
     1  doc: |
     2    Demonstration of another technique to prevent one recv's bindings
     3    from conflicting with a subsequent recv.  Also see
     4    bindings-conflict.yaml, bindings-deconflict.yaml, and
     5    bindings-star.yaml.
     6  labels:
     7    - selftest
     8  spec:
     9    phases:
    10      phase1:
    11        steps:
    12          - '$include<include/mock.yaml>'
    13          - pub:
    14              payload: '{"want":"queso"}'
    15          - recv:
    16              doc: |
    17                We'll bind the pattern variable '?x'.
    18              pattern: '{"want":"?x"}'
    19          - pub:
    20              payload: '{"want":"chips"}'
    21          - recv:
    22              doc: |
    23                Clear the bindings so that '?x' is not substituted.
    24              clearbindings: true
    25              pattern: '{"want":"?x"}'