
     1  package common
     3  import (
     4  	"bytes"
     5  	//"fmt"
     6  	//"log"
     8  	"net/url"
     9  	"path/filepath"
    10  	"regexp"
    11  	"strconv"
    12  	"strings"
    13  	"unicode/utf8"
    14  )
    16  // TODO: Use the template system?
    17  // TODO: Somehow localise these?
    18  var SpaceGap = []byte("          ")
    19  var httpProtBytes = []byte("http://")
    20  var DoubleForwardSlash = []byte("//")
    21  var InvalidURL = []byte("<red>[Invalid URL]</red>")
    22  var InvalidTopic = []byte("<red>[Invalid Topic]</red>")
    23  var InvalidProfile = []byte("<red>[Invalid Profile]</red>")
    24  var InvalidForum = []byte("<red>[Invalid Forum]</red>")
    25  var unknownMedia = []byte("<red>[Unknown Media]</red>")
    26  var URLOpen = []byte("<a href='")
    27  var URLOpenUser = []byte("<a rel='ugc'href='")
    28  var URLOpen2 = []byte("'>")
    29  var bytesSinglequote = []byte("'")
    30  var bytesGreaterThan = []byte(">")
    31  var urlMention = []byte("'class='mention'")
    32  var URLClose = []byte("</a>")
    33  var videoOpen = []byte("<video controls src=\"")
    34  var videoOpen2 = []byte("\"><a class='attach'href=\"")
    35  var videoClose = []byte("\"download>Attachment</a></video>")
    36  var audioOpen = []byte("<audio controls src=\"")
    37  var audioOpen2 = []byte("\"><a class='attach'href=\"")
    38  var audioClose = []byte("\"download>Attachment</a></audio>")
    39  var imageOpen = []byte("<a href=\"")
    40  var imageOpen2 = []byte("\"><img src='")
    41  var imageClose = []byte("'class='postImage'></a>")
    42  var attachOpen = []byte("<a class='attach'href=\"")
    43  var attachClose = []byte("\"download>Attachment</a>")
    44  var sidParam = []byte("?sid=")
    45  var stypeParam = []byte("&amp;stype=")
    47  /*var textShortOpen = []byte("<a class='attach'href=\"")
    48  var textShortOpen2 = []byte("\">View</a> / <a class='attach'href=\"")
    49  var textShortClose = []byte("\"download>Download</a>")*/
    50  var textOpen = []byte("<div class='attach_box'><div class='attach_info'>")
    51  var textOpen2 = []byte("</div><div class='attach_opts'><a class='attach'href=\"")
    52  var textOpen3 = []byte("\">View</a> / <a class='attach'href=\"")
    53  var textClose = []byte("\"download>Download</a></div></div>")
    54  var urlPattern = `(?s)([ {1}])((http|https|ftp|mailto)*)(:{??)\/\/([\.a-zA-Z\/]+)([ {1}])`
    55  var urlReg *regexp.Regexp
    57  const imageSizeHint = len("<a href=\"") + len("\"><img src='") + len("'class='postImage'></a>")
    58  const videoSizeHint = len("<video controls src=\"") + len("\"><a class='attach'href=\"") + len("\"download>Attachment</a></video>") + len("?sid=") + len("&amp;stype=") + 8
    59  const audioSizeHint = len("<audio controls src=\"") + len("\"><a class='attach'href=\"") + len("\"download>Attachment</a></audio>") + len("?sid=") + len("&amp;stype=") + 8
    60  const mentionSizeHint = len("<a href='") + len("'class='mention'") + len(">@") + len("</a>")
    62  func init() {
    63  	urlReg = regexp.MustCompile(urlPattern)
    64  }
    66  var emojis map[string]string
    68  type emojiHolder struct {
    69  	NoDefault bool                `json:"no_defaults"`
    70  	Emojis    []map[string]string `json:"emojis"`
    71  }
    73  func InitEmoji() error {
    74  	var emoji emojiHolder
    75  	err := unmarshalJsonFile("./config/emoji_default.json", &emoji)
    76  	if err != nil {
    77  		return err
    78  	}
    80  	emojis = make(map[string]string, len(emoji.Emojis))
    81  	if !emoji.NoDefault {
    82  		for _, item := range emoji.Emojis {
    83  			for ikey, ival := range item {
    84  				emojis[ikey] = ival
    85  			}
    86  		}
    87  	}
    89  	emoji = emojiHolder{}
    90  	err = unmarshalJsonFileIgnore404("./config/emoji.json", &emoji)
    91  	if err != nil {
    92  		return err
    93  	}
    94  	if emoji.NoDefault {
    95  		emojis = make(map[string]string)
    96  	}
    98  	for _, item := range emoji.Emojis {
    99  		for ikey, ival := range item {
   100  			emojis[ikey] = ival
   101  		}
   102  	}
   104  	return nil
   105  }
   107  // TODO: Write a test for this
   108  func shortcodeToUnicode(msg string) string {
   109  	//re := regexp.MustCompile(":(.):")
   110  	for shortcode, emoji := range emojis {
   111  		msg = strings.Replace(msg, shortcode, emoji, -1)
   112  	}
   113  	return msg
   114  }
   116  type TagToAction struct {
   117  	Suffix      string
   118  	Do          func(*TagToAction, bool, int, []rune) (int, string) // func(tagToAction,open,i,runes) (newI, output)
   119  	Depth       int                                                 // For use by Do
   120  	PartialMode bool
   121  }
   123  // TODO: Write a test for this
   124  func tryStepForward(i, step int, runes []rune) (int, bool) {
   125  	i += step
   126  	if i < len(runes) {
   127  		return i, true
   128  	}
   129  	return i - step, false
   130  }
   132  // TODO: Write a test for this
   133  func tryStepBackward(i, step int, runes []rune) (int, bool) {
   134  	if i == 0 {
   135  		return i, false
   136  	}
   137  	return i - 1, true
   138  }
   140  // TODO: Preparse Markdown and normalize it into HTML?
   141  // TODO: Use a string builder
   142  func PreparseMessage(msg string) string {
   143  	// TODO: Kick this check down a level into SanitiseBody?
   144  	if !utf8.ValidString(msg) {
   145  		return ""
   146  	}
   147  	msg = strings.Replace(msg, "<p><br>", "\n\n", -1)
   148  	msg = strings.Replace(msg, "<p>", "\n\n", -1)
   149  	msg = strings.Replace(msg, "</p>", "", -1)
   150  	// TODO: Make this looser by moving it to the reverse HTML parser?
   151  	msg = strings.Replace(msg, "<br>", "\n\n", -1)
   152  	msg = strings.Replace(msg, "<br />", "\n\n", -1) // XHTML style
   153  	msg = strings.Replace(msg, "&nbsp;", "", -1)
   154  	msg = strings.Replace(msg, "\r", "", -1) // Windows artifact
   155  	//msg = strings.Replace(msg, "\n\n\n\n", "\n\n\n", -1)
   156  	msg = GetHookTable().Sshook("preparse_preassign", msg)
   157  	// There are a few useful cases for having spaces, but I'd like to stop the WYSIWYG from inserting random lines here and there
   158  	msg = SanitiseBody(msg)
   160  	runes := []rune(msg)
   161  	msg = ""
   163  	// TODO: We can maybe reduce the size of this by using an offset?
   164  	// TODO: Move some of these closures out of this function to make things a little more efficient
   165  	allowedTags := [][]string{
   166  		'e': {"m"},
   167  		's': {"", "trong", "poiler", "pan"},
   168  		'd': {"el"},
   169  		'u': {""},
   170  		'b': {"", "lockquote"},
   171  		'i': {""},
   172  		'h': {"1", "2", "3"},
   173  		//'p': {""},
   174  		'g': {""}, // Quick and dirty fix for Grammarly
   175  	}
   176  	buildLitMatch := func(tag string) func(*TagToAction, bool, int, []rune) (int, string) {
   177  		return func(action *TagToAction, open bool, _ int, _ []rune) (int, string) {
   178  			if open {
   179  				action.Depth++
   180  				return -1, "<" + tag + ">"
   181  			}
   182  			if action.Depth <= 0 {
   183  				return -1, ""
   184  			}
   185  			action.Depth--
   186  			return -1, "</" + tag + ">"
   187  		}
   188  	}
   189  	tagToAction := [][]*TagToAction{
   190  		'e': {{"m", buildLitMatch("em"), 0, false}},
   191  		's': {
   192  			{"", buildLitMatch("del"), 0, false},
   193  			{"trong", buildLitMatch("strong"), 0, false},
   194  			{"poiler", buildLitMatch("spoiler"), 0, false},
   195  			// Hides the span tags Trumbowyg loves blasting out randomly
   196  			{"pan", func(act *TagToAction, open bool, i int, runes []rune) (int, string) {
   197  				if open {
   198  					act.Depth++
   199  					//fmt.Println("skipping attributes")
   200  					for ; i < len(runes); i++ {
   201  						if runes[i] == '&' && peekMatch(i, "gt;", runes) {
   202  							//fmt.Println("found tag exit")
   203  							return i + 3, " "
   204  						}
   205  					}
   206  					return -1, " "
   207  				}
   208  				if act.Depth <= 0 {
   209  					return -1, " "
   210  				}
   211  				act.Depth--
   212  				return -1, " "
   213  			}, 0, true},
   214  		},
   215  		'd': {{"el", buildLitMatch("del"), 0, false}},
   216  		'u': {{"", buildLitMatch("u"), 0, false}},
   217  		'b': {
   218  			{"", buildLitMatch("strong"), 0, false},
   219  			{"lockquote", buildLitMatch("blockquote"), 0, false},
   220  		},
   221  		'i': {{"", buildLitMatch("em"), 0, false}},
   222  		'h': {
   223  			{"1", buildLitMatch("h2"), 0, false},
   224  			{"2", buildLitMatch("h3"), 0, false},
   225  			{"3", buildLitMatch("h4"), 0, false},
   226  		},
   227  		//'p': {{"", buildLitMatch2("\n\n", ""), 0, false}},
   228  		'g': {
   229  			{"", func(act *TagToAction, open bool, i int, runes []rune) (int, string) {
   230  				if open {
   231  					act.Depth++
   232  					//fmt.Println("skipping attributes")
   233  					for ; i < len(runes); i++ {
   234  						if runes[i] == '&' && peekMatch(i, "gt;", runes) {
   235  							//fmt.Println("found tag exit")
   236  							return i + 3, " "
   237  						}
   238  					}
   239  					return -1, " "
   240  				}
   241  				if act.Depth <= 0 {
   242  					return -1, " "
   243  				}
   244  				act.Depth--
   245  				return -1, " "
   246  			}, 0, true},
   247  		},
   248  	}
   249  	// TODO: Implement a less literal parser
   250  	// TODO: Use a string builder
   251  	// TODO: Implement faster emoji parser
   252  	for i := 0; i < len(runes); i++ {
   253  		char := runes[i]
   254  		// TODO: Make the slashes escapable too in case someone means to use a literaly slash, maybe as an example of how to escape elements?
   255  		if char == '\\' {
   256  			if peekMatch(i, "&lt;", runes) {
   257  				msg += "&"
   258  				i++
   259  			}
   260  		} else if char == '&' && peekMatch(i, "lt;", runes) {
   261  			var ok bool
   262  			i, ok = tryStepForward(i, 4, runes)
   263  			if !ok {
   264  				msg += "&lt;"
   265  				break
   266  			}
   267  			char := runes[i]
   268  			if int(char) >= len(allowedTags) {
   269  				//fmt.Println("sentinel char out of bounds")
   270  				msg += "&"
   271  				i -= 4
   272  				continue
   273  			}
   275  			var closeTag bool
   276  			if char == '/' {
   277  				//fmt.Println("found close tag")
   278  				i, ok = tryStepForward(i, 1, runes)
   279  				if !ok {
   280  					msg += "&lt;/"
   281  					break
   282  				}
   283  				char = runes[i]
   284  				closeTag = true
   285  			}
   287  			tags := allowedTags[char]
   288  			if len(tags) == 0 {
   289  				//fmt.Println("couldn't find char in allowedTags")
   290  				msg += "&"
   291  				if closeTag {
   292  					//msg += "&lt;/"
   293  					//msg += "&"
   294  					i -= 5
   295  				} else {
   296  					//msg += "&"
   297  					i -= 4
   298  				}
   299  				continue
   300  			}
   301  			// TODO: Scan through tags and make sure the suffix is present to reduce the number of false positives which hit the loop below
   302  			//fmt.Printf("tags: %+v\n", tags)
   304  			newI := -1
   305  			var out string
   306  			toActionList := tagToAction[char]
   307  			for _, toAction := range toActionList {
   308  				// TODO: Optimise this, maybe with goto or a function call to avoid scanning the text twice?
   309  				if (toAction.PartialMode && !closeTag && peekMatch(i, toAction.Suffix, runes)) || peekMatch(i, toAction.Suffix+"&gt;", runes) {
   310  					newI, out = toAction.Do(toAction, !closeTag, i, runes)
   311  					if newI != -1 {
   312  						i = newI
   313  					} else if out != "" {
   314  						i += len(toAction.Suffix + "&gt;")
   315  					}
   316  					break
   317  				}
   318  			}
   319  			if out == "" {
   320  				msg += "&"
   321  				if closeTag {
   322  					i -= 5
   323  				} else {
   324  					i -= 4
   325  				}
   326  			} else if out != " " {
   327  				msg += out
   328  			}
   329  		} else if char == '@' && (i == 0 || runes[i-1] < 33) {
   330  			// TODO: Handle usernames containing spaces, maybe in the front-end with AJAX
   331  			// Do not mention-ify ridiculously long things
   332  			var ok bool
   333  			i, ok = tryStepForward(i, 1, runes)
   334  			if !ok {
   335  				msg += "@"
   336  				continue
   337  			}
   338  			start := i
   340  			for j := 0; i < len(runes) && j < Config.MaxUsernameLength; j++ {
   341  				cchar := runes[i]
   342  				if cchar < 33 {
   343  					break
   344  				}
   345  				i++
   346  			}
   348  			username := string(runes[start:i])
   349  			if username == "" {
   350  				msg += "@"
   351  				i = start - 1
   352  				continue
   353  			}
   355  			user, err := Users.GetByName(username)
   356  			if err != nil {
   357  				if err != ErrNoRows {
   358  					LogError(err)
   359  				}
   360  				msg += "@"
   361  				i = start - 1
   362  				continue
   363  			}
   364  			msg += "@" + strconv.Itoa(user.ID)
   365  			i--
   366  		} else {
   367  			msg += string(char)
   368  		}
   369  	}
   371  	for _, actionList := range tagToAction {
   372  		for _, toAction := range actionList {
   373  			if toAction.Depth > 0 {
   374  				for ; toAction.Depth > 0; toAction.Depth-- {
   375  					_, out := toAction.Do(toAction, false, len(runes), runes)
   376  					if out != "" {
   377  						msg += out
   378  					}
   379  				}
   380  			}
   381  		}
   382  	}
   383  	return strings.TrimSpace(shortcodeToUnicode(msg))
   384  }
   386  // TODO: Test this
   387  // TODO: Use this elsewhere in the parser?
   388  func peek(cur, skip int, runes []rune) rune {
   389  	if (cur + skip) < len(runes) {
   390  		return runes[cur+skip]
   391  	}
   392  	return 0 // null byte
   393  }
   395  // TODO: Test this
   396  func peekMatch(cur int, phrase string, runes []rune) bool {
   397  	if cur+len(phrase) > len(runes) {
   398  		return false
   399  	}
   400  	for i, char := range phrase {
   401  		if cur+i+1 >= len(runes) {
   402  			return false
   403  		}
   404  		if runes[cur+i+1] != char {
   405  			return false
   406  		}
   407  	}
   408  	return true
   409  }
   411  // ! Not concurrency safe
   412  func AddHashLinkType(prefix string, h func(*strings.Builder, string, *int)) {
   413  	// There can only be one hash link type starting with a specific character at the moment
   414  	hashType := hashLinkTypes[prefix[0]]
   415  	if hashType != "" {
   416  		return
   417  	}
   418  	hashLinkMap[prefix] = h
   419  	hashLinkTypes[prefix[0]] = prefix
   420  }
   422  func WriteURL(sb *strings.Builder, url, label string) {
   423  	sb.Write(URLOpen)
   424  	sb.WriteString(url)
   425  	sb.Write(URLOpen2)
   426  	sb.WriteString(label)
   427  	sb.Write(URLClose)
   428  }
   430  var hashLinkTypes = []string{'t': "tid-", 'r': "rid-", 'f': "fid-"}
   431  var hashLinkMap = map[string]func(*strings.Builder, string, *int){
   432  	"tid-": func(sb *strings.Builder, msg string, i *int) {
   433  		tid, intLen := CoerceIntString(msg[*i:])
   434  		*i += intLen
   436  		topic, err := Topics.Get(tid)
   437  		if err != nil || !Forums.Exists(topic.ParentID) {
   438  			sb.Write(InvalidTopic)
   439  			return
   440  		}
   441  		WriteURL(sb, BuildTopicURL("", tid), "#tid-"+strconv.Itoa(tid))
   442  	},
   443  	"rid-": func(sb *strings.Builder, msg string, i *int) {
   444  		rid, intLen := CoerceIntString(msg[*i:])
   445  		*i += intLen
   447  		topic, err := TopicByReplyID(rid)
   448  		if err != nil || !Forums.Exists(topic.ParentID) {
   449  			sb.Write(InvalidTopic)
   450  			return
   451  		}
   452  		// TODO: Send the user to the right page and post not just the right topic?
   453  		WriteURL(sb, BuildTopicURL("", topic.ID), "#rid-"+strconv.Itoa(rid))
   454  	},
   455  	"fid-": func(sb *strings.Builder, msg string, i *int) {
   456  		fid, intLen := CoerceIntString(msg[*i:])
   457  		*i += intLen
   459  		if !Forums.Exists(fid) {
   460  			sb.Write(InvalidForum)
   461  			return
   462  		}
   463  		WriteURL(sb, BuildForumURL("", fid), "#fid-"+strconv.Itoa(fid))
   464  	},
   465  	// TODO: Forum Shortcode Link
   466  }
   468  // TODO: Pack multiple bit flags into an integer instead of using a struct?
   469  var DefaultParseSettings = &ParseSettings{}
   471  type ParseSettings struct {
   472  	NoEmbed bool
   473  }
   475  func (ps *ParseSettings) CopyPtr() *ParseSettings {
   476  	n := &ParseSettings{}
   477  	*n = *ps
   478  	return n
   479  }
   481  func ParseMessage(msg string, sectionID int, sectionType string, settings *ParseSettings, user *User) string {
   482  	msg, _ = ParseMessage2(msg, sectionID, sectionType, settings, user)
   483  	return msg
   484  }
   486  var litRepPrefix = []byte{':', ';'}
   488  //var litRep = [][]byte{':':{')','(','D','O','o','P','p'},';':{')'}}
   489  var litRep = [][]string{':': {')': "😀", '(': "😞", 'D': "😃", 'O': "😲", 'o': "😲", 'P': "😛", 'p': "😛"}, ';': {')': "😉"}}
   491  // TODO: Write a test for this
   492  // TODO: We need a lot more hooks here. E.g. To add custom media types and handlers.
   493  // TODO: Use templates to reduce the amount of boilerplate?
   494  func ParseMessage2(msg string, sectionID int, sectionType string, settings *ParseSettings, user *User) (string, bool) {
   495  	if settings == nil {
   496  		settings = DefaultParseSettings
   497  	}
   498  	if user == nil {
   499  		user = &GuestUser
   500  	}
   501  	// TODO: Word boundary detection for these to avoid mangling code
   502  	/*rep := func(find, replace string) {
   503  		msg = strings.Replace(msg, find, replace, -1)
   504  	}
   505  	rep(":)", "😀")
   506  	rep(":(", "😞")
   507  	rep(":D", "😃")
   508  	rep(":P", "😛")
   509  	rep(":O", "😲")
   510  	rep(":p", "😛")
   511  	rep(":o", "😲")
   512  	rep(";)", "😉")*/
   514  	// Word filter list. E.g. Swear words and other things the admins don't like
   515  	filters, err := WordFilters.GetAll()
   516  	if err != nil {
   517  		LogError(err)
   518  		return "", false
   519  	}
   520  	for _, f := range filters {
   521  		msg = strings.Replace(msg, f.Find, f.Replace, -1)
   522  	}
   523  	if len(msg) < 2 {
   524  		msg = strings.Replace(msg, "\n", "<br>", -1)
   525  		msg = GetHookTable().Sshook("parse_assign", msg)
   526  		return msg, false
   527  	}
   529  	// Search for URLs, mentions and hashlinks in the messages...
   530  	var sb strings.Builder
   531  	lastItem := 0
   532  	i := 0
   533  	var externalHead bool
   534  	//var c bool
   535  	//fmt.Println("msg:", "'"+msg+"'")
   536  	for ; len(msg) > i; i++ {
   537  		//fmt.Printf("msg[%d]: %s\n",i,string(msg[i]))
   538  		if (i == 0 && (msg[0] > 32)) || (len(msg) > (i+1) && (msg[i] < 33) && (msg[i+1] > 32)) {
   539  			//fmt.Println("s1")
   540  			if (i != 0) || msg[i] < 33 {
   541  				i++
   542  			}
   543  			if len(msg) <= (i + 1) {
   544  				break
   545  			}
   546  			//fmt.Println("s2")
   547  			ch := msg[i]
   549  			// Very short literal matcher
   550  			if len(litRep) > int(ch) {
   551  				sl := litRep[ch]
   552  				if sl != nil {
   553  					i++
   554  					ch := msg[i]
   555  					if len(sl) > int(ch) {
   556  						val := sl[ch]
   557  						if val != "" {
   558  							i--
   559  							sb.WriteString(msg[lastItem:i])
   560  							i++
   561  							sb.WriteString(val)
   562  							i++
   563  							lastItem = i
   564  							i--
   565  							continue
   566  						}
   567  					}
   568  					i--
   569  				}
   570  				//lastItem = i
   571  				//i--
   572  				//continue
   573  			}
   575  			switch ch {
   576  			case '#':
   577  				//fmt.Println("msg[i+1]:", msg[i+1])
   578  				//fmt.Println("string(msg[i+1]):", string(msg[i+1]))
   579  				hashType := hashLinkTypes[msg[i+1]]
   580  				if hashType == "" {
   581  					//fmt.Println("uh1")
   582  					sb.WriteString(msg[lastItem:i])
   583  					i++
   584  					lastItem = i
   585  					continue
   586  				}
   587  				//fmt.Println("hashType:", hashType)
   588  				if len(msg) <= (i + len(hashType) + 1) {
   589  					sb.WriteString(msg[lastItem:i])
   590  					lastItem = i
   591  					continue
   592  				}
   593  				if msg[i+1:i+len(hashType)+1] != hashType {
   594  					continue
   595  				}
   597  				//fmt.Println("msg[lastItem:i]:", msg[lastItem:i])
   598  				sb.WriteString(msg[lastItem:i])
   599  				i += len(hashType) + 1
   600  				hashLinkMap[hashType](&sb, msg, &i)
   601  				lastItem = i
   602  				i--
   603  			case '@':
   604  				sb.WriteString(msg[lastItem:i])
   605  				i++
   606  				start := i
   607  				uid, intLen := CoerceIntString(msg[start:])
   608  				i += intLen
   610  				var menUser *User
   611  				if uid != 0 && user.ID == uid {
   612  					menUser = user
   613  				} else {
   614  					menUser = Users.Getn(uid)
   615  					if menUser == nil {
   616  						sb.Write(InvalidProfile)
   617  						lastItem = i
   618  						i--
   619  						continue
   620  					}
   621  				}
   623  				sb.Grow(mentionSizeHint + len(menUser.Link) + len(menUser.Name))
   624  				sb.Write(URLOpen)
   625  				sb.WriteString(menUser.Link)
   626  				sb.Write(urlMention)
   627  				sb.Write(bytesGreaterThan)
   628  				sb.WriteByte('@')
   629  				sb.WriteString(menUser.Name)
   630  				sb.Write(URLClose)
   631  				lastItem = i
   632  				i--
   633  			case 'h', 'f', 'g', '/', 'i':
   634  				//fmt.Println("s3")
   635  				fch := msg[i+1]
   636  				if msg[i] == 'h' && fch == 't' && len(msg) > i+5 && msg[i+2] == 't' && msg[i+3] == 'p' {
   637  					if msg[i+4] == 's' && msg[i+5] == ':' && len(msg) > i+6 && msg[i+6] == '/' {
   638  						// Do nothing
   639  					} else if msg[i+4] == ':' && msg[i+5] == '/' {
   640  						// Do nothing
   641  					} else {
   642  						continue
   643  					}
   644  				} else if len(msg) > i+4 {
   645  					if fch == 't' && msg[i+2] == 'p' && msg[i+3] == ':' && msg[i+4] == '/' && msg[i] == 'f' {
   646  						// Do nothing
   647  					} else if fch == 'i' && msg[i+2] == 't' && msg[i+3] == ':' && msg[i+4] == '/' && msg[i] == 'g' {
   648  						// Do nothing
   649  					} else if msg[i] == 'i' && fch == 'p' && msg[i+2] == 'f' && msg[i+3] == 's' {
   650  						// Do nothing
   651  					} else if msg[i] == 'i' && fch == 'p' && msg[i+2] == 'n' && msg[i+3] == 's' {
   652  						// Do nothing
   653  					} else if fch == '/' && msg[i] == '/' {
   654  						// Do nothing
   655  					} else {
   656  						continue
   657  					}
   658  				} else if fch == '/' && msg[i] == '/' {
   659  					// Do nothing
   660  				} else {
   661  					continue
   662  				}
   663  				if !user.Perms.AutoLink {
   664  					continue
   665  				}
   667  				//fmt.Println("p1:",i)
   668  				sb.WriteString(msg[lastItem:i])
   669  				urlLen, ok := PartialURLStringLen(msg[i:])
   670  				if len(msg) < i+urlLen {
   671  					//fmt.Println("o1")
   672  					if urlLen == 2 {
   673  						sb.Write(DoubleForwardSlash)
   674  					} else {
   675  						sb.Write(InvalidURL)
   676  					}
   677  					i += len(msg) - 1
   678  					lastItem = i
   679  					break
   680  				}
   681  				if urlLen == 2 {
   682  					sb.Write(DoubleForwardSlash)
   683  					i += urlLen
   684  					lastItem = i
   685  					i--
   686  					continue
   687  				}
   688  				//fmt.Println("msg[i:i+urlLen]:", "'"+msg[i:i+urlLen]+"'")
   689  				if !ok {
   690  					//fmt.Printf("o2: i = %d; i+urlLen = %d\n",i,i+urlLen)
   691  					sb.Write(InvalidURL)
   692  					i += urlLen
   693  					lastItem = i
   694  					i--
   695  					continue
   696  				}
   698  				media, ok := parseMediaString(msg[i:i+urlLen], settings)
   699  				if !ok {
   700  					//fmt.Println("o3")
   701  					sb.Write(InvalidURL)
   702  					i += urlLen
   703  					lastItem = i
   704  					continue
   705  				}
   706  				//fmt.Println("p2")
   708  				addImage := func(url string) {
   709  					sb.Grow(imageSizeHint + len(url) + len(url))
   710  					sb.Write(imageOpen)
   711  					sb.WriteString(url)
   712  					sb.Write(imageOpen2)
   713  					sb.WriteString(url)
   714  					sb.Write(imageClose)
   715  					i += urlLen
   716  					lastItem = i
   717  				}
   719  				// TODO: Reduce the amount of code duplication
   720  				// TODO: Avoid allocating a string for media.Type?
   721  				switch media.Type {
   722  				case AImage:
   723  					addImage(media.URL + "?sid=" + strconv.Itoa(sectionID) + "&amp;stype=" + sectionType)
   724  					continue
   725  				case AVideo:
   726  					sb.Grow(videoSizeHint + (len(media.URL) + len(sectionType)*2))
   727  					sb.Write(videoOpen)
   728  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   729  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   730  					sb.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(sectionID))
   731  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   732  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   733  					sb.Write(videoOpen2)
   734  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   735  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   736  					sb.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(sectionID))
   737  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   738  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   739  					sb.Write(videoClose)
   740  					i += urlLen
   741  					lastItem = i
   742  					continue
   743  				case AAudio:
   744  					sb.Grow(audioSizeHint + (len(media.URL) + len(sectionType)*2))
   745  					sb.Write(audioOpen)
   746  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   747  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   748  					sb.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(sectionID))
   749  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   750  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   751  					sb.Write(audioOpen2)
   752  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   753  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   754  					sb.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(sectionID))
   755  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   756  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   757  					sb.Write(audioClose)
   758  					i += urlLen
   759  					lastItem = i
   760  					continue
   761  				case EImage:
   762  					addImage(media.URL)
   763  					continue
   764  				case AText:
   765  					/*sb.Write(textOpen)
   766  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   767  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   768  					sid := strconv.Itoa(sectionID)
   769  					sb.WriteString(sid)
   770  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   771  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   772  					sb.Write(textOpen2)
   773  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   774  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   775  					sb.WriteString(sid)
   776  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   777  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   778  					sb.Write(textClose)
   779  					i += urlLen
   780  					lastItem = i
   781  					continue*/
   782  					sb.Write(textOpen)
   783  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   784  					sb.Write(textOpen2)
   785  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   786  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   787  					sid := strconv.Itoa(sectionID)
   788  					sb.WriteString(sid)
   789  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   790  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   791  					sb.Write(textOpen3)
   792  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   793  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   794  					sb.WriteString(sid)
   795  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   796  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   797  					sb.Write(textClose)
   798  					i += urlLen
   799  					lastItem = i
   800  					continue
   801  				case AOther:
   802  					sb.Write(attachOpen)
   803  					sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   804  					sb.Write(sidParam)
   805  					sb.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(sectionID))
   806  					sb.Write(stypeParam)
   807  					sb.WriteString(sectionType)
   808  					sb.Write(attachClose)
   809  					i += urlLen
   810  					lastItem = i
   811  					continue
   812  				case ERaw:
   813  					sb.WriteString(media.Body)
   814  					i += urlLen
   815  					lastItem = i
   816  					continue
   817  				case ERawExternal:
   818  					sb.WriteString(media.Body)
   819  					i += urlLen
   820  					lastItem = i
   821  					externalHead = true
   822  					continue
   823  				case ENone:
   824  					// Do nothing
   825  				// TODO: Add support for media plugins
   826  				default:
   827  					sb.Write(unknownMedia)
   828  					i += urlLen
   829  					continue
   830  				}
   831  				//fmt.Println("p3")
   833  				// TODO: Add support for rel="ugc"
   834  				sb.Grow(len(URLOpen) + (len(msg[i:i+urlLen]) * 2) + len(URLOpen2) + len(URLClose))
   835  				if media.Trusted {
   836  					sb.Write(URLOpen)
   837  				} else {
   838  					sb.Write(URLOpenUser)
   839  				}
   840  				sb.WriteString(media.URL)
   841  				sb.Write(URLOpen2)
   842  				sb.WriteString(media.FURL)
   843  				sb.Write(URLClose)
   844  				i += urlLen
   845  				lastItem = i
   846  				i--
   847  			}
   848  		}
   849  	}
   850  	if lastItem != i && sb.Len() != 0 {
   851  		/*calclen := len(msg)
   852  		if calclen <= lastItem {
   853  			calclen = lastItem
   854  		}*/
   855  		//if i == len(msg) {
   856  		sb.WriteString(msg[lastItem:])
   857  		/*} else {
   858  			sb.WriteString(msg[lastItem:calclen])
   859  		}*/
   860  	}
   861  	if sb.Len() != 0 {
   862  		msg = sb.String()
   863  		//fmt.Println("sb.String():", "'"+sb.String()+"'")
   864  	}
   866  	msg = strings.Replace(msg, "\n", "<br>", -1)
   867  	msg = GetHookTable().Sshook("parse_assign", msg)
   868  	return msg, externalHead
   869  }
   871  // 6, 7, 8, 6, 2, 7
   872  // ftp://, http://, https://, git://, ipfs://, ipns://, //, mailto: (not a URL, just here for length comparison purposes)
   873  // TODO: Write a test for this
   874  func validateURLString(d string) bool {
   875  	i := 0
   876  	if len(d) >= 6 {
   877  		if d[0:6] == "ftp://" || d[0:6] == "git://" {
   878  			i = 6
   879  		} else if len(d) >= 7 && (d[0:7] == "http://" || d[0:7] == "ipfs://" || d[0:7] == "ipns://") {
   880  			i = 7
   881  		} else if len(d) >= 8 && d[0:8] == "https://" {
   882  			i = 8
   883  		}
   884  	} else if len(d) >= 2 && d[0] == '/' && d[1] == '/' {
   885  		i = 2
   886  	}
   888  	// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
   889  	for ; len(d) > i; i++ {
   890  		ch := d[i]
   891  		if ch != '\\' && ch != '_' && ch != '?' && ch != '&' && ch != '=' && ch != '@' && ch != '#' && ch != ']' && !(ch > 44 && ch < 60) && !(ch > 64 && ch < 92) && !(ch > 96 && ch < 123) { // 57 is 9, 58 is :, 59 is ;, 90 is Z, 91 is [
   892  			return false
   893  		}
   894  	}
   895  	return true
   896  }
   898  // TODO: Write a test for this
   899  func validatedURLBytes(data []byte) (url []byte) {
   900  	datalen := len(data)
   901  	i := 0
   902  	if datalen >= 6 {
   903  		if bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("ftp://")) || bytes.Equal(data[0:6], []byte("git://")) {
   904  			i = 6
   905  		} else if datalen >= 7 && bytes.Equal(data[0:7], httpProtBytes) {
   906  			i = 7
   907  		} else if datalen >= 8 && bytes.Equal(data[0:8], []byte("https://")) {
   908  			i = 8
   909  		}
   910  	} else if datalen >= 2 && data[0] == '/' && data[1] == '/' {
   911  		i = 2
   912  	}
   914  	// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
   915  	for ; datalen > i; i++ {
   916  		ch := data[i]
   917  		if ch != '\\' && ch != '_' && ch != '?' && ch != '&' && ch != '=' && ch != '@' && ch != '#' && ch != ']' && !(ch > 44 && ch < 60) && !(ch > 64 && ch < 92) && !(ch > 96 && ch < 123) { // 57 is 9, 58 is :, 59 is ;, 90 is Z, 91 is [
   918  			return InvalidURL
   919  		}
   920  	}
   922  	url = append(url, data...)
   923  	return url
   924  }
   926  // TODO: Write a test for this
   927  func PartialURLString(d string) (url []byte) {
   928  	i := 0
   929  	end := len(d) - 1
   930  	if len(d) >= 6 {
   931  		if d[0:6] == "ftp://" || d[0:6] == "git://" {
   932  			i = 6
   933  		} else if len(d) >= 7 && (d[0:7] == "http://" || d[0:7] == "ipfs://" || d[0:7] == "ipns://") {
   934  			i = 7
   935  		} else if len(d) >= 8 && d[0:8] == "https://" {
   936  			i = 8
   937  		}
   938  	} else if len(d) >= 2 && d[0] == '/' && d[1] == '/' {
   939  		i = 2
   940  	}
   942  	// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
   943  	for ; end >= i; i++ {
   944  		ch := d[i]
   945  		if ch != '\\' && ch != '_' && ch != '?' && ch != '&' && ch != '=' && ch != '@' && ch != '#' && ch != ']' && !(ch > 44 && ch < 60) && !(ch > 64 && ch < 92) && !(ch > 96 && ch < 123) { // 57 is 9, 58 is :, 59 is ;, 90 is Z, 91 is [
   946  			end = i
   947  		}
   948  	}
   950  	url = append(url, []byte(d[0:end])...)
   951  	return url
   952  }
   954  // TODO: Write a test for this
   955  // TODO: Handle the host bits differently from the paths...
   956  func PartialURLStringLen(d string) (int, bool) {
   957  	i := 0
   958  	if len(d) >= 6 {
   959  		//log.Print(string(d[0:5]))
   960  		if d[0:6] == "ftp://" || d[0:6] == "git://" {
   961  			i = 6
   962  		} else if len(d) >= 7 && (d[0:7] == "http://" || d[0:7] == "ipfs://" || d[0:7] == "ipns://") {
   963  			i = 7
   964  		} else if len(d) >= 8 && d[0:8] == "https://" {
   965  			i = 8
   966  		}
   967  	} else if len(d) >= 2 && d[0] == '/' && d[1] == '/' {
   968  		i = 2
   969  	}
   970  	//fmt.Println("Data Length: ",len(d))
   971  	if len(d) < i {
   972  		//fmt.Println("e1:",i)
   973  		return i + 1, false
   974  	}
   976  	// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
   977  	f := i
   978  	//fmt.Println("f:",f)
   979  	for ; len(d) > i; i++ {
   980  		ch := d[i]   //char
   981  		if ch < 33 { // space and invisibles
   982  			//fmt.Println("e2:",i)
   983  			return i, i != f
   984  		} else if ch != '\\' && ch != '_' && ch != '?' && ch != '&' && ch != '=' && ch != '@' && ch != '#' && ch != ']' && !(ch > 44 && ch < 60) && !(ch > 64 && ch < 92) && !(ch > 96 && ch < 123) { // 57 is 9, 58 is :, 59 is ;, 90 is Z, 91 is [
   985  			//log.Print("Bad Character: ", ch)
   986  			//fmt.Println("e3")
   987  			return i, false
   988  		}
   989  	}
   991  	//fmt.Println("e4:", i)
   992  	/*if data[i-1] < 33 {
   993  		return i-1, i != f
   994  	}*/
   995  	//fmt.Println("e5")
   996  	return i, i != f
   997  }
   999  // TODO: Write a test for this
  1000  // TODO: Get this to support IPv6 hosts, this isn't currently done as this is used in the bbcode plugin where it thinks the [ is a IPv6 host
  1001  func PartialURLStringLen2(d string) int {
  1002  	i := 0
  1003  	if len(d) >= 6 {
  1004  		//log.Print(string(d[0:5]))
  1005  		if d[0:6] == "ftp://" || d[0:6] == "git://" {
  1006  			i = 6
  1007  		} else if len(d) >= 7 && (d[0:7] == "http://" || d[0:7] == "ipfs://" || d[0:7] == "ipns://") {
  1008  			i = 7
  1009  		} else if len(d) >= 8 && d[0:8] == "https://" {
  1010  			i = 8
  1011  		}
  1012  	} else if len(d) >= 2 && d[0] == '/' && d[1] == '/' {
  1013  		i = 2
  1014  	}
  1016  	// ? - There should only be one : and that's only if the URL is on a non-standard port. Same for ?s.
  1017  	for ; len(d) > i; i++ {
  1018  		ch := d[i]
  1019  		if ch != '\\' && ch != '_' && ch != '?' && ch != '&' && ch != '=' && ch != '@' && ch != '#' && ch != ']' && !(ch > 44 && ch < 60) && !(ch > 64 && ch < 91) && !(ch > 96 && ch < 123) { // 57 is 9, 58 is :, 59 is ;, 90 is Z, 91 is [
  1020  			//log.Print("Bad Character: ", ch)
  1021  			return i
  1022  		}
  1023  	}
  1024  	//log.Print("Data Length: ",len(d))
  1025  	return len(d)
  1026  }
  1028  type MediaEmbed struct {
  1029  	//Type string //image
  1030  	Type int
  1031  	URL  string
  1032  	FURL string
  1033  	Body string
  1035  	Trusted bool // samesite urls
  1036  }
  1038  const (
  1039  	ENone = iota
  1040  	ERaw
  1041  	ERawExternal
  1042  	EImage
  1043  	AImage
  1044  	AVideo
  1045  	AAudio
  1046  	AText
  1047  	AOther
  1048  )
  1050  var LastEmbedID = AOther
  1052  // TODO: Write a test for this
  1053  func parseMediaString(data string, settings *ParseSettings) (media MediaEmbed, ok bool) {
  1054  	if !validateURLString(data) {
  1055  		return media, false
  1056  	}
  1057  	uurl, err := url.Parse(data)
  1058  	if err != nil {
  1059  		return media, false
  1060  	}
  1061  	host := uurl.Hostname()
  1062  	scheme := uurl.Scheme
  1063  	if scheme == "ipfs" {
  1064  		media.FURL = data
  1065  		media.URL = media.FURL
  1066  		return media, true
  1067  	}
  1068  	port := uurl.Port()
  1069  	query, err := url.ParseQuery(uurl.RawQuery)
  1070  	if err != nil {
  1071  		return media, false
  1072  	}
  1073  	//fmt.Println("host:", host)
  1074  	//log.Print("Site.URL:",Site.URL)
  1076  	samesite := (host == "localhost" || host == "" || host == "::1" || host == Site.URL) && scheme != "ipns"
  1077  	if samesite {
  1078  		host = strings.Split(Site.URL, ":")[0]
  1079  		// ?- Test this as I'm not sure it'll do what it should. If someone's running SSL on port 80 or non-SSL on port 443 then... Well... They're in far worse trouble than this...
  1080  		port = Site.Port
  1081  		if Config.SslSchema {
  1082  			scheme = "https"
  1083  		}
  1084  	}
  1085  	if scheme != "" {
  1086  		scheme += ":"
  1087  	}
  1088  	media.Trusted = samesite
  1090  	path := uurl.EscapedPath()
  1091  	//fmt.Println("path:", path)
  1092  	pathFrags := strings.Split(path, "/")
  1093  	if len(pathFrags) >= 2 {
  1094  		if samesite && pathFrags[1] == "attachs" && (scheme == "http:" || scheme == "https:") {
  1095  			var sport string
  1096  			// ? - Assumes the sysadmin hasn't mixed up the two standard ports
  1097  			if port != "443" && port != "80" && port != "" {
  1098  				sport = ":" + port
  1099  			}
  1100  			media.URL = scheme + "//" + host + sport + path
  1101  			ext := strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Ext(path), ".")
  1102  			if len(ext) == 0 {
  1103  				// TODO: Write a unit test for this
  1104  				return media, false
  1105  			}
  1106  			switch {
  1107  			case ImageFileExts.Contains(ext):
  1108  				media.Type = AImage
  1109  			case WebVideoFileExts.Contains(ext):
  1110  				media.Type = AVideo
  1111  			case WebAudioFileExts.Contains(ext):
  1112  				media.Type = AAudio
  1113  			case TextFileExts.Contains(ext):
  1114  				media.Type = AText
  1115  			default:
  1116  				media.Type = AOther
  1117  			}
  1118  			return media, true
  1119  		}
  1120  	}
  1122  	//fmt.Printf("settings.NoEmbed: %+v\n", settings.NoEmbed)
  1123  	//settings.NoEmbed = false
  1124  	if !settings.NoEmbed {
  1125  		// ? - I don't think this hostname will hit every YT domain
  1126  		// TODO: Make this a more customisable handler rather than hard-coding it in here
  1127  		ytInvalid := func(v string) bool {
  1128  			for _, ch := range v {
  1129  				if !((ch > 47 && ch < 58) || (ch > 64 && ch < 91) || (ch > 96 && ch < 123) || ch == '-' || ch == '_') {
  1130  					var sport string
  1131  					if port != "443" && port != "80" && port != "" {
  1132  						sport = ":" + port
  1133  					}
  1134  					var q string
  1135  					if len(uurl.RawQuery) > 0 {
  1136  						q = "?" + uurl.RawQuery
  1137  					}
  1138  					var frag string
  1139  					if len(uurl.Fragment) > 0 {
  1140  						frag = "#" + uurl.Fragment
  1141  					}
  1142  					media.FURL = host + sport + path + q + frag
  1143  					media.URL = scheme + "//" + media.FURL
  1144  					//fmt.Printf("ytInvalid true: %+v\n",v)
  1145  					return true
  1146  				}
  1147  			}
  1148  			return false
  1149  		}
  1150  		ytInvalid2 := func(t string) bool {
  1151  			for _, ch := range t {
  1152  				if !((ch > 47 && ch < 58) || ch == 'h' || ch == 'm' || ch == 's') {
  1153  					//fmt.Printf("ytInvalid2 true: %+v\n",t)
  1154  					return true
  1155  				}
  1156  			}
  1157  			return false
  1158  		}
  1159  		if strings.HasSuffix(host, "") && path == "/watch" {
  1160  			video, ok := query["v"]
  1161  			if ok && len(video) >= 1 && video[0] != "" {
  1162  				v := video[0]
  1163  				if ytInvalid(v) {
  1164  					return media, true
  1165  				}
  1166  				var t, t2 string
  1167  				tt, ok := query["t"]
  1168  				if ok && len(tt) >= 1 {
  1169  					t, t2 = tt[0], tt[0]
  1170  				}
  1171  				media.Type = ERawExternal
  1172  				if t != "" && !ytInvalid2(t) {
  1173  					s, m, h := parseDuration(t2)
  1174  					calc := s + (m * 60) + (h * 60 * 60)
  1175  					if calc > 0 {
  1176  						t = "&t=" + t
  1177  						t2 = "?start=" + strconv.Itoa(calc)
  1178  					} else {
  1179  						t, t2 = "", ""
  1180  					}
  1181  				}
  1182  				l := "https://" + host + path + "?v=" + v + t
  1183  				media.Body = "<iframe class='postIframe'src='" + v + t2 + "'frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe><noscript><a href='" + l + "'>" + l + "</a></noscript>"
  1184  				return media, true
  1185  			}
  1186  		} else if host == "" {
  1187  			v := strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/")
  1188  			if ytInvalid(v) {
  1189  				return media, true
  1190  			}
  1191  			l := "" + v
  1192  			media.Type = ERawExternal
  1193  			media.Body = "<iframe class='postIframe'src='" + v + "'frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe><noscript><a href='" + l + "'>" + l + "</a></noscript>"
  1194  			return media, true
  1195  		} else if strings.HasPrefix(host, "") && strings.HasPrefix(path, "/watch/sm") {
  1196  			vid, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimPrefix(path, "/watch/sm"), 10, 64)
  1197  			if err == nil {
  1198  				var sport string
  1199  				if port != "443" && port != "80" && port != "" {
  1200  					sport = ":" + port
  1201  				}
  1202  				media.Type = ERawExternal
  1203  				sm := strconv.FormatInt(vid, 10)
  1204  				l := "https://" + host + sport + path
  1205  				media.Body = "<iframe class='postIframe'src='" + sm + "?jsapi=1&amp;playerId=1'frameborder=0 allowfullscreen></iframe><noscript><a href='" + l + "'>" + l + "</a></noscript>"
  1206  				return media, true
  1207  			}
  1208  		}
  1210  		if lastFrag := pathFrags[len(pathFrags)-1]; lastFrag != "" {
  1211  			// TODO: Write a function for getting the file extension of a string
  1212  			ext := strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Ext(lastFrag), ".")
  1213  			if len(ext) != 0 {
  1214  				if ImageFileExts.Contains(ext) {
  1215  					media.Type = EImage
  1216  					var sport string
  1217  					if port != "443" && port != "80" && port != "" {
  1218  						sport = ":" + port
  1219  					}
  1220  					media.URL = scheme + "//" + host + sport + path
  1221  					return media, true
  1222  				}
  1223  				// TODO: Support external videos
  1224  			}
  1225  		}
  1226  	}
  1228  	var sport string
  1229  	if port != "443" && port != "80" && port != "" {
  1230  		sport = ":" + port
  1231  	}
  1232  	var q string
  1233  	if len(uurl.RawQuery) > 0 {
  1234  		q = "?" + uurl.RawQuery
  1235  	}
  1236  	var frag string
  1237  	if len(uurl.Fragment) > 0 {
  1238  		frag = "#" + uurl.Fragment
  1239  	}
  1240  	media.FURL = host + sport + path + q + frag
  1241  	media.URL = scheme + "//" + media.FURL
  1243  	return media, true
  1244  }
  1246  func parseDuration(dur string) (s, m, h int) {
  1247  	var ibuf []byte
  1248  	for _, ch := range dur {
  1249  		switch {
  1250  		case ch > 47 && ch < 58:
  1251  			ibuf = append(ibuf, byte(ch))
  1252  		case ch == 'h':
  1253  			h, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(ibuf))
  1254  			ibuf = ibuf[:0]
  1255  		case ch == 'm':
  1256  			m, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(ibuf))
  1257  			ibuf = ibuf[:0]
  1258  		case ch == 's':
  1259  			s, _ = strconv.Atoi(string(ibuf))
  1260  			ibuf = ibuf[:0]
  1261  		}
  1262  	}
  1263  	// Stop accidental uses of timestamps
  1264  	if h == 0 && m == 0 && s < 2 {
  1265  		s = 0
  1266  	}
  1267  	return s, m, h
  1268  }
  1270  // TODO: Write a test for this
  1271  func CoerceIntString(data string) (res, length int) {
  1272  	if !(data[0] > 47 && data[0] < 58) {
  1273  		return 0, 1
  1274  	}
  1275  	i := 0
  1276  	for ; len(data) > i; i++ {
  1277  		if !(data[i] > 47 && data[i] < 58) {
  1278  			conv, err := strconv.Atoi(data[0:i])
  1279  			if err != nil {
  1280  				return 0, i
  1281  			}
  1282  			return conv, i
  1283  		}
  1284  	}
  1286  	conv, err := strconv.Atoi(data)
  1287  	if err != nil {
  1288  		return 0, i
  1289  	}
  1290  	return conv, i
  1291  }
  1293  // TODO: Write tests for this
  1294  // Make sure we reflect changes to this in the JS port in /public/global.js
  1295  func Paginate(currentPage, lastPage, maxPages int) (out []int) {
  1296  	diff := lastPage - currentPage
  1297  	pre := 3
  1298  	if diff < 3 {
  1299  		pre = maxPages - diff
  1300  	}
  1302  	page := currentPage - pre
  1303  	if page < 0 {
  1304  		page = 0
  1305  	}
  1306  	for len(out) < maxPages && page < lastPage {
  1307  		page++
  1308  		out = append(out, page)
  1309  	}
  1310  	return out
  1311  }
  1313  // TODO: Write tests for this
  1314  // Make sure we reflect changes to this in the JS port in /public/global.js
  1315  func PageOffset(count, page, perPage int) (int, int, int) {
  1316  	var offset int
  1317  	lastPage := LastPage(count, perPage)
  1318  	if page > 1 {
  1319  		offset = (perPage * page) - perPage
  1320  	} else if page == -1 {
  1321  		page = lastPage
  1322  		offset = (perPage * page) - perPage
  1323  	} else {
  1324  		page = 1
  1325  	}
  1327  	// ? - This has been commented out as it created a bug in the user manager where the first user on a page wouldn't be accessible
  1328  	// We don't want the offset to overflow the slices, if everything's in memory
  1329  	/*if offset >= (count - 1) {
  1330  		offset = 0
  1331  	}*/
  1332  	return offset, page, lastPage
  1333  }
  1335  // TODO: Write tests for this
  1336  // Make sure we reflect changes to this in the JS port in /public/global.js
  1337  func LastPage(count, perPage int) int {
  1338  	return (count / perPage) + 1
  1339  }