
     1  // +build !go1.11
     3  // Copyright 2015 go-swagger maintainers
     4  //
     5  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     6  // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     7  // You may obtain a copy of the License at
     8  //
     9  //
    10  //
    11  // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    12  // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    13  // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    14  // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    15  // limitations under the License.
    17  package scan
    19  import (
    20  	"os"
    21  	"path/filepath"
    22  	"testing"
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  )
    28  func TestSchemaParser(t *testing.T) {
    29  	_ = classificationProg
    30  	schema := noModelDefs["NoModel"]
    32  	assert.Equal(t, spec.StringOrArray([]string{"object"}), schema.Type)
    33  	assert.Equal(t, "NoModel is a struct without an annotation.", schema.Title)
    34  	assert.Equal(t, "NoModel exists in a package\nbut is not annotated with the swagger model annotations\nso it should now show up in a test.", schema.Description)
    35  	assert.Len(t, schema.Required, 3)
    36  	assert.Len(t, schema.Properties, 11)
    38  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "id", "int64", "ID")
    39  	prop, ok := schema.Properties["id"]
    40  	assert.Equal(t, "ID of this no model instance.\nids in this application start at 11 and are smaller than 1000", prop.Description)
    41  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have had an 'id' property")
    42  	assert.EqualValues(t, 1000, *prop.Maximum)
    43  	assert.True(t, prop.ExclusiveMaximum, "'id' should have had an exclusive maximum")
    44  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Minimum)
    45  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *prop.Minimum)
    46  	assert.True(t, prop.ExclusiveMinimum, "'id' should have had an exclusive minimum")
    47  	assert.Equal(t, 11, prop.Default, "ID default value is incorrect")
    49  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "NoNameOmitEmpty", "", "")
    50  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["NoNameOmitEmpty"]
    51  	assert.Equal(t, "A field which has omitempty set but no name", prop.Description)
    52  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have had an 'NoNameOmitEmpty' property")
    54  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "score", "int32", "Score")
    55  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["score"]
    56  	assert.Equal(t, "The Score of this model", prop.Description)
    57  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have had a 'score' property")
    58  	assert.EqualValues(t, 45, *prop.Maximum)
    59  	assert.False(t, prop.ExclusiveMaximum, "'score' should not have had an exclusive maximum")
    60  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Minimum)
    61  	assert.EqualValues(t, 3, *prop.Minimum)
    62  	assert.False(t, prop.ExclusiveMinimum, "'score' should not have had an exclusive minimum")
    63  	assert.Equal(t, 27, prop.Example)
    65  	expectedNameExtensions := spec.Extensions{
    66  		"x-go-name": "Name",
    67  		"x-property-array": []interface{}{
    68  			"value1",
    69  			"value2",
    70  		},
    71  		"x-property-array-obj": []interface{}{
    72  			map[string]interface{}{
    73  				"name":  "obj",
    74  				"value": "field",
    75  			},
    76  		},
    77  		"x-property-value": "value",
    78  	}
    80  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "name", "", "Name")
    81  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["name"]
    82  	assert.True(t, ok)
    83  	assert.Equal(t, "Name of this no model instance", prop.Description)
    84  	assert.EqualValues(t, 4, *prop.MinLength)
    85  	assert.EqualValues(t, 50, *prop.MaxLength)
    86  	assert.Equal(t, "[A-Za-z0-9-.]*", prop.Pattern)
    87  	assert.EqualValues(t, expectedNameExtensions, prop.Extensions)
    89  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "created", "date-time", "Created")
    90  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["created"]
    91  	assert.Equal(t, "Created holds the time when this entry was created", prop.Description)
    92  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have a 'created' property")
    93  	assert.True(t, prop.ReadOnly, "'created' should be read only")
    95  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "gocreated", "date-time", "GoTimeCreated")
    96  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["gocreated"]
    97  	assert.Equal(t, "GoTimeCreated holds the time when this entry was created in go time.Time", prop.Description)
    98  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have a 'gocreated' property")
   100  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "foo_slice", "", "FooSlice")
   101  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["foo_slice"]
   102  	assert.Equal(t, "a FooSlice has foos which are strings", prop.Description)
   103  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have a 'foo_slice' property")
   104  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items, "foo_slice should have had an items property")
   105  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items.Schema, "foo_slice.items should have had a schema property")
   106  	assert.True(t, prop.UniqueItems, "'foo_slice' should have unique items")
   107  	assert.EqualValues(t, 3, *prop.MinItems, "'foo_slice' should have had 3 min items")
   108  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *prop.MaxItems, "'foo_slice' should have had 10 max items")
   109  	itprop := prop.Items.Schema
   110  	assert.EqualValues(t, 3, *itprop.MinLength, "'foo_slice.items.minLength' should have been 3")
   111  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *itprop.MaxLength, "'foo_slice.items.maxLength' should have been 10")
   112  	assert.EqualValues(t, "\\w+", itprop.Pattern, "'foo_slice.items.pattern' should have \\w+")
   114  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "time_slice", "date-time", "TimeSlice")
   115  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["time_slice"]
   116  	assert.Equal(t, "a TimeSlice is a slice of times", prop.Description)
   117  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have a 'time_slice' property")
   118  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items, "time_slice should have had an items property")
   119  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items.Schema, "time_slice.items should have had a schema property")
   120  	assert.True(t, prop.UniqueItems, "'time_slice' should have unique items")
   121  	assert.EqualValues(t, 3, *prop.MinItems, "'time_slice' should have had 3 min items")
   122  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *prop.MaxItems, "'time_slice' should have had 10 max items")
   124  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "array", "bar_slice", "", "BarSlice")
   125  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["bar_slice"]
   126  	assert.Equal(t, "a BarSlice has bars which are strings", prop.Description)
   127  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have a 'bar_slice' property")
   128  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items, "bar_slice should have had an items property")
   129  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items.Schema, "bar_slice.items should have had a schema property")
   130  	assert.True(t, prop.UniqueItems, "'bar_slice' should have unique items")
   131  	assert.EqualValues(t, 3, *prop.MinItems, "'bar_slice' should have had 3 min items")
   132  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *prop.MaxItems, "'bar_slice' should have had 10 max items")
   133  	itprop = prop.Items.Schema
   134  	if assert.NotNil(t, itprop) {
   135  		assert.EqualValues(t, 4, *itprop.MinItems, "'bar_slice.items.minItems' should have been 4")
   136  		assert.EqualValues(t, 9, *itprop.MaxItems, "'bar_slice.items.maxItems' should have been 9")
   137  		itprop2 := itprop.Items.Schema
   138  		if assert.NotNil(t, itprop2) {
   139  			assert.EqualValues(t, 5, *itprop2.MinItems, "'bar_slice.items.items.minItems' should have been 5")
   140  			assert.EqualValues(t, 8, *itprop2.MaxItems, "'bar_slice.items.items.maxItems' should have been 8")
   141  			itprop3 := itprop2.Items.Schema
   142  			if assert.NotNil(t, itprop3) {
   143  				assert.EqualValues(t, 3, *itprop3.MinLength, "'bar_slice.items.items.items.minLength' should have been 3")
   144  				assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *itprop3.MaxLength, "'bar_slice.items.items.items.maxLength' should have been 10")
   145  				assert.EqualValues(t, "\\w+", itprop3.Pattern, "'bar_slice.items.items.items.pattern' should have \\w+")
   146  			}
   147  		}
   148  	}
   150  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "array", "deep_time_slice", "", "DeepTimeSlice")
   151  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["deep_time_slice"]
   152  	assert.Equal(t, "a DeepSlice has bars which are time", prop.Description)
   153  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have a 'deep_time_slice' property")
   154  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items, "deep_time_slice should have had an items property")
   155  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items.Schema, "deep_time_slice.items should have had a schema property")
   156  	assert.True(t, prop.UniqueItems, "'deep_time_slice' should have unique items")
   157  	assert.EqualValues(t, 3, *prop.MinItems, "'deep_time_slice' should have had 3 min items")
   158  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *prop.MaxItems, "'deep_time_slice' should have had 10 max items")
   159  	itprop = prop.Items.Schema
   160  	if assert.NotNil(t, itprop) {
   161  		assert.EqualValues(t, 4, *itprop.MinItems, "'deep_time_slice.items.minItems' should have been 4")
   162  		assert.EqualValues(t, 9, *itprop.MaxItems, "'deep_time_slice.items.maxItems' should have been 9")
   163  		itprop2 := itprop.Items.Schema
   164  		if assert.NotNil(t, itprop2) {
   165  			assert.EqualValues(t, 5, *itprop2.MinItems, "'deep_time_slice.items.items.minItems' should have been 5")
   166  			assert.EqualValues(t, 8, *itprop2.MaxItems, "'deep_time_slice.items.items.maxItems' should have been 8")
   167  			itprop3 := itprop2.Items.Schema
   168  			assert.NotNil(t, itprop3)
   169  		}
   170  	}
   172  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "object", "items", "", "Items")
   173  	prop, ok = schema.Properties["items"]
   174  	assert.True(t, ok, "should have an 'items' slice")
   175  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items, "items should have had an items property")
   176  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items.Schema, "items.items should have had a schema property")
   177  	itprop = prop.Items.Schema
   178  	assert.Len(t, itprop.Properties, 5)
   179  	assert.Len(t, itprop.Required, 4)
   180  	assertProperty(t, itprop, "integer", "id", "int32", "ID")
   181  	iprop, ok := itprop.Properties["id"]
   182  	assert.True(t, ok)
   183  	assert.Equal(t, "ID of this no model instance.\nids in this application start at 11 and are smaller than 1000", iprop.Description)
   184  	assert.EqualValues(t, 1000, *iprop.Maximum)
   185  	assert.True(t, iprop.ExclusiveMaximum, "'id' should have had an exclusive maximum")
   186  	assert.NotNil(t, iprop.Minimum)
   187  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *iprop.Minimum)
   188  	assert.True(t, iprop.ExclusiveMinimum, "'id' should have had an exclusive minimum")
   189  	assert.Equal(t, 11, iprop.Default, "ID default value is incorrect")
   191  	assertRef(t, itprop, "pet", "Pet", "#/definitions/pet")
   192  	iprop, ok = itprop.Properties["pet"]
   193  	assert.True(t, ok)
   194  	if itprop.Ref.String() != "" {
   195  		assert.Equal(t, "The Pet to add to this NoModel items bucket.\nPets can appear more than once in the bucket", iprop.Description)
   196  	}
   198  	assertProperty(t, itprop, "integer", "quantity", "int16", "Quantity")
   199  	iprop, ok = itprop.Properties["quantity"]
   200  	assert.True(t, ok)
   201  	assert.Equal(t, "The amount of pets to add to this bucket.", iprop.Description)
   202  	assert.EqualValues(t, 1, *iprop.Minimum)
   203  	assert.EqualValues(t, 10, *iprop.Maximum)
   205  	assertProperty(t, itprop, "string", "expiration", "date-time", "Expiration")
   206  	iprop, ok = itprop.Properties["expiration"]
   207  	assert.True(t, ok)
   208  	assert.Equal(t, "A dummy expiration date.", iprop.Description)
   210  	assertProperty(t, itprop, "string", "notes", "", "Notes")
   211  	iprop, ok = itprop.Properties["notes"]
   212  	assert.True(t, ok)
   213  	assert.Equal(t, "Notes to add to this item.\nThis can be used to add special instructions.", iprop.Description)
   215  	definitions := make(map[string]spec.Schema)
   216  	sp := newSchemaParser(classificationProg)
   217  	pn := ""
   218  	// pnr := "../fixtures/goparsing/classification/models"
   219  	pkg := classificationProg.Package(pn)
   220  	if assert.NotNil(t, pkg) {
   222  		fnd := false
   223  		for _, fil := range pkg.Files {
   224  			nm := filepath.Base(classificationProg.Fset.File(fil.Pos()).Name())
   225  			if nm == "order.go" {
   226  				fnd = true
   227  				err := sp.Parse(fil, definitions)
   228  				assert.NoError(t, err)
   229  				break
   230  			}
   231  		}
   232  		assert.True(t, fnd)
   233  		msch, ok := definitions["order"]
   234  		assert.True(t, ok)
   235  		assert.Equal(t, pn, msch.Extensions["x-go-package"])
   236  		assert.Equal(t, "StoreOrder", msch.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   237  	}
   238  }
   240  func TestEmbeddedTypes(t *testing.T) {
   241  	schema := noModelDefs["ComplexerOne"]
   242  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "age", "int32", "Age")
   243  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "id", "int64", "ID")
   244  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "createdAt", "date-time", "CreatedAt")
   245  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "extra", "", "Extra")
   246  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "name", "", "Name")
   247  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "notes", "", "Notes")
   248  }
   250  func TestArrayOfPointers(t *testing.T) {
   251  	schema := noModelDefs["cars"]
   252  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "array", "cars", "", "Cars")
   253  }
   255  func TestEmbeddedAllOf(t *testing.T) {
   256  	schema := noModelDefs["AllOfModel"]
   258  	assert.Len(t, schema.AllOf, 3)
   259  	asch := schema.AllOf[0]
   260  	assertProperty(t, &asch, "integer", "age", "int32", "Age")
   261  	assertProperty(t, &asch, "integer", "id", "int64", "ID")
   262  	assertProperty(t, &asch, "string", "name", "", "Name")
   264  	asch = schema.AllOf[1]
   265  	assert.Equal(t, "#/definitions/withNotes", asch.Ref.String())
   267  	asch = schema.AllOf[2]
   268  	assertProperty(t, &asch, "string", "createdAt", "date-time", "CreatedAt")
   269  	assertProperty(t, &asch, "integer", "did", "int64", "DID")
   270  	assertProperty(t, &asch, "string", "cat", "", "Cat")
   271  }
   273  func TestEmbeddedStarExpr(t *testing.T) {
   274  	schema := noModelDefs["EmbeddedStarExpr"]
   276  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "embeddedMember", "int64", "EmbeddedMember")
   277  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "notEmbedded", "int64", "NotEmbedded")
   278  }
   280  func TestOverridingOneIgnore(t *testing.T) {
   281  	schema := noModelDefs["OverridingOneIgnore"]
   283  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "id", "int64", "ID")
   284  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "name", "", "Name")
   285  	assert.Len(t, schema.Properties, 2)
   286  }
   288  func TestAliasedTypes(t *testing.T) {
   289  	schema := noModelDefs["OtherTypes"]
   290  	assertRef(t, &schema, "named", "Named", "#/definitions/SomeStringType")
   291  	assertRef(t, &schema, "numbered", "Numbered", "#/definitions/SomeIntType")
   292  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "dated", "date-time", "Dated")
   293  	assertRef(t, &schema, "timed", "Timed", "#/definitions/SomeTimedType")
   294  	assertRef(t, &schema, "petted", "Petted", "#/definitions/SomePettedType")
   295  	assertRef(t, &schema, "somethinged", "Somethinged", "#/definitions/SomethingType")
   296  	assertRef(t, &schema, "strMap", "StrMap", "#/definitions/SomeStringMap")
   297  	assertRef(t, &schema, "strArrMap", "StrArrMap", "#/definitions/SomeArrayStringMap")
   299  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyNamed", "ManyNamed", "#/definitions/SomeStringsType")
   300  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyNumbered", "ManyNumbered", "#/definitions/SomeIntsType")
   301  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "manyDated", "date-time", "ManyDated")
   302  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyTimed", "ManyTimed", "#/definitions/SomeTimedsType")
   303  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyPetted", "ManyPetted", "#/definitions/SomePettedsType")
   304  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manySomethinged", "ManySomethinged", "#/definitions/SomethingsType")
   306  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "nameds", "Nameds", "#/definitions/SomeStringType")
   307  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "numbereds", "Numbereds", "#/definitions/SomeIntType")
   308  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "dateds", "date-time", "Dateds")
   309  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "timeds", "Timeds", "#/definitions/SomeTimedType")
   310  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "petteds", "Petteds", "#/definitions/SomePettedType")
   311  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "somethingeds", "Somethingeds", "#/definitions/SomethingType")
   313  	assertRef(t, &schema, "modsNamed", "ModsNamed", "#/definitions/modsSomeStringType")
   314  	assertRef(t, &schema, "modsNumbered", "ModsNumbered", "#/definitions/modsSomeIntType")
   315  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "modsDated", "date-time", "ModsDated")
   316  	assertRef(t, &schema, "modsTimed", "ModsTimed", "#/definitions/modsSomeTimedType")
   317  	assertRef(t, &schema, "modsPetted", "ModsPetted", "#/definitions/modsSomePettedType")
   319  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "modsNameds", "ModsNameds", "#/definitions/modsSomeStringType")
   320  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "modsNumbereds", "ModsNumbereds", "#/definitions/modsSomeIntType")
   321  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "modsDateds", "date-time", "ModsDateds")
   322  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "modsTimeds", "ModsTimeds", "#/definitions/modsSomeTimedType")
   323  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "modsPetteds", "ModsPetteds", "#/definitions/modsSomePettedType")
   325  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyModsNamed", "ManyModsNamed", "#/definitions/modsSomeStringsType")
   326  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyModsNumbered", "ManyModsNumbered", "#/definitions/modsSomeIntsType")
   327  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "manyModsDated", "date-time", "ManyModsDated")
   328  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyModsTimed", "ManyModsTimed", "#/definitions/modsSomeTimedsType")
   329  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyModsPetted", "ManyModsPetted", "#/definitions/modsSomePettedsType")
   330  	assertRef(t, &schema, "manyModsPettedPtr", "ManyModsPettedPtr", "#/definitions/modsSomePettedsPtrType")
   332  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "namedAlias", "", "NamedAlias")
   333  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "numberedAlias", "int64", "NumberedAlias")
   334  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "namedsAlias", "", "NamedsAlias")
   335  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "numberedsAlias", "int64", "NumberedsAlias")
   336  }
   338  func TestParsePrimitiveSchemaProperty(t *testing.T) {
   339  	schema := noModelDefs["PrimateModel"]
   340  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "boolean", "a", "", "A")
   341  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "b", "int32", "B")
   342  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "c", "", "C")
   343  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "d", "int64", "D")
   344  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "e", "int8", "E")
   345  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "f", "int16", "F")
   346  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "g", "int32", "G")
   347  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "h", "int64", "H")
   348  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "i", "uint64", "I")
   349  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "j", "uint8", "J")
   350  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "k", "uint16", "K")
   351  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "l", "uint32", "L")
   352  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "m", "uint64", "M")
   353  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "number", "n", "float", "N")
   354  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "number", "o", "double", "O")
   355  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "p", "uint8", "P")
   356  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "q", "uint64", "Q")
   357  }
   359  func TestParseStringFormatSchemaProperty(t *testing.T) {
   360  	schema := noModelDefs["FormattedModel"]
   361  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "a", "byte", "A")
   362  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "b", "creditcard", "B")
   363  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "c", "date", "C")
   364  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "d", "date-time", "D")
   365  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "e", "duration", "E")
   366  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "f", "email", "F")
   367  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "g", "hexcolor", "G")
   368  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "h", "hostname", "H")
   369  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "i", "ipv4", "I")
   370  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "j", "ipv6", "J")
   371  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "k", "isbn", "K")
   372  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "l", "isbn10", "L")
   373  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "m", "isbn13", "M")
   374  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "n", "rgbcolor", "N")
   375  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "o", "ssn", "O")
   376  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "p", "uri", "P")
   377  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "q", "uuid", "Q")
   378  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "r", "uuid3", "R")
   379  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "s", "uuid4", "S")
   380  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "t", "uuid5", "T")
   381  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "u", "mac", "U")
   382  }
   384  func assertProperty(t testing.TB, schema *spec.Schema, typeName, jsonName, format, goName string) {
   385  	if typeName == "" {
   386  		assert.Empty(t, schema.Properties[jsonName].Type)
   387  	} else {
   388  		if assert.NotEmpty(t, schema.Properties[jsonName].Type) {
   389  			assert.Equal(t, typeName, schema.Properties[jsonName].Type[0])
   390  		}
   391  	}
   392  	if goName == "" {
   393  		assert.Equal(t, nil, schema.Properties[jsonName].Extensions["x-go-name"])
   394  	} else {
   395  		assert.Equal(t, goName, schema.Properties[jsonName].Extensions["x-go-name"])
   396  	}
   397  	assert.Equal(t, format, schema.Properties[jsonName].Format)
   398  }
   400  func assertRef(t testing.TB, schema *spec.Schema, jsonName, goName, fragment string) {
   401  	assert.Empty(t, schema.Properties[jsonName].Type)
   402  	psch := schema.Properties[jsonName]
   403  	assert.Equal(t, fragment, psch.Ref.String())
   404  }
   406  func TestParseStructFields(t *testing.T) {
   407  	schema := noModelDefs["SimpleComplexModel"]
   408  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "object", "emb", "", "Emb")
   409  	eSchema := schema.Properties["emb"]
   410  	assertProperty(t, &eSchema, "integer", "cid", "int64", "CID")
   411  	assertProperty(t, &eSchema, "string", "baz", "", "Baz")
   413  	assertRef(t, &schema, "top", "Top", "#/definitions/Something")
   414  	assertRef(t, &schema, "notSel", "NotSel", "#/definitions/NotSelected")
   415  }
   417  func TestParsePointerFields(t *testing.T) {
   418  	schema := noModelDefs["Pointdexter"]
   420  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "id", "int64", "ID")
   421  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "name", "", "Name")
   422  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "object", "emb", "", "Emb")
   423  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "string", "t", "uuid5", "T")
   424  	eSchema := schema.Properties["emb"]
   425  	assertProperty(t, &eSchema, "integer", "cid", "int64", "CID")
   426  	assertProperty(t, &eSchema, "string", "baz", "", "Baz")
   428  	assertRef(t, &schema, "top", "Top", "#/definitions/Something")
   429  	assertRef(t, &schema, "notSel", "NotSel", "#/definitions/NotSelected")
   430  }
   432  func assertArrayProperty(t testing.TB, schema *spec.Schema, typeName, jsonName, format, goName string) {
   433  	prop := schema.Properties[jsonName]
   434  	assert.NotEmpty(t, prop.Type)
   435  	assert.True(t, prop.Type.Contains("array"))
   436  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.Items)
   437  	if typeName != "" {
   438  		assert.Equal(t, typeName, prop.Items.Schema.Type[0])
   439  	}
   440  	assert.Equal(t, goName, prop.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   441  	assert.Equal(t, format, prop.Items.Schema.Format)
   442  }
   444  func assertArrayRef(t testing.TB, schema *spec.Schema, jsonName, goName, fragment string) {
   445  	assertArrayProperty(t, schema, "", jsonName, "", goName)
   446  	psch := schema.Properties[jsonName].Items.Schema
   447  	assert.Equal(t, fragment, psch.Ref.String())
   448  }
   450  func TestParseSliceFields(t *testing.T) {
   451  	schema := noModelDefs["SliceAndDice"]
   453  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "ids", "int64", "IDs")
   454  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "names", "", "Names")
   455  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "uuids", "uuid", "UUIDs")
   456  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "object", "embs", "", "Embs")
   457  	eSchema := schema.Properties["embs"].Items.Schema
   458  	assertArrayProperty(t, eSchema, "integer", "cid", "int64", "CID")
   459  	assertArrayProperty(t, eSchema, "string", "baz", "", "Baz")
   461  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "tops", "Tops", "#/definitions/Something")
   462  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "notSels", "NotSels", "#/definitions/NotSelected")
   464  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "ptrIds", "int64", "PtrIDs")
   465  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "ptrNames", "", "PtrNames")
   466  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "string", "ptrUuids", "uuid", "PtrUUIDs")
   467  	assertArrayProperty(t, &schema, "object", "ptrEmbs", "", "PtrEmbs")
   468  	eSchema = schema.Properties["ptrEmbs"].Items.Schema
   469  	assertArrayProperty(t, eSchema, "integer", "ptrCid", "int64", "PtrCID")
   470  	assertArrayProperty(t, eSchema, "string", "ptrBaz", "", "PtrBaz")
   472  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "ptrTops", "PtrTops", "#/definitions/Something")
   473  	assertArrayRef(t, &schema, "ptrNotSels", "PtrNotSels", "#/definitions/NotSelected")
   474  }
   476  func assertMapProperty(t testing.TB, schema *spec.Schema, typeName, jsonName, format, goName string) {
   477  	prop := schema.Properties[jsonName]
   478  	assert.NotEmpty(t, prop.Type)
   479  	assert.True(t, prop.Type.Contains("object"))
   480  	assert.NotNil(t, prop.AdditionalProperties)
   481  	if typeName != "" {
   482  		assert.Equal(t, typeName, prop.AdditionalProperties.Schema.Type[0])
   483  	}
   484  	assert.Equal(t, goName, prop.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   485  	assert.Equal(t, format, prop.AdditionalProperties.Schema.Format)
   486  }
   488  func assertMapRef(t testing.TB, schema *spec.Schema, jsonName, goName, fragment string) {
   489  	assertMapProperty(t, schema, "", jsonName, "", goName)
   490  	psch := schema.Properties[jsonName].AdditionalProperties.Schema
   491  	assert.Equal(t, fragment, psch.Ref.String())
   492  }
   494  func TestParseMapFields(t *testing.T) {
   495  	schema := noModelDefs["MapTastic"]
   497  	assertMapProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "ids", "int64", "IDs")
   498  	assertMapProperty(t, &schema, "string", "names", "", "Names")
   499  	assertMapProperty(t, &schema, "string", "uuids", "uuid", "UUIDs")
   500  	assertMapProperty(t, &schema, "object", "embs", "", "Embs")
   501  	eSchema := schema.Properties["embs"].AdditionalProperties.Schema
   502  	assertMapProperty(t, eSchema, "integer", "cid", "int64", "CID")
   503  	assertMapProperty(t, eSchema, "string", "baz", "", "Baz")
   505  	assertMapRef(t, &schema, "tops", "Tops", "#/definitions/Something")
   506  	assertMapRef(t, &schema, "notSels", "NotSels", "#/definitions/NotSelected")
   508  	assertMapProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "ptrIds", "int64", "PtrIDs")
   509  	assertMapProperty(t, &schema, "string", "ptrNames", "", "PtrNames")
   510  	assertMapProperty(t, &schema, "string", "ptrUuids", "uuid", "PtrUUIDs")
   511  	assertMapProperty(t, &schema, "object", "ptrEmbs", "", "PtrEmbs")
   512  	eSchema = schema.Properties["ptrEmbs"].AdditionalProperties.Schema
   513  	assertMapProperty(t, eSchema, "integer", "ptrCid", "int64", "PtrCID")
   514  	assertMapProperty(t, eSchema, "string", "ptrBaz", "", "PtrBaz")
   516  	assertMapRef(t, &schema, "ptrTops", "PtrTops", "#/definitions/Something")
   517  	assertMapRef(t, &schema, "ptrNotSels", "PtrNotSels", "#/definitions/NotSelected")
   518  }
   520  func TestInterfaceField(t *testing.T) {
   522  	_ = classificationProg
   523  	schema := noModelDefs["Interfaced"]
   524  	assertProperty(t, &schema, "object", "custom_data", "", "CustomData")
   525  }
   527  func TestStructDiscriminators(t *testing.T) {
   528  	_ = classificationProg
   529  	schema := noModelDefs["animal"]
   531  	assert.Equal(t, "BaseStruct", schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   532  	assert.Equal(t, schema.Discriminator, "jsonClass")
   534  	sch := noModelDefs["gazelle"]
   535  	assert.Len(t, sch.AllOf, 2)
   536  	cl, _ := sch.Extensions.GetString("x-class")
   537  	assert.Equal(t, "a.b.c.d.E", cl)
   538  	cl, _ = sch.Extensions.GetString("x-go-name")
   539  	assert.Equal(t, "Gazelle", cl)
   541  	sch = noModelDefs["giraffe"]
   542  	assert.Len(t, sch.AllOf, 2)
   543  	cl, _ = sch.Extensions.GetString("x-class")
   544  	assert.Equal(t, "", cl)
   545  	cl, _ = sch.Extensions.GetString("x-go-name")
   546  	assert.Equal(t, "Giraffe", cl)
   548  	//sch = noModelDefs["lion"]
   550  	//b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(sch, "", "  ")
   551  	//fmt.Println(string(b))
   553  }
   555  func TestInterfaceDiscriminators(t *testing.T) {
   556  	_ = classificationProg
   557  	schema, ok := noModelDefs["fish"]
   558  	if assert.True(t, ok) && assert.Len(t, schema.AllOf, 5) {
   559  		sch := schema.AllOf[0]
   560  		assert.Len(t, sch.Properties, 1)
   561  		assertProperty(t, &sch, "integer", "id", "int64", "ID")
   563  		sch = schema.AllOf[1]
   564  		assert.Equal(t, "#/definitions/water", sch.Ref.String())
   565  		sch = schema.AllOf[2]
   566  		assert.Equal(t, "#/definitions/extra", sch.Ref.String())
   568  		sch = schema.AllOf[3]
   569  		assert.Len(t, sch.Properties, 1)
   570  		assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "colorName", "", "ColorName")
   572  		sch = schema.AllOf[4]
   573  		assert.Len(t, sch.Properties, 2)
   574  		assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "name", "", "Name")
   575  		assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "jsonClass", "", "StructType")
   576  		assert.Equal(t, "jsonClass", sch.Discriminator)
   577  	}
   579  	schema, ok = noModelDefs["modelS"]
   580  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   581  		assert.Len(t, schema.AllOf, 2)
   582  		cl, _ := schema.Extensions.GetString("x-class")
   583  		assert.Equal(t, "com.tesla.models.ModelS", cl)
   584  		cl, _ = schema.Extensions.GetString("x-go-name")
   585  		assert.Equal(t, "ModelS", cl)
   587  		sch := schema.AllOf[0]
   588  		assert.Equal(t, "#/definitions/TeslaCar", sch.Ref.String())
   589  		sch = schema.AllOf[1]
   590  		assert.Len(t, sch.Properties, 1)
   591  		assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "edition", "", "Edition")
   592  	}
   594  	schema, ok = noModelDefs["modelA"]
   595  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   597  		cl, _ := schema.Extensions.GetString("x-go-name")
   598  		assert.Equal(t, "ModelA", cl)
   600  		sch, ok := schema.Properties["Tesla"]
   601  		if assert.True(t, ok) {
   602  			assert.Equal(t, "#/definitions/TeslaCar", sch.Ref.String())
   603  		}
   605  		assertProperty(t, &schema, "integer", "doors", "int64", "Doors")
   606  	}
   607  }
   609  func TestStringStructTag(t *testing.T) {
   610  	_ = classificationProg
   611  	sch := noModelDefs["jsonString"]
   612  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt", "int64", "SomeInt")
   613  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt8", "int8", "SomeInt8")
   614  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt16", "int16", "SomeInt16")
   615  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt32", "int32", "SomeInt32")
   616  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt64", "int64", "SomeInt64")
   617  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint", "uint64", "SomeUint")
   618  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint8", "uint8", "SomeUint8")
   619  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint16", "uint16", "SomeUint16")
   620  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint32", "uint32", "SomeUint32")
   621  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint64", "uint64", "SomeUint64")
   622  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someFloat64", "double", "SomeFloat64")
   623  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someString", "", "SomeString")
   624  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someBool", "", "SomeBool")
   626  	prop, ok := sch.Properties["somethingElse"]
   627  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   628  		assert.NotEqual(t, "string", prop.Type)
   629  	}
   630  }
   632  func TestPtrFieldStringStructTag(t *testing.T) {
   633  	_ = classificationProg
   634  	sch := noModelDefs["jsonPtrString"]
   635  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt", "int64", "SomeInt")
   636  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt8", "int8", "SomeInt8")
   637  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt16", "int16", "SomeInt16")
   638  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt32", "int32", "SomeInt32")
   639  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someInt64", "int64", "SomeInt64")
   640  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint", "uint64", "SomeUint")
   641  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint8", "uint8", "SomeUint8")
   642  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint16", "uint16", "SomeUint16")
   643  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint32", "uint32", "SomeUint32")
   644  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someUint64", "uint64", "SomeUint64")
   645  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someFloat64", "double", "SomeFloat64")
   646  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someString", "", "SomeString")
   647  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someBool", "", "SomeBool")
   649  	prop, ok := sch.Properties["somethingElse"]
   650  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   651  		assert.NotEqual(t, "string", prop.Type)
   652  	}
   653  }
   655  func TestIgnoredStructField(t *testing.T) {
   656  	_ = classificationProg
   657  	sch := noModelDefs["ignoredFields"]
   658  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someIncludedField", "", "SomeIncludedField")
   659  	assertProperty(t, &sch, "string", "someErroneouslyIncludedField", "", "SomeErroneouslyIncludedField")
   660  	assert.Len(t, sch.Properties, 2)
   661  }
   663  func TestAliasedModels(t *testing.T) {
   664  	_, defs := extraModelsClassifier(t)
   666  	names := []string{
   667  		"SomeStringType",
   668  		"SomeIntType",
   669  		"SomeTimeType",
   670  		"SomeTimedType",
   671  		"SomePettedType",
   672  		"SomethingType",
   673  		"SomeStringsType",
   674  		"SomeIntsType",
   675  		"SomeTimesType",
   676  		"SomeTimedsType",
   677  		"SomePettedsType",
   678  		"SomethingsType",
   679  		"SomeObject",
   680  	}
   681  	for k := range defs {
   682  		for i, b := range names {
   683  			if b == k {
   684  				names = append(names[:i], names[i+1:]...)
   685  			}
   686  		}
   687  	}
   688  	if assert.Empty(t, names) {
   689  		// single value types
   690  		assertDefinition(t, defs, "SomeStringType", "string", "", "")
   691  		assertDefinition(t, defs, "SomeIntType", "integer", "int64", "")
   692  		assertDefinition(t, defs, "SomeTimeType", "string", "date-time", "")
   693  		assertDefinition(t, defs, "SomeTimedType", "string", "date-time", "")
   694  		assertRefDefinition(t, defs, "SomePettedType", "#/definitions/pet", "")
   695  		assertRefDefinition(t, defs, "SomethingType", "#/definitions/Something", "")
   697  		// slice types
   698  		assertArrayDefinition(t, defs, "SomeStringsType", "string", "", "")
   699  		assertArrayDefinition(t, defs, "SomeIntsType", "integer", "int64", "")
   700  		assertArrayDefinition(t, defs, "SomeTimesType", "string", "date-time", "")
   701  		assertArrayDefinition(t, defs, "SomeTimedsType", "string", "date-time", "")
   702  		assertArrayWithRefDefinition(t, defs, "SomePettedsType", "#/definitions/pet", "")
   703  		assertArrayWithRefDefinition(t, defs, "SomethingsType", "#/definitions/Something", "")
   705  		// map types
   706  		assertMapDefinition(t, defs, "SomeObject", "object", "", "")
   707  		assertMapDefinition(t, defs, "SomeStringMap", "string", "", "")
   708  		assertMapDefinition(t, defs, "SomeIntMap", "integer", "int64", "")
   709  		assertMapDefinition(t, defs, "SomeTimeMap", "string", "date-time", "")
   710  		assertMapDefinition(t, defs, "SomeTimedMap", "string", "date-time", "")
   711  		assertMapWithRefDefinition(t, defs, "SomePettedMap", "#/definitions/pet", "")
   712  		assertMapWithRefDefinition(t, defs, "SomeSomethingMap", "#/definitions/Something", "")
   713  	}
   714  }
   716  func assertDefinition(t testing.TB, defs map[string]spec.Schema, defName, typeName, formatName, goName string) {
   717  	schema, ok := defs[defName]
   718  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   720  		if assert.NotEmpty(t, schema.Type) {
   721  			assert.Equal(t, typeName, schema.Type[0])
   722  			if goName != "" {
   723  				assert.Equal(t, goName, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   724  			} else {
   725  				assert.Nil(t, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   726  			}
   727  			assert.Equal(t, formatName, schema.Format)
   728  		}
   729  	}
   730  }
   732  func assertMapDefinition(t testing.TB, defs map[string]spec.Schema, defName, typeName, formatName, goName string) {
   733  	schema, ok := defs[defName]
   734  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   735  		if assert.NotEmpty(t, schema.Type) {
   736  			assert.Equal(t, "object", schema.Type[0])
   737  			adl := schema.AdditionalProperties
   738  			if assert.NotNil(t, adl) && assert.NotNil(t, adl.Schema) {
   739  				assert.Equal(t, typeName, adl.Schema.Type[0])
   740  				assert.Equal(t, formatName, adl.Schema.Format)
   741  			}
   742  			if goName != "" {
   743  				assert.Equal(t, goName, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   744  			} else {
   745  				assert.Nil(t, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   746  			}
   747  		}
   748  	}
   749  }
   751  func assertMapWithRefDefinition(t testing.TB, defs map[string]spec.Schema, defName, refURL, goName string) {
   752  	schema, ok := defs[defName]
   753  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   754  		if assert.NotEmpty(t, schema.Type) {
   755  			assert.Equal(t, "object", schema.Type[0])
   756  			adl := schema.AdditionalProperties
   757  			if assert.NotNil(t, adl) && assert.NotNil(t, adl.Schema) {
   758  				if assert.NotZero(t, adl.Schema.Ref) {
   759  					assert.Equal(t, refURL, adl.Schema.Ref.String())
   760  				}
   761  			}
   762  			if goName != "" {
   763  				assert.Equal(t, goName, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   764  			} else {
   765  				assert.Nil(t, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   766  			}
   767  		}
   768  	}
   769  }
   771  func assertArrayDefinition(t testing.TB, defs map[string]spec.Schema, defName, typeName, formatName, goName string) {
   772  	schema, ok := defs[defName]
   773  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   774  		if assert.NotEmpty(t, schema.Type) {
   775  			assert.Equal(t, "array", schema.Type[0])
   776  			adl := schema.Items
   777  			if assert.NotNil(t, adl) && assert.NotNil(t, adl.Schema) {
   778  				assert.Equal(t, typeName, adl.Schema.Type[0])
   779  				assert.Equal(t, formatName, adl.Schema.Format)
   780  			}
   781  			if goName != "" {
   782  				assert.Equal(t, goName, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   783  			} else {
   784  				assert.Nil(t, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   785  			}
   786  		}
   787  	}
   788  }
   790  func assertArrayWithRefDefinition(t testing.TB, defs map[string]spec.Schema, defName, refURL, goName string) {
   791  	schema, ok := defs[defName]
   792  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   793  		if assert.NotEmpty(t, schema.Type) {
   794  			assert.Equal(t, "array", schema.Type[0])
   795  			adl := schema.Items
   796  			if assert.NotNil(t, adl) && assert.NotNil(t, adl.Schema) {
   797  				if assert.NotZero(t, adl.Schema.Ref) {
   798  					assert.Equal(t, refURL, adl.Schema.Ref.String())
   799  				}
   800  			}
   801  			if goName != "" {
   802  				assert.Equal(t, goName, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   803  			} else {
   804  				assert.Nil(t, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   805  			}
   806  		}
   807  	}
   808  }
   810  func assertRefDefinition(t testing.TB, defs map[string]spec.Schema, defName, refURL, goName string) {
   811  	schema, ok := defs[defName]
   812  	if assert.True(t, ok) {
   813  		if assert.NotZero(t, schema.Ref) {
   814  			url := schema.Ref.String()
   815  			assert.Equal(t, refURL, url)
   816  			if goName != "" {
   817  				assert.Equal(t, goName, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   818  			} else {
   819  				assert.Nil(t, schema.Extensions["x-go-name"])
   820  			}
   821  		}
   822  	}
   823  }
   825  func TestAddExtension(t *testing.T) {
   826  	ve := &spec.VendorExtensible{
   827  		Extensions: make(spec.Extensions),
   828  	}
   830  	key := "x-go-name"
   831  	value := "Name"
   832  	addExtension(ve, key, value)
   833  	assert.Equal(t, value, ve.Extensions[key].(string))
   835  	key2 := "x-go-package"
   836  	value2 := "schema"
   837  	os.Setenv("SWAGGER_GENERATE_EXTENSION", "true")
   838  	addExtension(ve, key2, value2)
   839  	assert.Equal(t, value2, ve.Extensions[key2].(string))
   841  	key3 := "x-go-class"
   842  	value3 := "Spec"
   843  	os.Setenv("SWAGGER_GENERATE_EXTENSION", "false")
   844  	addExtension(ve, key3, value3)
   845  	assert.Equal(t, nil, ve.Extensions[key3])
   846  }