
     1  doc: |
     2    Just connect via MQTT with a certificate.
     4    This test requires a provisioned cert and key files.
     6  labels:
     7    - auth
     8    - mqtt
     9  bindings:
    10    '?!ENDPOINT': 'tcps://localhost:1883'
    11    '?!CLIENT_ID': simpsons
    12    '?!CERT': cert.pem
    13    '?!KEY': priv.pem
    14  spec:
    15    phases:
    16      phase1:
    17        steps:
    18          - pub:
    19              chan: mother
    20              payload:
    21                make:
    22                  name: mqtt
    23                  type: mqtt
    24                  config:
    25                    certfile: '{?!CERT}'
    26                    keyfile: '{?!KEY}'
    27                    brokerurl: '{?!ENDPOINT}'
    28                    clientid: '{?!CLIENT_ID}'
    29          - recv:
    30              chan: mother
    31              pattern:
    32                success: true