
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bats   -*- bats -*-
     2  #
     3  # Test podman play
     4  #
     6  load helpers
     8  # This is a long ugly way to clean up pods and remove the pause image
     9  function teardown() {
    10      run_podman pod rm -f -a
    11      run_podman rm -f -a
    12      run_podman image list --format '{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}'
    13      while read id name; do
    14          if [[ "$name" =~ /pause ]]; then
    15              run_podman rmi $id
    16          fi
    17      done <<<"$output"
    19      basic_teardown
    20  }
    22  testYaml="
    23  apiVersion: v1
    24  kind: Pod
    25  metadata:
    26    labels:
    27      app: test
    28    name: test_pod
    29  spec:
    30    containers:
    31    - command:
    32      - sleep
    33      - "100"
    34      env:
    35      - name: PATH
    36        value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
    37      - name: TERM
    38        value: xterm
    39      - name: container
    40        value: podman
    41      image: $IMAGE
    42      name: test
    43      resources: {}
    44      securityContext:
    45        runAsUser: 1000
    46        runAsGroup: 3000
    47        fsGroup: 2000
    48        allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
    49        capabilities: {}
    50        privileged: false
    51        seLinuxOptions:
    52           level: "s0:c1,c2"
    53        readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
    54      volumeMounts:
    55      - mountPath: /testdir:z
    56        name: home-podman-testdir
    57      workingDir: /
    58    volumes:
    59    - hostPath:
    60        path: TESTDIR
    61        type: Directory
    62      name: home-podman-testdir
    63  status: {}
    64  "
    66  RELABEL="system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0"
    68  @test "podman play with stdin" {
    69      TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir
    70      mkdir -p $TESTDIR
    71      echo "$testYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
    73      run_podman play kube - < $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
    74      if [ -e /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled -a /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled ]; then
    75         run ls -Zd $TESTDIR
    76         is "$output" ${RELABEL} "selinux relabel should have happened"
    77      fi
    79      run_podman stop -a -t 0
    80      run_podman pod stop test_pod
    81      run_podman pod rm -f test_pod
    82  }
    84  @test "podman play" {
    85      TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir
    86      mkdir -p $TESTDIR
    87      echo "$testYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
    88      run_podman play kube $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
    89      if [ -e /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled -a /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled ]; then
    90         run ls -Zd $TESTDIR
    91         is "$output" ${RELABEL} "selinux relabel should have happened"
    92      fi
    94      run_podman stop -a -t 0
    95      run_podman pod stop test_pod
    96      run_podman pod rm -f test_pod
    97  }
    99  @test "podman play --network" {
   100      TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir
   101      mkdir -p $TESTDIR
   102      echo "$testYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
   103      run_podman 125 play kube --network bridge $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
   104      is "$output" ".*invalid value passed to --network: bridge or host networking must be configured in YAML" "podman plan-network should fail with --network host"
   105      run_podman 125 play kube --network host $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
   106      is "$output" ".*invalid value passed to --network: bridge or host networking must be configured in YAML" "podman plan-network should fail with --network host"
   107      run_podman play kube --network slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
   108      run_podman pod inspect --format {{.InfraContainerID}} "${lines[1]}"
   109      infraID="$output"
   110      run_podman container inspect --format "{{.HostConfig.NetworkMode}}" $infraID
   111      is "$output" "slirp4netns" "network mode slirp4netns is set for the container"
   113      run_podman stop -a -t 0
   114      run_podman pod stop test_pod
   115      run_podman pod rm -f test_pod
   117      run_podman play kube --network none $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
   118      run_podman pod inspect --format {{.InfraContainerID}} "${lines[1]}"
   119      infraID="$output"
   120      run_podman container inspect --format "{{.HostConfig.NetworkMode}}" $infraID
   121      is "$output" "none" "network mode none is set for the container"
   123      run_podman stop -a -t 0
   124      run_podman pod stop test_pod
   125      run_podman pod rm -f test_pod
   126  }
   128  @test "podman play with user from image" {
   129      TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir
   130      mkdir -p $TESTDIR
   132  testUserYaml="
   133  apiVersion: v1
   134  kind: Pod
   135  metadata:
   136    labels:
   137      app: test
   138    name: test_pod
   139  spec:
   140    containers:
   141    - command:
   142      - id
   143      env:
   144      - name: PATH
   145        value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
   146      - name: TERM
   147        value: xterm
   148      - name: container
   149        value: podman
   150      image: userimage
   151      name: test
   152      resources: {}
   153  status: {}
   154  "
   156  cat > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/Containerfile << _EOF
   157  from $IMAGE
   158  USER bin
   159  _EOF
   161      echo "$testUserYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
   162      run_podman build -t userimage $PODMAN_TMPDIR
   163      run_podman play kube --start=false $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml
   164      run_podman inspect --format "{{ .Config.User }}" test_pod-test
   165      is "$output" bin "expect container within pod to run as the bin user"
   167      run_podman stop -a -t 0
   168      run_podman pod stop test_pod
   169      run_podman pod rm -f test_pod
   170      run_podman rmi -f userimage:latest
   171  }