
     1  This is a living document and at times it will be out of date. It is
     2  intended to articulate how programming in the Go runtime differs from
     3  writing normal Go. It focuses on pervasive concepts rather than
     4  details of particular interfaces.
     6  Scheduler structures
     7  ====================
     9  The scheduler manages three types of resources that pervade the
    10  runtime: Gs, Ms, and Ps. It's important to understand these even if
    11  you're not working on the scheduler.
    13  Gs, Ms, Ps
    14  ----------
    16  A "G" is simply a goroutine. It's represented by type `g`. When a
    17  goroutine exits, its `g` object is returned to a pool of free `g`s and
    18  can later be reused for some other goroutine.
    20  An "M" is an OS thread that can be executing user Go code, runtime
    21  code, a system call, or be idle. It's represented by type `m`. There
    22  can be any number of Ms at a time since any number of threads may be
    23  blocked in system calls.
    25  Finally, a "P" represents the resources required to execute user Go
    26  code, such as scheduler and memory allocator state. It's represented
    27  by type `p`. There are exactly `GOMAXPROCS` Ps. A P can be thought of
    28  like a CPU in the OS scheduler and the contents of the `p` type like
    29  per-CPU state. This is a good place to put state that needs to be
    30  sharded for efficiency, but doesn't need to be per-thread or
    31  per-goroutine.
    33  The scheduler's job is to match up a G (the code to execute), an M
    34  (where to execute it), and a P (the rights and resources to execute
    35  it). When an M stops executing user Go code, for example by entering a
    36  system call, it returns its P to the idle P pool. In order to resume
    37  executing user Go code, for example on return from a system call, it
    38  must acquire a P from the idle pool.
    40  All `g`, `m`, and `p` objects are heap allocated, but are never freed,
    41  so their memory remains type stable. As a result, the runtime can
    42  avoid write barriers in the depths of the scheduler.
    44  User stacks and system stacks
    45  -----------------------------
    47  Every non-dead G has a *user stack* associated with it, which is what
    48  user Go code executes on. User stacks start small (e.g., 2K) and grow
    49  or shrink dynamically.
    51  Every M has a *system stack* associated with it (also known as the M's
    52  "g0" stack because it's implemented as a stub G) and, on Unix
    53  platforms, a *signal stack* (also known as the M's "gsignal" stack).
    54  System and signal stacks cannot grow, but are large enough to execute
    55  runtime and cgo code (8K in a pure Go binary; system-allocated in a
    56  cgo binary).
    58  Runtime code often temporarily switches to the system stack using
    59  `systemstack`, `mcall`, or `asmcgocall` to perform tasks that must not
    60  be preempted, that must not grow the user stack, or that switch user
    61  goroutines. Code running on the system stack is implicitly
    62  non-preemptible and the garbage collector does not scan system stacks.
    63  While running on the system stack, the current user stack is not used
    64  for execution.
    66  `getg()` and `getg().m.curg`
    67  ----------------------------
    69  To get the current user `g`, use `getg().m.curg`.
    71  `getg()` alone returns the current `g`, but when executing on the
    72  system or signal stacks, this will return the current M's "g0" or
    73  "gsignal", respectively. This is usually not what you want.
    75  To determine if you're running on the user stack or the system stack,
    76  use `getg() == getg().m.curg`.
    78  Error handling and reporting
    79  ============================
    81  Errors that can reasonably be recovered from in user code should use
    82  `panic` like usual. However, there are some situations where `panic`
    83  will cause an immediate fatal error, such as when called on the system
    84  stack or when called during `mallocgc`.
    86  Most errors in the runtime are not recoverable. For these, use
    87  `throw`, which dumps the traceback and immediately terminates the
    88  process. In general, `throw` should be passed a string constant to
    89  avoid allocating in perilous situations. By convention, additional
    90  details are printed before `throw` using `print` or `println` and the
    91  messages are prefixed with "runtime:".
    93  For runtime error debugging, it's useful to run with
    94  `GOTRACEBACK=system` or `GOTRACEBACK=crash`.
    96  Synchronization
    97  ===============
    99  The runtime has multiple synchronization mechanisms. They differ in
   100  semantics and, in particular, in whether they interact with the
   101  goroutine scheduler or the OS scheduler.
   103  The simplest is `mutex`, which is manipulated using `lock` and
   104  `unlock`. This should be used to protect shared structures for short
   105  periods. Blocking on a `mutex` directly blocks the M, without
   106  interacting with the Go scheduler. This means it is safe to use from
   107  the lowest levels of the runtime, but also prevents any associated G
   108  and P from being rescheduled. `rwmutex` is similar.
   110  For one-shot notifications, use `note`, which provides `notesleep` and
   111  `notewakeup`. Unlike traditional UNIX `sleep`/`wakeup`, `note`s are
   112  race-free, so `notesleep` returns immediately if the `notewakeup` has
   113  already happened. A `note` can be reset after use with `noteclear`,
   114  which must not race with a sleep or wakeup. Like `mutex`, blocking on
   115  a `note` blocks the M. However, there are different ways to sleep on a
   116  `note`:`notesleep` also prevents rescheduling of any associated G and
   117  P, while `notetsleepg` acts like a blocking system call that allows
   118  the P to be reused to run another G. This is still less efficient than
   119  blocking the G directly since it consumes an M.
   121  To interact directly with the goroutine scheduler, use `gopark` and
   122  `goready`. `gopark` parks the current goroutine—putting it in the
   123  "waiting" state and removing it from the scheduler's run queue—and
   124  schedules another goroutine on the current M/P. `goready` puts a
   125  parked goroutine back in the "runnable" state and adds it to the run
   126  queue.
   128  In summary,
   130  <table>
   131  <tr><th></th><th colspan="3">Blocks</th></tr>
   132  <tr><th>Interface</th><th>G</th><th>M</th><th>P</th></tr>
   133  <tr><td>(rw)mutex</td><td>Y</td><td>Y</td><td>Y</td></tr>
   134  <tr><td>note</td><td>Y</td><td>Y</td><td>Y/N</td></tr>
   135  <tr><td>park</td><td>Y</td><td>N</td><td>N</td></tr>
   136  </table>
   138  Atomics
   139  =======
   141  The runtime uses its own atomics package at `runtime/internal/atomic`.
   142  This corresponds to `sync/atomic`, but functions have different names
   143  for historical reasons and there are a few additional functions needed
   144  by the runtime.
   146  In general, we think hard about the uses of atomics in the runtime and
   147  try to avoid unnecessary atomic operations. If access to a variable is
   148  sometimes protected by another synchronization mechanism, the
   149  already-protected accesses generally don't need to be atomic. There
   150  are several reasons for this:
   152  1. Using non-atomic or atomic access where appropriate makes the code
   153     more self-documenting. Atomic access to a variable implies there's
   154     somewhere else that may concurrently access the variable.
   156  2. Non-atomic access allows for automatic race detection. The runtime
   157     doesn't currently have a race detector, but it may in the future.
   158     Atomic access defeats the race detector, while non-atomic access
   159     allows the race detector to check your assumptions.
   161  3. Non-atomic access may improve performance.
   163  Of course, any non-atomic access to a shared variable should be
   164  documented to explain how that access is protected.
   166  Some common patterns that mix atomic and non-atomic access are:
   168  * Read-mostly variables where updates are protected by a lock. Within
   169    the locked region, reads do not need to be atomic, but the write
   170    does. Outside the locked region, reads need to be atomic.
   172  * Reads that only happen during STW, where no writes can happen during
   173    STW, do not need to be atomic.
   175  That said, the advice from the Go memory model stands: "Don't be
   176  [too] clever." The performance of the runtime matters, but its
   177  robustness matters more.
   179  Unmanaged memory
   180  ================
   182  In general, the runtime tries to use regular heap allocation. However,
   183  in some cases the runtime must allocate objects outside of the garbage
   184  collected heap, in *unmanaged memory*. This is necessary if the
   185  objects are part of the memory manager itself or if they must be
   186  allocated in situations where the caller may not have a P.
   188  There are three mechanisms for allocating unmanaged memory:
   190  * sysAlloc obtains memory directly from the OS. This comes in whole
   191    multiples of the system page size, but it can be freed with sysFree.
   193  * persistentalloc combines multiple smaller allocations into a single
   194    sysAlloc to avoid fragmentation. However, there is no way to free
   195    persistentalloced objects (hence the name).
   197  * fixalloc is a SLAB-style allocator that allocates objects of a fixed
   198    size. fixalloced objects can be freed, but this memory can only be
   199    reused by the same fixalloc pool, so it can only be reused for
   200    objects of the same type.
   202  In general, types that are allocated using any of these should be
   203  marked `//go:notinheap` (see below).
   205  Objects that are allocated in unmanaged memory **must not** contain
   206  heap pointers unless the following rules are also obeyed:
   208  1. Any pointers from unmanaged memory to the heap must be garbage
   209     collection roots. More specifically, any pointer must either be
   210     accessible through a global variable or be added as an explicit
   211     garbage collection root in `runtime.markroot`.
   213  2. If the memory is reused, the heap pointers must be zero-initialized
   214     before they become visible as GC roots. Otherwise, the GC may
   215     observe stale heap pointers. See "Zero-initialization versus
   216     zeroing".
   218  Zero-initialization versus zeroing
   219  ==================================
   221  There are two types of zeroing in the runtime, depending on whether
   222  the memory is already initialized to a type-safe state.
   224  If memory is not in a type-safe state, meaning it potentially contains
   225  "garbage" because it was just allocated and it is being initialized
   226  for first use, then it must be *zero-initialized* using
   227  `memclrNoHeapPointers` or non-pointer writes. This does not perform
   228  write barriers.
   230  If memory is already in a type-safe state and is simply being set to
   231  the zero value, this must be done using regular writes, `typedmemclr`,
   232  or `memclrHasPointers`. This performs write barriers.
   234  Runtime-only compiler directives
   235  ================================
   237  In addition to the "//go:" directives documented in "go doc compile",
   238  the compiler supports additional directives only in the runtime.
   240  go:systemstack
   241  --------------
   243  `go:systemstack` indicates that a function must run on the system
   244  stack. This is checked dynamically by a special function prologue.
   246  go:nowritebarrier
   247  -----------------
   249  `go:nowritebarrier` directs the compiler to emit an error if the
   250  following function contains any write barriers. (It *does not*
   251  suppress the generation of write barriers; it is simply an assertion.)
   253  Usually you want `go:nowritebarrierrec`. `go:nowritebarrier` is
   254  primarily useful in situations where it's "nice" not to have write
   255  barriers, but not required for correctness.
   257  go:nowritebarrierrec and go:yeswritebarrierrec
   258  ----------------------------------------------
   260  `go:nowritebarrierrec` directs the compiler to emit an error if the
   261  following function or any function it calls recursively, up to a
   262  `go:yeswritebarrierrec`, contains a write barrier.
   264  Logically, the compiler floods the call graph starting from each
   265  `go:nowritebarrierrec` function and produces an error if it encounters
   266  a function containing a write barrier. This flood stops at
   267  `go:yeswritebarrierrec` functions.
   269  `go:nowritebarrierrec` is used in the implementation of the write
   270  barrier to prevent infinite loops.
   272  Both directives are used in the scheduler. The write barrier requires
   273  an active P (`getg().m.p != nil`) and scheduler code often runs
   274  without an active P. In this case, `go:nowritebarrierrec` is used on
   275  functions that release the P or may run without a P and
   276  `go:yeswritebarrierrec` is used when code re-acquires an active P.
   277  Since these are function-level annotations, code that releases or
   278  acquires a P may need to be split across two functions.
   280  go:notinheap
   281  ------------
   283  `go:notinheap` applies to type declarations. It indicates that a type
   284  must never be allocated from the GC'd heap or on the stack.
   285  Specifically, pointers to this type must always fail the
   286  `runtime.inheap` check. The type may be used for global variables, or
   287  for objects in unmanaged memory (e.g., allocated with `sysAlloc`,
   288  `persistentalloc`, `fixalloc`, or from a manually-managed span).
   289  Specifically:
   291  1. `new(T)`, `make([]T)`, `append([]T, ...)` and implicit heap
   292     allocation of T are disallowed. (Though implicit allocations are
   293     disallowed in the runtime anyway.)
   295  2. A pointer to a regular type (other than `unsafe.Pointer`) cannot be
   296     converted to a pointer to a `go:notinheap` type, even if they have
   297     the same underlying type.
   299  3. Any type that contains a `go:notinheap` type is itself
   300     `go:notinheap`. Structs and arrays are `go:notinheap` if their
   301     elements are. Maps and channels of `go:notinheap` types are
   302     disallowed. To keep things explicit, any type declaration where the
   303     type is implicitly `go:notinheap` must be explicitly marked
   304     `go:notinheap` as well.
   306  4. Write barriers on pointers to `go:notinheap` types can be omitted.
   308  The last point is the real benefit of `go:notinheap`. The runtime uses
   309  it for low-level internal structures to avoid memory barriers in the
   310  scheduler and the memory allocator where they are illegal or simply
   311  inefficient. This mechanism is reasonably safe and does not compromise
   312  the readability of the runtime.