  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1278  */
  1279  t_max_err atom_setobj(t_atom *a, void *b);
  1282  #ifndef atom_getlong
  1283  /**
  1284  	Retrieves a long integer value from a #t_atom. 
  1286  	@ingroup atom
  1288  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose value is of interest
  1289  	@return 		This function returns the value of the specified #t_atom as an integer, if possible. Otherwise, it returns 0. 
  1290  	@remark 		If the #t_atom is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from the t_atom. 
  1291  					For instance, if the t_atom <tt>at</tt> is set to type #A_FLOAT with a value of <tt>3.7</tt>, 
  1292  					the atom_getlong() function will return the truncated integer value of <tt>at</tt>, or <tt>3</tt>. 
  1293  					An attempt is also made to coerce #t_symbol data.
  1294  */
  1295  t_atom_long atom_getlong(const t_atom *a);
  1296  #endif
  1299  #ifndef atom_getfloat
  1300  /**
  1301  	Retrieves a floating point value from a #t_atom. 
  1303  	@ingroup atom
  1304  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose value is of interest
  1305  	@return 		This function returns the value of the specified #t_atom as a floating point number, if possible. Otherwise, it returns 0. 
  1307  	@remark 		If the #t_atom is not of the type specified by the function, the function will attempt to coerce a valid value from the t_atom. 
  1308  					For instance, if the t_atom <tt>at</tt> is set to type #A_LONG with a value of <tt>5</tt>, 
  1309  					the atom_getfloat() function will return the value of <tt>at</tt> as a float, or <tt>5.0</tt>. 
  1310  					An attempt is also made to coerce #t_symbol data.
  1311  */
  1312  t_atom_float atom_getfloat(const t_atom *a);
  1313  #endif
  1316  #ifndef atom_getsym
  1317  /**
  1318  	Retrieves a t_symbol * value from a t_atom. 
  1320  	@ingroup atom
  1321  	@param 	a		Pointer to a t_atom whose value is of interest
  1322  	@return 		This function returns the value of the specified #A_SYM-typed #t_atom, if possible. 
  1323  					Otherwise, it returns an empty, but valid, #t_symbol *, equivalent to <tt>gensym("")</tt>, or <tt>_sym_nothing</tt>. 
  1325  	@remark 		No attempt is made to coerce non-matching data types. 
  1326  */
  1327  t_symbol *atom_getsym(const t_atom *a);
  1328  #endif
  1331  /**
  1332  	Retrieves a generic pointer value from a #t_atom. 
  1334  	@ingroup atom
  1335  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose value is of interest
  1336  	@return 		This function returns the value of the specified #A_OBJ-typed t_atom, if possible. Otherwise, it returns NULL. 
  1337  */
  1338  void *atom_getobj(const t_atom *a);
  1341  /**
  1342  	Retrieves an unsigned integer value between 0 and 255 from a t_atom. 
  1344  	@ingroup atom
  1345  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose value is of interest
  1346  	@return 		This function returns the value of the specified #t_atom as an integer between 0 and 255, if possible. Otherwise, it returns 0. 
  1348  	@remark 		If the #t_atom is typed #A_LONG, but the data falls outside of the range 0-255, the data is truncated to that range before output.
  1350  	@remark 		If the t_atom is typed #A_FLOAT, the floating point value is multiplied by 255. and truncated to the range 0-255 before output. 
  1351  					For example, the floating point value <tt>0.5</tt> would be output from atom_getcharfix as <tt>127</tt> (0.5 * 255. = 127.5). 
  1353  	@remark 		No attempt is also made to coerce #t_symbol data. 
  1354  */
  1355  long atom_getcharfix(const t_atom *a);
  1358  #ifndef atom_gettype
  1359  /**
  1360  	Retrieves type from a #t_atom. 
  1362  	@ingroup atom
  1363  	@param 	a		Pointer to a #t_atom whose type is of interest
  1364  	@return 		This function returns the type of the specified t_atom as defined in #e_max_atomtypes
  1365  */
  1366  long atom_gettype(const t_atom *a);
  1367  #endif
  1370  //the following are useful for setting the values _only_ if there is an arg
  1371  //rather than setting it to 0 or _sym_nothing
  1373  /**
  1374  	Retrieves the integer value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
  1376  	@ingroup atom
  1378  	@param 	c		Pointer to a long variable to receive the atom's data if the function is successful.
  1379  	@param 	idx		Offset into the atom list of the atom of interest, starting from 0. 
  1380  					For instance, if you want data from the 3rd atom in the atom list, <tt>idx</tt> should be set to 2.
  1381  	@param 	ac		Count of av.
  1382  	@param 	av		Pointer to the first t_atom of an atom list.
  1384  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1385  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1387  	@remark 		The atom_arg_getlong() function only changes the value of <tt>c</tt> if the function is successful. 
  1388  					For instance, the following code snippet illustrates a simple, but typical use:
  1389  	@code
  1390  	void myobject_mymessage(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)
  1391  	{
  1392  		t_atom_long var = -1;
  1394  		// here, we are expecting a value of 0 or greater
  1395  		atom_arg_getlong(&var, 0, ac, av);
  1396  		if (val == -1) // i.e. unchanged
  1397  			post("it is likely that the user did not provide a valid argument");
  1398  		else {
  1399  			...
  1400  		}
  1401  	}
  1402  	@endcode
  1403  */
  1404  t_max_err atom_arg_getlong(t_atom_long *c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom *av);
  1407  /**
  1408  	Retrieves the floating point value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
  1410  	@ingroup atom
  1412  	@param 	c		Pointer to a float variable to receive the atom's data if the function is successful. Otherwise, the value is left unchanged.
  1413  	@param 	idx		Offset into the atom list of the atom of interest, starting from 0. 
  1414  					For instance, if you want data from the 3rd atom in the atom list, <tt>idx</tt> should be set to 2.
  1415  	@param 	ac		Count of av.
  1416  	@param 	av		Pointer to the first t_atom of an atom list.
  1418  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1419  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1420  */
  1421  long atom_arg_getfloat(float *c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom *av);
  1424  /**
  1425  	Retrieves the floating point value, as a double, of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
  1427  	@ingroup atom
  1429  	@param 	c		Pointer to a double variable to receive the atom's data if the function is successful. Otherwise the value is left unchanged.
  1430  	@param 	idx		Offset into the atom list of the atom of interest, starting from 0. 
  1431  					For instance, if you want data from the 3rd atom in the atom list, <tt>idx</tt> should be set to 2.
  1432  	@param 	ac		Count of av.
  1433  	@param 	av		Pointer to the first t_atom of an atom list.
  1435  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1436  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1437  */
  1438  long atom_arg_getdouble(double *c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom *av);
  1441  /**
  1442  	Retrieves the t_symbol * value of a particular t_atom from an atom list, if the atom exists.
  1444  	@ingroup atom
  1446  	@param 	c		Pointer to a t_symbol * variable to receive the atom's data if the function is successful. Otherwise, the value is left unchanged.
  1447  	@param 	idx		Offset into the atom list of the atom of interest, starting from 0. 
  1448  					For instance, if you want data from the 3rd atom in the atom list, <tt>idx</tt> should be set to 2.
  1449  	@param 	ac		Count of av.
  1450  	@param 	av		Pointer to the first t_atom of an atom list.
  1452  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1453  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1455  	@remark 		The atom_arg_getsym() function only changes the value of <tt>c</tt> if the function is successful. 
  1456  					For instance, the following code snippet illustrates a simple, but typical use:
  1457  	@code
  1458  	void myobject_open(t_myobject *x, t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)
  1459  	{
  1460  		t_symbol *filename = _sym_nothing;
  1462  		// here, we are expecting a file name.
  1463  		// if we don't get it, open a dialog box 
  1464  		atom_arg_getsym(&filename, 0, ac, av);
  1465  		if (filename == _sym_nothing) { // i.e. unchanged
  1466  			// open the file dialog box,
  1467  			// get a value for filename
  1468  		}
  1469  		// do something with the filename
  1470  	}
  1471  	@endcode
  1472  */
  1473  long atom_arg_getsym(t_symbol **c, long idx, long ac, const t_atom *av);
  1476  //attr functions
  1478  /**
  1479  	Determines the point in an atom list where attribute arguments begin. 
  1480  	Developers can use this function to assist in the manual processing of attribute arguments, when attr_args_process() 
  1481  	doesn't provide the correct functionality for a particular purpose.
  1483  	@ingroup attr
  1485  	@param 	ac		The count of t_atoms in <tt>av</tt>
  1486  	@param 	av		An atom list
  1488  	@return 		This function returns an offset into the atom list, where the first attribute argument occurs. 
  1489  					For instance, the atom list <tt>foo bar 3.0 \@mode 6</tt> would cause <tt>attr_args_offset</tt> to return 3 
  1490  					(the attribute <tt>mode</tt> appears at position 3 in the atom list).
  1491  */
  1492  long attr_args_offset(short ac, t_atom *av);
  1495  /**
  1496  	Takes an atom list and properly set any attributes described within. This function is typically used in an object's <tt>new</tt> method to conveniently process attribute arguments.
  1498  	@ingroup attr
  1500  	@param 	x		The object whose attributes will be processed
  1501  	@param 	ac		The count of t_atoms in <tt>av</tt>
  1502  	@param 	av		An atom list
  1504  	@remark 		Here is a typical example of usage:
  1505  	@code
  1506  	void *myobject_new(t_symbol *s, long ac, t_atom *av)
  1507  	{
  1508  		t_myobject *x = NULL;
  1510  		if (x=(t_myobject *)object_alloc(myobject_class))
  1511  		{
  1512  			// initialize any data before processing
  1513  			// attributes to avoid overwriting 
  1514  			// attribute argument-set values
  1515  			x->data = 0; 
  1517  			// process attr args, if any
  1518  			attr_args_process(x, ac, av);
  1519  		}
  1520  		return x;
  1521  	}
  1522  	@endcode
  1523  */
  1524  void attr_args_process(void *x, short ac, t_atom *av);
  1527  //constructors
  1530  /**
  1531  	Create a new attribute. The attribute will allocate memory and store its own data. Attributes created using attribute_new() can be assigned either to classes (using the class_addattr() function) or to objects (using the object_addattr() function).
  1533  	@ingroup attr
  1535  	@param 	name	A name for the attribute, as a C-string
  1536  	@param 	type	A t_symbol * representing a valid attribute type. 
  1537  					At the time of this writing, the valid type-symbols are: 
  1538  					<tt>_sym_char</tt> (char), 
  1539  					<tt>_sym_long</tt> (long), 
  1540  					<tt>_sym_float32</tt> (32-bit float), 
  1541  					<tt>_sym_float64</tt> (64-bit float), 
  1542  					<tt>_sym_atom</tt> (Max #t_atom pointer), 
  1543  					<tt>_sym_symbol</tt> (Max #t_symbol pointer), 
  1544  					<tt>_sym_pointer</tt> (generic pointer) and 
  1545  					<tt>_sym_object</tt> (Max #t_object pointer).
  1546  	@param 	flags	Any attribute flags, expressed as a bitfield. 
  1547  					Attribute flags are used to determine if an attribute is accessible for setting or querying. 
  1548  					The available accessor flags are defined in #e_max_attrflags.					
  1549  	@param 	mget	The method to use for the attribute's <tt>get</tt> functionality. If <tt>mget</tt> is NULL, the default method is used. 
  1550  	@param 	mset	The method to use for the attribute's <tt>set</tt> functionality. If <tt>mset</tt> is NULL, the default method is used.
  1552  	@return 		This function returns the new attribute's object pointer if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.
  1554  	@remark 		Developers wishing to define custom methods for <tt>get</tt> or <tt>set</tt> functionality need to prototype them as:
  1555  	@code
  1556  	t_max_err myobject_myattr_get(t_myobject *x, void *attr, long *ac, t_atom **av);
  1557  	@endcode
  1558  	@code
  1559  	t_max_err myobject_myattr_set(t_myobject *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av);
  1560  	@endcode
  1562  	@remark 		Implementation will vary, of course, but need to follow the following basic models. 
  1563  					Note that, as with custom <tt>getvalueof</tt> and <tt>setvalueof</tt> methods for the object, 
  1564  					assumptions are made throughout Max that getbytes() has been used for memory allocation. 
  1565  					Developers are strongly urged to do the same:
  1566  	@code
  1567  	t_max_err myobject_myattr_get(t_myobject *x, void *attr, long *ac, t_atom **av)
  1568  	{
  1569  		if (*ac && *av)
  1570  			// memory passed in; use it
  1571  		else {
  1572  			*ac = 1; // size of attr data
  1573  			*av = (t_atom *)getbytes(sizeof(t_atom) * (*ac));
  1574  			if (!(*av)) {
  1575  				*ac = 0;
  1576  				return MAX_ERR_OUT_OF_MEM;
  1577  			}
  1578  		}
  1579  		atom_setlong(*av, x->some_value);
  1580  		return MAX_ERR_NONE;
  1581  	}
  1583  	t_max_err myobject_myattr_set(t_myobject *x, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)
  1584  	{
  1585  		if (ac && av) {
  1586  			x->some_value = atom_getlong(av);
  1587  		}
  1588  		return MAX_ERR_NONE;
  1589  	}
  1590  	@endcode
  1591  */
  1592  t_object *attribute_new(C74_CONST char *name, t_symbol *type, long flags, method mget, method mset);
  1595  /**
  1596  	Create a new attribute. The attribute references memory stored outside of itself, in the object's data structure. Attributes created using attr_offset_new() can be assigned either to classes (using the class_addattr() function) or to objects (using the object_addattr() function).
  1598  	@ingroup attr
  1600  	@param 	name	A name for the attribute, as a C-string
  1601  	@param 	type	A t_symbol * representing a valid attribute type. 
  1602  					At the time of this writing, the valid type-symbols are: 
  1603  					<tt>_sym_char</tt> (char), 
  1604  					<tt>_sym_long</tt> (long), 
  1605  					<tt>_sym_float32</tt> (32-bit float), 
  1606  					<tt>_sym_float64</tt> (64-bit float), 
  1607  					<tt>_sym_atom</tt> (Max #t_atom pointer), 
  1608  					<tt>_sym_symbol</tt> (Max #t_symbol pointer), 
  1609  					<tt>_sym_pointer</tt> (generic pointer) and 
  1610  					<tt>_sym_object</tt> (Max #t_object pointer).
  1611  	@param 	flags	Any attribute flags, expressed as a bitfield. 
  1612  					Attribute flags are used to determine if an attribute is accessible for setting or querying. 
  1613  					The available accessor flags are defined in #e_max_attrflags.					
  1614  	@param 	mget	The method to use for the attribute's <tt>get</tt> functionality. 
  1615  					If <tt>mget</tt> is NULL, the default method is used. See the discussion under attribute_new(), for more information.
  1616  	@param 	mset	The method to use for the attribute's <tt>set</tt> functionality. 
  1617  					If <tt>mset</tt> is NULL, the default method is used. See the discussion under attribute_new(), for more information.
  1618  	@param 	offset	Byte offset into the class data structure of the object which will "own" the attribute. 
  1619  					The offset should point to the data to be referenced by the attribute. 
  1620  					Typically, the #calcoffset macro (described above) is used to calculate this offset.
  1622  	@return 		This function returns the new attribute's object pointer if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.
  1624  	@remark 		For instance, to create a new attribute which references the value of a double variable (<tt>val</tt>) in an object class's data structure:
  1625  	@code
  1626  	t_object *attr = attr_offset_new("myattr", _sym_float64 / * matches data size * /, 0 / * no flags * /, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_myobject, val));
  1627  	@endcode
  1628  */
  1629  t_object *attr_offset_new(C74_CONST char *name, C74_CONST t_symbol *type, long flags, C74_CONST method mget, C74_CONST method mset, long offset);
  1632  /**
  1633  	Create a new attribute. The attribute references an array of memory stored outside of itself, in the object's data structure. Attributes created using attr_offset_array_new() can be assigned either to classes (using the class_addattr() function) or to objects (using the object_addattr() function).
  1635  	@ingroup attr
  1637  	@param 	name		A name for the attribute, as a C-string
  1638  	@param 	type		A t_symbol * representing a valid attribute type. 
  1639  						At the time of this writing, the valid type-symbols are: 
  1640  						<tt>_sym_char</tt> (char), 
  1641  						<tt>_sym_long</tt> (long), 
  1642  						<tt>_sym_float32</tt> (32-bit float), 
  1643  						<tt>_sym_float64</tt> (64-bit float), 
  1644  						<tt>_sym_atom</tt> (Max #t_atom pointer), 
  1645  						<tt>_sym_symbol</tt> (Max #t_symbol pointer), 
  1646  						<tt>_sym_pointer</tt> (generic pointer) and 
  1647  						<tt>_sym_object</tt> (Max #t_object pointer).
  1648  	@param	size		Maximum number of items that may be in the array.
  1649  	@param 	flags		Any attribute flags, expressed as a bitfield. 
  1650  						Attribute flags are used to determine if an attribute is accessible for setting or querying. 
  1651  						The available accessor flags are defined in #e_max_attrflags.					
  1652  	@param 	mget		The method to use for the attribute's <tt>get</tt> functionality. 
  1653  						If <tt>mget</tt> is NULL, the default method is used. See the discussion under attribute_new(), for more information.
  1654  	@param 	mset		The method to use for the attribute's <tt>set</tt> functionality. 
  1655  						If <tt>mset</tt> is NULL, the default method is used. See the discussion under attribute_new(), for more information.
  1656  	@param 	offsetcount	Byte offset into the object class's data structure of a long variable describing how many array elements 
  1657  						(up to <tt>size</tt>) comprise the data to be referenced by the attribute. 
  1658  						Typically, the #calcoffset macro is used to calculate this offset.
  1659  	@param 	offset		Byte offset into the class data structure of the object which will "own" the attribute. 
  1660  						The offset should point to the data to be referenced by the attribute. 
  1661  						Typically, the #calcoffset macro is used to calculate this offset.
  1663  	@return 			This function returns the new attribute's object pointer if successful, or NULL if unsuccessful.
  1665  	@remark 			For instance, to create a new attribute which references an array of 10 t_atoms (<tt>atm</tt>; 
  1666  						the current number of "active" elements in the array is held in the variable <tt>atmcount</tt>) in an object class's data structure:
  1667  	@code
  1668  	t_object *attr = attr_offset_array_new("myattrarray", _sym_atom / * matches data size * /, 10 / * max * /, 0 / * no flags * /, (method)0L, (method)0L, calcoffset(t_myobject, atmcount) / * count * /, calcoffset(t_myobject, atm) / * data * /);
  1669  	@endcode
  1670  */
  1671  t_object *attr_offset_array_new(C74_CONST char *name, t_symbol *type, long size, long flags, method mget, method mset, long offsetcount, long offset);
  1674  t_object *attr_filter_clip_new(void);
  1677  t_object *attr_filter_proc_new(method proc);
  1680  //for easy access of simple attributes
  1682  /**
  1683  	Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1685  	@ingroup attr
  1687  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1688  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1690  	@return 		This function returns the value of the specified attribute, if successful, or 0, if unsuccessful.
  1692  	@remark 		If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the 
  1693  	 				function will attempt to coerce a valid value from the attribute.
  1694  */
  1695  t_atom_long object_attr_getlong(void *x, t_symbol *s);
  1698  /**
  1699  	Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. The function will call the attribute's <tt>set</tt> method, using the data provided.
  1701  	@ingroup attr
  1703  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1704  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1705  	@param 	c		An integer value; the new value for the attribute
  1707  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1708  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1709  */
  1710  t_max_err object_attr_setlong(void *x, t_symbol *s, t_atom_long c);
  1713  /**
  1714  	Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1716  	@ingroup attr
  1718  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1719  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1721  	@return 		This function returns the value of the specified attribute, if successful, or 0, if unsuccessful.
  1723  	@remark 		If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the 
  1724  	 				function will attempt to coerce a valid value from the attribute.
  1725  */
  1726  t_atom_float object_attr_getfloat(void *x, t_symbol *s);
  1729  /**
  1730  	Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. The function will call the attribute's <tt>set</tt> method, using the data provided.
  1732  	@ingroup attr
  1734  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1735  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1736  	@param 	c		An floating point value; the new value for the attribute
  1738  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1739  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1740  */
  1741  t_max_err object_attr_setfloat(void *x, t_symbol *s, t_atom_float c);
  1744  /**
  1745  	Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1747  	@ingroup attr
  1749  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1750  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1752  	@return 		This function returns the value of the specified attribute, if successful, or the empty symbol (equivalent to <tt>gensym("")</tt> or <tt>_sym_nothing</tt>), if unsuccessful.
  1753  */
  1754  t_symbol *object_attr_getsym(void *x, t_symbol *s);
  1757  /**
  1758  	Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. The function will call the attribute's <tt>set</tt> method, using the data provided.
  1760  	@ingroup attr
  1762  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1763  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1764  	@param 	c		A t_symbol *; the new value for the attribute
  1766  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1767  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1768  */
  1769  t_max_err object_attr_setsym(void *x, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *c);
  1772  char object_attr_getchar(void *x, t_symbol *s);
  1773  t_max_err object_attr_setchar(void *x, t_symbol *s, char c);
  1774  t_object* object_attr_getobj(void *x, t_symbol *s);
  1775  t_max_err object_attr_setobj(void *x, t_symbol *s, t_object *o); 
  1778  /**
  1779  	Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1780  	This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. 
  1781  	Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
  1783  	@ingroup attr
  1785  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1786  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1787  	@param 	max		The number of array elements in <tt>vals</tt>. The function will take care not to overwrite the bounds of the array.
  1788  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of long data.
  1790  	@return 		This function returns the number of elements copied into <tt>vals</tt>.
  1792  	@remark 		If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the 
  1793  	 				function will attempt to coerce a valid value from the attribute.
  1794  */
  1795  long object_attr_getlong_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long max, t_atom_long *vals);
  1798  /**
  1799  	Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. The function will call the attribute's <tt>set</tt> method, using the data provided.
  1801  	@ingroup attr
  1803  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1804  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1805  	@param 	count	The number of array elements in vals
  1806  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of an array of long data
  1808  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1809  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1810  */
  1811  t_max_err object_attr_setlong_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long count, t_atom_long *vals);
  1814  /**
  1815  	Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1816  	This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. 
  1817  	Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
  1819  	@ingroup attr
  1821  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1822  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1823  	@param 	max		The number of array elements in <tt>vals</tt>. The function will take care not to overwrite the bounds of the array.
  1824  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of unsigned char data.
  1826  	@return 		This function returns the number of elements copied into <tt>vals</tt>.
  1828  	@remark 		If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the 
  1829  	 				function will attempt to coerce a valid value from the attribute.
  1830  */
  1831  long object_attr_getchar_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long max, t_uint8 *vals);
  1834  /**
  1835  	Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. The function will call the attribute's <tt>set</tt> method, using the data provided.
  1837  	@ingroup attr
  1839  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1840  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1841  	@param 	count	The number of array elements in vals
  1842  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of an array of unsigned char data
  1844  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1845  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1846  */
  1847  t_max_err object_attr_setchar_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long count, C74_CONST t_uint8 *vals);
  1850  /**
  1851  	Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1852  	This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. 
  1853  	Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
  1855  	@ingroup attr
  1857  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1858  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1859  	@param 	max		The number of array elements in <tt>vals</tt>. The function will take care not to overwrite the bounds of the array.
  1860  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of float data.
  1862  	@return 		This function returns the number of elements copied into <tt>vals</tt>.
  1864  	@remark 		If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the 
  1865  	 				function will attempt to coerce a valid value from the attribute.
  1866  */
  1867  long object_attr_getfloat_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long max, float *vals);
  1870  /**
  1871  	Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. The function will call the attribute's <tt>set</tt> method, using the data provided.
  1873  	@ingroup attr
  1875  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1876  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1877  	@param 	count	The number of array elements in vals
  1878  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of an array of float data
  1880  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1881  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1882  */
  1883  t_max_err object_attr_setfloat_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long count, float *vals);
  1886  /**
  1887  	Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1888  	This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. 
  1889  	Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
  1891  	@ingroup attr
  1893  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1894  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1895  	@param 	max		The number of array elements in <tt>vals</tt>. The function will take care not to overwrite the bounds of the array.
  1896  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of double data.
  1898  	@return 		This function returns the number of elements copied into <tt>vals</tt>.
  1900  	@remark 		If the attribute is not of the type specified by the function, the 
  1901  	 				function will attempt to coerce a valid value from the attribute.
  1902  */
  1903  long object_attr_getdouble_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long max, double *vals);
  1906  /**
  1907  	Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. The function will call the attribute's <tt>set</tt> method, using the data provided.
  1909  	@ingroup attr
  1911  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1912  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1913  	@param 	count	The number of array elements in vals
  1914  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of an array of double data
  1916  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1917  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1918  */
  1919  t_max_err object_attr_setdouble_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long count, double *vals);
  1922  /**
  1923  	Retrieves the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1924  	This function uses a developer-allocated array to copy data to. 
  1925  	Developers wishing to retrieve the value of an attribute without pre-allocating memory should refer to the object_attr_getvalueof() function.
  1927  	@ingroup attr
  1929  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1930  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1931  	@param 	max		The number of array elements in <tt>vals</tt>. The function will take care not to overwrite the bounds of the array.
  1932  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of a pre-allocated array of #t_symbol *s.
  1934  	@return 		This function returns the number of elements copied into <tt>vals</tt>.
  1935  */
  1936  long object_attr_getsym_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long max, t_symbol **vals);
  1939  /**
  1940  	Sets the value of an attribute, given its parent object and name. 
  1941  	The function will call the attribute's <tt>set</tt> method, using the data provided.
  1943  	@ingroup attr
  1945  	@param 	x		The attribute's parent object
  1946  	@param 	s		The attribute's name
  1947  	@param 	count	The number of array elements in vals
  1948  	@param 	vals	Pointer to the first element of an array of #t_symbol *s
  1950  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1951  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1952  */
  1953  t_max_err object_attr_setsym_array(void *x, t_symbol *s, long count, t_symbol **vals);
  1956  //attr filters util
  1958  /**
  1959  	Attaches a clip filter to an attribute. 
  1960  	The filter will <em>only</em> clip values sent to the attribute using the attribute's <tt>set</tt> function.
  1962  	@ingroup attr
  1964  	@param 	x		Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
  1965  	@param 	min		Minimum value for the clip filter
  1966  	@param 	max		Maximum value for the clip filter 
  1967  	@param 	usemin	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  1968  	@param 	usemax	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  1970  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1971  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1972  */
  1973  t_max_err attr_addfilterset_clip(void *x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax);
  1976  /**
  1977  	Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute. 
  1978  	The filter will <em>only</em> clip and scale values sent to the attribute using the attribute's <tt>set</tt> function.
  1980  	@ingroup attr
  1982  	@param 	x		Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
  1983  	@param 	scale	Scale value. Data sent to the attribute will be scaled by this amount. <em>Scaling occurs previous to clipping</em>.
  1984  	@param 	min		Minimum value for the clip filter
  1985  	@param 	max		Maximum value for the clip filter 
  1986  	@param 	usemin	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  1987  	@param 	usemax	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  1989  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  1990  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  1991  */
  1992  t_max_err attr_addfilterset_clip_scale(void *x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax);
  1995  /**
  1996  	Attaches a clip filter to an attribute. 
  1997  	The filter will <em>only</em> clip values retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's <tt>get</tt> function.
  1999  	@ingroup attr
  2001  	@param 	x		Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
  2002  	@param 	min		Minimum value for the clip filter
  2003  	@param 	max		Maximum value for the clip filter 
  2004  	@param 	usemin	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  2005  	@param 	usemax	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  2007  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  2008  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  2009  */
  2010  t_max_err attr_addfilterget_clip(void *x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax);
  2013  /**
  2014  	Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute. 
  2015  	The filter will <em>only</em> clip and scale values retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's <tt>get</tt> function.
  2017  	@ingroup attr
  2019  	@param 	x		Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
  2020  	@param 	scale	Scale value. Data retrieved from the attribute will be scaled by this amount. <em>Scaling occurs previous to clipping</em>.
  2021  	@param 	min		Minimum value for the clip filter
  2022  	@param 	max		Maximum value for the clip filter 
  2023  	@param 	usemin	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  2024  	@param 	usemax	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  2026  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  2027  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  2028  */
  2029  t_max_err attr_addfilterget_clip_scale(void *x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax);
  2032  /**
  2033  	Attaches a clip filter to an attribute. 
  2034  	The filter will clip any values sent to or retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's <tt>get</tt> and <tt>set</tt> functions.
  2036  	@ingroup attr
  2038  	@param 	x		Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
  2039  	@param 	min		Minimum value for the clip filter
  2040  	@param 	max		Maximum value for the clip filter 
  2041  	@param 	usemin	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  2042  	@param 	usemax	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  2044  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  2045  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  2046  */
  2047  t_max_err attr_addfilter_clip(void *x, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax);
  2050  /**
  2051  	Attaches a clip/scale filter to an attribute. 
  2052  	The filter will clip and scale any values sent to or retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's <tt>get</tt> and <tt>set</tt> functions.
  2054  	@ingroup attr
  2056  	@param 	x		Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
  2057  	@param 	scale	Scale value. Data sent to the attribute will be scaled by this amount. Data retrieved from the attribute will be scaled by its reciprocal. 
  2058  					<em>Scaling occurs previous to clipping</em>.
  2059  	@param 	min		Minimum value for the clip filter
  2060  	@param 	max		Maximum value for the clip filter 
  2061  	@param 	usemin	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  2062  	@param 	usemax	Sets this value to 0 if the minimum clip value should <em>not</em> be used. Otherwise, set the value to non-zero.
  2064  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  2065  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  2066  */
  2067  t_max_err attr_addfilter_clip_scale(void *x, double scale, double min, double max, long usemin, long usemax);
  2070  /**
  2071  	Attaches a custom filter method to an attribute. 
  2072  	The filter will <em>only</em> be called for values retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's <tt>set</tt> function.
  2074  	@ingroup attr
  2076  	@param 	x		Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
  2077  	@param 	proc	A filter method
  2079  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  2080  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  2082  	@remark 		The filter method should be prototyped and implemented as follows:
  2083  	@code
  2084  	t_max_err myfiltermethod(void *parent, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av);
  2086  	t_max_err myfiltermethod(void *parent, void *attr, long ac, t_atom *av)
  2087  	{
  2088  		long i;
  2089  		float temp,
  2091  		// this filter rounds off all values
  2092  		// assumes that the data is float 
  2093  		for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) {
  2094  			temp = atom_getfloat(av + i);
  2095  			temp = (float)((long)(temp + 0.5));
  2096  			atom_setfloat(av + i, temp);
  2097  		}
  2098  		return MAX_ERR_NONE;
  2099  	}
  2100  	@endcode
  2101  */
  2102  t_max_err attr_addfilterset_proc(void *x, method proc);
  2105  /**
  2106  	Attaches a custom filter method to an attribute. The filter will <em>only</em> be called for values retrieved from the attribute using the attribute's <tt>get</tt> function.
  2108  	@ingroup attr
  2110  	@param 	x		Pointer to the attribute to receive the filter
  2111  	@param 	proc	A filter method
  2113  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  2114  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  2116  	@remark 		The filter method should be prototyped and implemented as described above for the attr_addfilterset_proc() function.
  2117  */
  2118  t_max_err attr_addfilterget_proc(void *x, method proc);
  2121  //more util functions
  2123  /**
  2124  	Generates a unique #t_symbol *. The symbol will be formatted somewhat like "u123456789". 
  2126  	@ingroup	misc
  2127  	@return 	This function returns a unique #t_symbol *.
  2128  */
  2129  t_symbol *symbol_unique(void);
  2132  /**
  2133  	Strip quotes from the beginning and end of a symbol if they are present.
  2134  	@ingroup	misc
  2135  	@param	s	The symbol to be stipped.
  2136  	@return		Symbol with any leading/trailing quote pairs removed.
  2137   */
  2138  t_symbol *symbol_stripquotes(t_symbol *s);
  2141  void error_code(void *x,t_max_err v); //interrupt safe
  2144  /**
  2145  	Posts an error message to the Max window. This function is interrupt safe. 
  2147  	@ingroup misc
  2149  	@param 	x		The object's pointer
  2150  	@param 	s		Symbol to be posted as an error in the Max window
  2151  */
  2152  void error_sym(void *x,t_symbol *s); //interrupt safe
  2155  /**
  2156  	Posts a message to the Max window. This function is interrupt safe. 
  2158  	@ingroup misc
  2159  	@param 	x		The object's pointer
  2160  	@param 	s		Symbol to be posted in the Max window
  2161  */
  2162  void post_sym(void *x,t_symbol *s);  //interrupt safe
  2165  /**
  2166  	Performs an ASCII sort on an array of #t_symbol *s.
  2168  	@ingroup misc
  2170  	@param 	ac		The count of #t_symbol *s in <tt>av</tt>
  2171  	@param 	av		An array of #t_symbol *s to be sorted
  2173  	@return 		This function returns the error code #MAX_ERR_NONE if successful, 
  2174  	 				or one of the other error codes defined in #e_max_errorcodes if unsuccessful.
  2175  */
  2176  t_max_err symbolarray_sort(long ac, t_symbol **av);
  2179  /**
  2180  	Developers do not need to directly use the object_obex_quickref() function. 
  2181  	It was used in Max 4 to add support for attributes to the quickref, but this is automatic in Max 5.
  2183  	@ingroup misc
  2184  */
  2185  void object_obex_quickref(void *x, long *numitems, t_symbol **items);
  2188  method class_menufun_get(t_class *c);
  2190  long class_clonable(t_class *x);
  2191  long object_clonable(t_object *x);
  2192  t_max_err class_buildprototype(t_class *x);
  2193  t_dictionary *class_cloneprototype(t_class *x);
  2196  /**
  2197  	Create a dictionary of attribute-name, attribute-value pairs 
  2198  	from an array of atoms containing an attribute definition list.
  2200  	@ingroup attr
  2201  	@param	x	A dictionary instance pointer.
  2202  	@param	ac	The number of atoms to parse in av.
  2203  	@param	av	A pointer to the first of the array of atoms containing the attribute values.
  2205  	@remark		The code example below shows the creation of a list of atoms using atom_setparse(),
  2206  				and then uses that list of atoms to fill the dictionary with attr_args_dictionary().
  2207  	@code
  2208  	long ac = 0;
  2209  	t_atom *av = NULL;
  2210  	char parsebuf[4096];
  2211  	t_dictionary *d = dictionary_new();
  2212  	t_atom a;
  2214  	sprintf(parsebuf,"@defrect %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f @title Untitled @presentation 0 ", r->x, r->y, r->width, r->height);
  2215  	atom_setparse(&ac, &av, parsebuf);
  2216  	attr_args_dictionary(d, ac, av);
  2217  	atom_setobj(&a, d);
  2218  	@endcode
  2219  */
  2220  void attr_args_dictionary(t_dictionary *x, short ac, t_atom *av);
  2223  /**
  2224  	Set attributes for an object that are defined in a dictionary.
  2225  	Objects with dictionary constructors, such as UI objects, 
  2226  	should call this method to set their attributes when an object is created.
  2228  	@ingroup attr
  2229  	@param	x	The object instance pointer.
  2230  	@param	d	The dictionary containing the attributes.
  2231  	@see	attr_args_process()
  2232  */
  2233  void attr_dictionary_process(void *x, t_dictionary *d);
  2235  /**
  2236  	Check that a dictionary only contains values for existing attributes 
  2237  	of an object. If a key in the dictionary doesn't correspond an one of 
  2238  	the object's attributes, an error will be posted to the Max window.
  2240  	@ingroup attr
  2241  	@param	x	The object instance pointer.
  2242  	@param	d	The dictionary containing the attributes.
  2243  	@see	attr_dictionary_process()
  2244  */
  2245  void attr_dictionary_check(void *x, t_dictionary *d);
  2248  /**
  2249  	Retrieve a pointer to a dictionary passed in as an atom argument.
  2250  	Use this function when working with classes that have dictionary constructors
  2251  	to fetch the dictionary.
  2253  	@ingroup obj
  2254  	@param	ac	The number of atoms.
  2255  	@param	av	A pointer to the first atom in the array.
  2256  	@return		The dictionary retrieved from the atoms.
  2257  	@see		attr_dictionary_process()
  2258  */
  2259  t_dictionary *object_dictionaryarg(long ac, t_atom *av);
  2262  // use the macros for these in ext_obex_util.h
  2263  t_max_err class_sticky(t_class *x, t_symbol *stickyname, t_symbol *s, t_object *o);
  2264  t_max_err class_sticky_clear(t_class *x, t_symbol *stickyname, t_symbol *s);
  2267  // private -- internal use only (and perhaps not exported?)
  2268  t_max_err object_retain(t_object *x);
  2269  t_max_err object_release(t_object *x);		
  2271  typedef struct _method_object
  2272  {
  2273  	t_object	ob;
  2274  	t_messlist	messlist_entry;
  2275  } t_method_object;
  2277  t_method_object *method_object_new(method m, C74_CONST char *name, ...);
  2278  t_method_object *method_object_new_messlist(t_messlist *m);
  2279  void method_object_free(t_method_object *x);
  2280  t_symbol *method_object_getname(t_method_object *x);
  2281  void method_object_setname(t_method_object *x, t_symbol *s);
  2282  method method_object_getmethod(t_method_object *x);
  2283  void method_object_setmethod(t_method_object *x, method m);
  2284  t_messlist *method_object_getmesslist(t_method_object *x);
  2285  void method_object_setmesslist(t_method_object *x, t_messlist *m);
  2287  t_method_object *class_getmethod_object(t_class *x, t_symbol *methodname);
  2289  // these methods are private -- instance methods are not actually fully implemented at this time
  2290  t_method_object *object_getmethod_object(t_object *x, t_symbol *methodname);
  2292  t_max_err object_attrhash_apply(t_object *x, t_hashtab *attrhash);
  2293  t_max_err object_sticky(t_object *x, t_symbol *stickyname, t_symbol *s, t_object *o);
  2294  t_max_err object_sticky_clear(t_object *x, t_symbol *stickyname, t_symbol *s);
  2296  // these methods are private -- instance methods are not actually fully implemented at this time
  2297  t_max_err object_addmethod(t_object *x, method m, C74_CONST char *name, ...);
  2298  t_max_err object_addmethod_object(t_object *x, t_object *mo);
  2299  t_max_err object_deletemethod(t_object *x, t_symbol *methodsym);
  2300  t_max_err object_chuckmethod(t_object *x, t_symbol *methodsym);
  2302  t_max_err attr_typedfun_set(void *parent, t_object *x, long ac, t_atom *av);
  2304  t_max_err object_attr_getnames(void *x, long *argc, t_symbol ***argv);
  2306  /**
  2307  	Allocate a single atom.
  2308  	If ac and av are both zero then memory is allocated.
  2309  	Otherwise it is presumed that memory is already allocated and nothing will happen.
  2311  	@ingroup		atom
  2312  	@param	ac		The address of a variable that will contain the number of atoms allocated (1).
  2313  	@param	av		The address of a pointer that will be set with the new allocated memory for the atom.
  2314  	@param	alloc	Address of a variable that will be set true is memory is allocated, otherwise false.
  2315  	@return			A Max error code.
  2316  */
  2317  t_max_err atom_alloc(long *ac, t_atom **av, char *alloc);
  2320  /**
  2321  	Allocate an array of atoms.
  2322  	If ac and av are both zero then memory is allocated.
  2323  	Otherwise it is presumed that memory is already allocated and nothing will happen.
  2325  	@ingroup		atom
  2326  	@param	minsize	The minimum number of atoms that this array will need to contain.
  2327  					This determines the amount of memory allocated.
  2328  	@param	ac		The address of a variable that will contain the number of atoms allocated.
  2329  	@param	av		The address of a pointer that will be set with the new allocated memory for the atoms.
  2330  	@param	alloc	Address of a variable that will be set true is memory is allocated, otherwise false.
  2331  	@return			A Max error code.
  2332  */
  2333  t_max_err atom_alloc_array(long minsize, long *ac, t_atom **av, char *alloc);
  2337  // private?
  2338  long class_is_box(t_class *c);
  2339  t_dictionary *object_dictionary_fromnewargs(t_object *patcher, t_class *c, long argc, t_atom *argv, long flags, char *freedict);
  2342  /**
  2343  	Determine if a class is a user interface object.
  2345  	@ingroup 	class
  2346  	@param	c	The class pointer.
  2347  	@return		True is the class defines a user interface object, otherwise false.
  2348  */
  2349  long class_is_ui(t_class *c);
  2352  // new subclassing implementation		
  2353  /**
  2354  	Define a subclass of an existing class.
  2355  	First call class_new on the subclass, then pass in to class_subclass. 
  2356  	If constructor or destructor are NULL will use the superclass constructor.
  2358  	@ingroup			class
  2359  	@param	superclass	The superclass pointer.
  2360  	@param	subclass	The subclass pointer.
  2361  	@return			A Max error code
  2362  */		
  2363  t_max_err class_subclass(t_class *superclass, t_class *subclass);
  2366  /**
  2367  	Call super class constructor.
  2368  	Use this instead of object_alloc if you want to call the super class constructor, 
  2369  	but allocating enough memory for subclass.
  2371  	@ingroup		class
  2372  	@param	c		The (sub)class pointer.
  2373  	@param	...		Args to super class constructor.
  2374  	@return			initialized object instance
  2375  */		
  2376  t_object *class_super_construct(t_class *c, ...);
  2378  #ifdef C74_X64
  2379  #define class_super_construct(...) C74_VARFUN(class_super_construct_imp, __VA_ARGS__)
  2380  #endif
  2382  t_object *class_super_construct_imp(void *c, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, void *p4, void *p5, void *p6, void *p7, void *p8, void *p9);
  2384  /**
  2385  	Sends an untyped message to an object using superclass methods.
  2386  	Uses a thread specific stack to ensure traversal up the class hierarchy.
  2388  	@ingroup obj
  2390  	@param 	x		The object that will receive the message 
  2391  	@param 	s		The message selector
  2392  	@param 	...		Any arguments to the message
  2394  	@return 		If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method() returns the result. Otherwise, the function will return 0. 
  2395  */		
  2396  void *object_super_method(t_object *x, t_symbol *s, ...);
  2398  #ifdef C74_X64
  2399  #define object_super_method(...) C74_VARFUN(object_super_method_imp, __VA_ARGS__)
  2400  #endif
  2402  void *object_super_method_imp(void *x, void *s, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, void *p4, void *p5, void *p6, void *p7, void *p8);
  2404  /**
  2405  	Sends an untyped message to an object, respects a thread specific class stack from object_super_method() calls
  2407  	@ingroup obj
  2409  	@param 	x		The object that will receive the message 
  2410  	@param 	s		The message selector
  2411  	@param 	...		Any arguments to the message
  2413  	@return 		If the receiver object can respond to the message, object_method() returns the result. Otherwise, the function will return 0. 
  2414  */				
  2415  void *object_this_method(t_object *x, t_symbol *s, ...);
  2417  #ifdef C74_X64
  2418  #define object_this_method(...) C74_VARFUN(object_this_method_imp, __VA_ARGS__)
  2419  #endif
  2421  void *object_this_method_imp(void *x, void *s, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, void *p4, void *p5, void *p6, void *p7, void *p8);
  2423  /**
  2424  	Mark an attribute as being touched by some code not from the attribute setter.
  2425  	This will notify clients that the attribute has changed.
  2427  	@ingroup obj
  2429  	@param 	x			The object whose attribute has been changed 
  2430  	@param 	attrname	The attribute name
  2432  	@return				A Max error code 
  2433   */				
  2434  t_max_err object_attr_touch(t_object *x, t_symbol *attrname);
  2436  /**
  2437  	Mark one or more attributes as being touched by some code not from the attribute setter.
  2438  	This will notify clients that the attributes have changed. Utility to call object_attr_touch()
  2439  	for several attributes
  2441  	@ingroup obj
  2443  	@param 	x			The object whose attribute has been changed 
  2444  	@param 	attrnames	The attribute names as a space separated string
  2446  	@return				A Max error code 
  2447   */				
  2448  t_max_err object_attr_touch_parse(t_object *x, char *attrnames);
  2451  t_max_err object_attr_getvalueof_ext(void *x, t_symbol *s, long *argc, t_atom **argv);
  2452  t_max_err object_attr_setvalueof_ext(void *x, t_symbol *s, long argc, t_atom *argv);
  2453  long object_attr_getdirty(t_object *x, t_symbol *attrname);
  2456      #pragma pack(pop)
  2457  #elif C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK
  2458      #pragma pack()
  2459  #endif
  2463  #endif // _EXT_OBEX_H_