(about) 1 # Custom generation 2 3 To completely customize the templates that are being considered, their file names and paths, go-swagger allows you to pass in a configuration file. 4 There are basically 4 types of items that are being generated: 5 6 * [Models]( 7 * [Operations]( 8 * [Operation groups]( (tagged groups of operations) 9 * [Application]( 10 11 You provide a configuration that describes the type of template, the source for where to find the template. For built-in templates the name should be prefixed with `asset:`. 12 You also provide the target directory and the file name. Directory and file names are processed as templates too and allow for a number of filters. 13 14 We use the viper library to read config values, this means you can provide the configuration file in whichever format you like: json, yaml, hcl or toml. 15 16 ## Available filters in templates 17 18 There are a number of filters you can use inside a template to manipulate values: 19 20 Filter | Description 21 -------|------------- 22 pascalize | every word boundary starts with a capital; "some long name" becomes SomeLongName 23 camelize | every word boundary starts with a capital except the first word; "some long name" becomes someLongName 24 varname | like camelize, but respects golint naming rules; "some url" becomes someURL 25 humanize | takes an identifier and adds spaces to it; someLongName becomes "some long name" 26 snakize | converts to lowercase and separates words with an underscore; someLongName becomes some_long_name 27 dasherize | convert to lowercase and separates words with a dash; someLongName becomes some-long-name 28 pluralizeFirstWord | pluralizes the first word of a sentence 29 json | converts the argument to compact json 30 prettyjson | converts the argument to pretty-printed json 31 stripPackage | strips the package name from an identifier 32 upper | converts the string to upper case 33 contains | for use in conditions, returns true when the second argument is contained in the first argument, the first argument is a list of strings 34 joinFilePath | joins the arguments as a file path, cross platform 35 padSurround | surround an entry with a character n times before and m times after the entry 36 37 ## Template Attributes 38 39 The following modifiers can be applied to a template to modify code-generation behaviour: 40 41 Attribute | Type | Description 42 ----------|------|------------- 43 skip_exists|boolean|Skip generating content for a file if the specified target file already exists. Use this for files the user needs to customise. 44 skip_format|boolean|Skip formatting code from the template according to the standard golang rules. This may be useful if you have your own coding conventions that custom templates already adhere to, or if you are generating non-golang code. 45 46 ## Server generation 47 48 ``` 49 swagger generate server -A TodoList -f ./swagger.json -C default-server.yml 50 ``` 51 52 For the default server generator this config file would have the following content: 53 54 ```yaml 55 layout: 56 application: 57 - name: configure 58 source: asset:serverConfigureapi 59 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage }}" 60 file_name: "configure_{{ .Name }}.go" 61 skip_exists: true 62 - name: main 63 source: asset:serverMain 64 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target \"cmd\" (dasherize (pascalize .Name)) }}-server" 65 file_name: "main.go" 66 - name: embedded_spec 67 source: asset:swaggerJsonEmbed 68 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage }}" 69 file_name: "embedded_spec.go" 70 - name: server 71 source: asset:serverServer 72 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage }}" 73 file_name: "server.go" 74 - name: builder 75 source: asset:serverBuilder 76 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage .Package }}" 77 file_name: "{{ snakize (pascalize .Name) }}_api.go" 78 - name: doc 79 source: asset:serverDoc 80 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage }}" 81 file_name: "doc.go" 82 models: 83 - name: definition 84 source: asset:model 85 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ModelPackage }}" 86 file_name: "{{ (snakize (pascalize .Name)) }}.go" 87 operations: 88 - name: parameters 89 source: asset:serverParameter 90 target: "{{ if gt (len .Tags) 0 }}{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage .APIPackage .Package }}{{ else }}{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage .Package }}{{ end }}" 91 file_name: "{{ (snakize (pascalize .Name)) }}_parameters.go" 92 - name: responses 93 source: asset:serverResponses 94 target: "{{ if gt (len .Tags) 0 }}{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage .APIPackage .Package }}{{ else }}{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage .Package }}{{ end }}" 95 file_name: "{{ (snakize (pascalize .Name)) }}_responses.go" 96 - name: handler 97 source: asset:serverOperation 98 target: "{{ if gt (len .Tags) 0 }}{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage .APIPackage .Package }}{{ else }}{{ joinFilePath .Target .ServerPackage .Package }}{{ end }}" 99 file_name: "{{ (snakize (pascalize .Name)) }}.go" 100 operation_groups: 101 102 ``` 103 104 ## Client generation 105 106 ``` 107 swagger generate client -A TodoList -f ./swagger.json -C default-client.yml 108 ``` 109 110 For the default client generator this config file would have the following content. 111 112 ```yaml 113 layout: 114 application: 115 - name: facade 116 source: asset:clientFacade 117 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ClientPackage }}" 118 file_name: "{{ .Name }}_client.go" 119 models: 120 - name: definition 121 source: asset:model 122 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ModelPackage }}" 123 file_name: "{{ (snakize (pascalize .Name)) }}.go" 124 operations: 125 - name: parameters 126 source: asset:clientParameter 127 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ClientPackage .Package }}" 128 file_name: "{{ (snakize (pascalize .Name)) }}_parameters.go" 129 - name: responses 130 source: asset:clientResponse 131 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ClientPackage .Package }}" 132 file_name: "{{ (snakize (pascalize .Name)) }}_responses.go" 133 operation_groups: 134 - name: client 135 source: asset:clientClient 136 target: "{{ joinFilePath .Target .ClientPackage .Name }}" 137 file_name: "{{ (snakize (pascalize .Name)) }}_client.go" 138 ```