
     1  /*
     2  *
     3  * Gosora Plugin System
     4  * Copyright Azareal 2016 - 2021
     5  *
     6   */
     7  package common
     9  // TODO: Break this file up into multiple files to make it easier to maintain
    10  import (
    11  	"database/sql"
    12  	"errors"
    13  	"log"
    14  	"net/http"
    15  	"sync"
    16  	"sync/atomic"
    18  	qgen ""
    19  )
    21  var ErrPluginNotInstallable = errors.New("This plugin is not installable")
    23  type PluginList map[string]*Plugin
    25  // TODO: Have a proper store rather than a map?
    26  var Plugins PluginList = make(map[string]*Plugin)
    28  func (l PluginList) Add(pl *Plugin) {
    29  	buildPlugin(pl)
    30  	l[pl.UName] = pl
    31  }
    33  func buildPlugin(pl *Plugin) {
    34  	pl.Installable = (pl.Install != nil)
    35  	/*
    36  		The Active field should never be altered by a plugin. It's used internally by the software to determine whether an admin has enabled a plugin or not and whether to run it. This will be overwritten by the user's preference.
    37  	*/
    38  	pl.Active = false
    39  	pl.Installed = false
    40  	pl.Hooks = make(map[string]int)
    41  	pl.Data = nil
    42  }
    44  var hookTableBox atomic.Value
    46  // ! HookTable is a work in progress, do not use it yet
    47  // TODO: Test how fast it is to indirect hooks off the hook table as opposed to using them normally or using an interface{} for the hooks
    48  // TODO: Can we filter the HookTable for each request down to only hooks the request actually uses?
    49  // TODO: Make the RunXHook functions methods on HookTable
    50  // TODO: Have plugins update hooks on a mutex guarded map and create a copy of that map in a serial global goroutine which gets thrown in the atomic.Value
    51  type HookTable struct {
    52  	//Hooks           map[string][]func(interface{}) interface{}
    53  	HooksNoRet      map[string][]func(interface{})
    54  	HooksSkip       map[string][]func(interface{}) bool
    55  	Vhooks          map[string]func(...interface{}) interface{}
    56  	VhookSkippable_ map[string]func(...interface{}) (bool, RouteError)
    57  	Sshooks         map[string][]func(string) string
    58  	PreRenderHooks  map[string][]func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *User, interface{}) bool
    60  	// For future use:
    61  	//messageHooks map[string][]func(Message, PageInt, ...interface{}) interface{}
    62  }
    64  func init() {
    65  	RebuildHookTable()
    66  }
    68  // For extend.go use only, access this via GetHookTable() elsewhere
    69  var hookTable = &HookTable{
    70  	//map[string][]func(interface{}) interface{}{},
    71  	map[string][]func(interface{}){
    72  		"forums_frow_assign": nil, //hg
    73  	},
    74  	map[string][]func(interface{}) bool{
    75  		"topic_create_frow_assign": nil, //hg
    76  	},
    77  	map[string]func(...interface{}) interface{}{
    78  		//"convo_post_update":nil,
    79  		//"convo_post_create":nil,
    81  		///"forum_trow_assign":       nil,
    82  		"topics_topic_row_assign": nil,
    83  		//"topics_user_row_assign": nil,
    84  		"topic_reply_row_assign": nil,
    85  		"create_group_preappend": nil, // What is this? Investigate!
    86  		"topic_create_pre_loop":  nil,
    88  		"router_end": nil,
    89  	},
    90  	map[string]func(...interface{}) (bool, RouteError){
    91  		"simple_forum_check_pre_perms": nil, //hg
    92  		"forum_check_pre_perms":        nil, //hg
    94  		"route_topic_list_start":            nil,
    95  		"route_topic_list_mostviewed_start": nil,
    96  		"route_forum_list_start":            nil,
    97  		"route_attach_start":                nil,
    98  		"route_attach_post_get":             nil,
   100  		"action_end_create_topic":  nil,
   101  		"action_end_edit_topic":    nil,
   102  		"action_end_delete_topic":  nil,
   103  		"action_end_lock_topic":    nil,
   104  		"action_end_unlock_topic":  nil,
   105  		"action_end_stick_topic":   nil,
   106  		"action_end_unstick_topic": nil,
   107  		"action_end_move_topic":    nil,
   108  		"action_end_like_topic":    nil,
   109  		"action_end_unlike_topic":  nil,
   111  		"action_end_create_reply":             nil,
   112  		"action_end_edit_reply":               nil,
   113  		"action_end_delete_reply":             nil,
   114  		"action_end_add_attach_to_reply":      nil,
   115  		"action_end_remove_attach_from_reply": nil,
   117  		"action_end_like_reply":   nil,
   118  		"action_end_unlike_reply": nil,
   120  		"action_end_ban_user":      nil,
   121  		"action_end_unban_user":    nil,
   122  		"action_end_activate_user": nil,
   124  		"router_after_filters": nil,
   125  		"router_pre_route":     nil,
   127  		"tasks_tick_topic_list": nil,
   128  		"tasks_tick_widget_wol": nil,
   130  		"counters_perf_tick_row": nil,
   131  	},
   132  	map[string][]func(string) string{
   133  		"preparse_preassign":  nil,
   134  		"parse_assign":        nil,
   135  		"topic_ogdesc_assign": nil,
   136  	},
   137  	nil,
   138  	//nil,
   139  }
   140  var hookTableUpdateMutex sync.Mutex
   142  func RebuildHookTable() {
   143  	hookTableUpdateMutex.Lock()
   144  	defer hookTableUpdateMutex.Unlock()
   145  	unsafeRebuildHookTable()
   146  }
   148  func unsafeRebuildHookTable() {
   149  	ihookTable := new(HookTable)
   150  	*ihookTable = *hookTable
   151  	hookTableBox.Store(ihookTable)
   152  }
   154  func GetHookTable() *HookTable {
   155  	return hookTableBox.Load().(*HookTable)
   156  }
   158  // Hooks with a single argument. Is this redundant? Might be useful for inlining, as variadics aren't inlined? Are closures even inlined to begin with?
   159  /*func (t *HookTable) Hook(name string, data interface{}) interface{} {
   160  	for _, hook := range t.Hooks[name] {
   161  		data = hook(data)
   162  	}
   163  	return data
   164  }*/
   166  func (t *HookTable) HookNoRet(name string, data interface{}) {
   167  	for _, hook := range t.HooksNoRet[name] {
   168  		hook(data)
   169  	}
   170  }
   172  // To cover the case in routes/topic.go's CreateTopic route, we could probably obsolete this use and replace it
   173  func (t *HookTable) HookSkip(name string, data interface{}) (skip bool) {
   174  	for _, hook := range t.HooksSkip[name] {
   175  		if skip = hook(data); skip {
   176  			break
   177  		}
   178  	}
   179  	return skip
   180  }
   182  // Hooks with a variable number of arguments
   183  // TODO: Use RunHook semantics to allow multiple lined up plugins / modules their turn?
   184  func (t *HookTable) Vhook(name string, data ...interface{}) interface{} {
   185  	if hook := t.Vhooks[name]; hook != nil {
   186  		return hook(data...)
   187  	}
   188  	return nil
   189  }
   191  func (t *HookTable) VhookNoRet(name string, data ...interface{}) {
   192  	if hook := t.Vhooks[name]; hook != nil {
   193  		_ = hook(data...)
   194  	}
   195  }
   197  // TODO: Find a better way of doing this
   198  func (t *HookTable) VhookNeedHook(name string, data ...interface{}) (ret interface{}, hasHook bool) {
   199  	if hook := t.Vhooks[name]; hook != nil {
   200  		return hook(data...), true
   201  	}
   202  	return nil, false
   203  }
   205  // Hooks with a variable number of arguments and return values for skipping the parent function and propagating an error upwards
   206  func (t *HookTable) VhookSkippable(name string, data ...interface{}) (bool, RouteError) {
   207  	if hook := t.VhookSkippable_[name]; hook != nil {
   208  		return hook(data...)
   209  	}
   210  	return false, nil
   211  }
   213  /*func VhookSkippableTest(t *HookTable, name string, data ...interface{}) (bool, RouteError) {
   214  	if hook := t.VhookSkippable_[name]; hook != nil {
   215  		return hook(data...)
   216  	}
   217  	return false, nil
   218  }
   220  func forum_check_pre_perms_hook(t *HookTable, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User, fid *int, h *Header) (bool, RouteError) {
   221  	hook := t.VhookSkippable_["forum_check_pre_perms"]
   222  	if hook != nil {
   223  		return hook(w, r, u, fid, h)
   224  	}
   225  	return false, nil
   226  }*/
   228  // Hooks which take in and spit out a string. This is usually used for parser components
   229  // Trying to get a teeny bit of type-safety where-ever possible, especially for such a critical set of hooks
   230  func (t *HookTable) Sshook(name, data string) string {
   231  	for _, hook := range t.Sshooks[name] {
   232  		data = hook(data)
   233  	}
   234  	return data
   235  }
   237  //var vhookErrorable = map[string]func(...interface{}) (interface{}, RouteError){}
   239  var taskHooks = map[string][]func() error{
   240  	"before_half_second_tick":    nil,
   241  	"after_half_second_tick":     nil,
   242  	"before_second_tick":         nil,
   243  	"after_second_tick":          nil,
   244  	"before_fifteen_minute_tick": nil,
   245  	"after_fifteen_minute_tick":  nil,
   246  	"before_shutdown_tick":       nil,
   247  	"after_shutdown_tick":        nil,
   248  }
   250  // Coming Soon:
   251  type Message interface {
   252  	ID() int
   253  	Poster() int
   254  	Contents() string
   255  	ParsedContents() string
   256  }
   258  // While the idea is nice, this might result in too much code duplication, as we have seventy billion page structs, what else could we do to get static typing with these in plugins?
   259  type PageInt interface {
   260  	Title() string
   261  	Header() *Header
   262  	CurrentUser() *User
   263  	GetExtData(name string) interface{}
   264  	SetExtData(name string, contents interface{})
   265  }
   267  // Coming Soon:
   268  var messageHooks = map[string][]func(Message, PageInt, ...interface{}) interface{}{
   269  	"topic_reply_row_assign": nil,
   270  }
   272  // The hooks which run before the template is rendered for a route
   273  var PreRenderHooks = map[string][]func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *User, interface{}) bool{
   274  	"pre_render": nil,
   276  	"pre_render_forums":       nil,
   277  	"pre_render_forum":        nil,
   278  	"pre_render_topics":       nil,
   279  	"pre_render_topic":        nil,
   280  	"pre_render_profile":      nil,
   281  	"pre_render_custom_page":  nil,
   282  	"pre_render_tmpl_page":    nil,
   283  	"pre_render_overview":     nil,
   284  	"pre_render_create_topic": nil,
   286  	"pre_render_account_own_edit":           nil,
   287  	"pre_render_account_own_edit_password":  nil,
   288  	"pre_render_account_own_edit_mfa":       nil,
   289  	"pre_render_account_own_edit_mfa_setup": nil,
   290  	"pre_render_account_own_edit_email":     nil,
   291  	"pre_render_level_list":                 nil,
   292  	"pre_render_login":                      nil,
   293  	"pre_render_login_mfa_verify":           nil,
   294  	"pre_render_register":                   nil,
   295  	"pre_render_ban":                        nil,
   296  	"pre_render_ip_search":                  nil,
   298  	"pre_render_panel_dashboard":        nil,
   299  	"pre_render_panel_forums":           nil,
   300  	"pre_render_panel_delete_forum":     nil,
   301  	"pre_render_panel_forum_edit":       nil,
   302  	"pre_render_panel_forum_edit_perms": nil,
   304  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_views":          nil,
   305  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_routes":         nil,
   306  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_agents":         nil,
   307  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_systems":        nil,
   308  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_referrers":      nil,
   309  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_route_views":    nil,
   310  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_agent_views":    nil,
   311  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_system_views":   nil,
   312  	"pre_render_panel_analytics_referrer_views": nil,
   314  	"pre_render_panel_settings":          nil,
   315  	"pre_render_panel_setting":           nil,
   316  	"pre_render_panel_word_filters":      nil,
   317  	"pre_render_panel_word_filters_edit": nil,
   318  	"pre_render_panel_plugins":           nil,
   319  	"pre_render_panel_users":             nil,
   320  	"pre_render_panel_user_edit":         nil,
   321  	"pre_render_panel_groups":            nil,
   322  	"pre_render_panel_group_edit":        nil,
   323  	"pre_render_panel_group_edit_perms":  nil,
   324  	"pre_render_panel_themes":            nil,
   325  	"pre_render_panel_modlogs":           nil,
   327  	"pre_render_error": nil, // Note: This hook isn't run for a few errors whose templates are computed at startup and reused, such as InternalError. This hook is also not available in JS mode.
   328  	// ^-- I don't know if it's run for InternalError, but it isn't computed at startup anymore
   329  	"pre_render_security_error": nil,
   330  }
   332  // ? - Should we make this an interface which plugins implement instead?
   333  // Plugin is a struct holding the metadata for a plugin, along with a few of it's primary handlers.
   334  type Plugin struct {
   335  	UName       string
   336  	Name        string
   337  	Author      string
   338  	URL         string
   339  	Settings    string
   340  	Active      bool
   341  	Tag         string
   342  	Type        string
   343  	Installable bool
   344  	Installed   bool
   346  	Init       func(pl *Plugin) error
   347  	Activate   func(pl *Plugin) error
   348  	Deactivate func(pl *Plugin) // TODO: We might want to let this return an error?
   349  	Install    func(pl *Plugin) error
   350  	Uninstall  func(pl *Plugin) error // TODO: I'm not sure uninstall is implemented
   352  	Hooks map[string]int // Active hooks
   353  	Meta  PluginMetaData
   354  	Data  interface{} // Usually used for hosting the VMs / reusable elements of non-native plugins
   355  }
   357  type PluginMetaData struct {
   358  	Hooks []string
   359  	//StaticHooks map[string]string
   360  }
   362  func (pl *Plugin) BypassActive() (active bool, err error) {
   363  	err = extendStmts.isActive.QueryRow(pl.UName).Scan(&active)
   364  	if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
   365  		return false, err
   366  	}
   367  	return active, nil
   368  }
   370  func (pl *Plugin) InDatabase() (exists bool, err error) {
   371  	var sink bool
   372  	err = extendStmts.isActive.QueryRow(pl.UName).Scan(&sink)
   373  	if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
   374  		return false, err
   375  	}
   376  	return err == nil, nil
   377  }
   379  // TODO: Silently add to the database, if it doesn't exist there rather than forcing users to call AddToDatabase instead?
   380  func (pl *Plugin) SetActive(active bool) (err error) {
   381  	_, err = extendStmts.setActive.Exec(active, pl.UName)
   382  	if err == nil {
   383  		pl.Active = active
   384  	}
   385  	return err
   386  }
   388  // TODO: Silently add to the database, if it doesn't exist there rather than forcing users to call AddToDatabase instead?
   389  func (pl *Plugin) SetInstalled(installed bool) (err error) {
   390  	if !pl.Installable {
   391  		return ErrPluginNotInstallable
   392  	}
   393  	_, err = extendStmts.setInstalled.Exec(installed, pl.UName)
   394  	if err == nil {
   395  		pl.Installed = installed
   396  	}
   397  	return err
   398  }
   400  func (pl *Plugin) AddToDatabase(active, installed bool) (err error) {
   401  	_, err = extendStmts.add.Exec(pl.UName, active, installed)
   402  	if err == nil {
   403  		pl.Active = active
   404  		pl.Installed = installed
   405  	}
   406  	return err
   407  }
   409  type ExtendStmts struct {
   410  	getPlugins *sql.Stmt
   412  	isActive     *sql.Stmt
   413  	setActive    *sql.Stmt
   414  	setInstalled *sql.Stmt
   415  	add          *sql.Stmt
   416  }
   418  var extendStmts ExtendStmts
   420  func init() {
   421  	DbInits.Add(func(acc *qgen.Accumulator) error {
   422  		pl := "plugins"
   423  		extendStmts = ExtendStmts{
   424  			getPlugins: acc.Select(pl).Columns("uname,active,installed").Prepare(),
   426  			isActive:     acc.Select(pl).Columns("active").Where("uname=?").Prepare(),
   427  			setActive:    acc.Update(pl).Set("active=?").Where("uname=?").Prepare(),
   428  			setInstalled: acc.Update(pl).Set("installed=?").Where("uname=?").Prepare(),
   429  			add:          acc.Insert(pl).Columns("uname,active,installed").Fields("?,?,?").Prepare(),
   430  		}
   431  		return acc.FirstError()
   432  	})
   433  }
   435  func InitExtend() error {
   436  	err := InitPluginLangs()
   437  	if err != nil {
   438  		return err
   439  	}
   440  	return Plugins.Load()
   441  }
   443  // Load polls the database to see which plugins have been activated and which have been installed
   444  func (l PluginList) Load() error {
   445  	rows, err := extendStmts.getPlugins.Query()
   446  	if err != nil {
   447  		return err
   448  	}
   449  	defer rows.Close()
   451  	var uname string
   452  	var active, installed bool
   453  	for rows.Next() {
   454  		err = rows.Scan(&uname, &active, &installed)
   455  		if err != nil {
   456  			return err
   457  		}
   459  		// Was the plugin deleted at some point?
   460  		pl, ok := l[uname]
   461  		if !ok {
   462  			continue
   463  		}
   464  		pl.Active = active
   465  		pl.Installed = installed
   466  		l[uname] = pl
   467  	}
   468  	return rows.Err()
   469  }
   471  // ? - Is this racey?
   472  // TODO: Generate the cases in this switch
   473  func (pl *Plugin) AddHook(name string, hInt interface{}) {
   474  	hookTableUpdateMutex.Lock()
   475  	defer hookTableUpdateMutex.Unlock()
   477  	switch h := hInt.(type) {
   478  	/*case func(interface{}) interface{}:
   479  	if len(hookTable.Hooks[name]) == 0 {
   480  		hookTable.Hooks[name] = []func(interface{}) interface{}{}
   481  	}
   482  	hookTable.Hooks[name] = append(hookTable.Hooks[name], h)
   483  	pl.Hooks[name] = len(hookTable.Hooks[name]) - 1*/
   484  	case func(interface{}):
   485  		if len(hookTable.HooksNoRet[name]) == 0 {
   486  			hookTable.HooksNoRet[name] = []func(interface{}){}
   487  		}
   488  		hookTable.HooksNoRet[name] = append(hookTable.HooksNoRet[name], h)
   489  		pl.Hooks[name] = len(hookTable.HooksNoRet[name]) - 1
   490  	case func(interface{}) bool:
   491  		if len(hookTable.HooksSkip[name]) == 0 {
   492  			hookTable.HooksSkip[name] = []func(interface{}) bool{}
   493  		}
   494  		hookTable.HooksSkip[name] = append(hookTable.HooksSkip[name], h)
   495  		pl.Hooks[name] = len(hookTable.HooksSkip[name]) - 1
   496  	case func(string) string:
   497  		if len(hookTable.Sshooks[name]) == 0 {
   498  			hookTable.Sshooks[name] = []func(string) string{}
   499  		}
   500  		hookTable.Sshooks[name] = append(hookTable.Sshooks[name], h)
   501  		pl.Hooks[name] = len(hookTable.Sshooks[name]) - 1
   502  	case func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *User, interface{}) bool:
   503  		if len(PreRenderHooks[name]) == 0 {
   504  			PreRenderHooks[name] = []func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *User, interface{}) bool{}
   505  		}
   506  		PreRenderHooks[name] = append(PreRenderHooks[name], h)
   507  		pl.Hooks[name] = len(PreRenderHooks[name]) - 1
   508  	case func() error: // ! We might want a more generic name, as we might use this signature for things other than tasks hooks
   509  		if len(taskHooks[name]) == 0 {
   510  			taskHooks[name] = []func() error{}
   511  		}
   512  		taskHooks[name] = append(taskHooks[name], h)
   513  		pl.Hooks[name] = len(taskHooks[name]) - 1
   514  	case func(...interface{}) interface{}:
   515  		hookTable.Vhooks[name] = h
   516  		pl.Hooks[name] = 0
   517  	case func(...interface{}) (bool, RouteError):
   518  		hookTable.VhookSkippable_[name] = h
   519  		pl.Hooks[name] = 0
   520  	default:
   521  		panic("I don't recognise this kind of handler!") // Should this be an error for the plugin instead of a panic()?
   522  	}
   523  	// TODO: Do this once during plugin activation / deactivation rather than doing it for each hook
   524  	unsafeRebuildHookTable()
   525  }
   527  // ? - Is this racey?
   528  // TODO: Generate the cases in this switch
   529  func (pl *Plugin) RemoveHook(name string, hInt interface{}) {
   530  	hookTableUpdateMutex.Lock()
   531  	defer hookTableUpdateMutex.Unlock()
   533  	key, ok := pl.Hooks[name]
   534  	if !ok {
   535  		panic("handler not registered as hook")
   536  	}
   538  	switch hInt.(type) {
   539  	/*case func(interface{}) interface{}:
   540  	hook := hookTable.Hooks[name]
   541  	if len(hook) == 1 {
   542  		hook = []func(interface{}) interface{}{}
   543  	} else {
   544  		hook = append(hook[:key], hook[key+1:]...)
   545  	}
   546  	hookTable.Hooks[name] = hook*/
   547  	case func(interface{}):
   548  		hook := hookTable.HooksNoRet[name]
   549  		if len(hook) == 1 {
   550  			hook = []func(interface{}){}
   551  		} else {
   552  			hook = append(hook[:key], hook[key+1:]...)
   553  		}
   554  		hookTable.HooksNoRet[name] = hook
   555  	case func(interface{}) bool:
   556  		hook := hookTable.HooksSkip[name]
   557  		if len(hook) == 1 {
   558  			hook = []func(interface{}) bool{}
   559  		} else {
   560  			hook = append(hook[:key], hook[key+1:]...)
   561  		}
   562  		hookTable.HooksSkip[name] = hook
   563  	case func(string) string:
   564  		hook := hookTable.Sshooks[name]
   565  		if len(hook) == 1 {
   566  			hook = []func(string) string{}
   567  		} else {
   568  			hook = append(hook[:key], hook[key+1:]...)
   569  		}
   570  		hookTable.Sshooks[name] = hook
   571  	case func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *User, interface{}) bool:
   572  		hook := PreRenderHooks[name]
   573  		if len(hook) == 1 {
   574  			hook = []func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, *User, interface{}) bool{}
   575  		} else {
   576  			hook = append(hook[:key], hook[key+1:]...)
   577  		}
   578  		PreRenderHooks[name] = hook
   579  	case func() error:
   580  		hook := taskHooks[name]
   581  		if len(hook) == 1 {
   582  			hook = []func() error{}
   583  		} else {
   584  			hook = append(hook[:key], hook[key+1:]...)
   585  		}
   586  		taskHooks[name] = hook
   587  	case func(...interface{}) interface{}:
   588  		delete(hookTable.Vhooks, name)
   589  	case func(...interface{}) (bool, RouteError):
   590  		delete(hookTable.VhookSkippable_, name)
   591  	default:
   592  		panic("I don't recognise this kind of handler!") // Should this be an error for the plugin instead of a panic()?
   593  	}
   594  	delete(pl.Hooks, name)
   595  	// TODO: Do this once during plugin activation / deactivation rather than doing it for each hook
   596  	unsafeRebuildHookTable()
   597  }
   599  // TODO: Add a HasHook method to complete the AddHook, RemoveHook, etc. set?
   601  var PluginsInited = false
   603  func InitPlugins() {
   604  	for name, body := range Plugins {
   605  		log.Printf("Added plugin '%s'", name)
   606  		if body.Active {
   607  			log.Printf("Initialised plugin '%s'", name)
   608  			if body.Init != nil {
   609  				if err := body.Init(body); err != nil {
   610  					log.Print(err)
   611  				}
   612  			} else {
   613  				log.Printf("Plugin '%s' doesn't have an initialiser.", name)
   614  			}
   615  		}
   616  	}
   617  	PluginsInited = true
   618  }
   620  // ? - Are the following functions racey?
   621  func RunTaskHook(name string) error {
   622  	for _, hook := range taskHooks[name] {
   623  		if e := hook(); e != nil {
   624  			return e
   625  		}
   626  	}
   627  	return nil
   628  }
   630  func RunPreRenderHook(name string, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, u *User, data interface{}) (halt bool) {
   631  	// This hook runs on ALL PreRender hooks
   632  	preRenderHooks, ok := PreRenderHooks["pre_render"]
   633  	if ok {
   634  		for _, hook := range preRenderHooks {
   635  			if hook(w, r, u, data) {
   636  				return true
   637  			}
   638  		}
   639  	}
   641  	// The actual PreRender hook
   642  	preRenderHooks, ok = PreRenderHooks[name]
   643  	if ok {
   644  		for _, hook := range preRenderHooks {
   645  			if hook(w, r, u, data) {
   646  				return true
   647  			}
   648  		}
   649  	}
   650  	return false
   651  }