
     1  #include "max_types.h"  // safety check to insure C74_X64 is defined appropriately
     3  #ifndef _EXT_PREFIX_H_
     4  #define _EXT_PREFIX_H_
     6  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     7  // macros
     9  #ifdef __cplusplus
    10  /**
    11  	Ensure that any definitions following this macro use a C-linkage, not a C++ linkage.
    12  	The Max API uses C-linkage.
    13  	This is important for objects written in C++ or that use a C++ compiler.
    14  	This macro must be balanced with the #END_USING_C_LINKAGE macro.
    15  	@ingroup misc
    16  */
    17  #define BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE \
    18  	extern "C" {
    19  #else
    20  /**
    21  	Ensure that any definitions following this macro use a C-linkage, not a C++ linkage.
    22  	The Max API uses C-linkage.
    23  	This is important for objects written in C++ or that use a C++ compiler.
    24  	This macro must be balanced with the #END_USING_C_LINKAGE macro.
    25  	@ingroup misc
    26  */
    27  #define BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE
    28  #endif // __cplusplus
    30  #ifdef __cplusplus
    31  /**
    32  	Close a definition section that was opened using #BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE.
    33  	@ingroup misc
    34  */
    35  #define END_USING_C_LINKAGE \
    36  	}
    37  #else
    38  /**
    39  	Close a definition section that was opened using #BEGIN_USING_C_LINKAGE.
    40  	@ingroup misc
    41  */
    42  #define END_USING_C_LINKAGE
    43  #endif // __cplusplus
    45  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    46  // Mac Target
    48  #ifdef MAC_VERSION
    50  // the C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK* macros are used to ensure that 
    51  // Win32 builds of Max externals use a 2 byte struct packing 
    52  // for all Max structs in projects that have a default struct 
    53  // packing other than 2 (this is typically 4). On Macintosh
    54  // the default byte packing is 4, and it is with this packing
    55  // that all Max structs are packed on Macintosh. If for some 
    56  // reason you are using a struct byte packing of something other
    57  // than 4 on macintosh, there may be problems. Please let us
    58  // know, and we can address this and the other Max header files to 
    59  // ensure 4 byte struct packing on Macintosh in such a setting.
    60  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH	0
    61  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK		0
    62  #define C74_STRUCT_PACK_SIZE		4
    64  #endif // MAC_VERSION
    67  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    68  // Linux Target
    70  #ifdef LINUX_VERSION
    72  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH	0
    73  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK		0
    74  #define C74_STRUCT_PACK_SIZE		4
    76  #endif // LINUX_VERSION
    78  ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    79  // Win32 Target
    81  #ifdef WIN_VERSION
    83  #ifndef C74_X64
    85  // the C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK* macros are used to ensure that 
    86  // Win32 builds of Max externals use a 2 byte struct packing 
    87  // for all Max structs in projects that have a default struct 
    88  // packing other than 2 (this is typically 4). On Macintosh
    89  // the default byte packing is 4, and it is with this packing
    90  // that all Max structs are packed on Macintosh. If for some 
    91  // reason you are using a struct byte packing of something other
    92  // than 4 on macintosh, there may be problems. Please let us
    93  // know, and we can address this and the other Max header files to 
    94  // ensure 4 byte struct packing on Macintosh in such a setting.
    95  #if ((defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__MWERKS__)) || (defined(__MWERKS__)&&(__MWERKS__ >= 0x0900)))
    96  // Visual C++ or Metrowerks >=0x0900 support pack(push,n)
    97  // this may not accomodate building for a windows target
    98  // using Metrowerks on a macintosh, which might need to use 
    99  // the pragma align statement.
   100  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH	1
   101  #else
   102  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH	0
   103  #endif
   105  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACK		1
   106  #define C74_STRUCT_PACK_SIZE		2
   108  #else  // #if !C74_X64
   109  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH	0		// don't specify packing for x64 target, use default
   110  #define C74_PRAGMA_STRUCT_PACKPUSH	0
   111  #endif
   113  // promote this warning to an error because 
   114  // it helps catch using long* when we really need t_atom_long* for x64
   115  #pragma warning ( error : 4133 ) // incompatible types 
   118  #pragma warning( disable : 4005 ) // macro redefinition
   119  #pragma warning( disable : 4101 ) // unreferenced local
   120  #pragma warning( disable : 4800 ) // forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false'
   121  #pragma warning( disable : 4805 ) // unsafe mix of type 'BOOL' and type 'bool'
   122  #pragma warning( disable : 4087 ) // 'function' declared with 'void' parameter list
   123  #pragma warning( disable : 4068 ) // unknown pragma
   124  #pragma warning( disable : 4244 ) // implicit larger to smaller type conversion (int + float)
   125  #pragma warning( disable : 4245 ) // implicit unsigned/signed type conversion
   126  #pragma warning( disable : 4305 ) // truncation from 'type1' to 'type2' (e.g. double->float)
   127  #endif 
   129  #endif // WIN_VERSION
   131  #include "ext_prefix_includes.h"
   133  #ifdef calcoffset
   134  	// The ifdefs for this macro have been set up like this so that Doxygen can document this macro on a Mac [TAP]
   135  #else
   136  	/**
   137  		Find byte offset of a named member of a struct, relative to the beginning of that struct.
   138  		@ingroup misc
   139  		@param	x	The name of the struct
   140  		@param	y	The name of the member
   141  		@return		A pointer-sized integer representing the number of bytes into the struct where the member begins.
   142  	*/
   143  #define calcoffset(x,y) offsetof(x, y)
   144  #endif
   146  #ifdef structmembersize
   147  	// The ifdefs for this macro have been set up like this so that Doxygen can document this macro on a Mac [TAP]
   148  #else
   149  	/**
   150  		Find size of a named member of a struct.
   151  		@ingroup misc
   152  		@param	structname	The name of the struct
   153  		@param	membername	The name of the member
   154  		@return		The size of the member of the struct.
   155  	*/
   156  #define structmembersize(structname, membername) (sizeof(((structname*)0)->membername))
   157  #endif
   159  // debug support
   160  #if defined (__GNUC__) && defined(C74_X64)
   161  #ifndef C74DebugBreak
   162  #ifdef __x86_64__
   163  #define C74DebugBreak asm("int3")
   164  #elif defined(__aarch64__)
   165  #define C74DebugBreak __asm__ volatile(".inst 0xd4200000")
   166  #else
   167  #warning implement me
   168  #endif
   169  #endif
   170  #endif
   172  #ifdef WIN_VERSION
   173  #define C74DebugBreak DebugBreak()
   174  #endif
   176  #ifndef C74_STR
   177  	#define C74_STR_HELPER(x) #x
   178  	#define C74_STR(x) C74_STR_HELPER(x)
   179  #endif
   181  #ifndef C74_ASSERT
   182  #if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG)
   183  #define C74_ASSERT(condition) \
   184  	if (!(condition)) { cpost("ASSERTION - failed condition: %s\n", C74_STR(condition)); C74DebugBreak; }
   185  #else
   186  #define C74_ASSERT(condition) 
   187  #endif
   188  #endif
   190  // the following are convenient before casting to a smaller size 
   191  // so the debug build will let you know if you are truncating unexpectedly
   192  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_CHAR(x)		 C74_ASSERT(((char)(x)) == (long long) (x))
   193  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_UCHAR(x)	 C74_ASSERT(((unsigned char)(x)) == (unsigned long long) (x))
   194  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_SHORT(x)	 C74_ASSERT(((short)(x)) == (long long) (x))
   195  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_USHORT(x)	 C74_ASSERT(((unsigned short)(x)) == (unsigned long long) (x))
   196  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_LONG(x)		 C74_ASSERT(((long)(x)) == (long long) (x))
   197  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_ULONG(x)	 C74_ASSERT(((unsigned long)(x)) == (unsigned long long)(x))
   198  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_INT32(x)	 C74_ASSERT(((t_int32)(x)) == (long long) (x))
   199  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_UINT32(x)	 C74_ASSERT(((t_uint32)(x)) == (unsigned long long) (x))
   200  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_PTR_INT(x)	 C74_ASSERT(((t_ptr_int)(x)) == (long long) (x))
   201  #define C74_ASSERT_FITS_PTR_UINT(x)	 C74_ASSERT(((t_ptr_uint)(x)) == (unsigned long long) (x))
   203  // C74_STATIC_ASSERT: generates a compile error if expression e is false
   204  // Can be disabled by defining C74_ENABLE_STATIC_ASSERT to be 0 before including max headers
   205  #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(C74_ENABLE_STATIC_ASSERT)
   206  #define C74_ENABLE_STATIC_ASSERT 1
   207  #endif
   209  #if (__cplusplus >= 201103L)
   210  #define C74_STATIC_ASSERT(e, m) static_assert(e, m)
   211  #else
   212  #define C74_STATIC_ASSERT(e, m) extern char __C74_STATIC_ASSERT__[(e)?1:-1];
   213  #endif
   214  #else
   215  #define C74_STATIC_ASSERT(e, m)
   216  #endif
   218  #if defined(C74_X64) && defined(WIN_VERSION)
   219  // It used to be required to set two-byte packing of structures on windows. 
   220  // For x64 it is important to set packing to default. 
   221  typedef struct _testpackingstruct 
   222  {
   223  	t_uint8 firstmember;
   224  	t_int32 secondmember;  //
   225  } t_testpackingstruct;
   227  // if external is still configured for two byte alignment this will cause a compile error
   228  // in which case you should change the structure alignment to the compiler default
   229  C74_STATIC_ASSERT( (calcoffset(t_testpackingstruct, secondmember) - calcoffset(t_testpackingstruct, firstmember)) > 2, "struct alignment must be set to default!" ); 
   231  #endif
   233  #define C74_EXTERNAL_NOT_ON_X64(name) void ext_main(void *r) { error("%s: not supported on x64", name); }
   234  #define C74_EXTERNAL_NOT_ON_X64_QUIET void ext_main(void *r) { return; }
   236  #ifdef C74_POISON_FLAVOUR_MACROS
   238  #ifndef WIN_VERSION
   239  #pragma GCC poison RT PLUG MFL
   240  #endif
   242  #endif // #ifdef C74_POISON_FLAVOUR_MACROS
   244  #endif // _EXT_PREFIX_H_