
     1  // Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package cformat
     7  // This package provides apis for producing human-readable summaries
     8  // of coverage data (e.g. a coverage percentage for a given package or
     9  // set of packages) and for writing data in the legacy test format
    10  // emitted by "go test -coverprofile=<outfile>".
    11  //
    12  // The model for using these apis is to create a Formatter object,
    13  // then make a series of calls to SetPackage and AddUnit passing in
    14  // data read from coverage meta-data and counter-data files. E.g.
    15  //
    16  //		myformatter := cformat.NewFormatter()
    17  //		...
    18  //		for each package P in meta-data file: {
    19  //			myformatter.SetPackage(P)
    20  //			for each function F in P: {
    21  //				for each coverable unit U in F: {
    22  //					myformatter.AddUnit(U)
    23  //				}
    24  //			}
    25  //		}
    26  //		myformatter.EmitPercent(os.Stdout, "", true, true)
    27  //		myformatter.EmitTextual(somefile)
    28  //
    29  // These apis are linked into tests that are built with "-cover", and
    30  // called at the end of test execution to produce text output or
    31  // emit coverage percentages.
    33  import (
    34  	"fmt"
    35  	"internal/coverage"
    36  	"internal/coverage/cmerge"
    37  	"io"
    38  	"sort"
    39  	"text/tabwriter"
    40  )
    42  type Formatter struct {
    43  	// Maps import path to package state.
    44  	pm map[string]*pstate
    45  	// Records current package being visited.
    46  	pkg string
    47  	// Pointer to current package state.
    48  	p *pstate
    49  	// Counter mode.
    50  	cm coverage.CounterMode
    51  }
    53  // pstate records package-level coverage data state:
    54  // - a table of functions (file/fname/literal)
    55  // - a map recording the index/ID of each func encountered so far
    56  // - a table storing execution count for the coverable units in each func
    57  type pstate struct {
    58  	// slice of unique functions
    59  	funcs []fnfile
    60  	// maps function to index in slice above (index acts as function ID)
    61  	funcTable map[fnfile]uint32
    63  	// A table storing coverage counts for each coverable unit.
    64  	unitTable map[extcu]uint32
    65  }
    67  // extcu encapsulates a coverable unit within some function.
    68  type extcu struct {
    69  	fnfid uint32 // index into p.funcs slice
    70  	coverage.CoverableUnit
    71  }
    73  // fnfile is a function-name/file-name tuple.
    74  type fnfile struct {
    75  	file  string
    76  	fname string
    77  	lit   bool
    78  }
    80  func NewFormatter(cm coverage.CounterMode) *Formatter {
    81  	return &Formatter{
    82  		pm: make(map[string]*pstate),
    83  		cm: cm,
    84  	}
    85  }
    87  // SetPackage tells the formatter that we're about to visit the
    88  // coverage data for the package with the specified import path.
    89  // Note that it's OK to call SetPackage more than once with the
    90  // same import path; counter data values will be accumulated.
    91  func (fm *Formatter) SetPackage(importpath string) {
    92  	if importpath == fm.pkg {
    93  		return
    94  	}
    95  	fm.pkg = importpath
    96  	ps, ok :=[importpath]
    97  	if !ok {
    98  		ps = new(pstate)
    99[importpath] = ps
   100  		ps.unitTable = make(map[extcu]uint32)
   101  		ps.funcTable = make(map[fnfile]uint32)
   102  	}
   103  	fm.p = ps
   104  }
   106  // AddUnit passes info on a single coverable unit (file, funcname,
   107  // literal flag, range of lines, and counter value) to the formatter.
   108  // Counter values will be accumulated where appropriate.
   109  func (fm *Formatter) AddUnit(file string, fname string, isfnlit bool, unit coverage.CoverableUnit, count uint32) {
   110  	if fm.p == nil {
   111  		panic("AddUnit invoked before SetPackage")
   112  	}
   113  	fkey := fnfile{file: file, fname: fname, lit: isfnlit}
   114  	idx, ok := fm.p.funcTable[fkey]
   115  	if !ok {
   116  		idx = uint32(len(fm.p.funcs))
   117  		fm.p.funcs = append(fm.p.funcs, fkey)
   118  		fm.p.funcTable[fkey] = idx
   119  	}
   120  	ukey := extcu{fnfid: idx, CoverableUnit: unit}
   121  	pcount := fm.p.unitTable[ukey]
   122  	var result uint32
   123  	if == coverage.CtrModeSet {
   124  		if count != 0 || pcount != 0 {
   125  			result = 1
   126  		}
   127  	} else {
   128  		// Use saturating arithmetic.
   129  		result, _ = cmerge.SaturatingAdd(pcount, count)
   130  	}
   131  	fm.p.unitTable[ukey] = result
   132  }
   134  // sortUnits sorts a slice of extcu objects in a package according to
   135  // source position information (e.g. file and line). Note that we don't
   136  // include function name as part of the sorting criteria, the thinking
   137  // being that is better to provide things in the original source order.
   138  func (p *pstate) sortUnits(units []extcu) {
   139  	sort.Slice(units, func(i, j int) bool {
   140  		ui := units[i]
   141  		uj := units[j]
   142  		ifile := p.funcs[ui.fnfid].file
   143  		jfile := p.funcs[uj.fnfid].file
   144  		if ifile != jfile {
   145  			return ifile < jfile
   146  		}
   147  		// NB: not taking function literal flag into account here (no
   148  		// need, since other fields are guaranteed to be distinct).
   149  		if units[i].StLine != units[j].StLine {
   150  			return units[i].StLine < units[j].StLine
   151  		}
   152  		if units[i].EnLine != units[j].EnLine {
   153  			return units[i].EnLine < units[j].EnLine
   154  		}
   155  		if units[i].StCol != units[j].StCol {
   156  			return units[i].StCol < units[j].StCol
   157  		}
   158  		if units[i].EnCol != units[j].EnCol {
   159  			return units[i].EnCol < units[j].EnCol
   160  		}
   161  		return units[i].NxStmts < units[j].NxStmts
   162  	})
   163  }
   165  // EmitTextual writes the accumulated coverage data in the legacy
   166  // cmd/cover text format to the writer 'w'. We sort the data items by
   167  // importpath, source file, and line number before emitting (this sorting
   168  // is not explicitly mandated by the format, but seems like a good idea
   169  // for repeatable/deterministic dumps).
   170  func (fm *Formatter) EmitTextual(w io.Writer) error {
   171  	if == coverage.CtrModeInvalid {
   172  		panic("internal error, counter mode unset")
   173  	}
   174  	if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "mode: %s\n",; err != nil {
   175  		return err
   176  	}
   177  	pkgs := make([]string, 0, len(
   178  	for importpath := range {
   179  		pkgs = append(pkgs, importpath)
   180  	}
   181  	sort.Strings(pkgs)
   182  	for _, importpath := range pkgs {
   183  		p :=[importpath]
   184  		units := make([]extcu, 0, len(p.unitTable))
   185  		for u := range p.unitTable {
   186  			units = append(units, u)
   187  		}
   188  		p.sortUnits(units)
   189  		for _, u := range units {
   190  			count := p.unitTable[u]
   191  			file := p.funcs[u.fnfid].file
   192  			if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s:%d.%d,%d.%d %d %d\n",
   193  				file, u.StLine, u.StCol,
   194  				u.EnLine, u.EnCol, u.NxStmts, count); err != nil {
   195  				return err
   196  			}
   197  		}
   198  	}
   199  	return nil
   200  }
   202  // EmitPercent writes out a "percentage covered" string to the writer 'w'.
   203  func (fm *Formatter) EmitPercent(w io.Writer, covpkgs string, noteEmpty bool, aggregate bool) error {
   204  	pkgs := make([]string, 0, len(
   205  	for importpath := range {
   206  		pkgs = append(pkgs, importpath)
   207  	}
   209  	rep := func(cov, tot uint64) error {
   210  		if tot != 0 {
   211  			if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "coverage: %.1f%% of statements%s\n",
   212  				100.0*float64(cov)/float64(tot), covpkgs); err != nil {
   213  				return err
   214  			}
   215  		} else if noteEmpty {
   216  			if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "coverage: [no statements]\n"); err != nil {
   217  				return err
   218  			}
   219  		}
   220  		return nil
   221  	}
   223  	sort.Strings(pkgs)
   224  	var totalStmts, coveredStmts uint64
   225  	for _, importpath := range pkgs {
   226  		p :=[importpath]
   227  		if !aggregate {
   228  			totalStmts, coveredStmts = 0, 0
   229  		}
   230  		for unit, count := range p.unitTable {
   231  			nx := uint64(unit.NxStmts)
   232  			totalStmts += nx
   233  			if count != 0 {
   234  				coveredStmts += nx
   235  			}
   236  		}
   237  		if !aggregate {
   238  			if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t%s\t\t", importpath); err != nil {
   239  				return err
   240  			}
   241  			if err := rep(coveredStmts, totalStmts); err != nil {
   242  				return err
   243  			}
   244  		}
   245  	}
   246  	if aggregate {
   247  		if err := rep(coveredStmts, totalStmts); err != nil {
   248  			return err
   249  		}
   250  	}
   252  	return nil
   253  }
   255  // EmitFuncs writes out a function-level summary to the writer 'w'. A
   256  // note on handling function literals: although we collect coverage
   257  // data for unnamed literals, it probably does not make sense to
   258  // include them in the function summary since there isn't any good way
   259  // to name them (this is also consistent with the legacy cmd/cover
   260  // implementation). We do want to include their counts in the overall
   261  // summary however.
   262  func (fm *Formatter) EmitFuncs(w io.Writer) error {
   263  	if == coverage.CtrModeInvalid {
   264  		panic("internal error, counter mode unset")
   265  	}
   266  	perc := func(covered, total uint64) float64 {
   267  		if total == 0 {
   268  			total = 1
   269  		}
   270  		return 100.0 * float64(covered) / float64(total)
   271  	}
   272  	tabber := tabwriter.NewWriter(w, 1, 8, 1, '\t', 0)
   273  	defer tabber.Flush()
   274  	allStmts := uint64(0)
   275  	covStmts := uint64(0)
   277  	pkgs := make([]string, 0, len(
   278  	for importpath := range {
   279  		pkgs = append(pkgs, importpath)
   280  	}
   281  	sort.Strings(pkgs)
   283  	// Emit functions for each package, sorted by import path.
   284  	for _, importpath := range pkgs {
   285  		p :=[importpath]
   286  		if len(p.unitTable) == 0 {
   287  			continue
   288  		}
   289  		units := make([]extcu, 0, len(p.unitTable))
   290  		for u := range p.unitTable {
   291  			units = append(units, u)
   292  		}
   294  		// Within a package, sort the units, then walk through the
   295  		// sorted array. Each time we hit a new function, emit the
   296  		// summary entry for the previous function, then make one last
   297  		// emit call at the end of the loop.
   298  		p.sortUnits(units)
   299  		fname := ""
   300  		ffile := ""
   301  		flit := false
   302  		var fline uint32
   303  		var cstmts, tstmts uint64
   304  		captureFuncStart := func(u extcu) {
   305  			fname = p.funcs[u.fnfid].fname
   306  			ffile = p.funcs[u.fnfid].file
   307  			flit = p.funcs[u.fnfid].lit
   308  			fline = u.StLine
   309  		}
   310  		emitFunc := func(u extcu) error {
   311  			// Don't emit entries for function literals (see discussion
   312  			// in function header comment above).
   313  			if !flit {
   314  				if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(tabber, "%s:%d:\t%s\t%.1f%%\n",
   315  					ffile, fline, fname, perc(cstmts, tstmts)); err != nil {
   316  					return err
   317  				}
   318  			}
   319  			captureFuncStart(u)
   320  			allStmts += tstmts
   321  			covStmts += cstmts
   322  			tstmts = 0
   323  			cstmts = 0
   324  			return nil
   325  		}
   326  		for k, u := range units {
   327  			if k == 0 {
   328  				captureFuncStart(u)
   329  			} else {
   330  				if fname != p.funcs[u.fnfid].fname {
   331  					// New function; emit entry for previous one.
   332  					if err := emitFunc(u); err != nil {
   333  						return err
   334  					}
   335  				}
   336  			}
   337  			tstmts += uint64(u.NxStmts)
   338  			count := p.unitTable[u]
   339  			if count != 0 {
   340  				cstmts += uint64(u.NxStmts)
   341  			}
   342  		}
   343  		if err := emitFunc(extcu{}); err != nil {
   344  			return err
   345  		}
   346  	}
   347  	if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(tabber, "%s\t%s\t%.1f%%\n",
   348  		"total", "(statements)", perc(covStmts, allStmts)); err != nil {
   349  		return err
   350  	}
   351  	return nil
   352  }