
     1  doc: |
     2    You start with a single channel named "mother".  Send a message to
     3    this channel to make another channel.
     5    There's a new channel type: 'cmd'.  A 'cmd' channel is an interface
     6    to a subprocess.  You can 'recv' lines (hopefully JSON) from a
     7    subprocess, so you can parse those lines to make bindings in the
     8    usual way.  (You can also 'pub' lines to the subprocess's stdin.)
    10    So the old 'start', 'initially', and 'finally' clauses are no longer
    11    needed.
    13    Bindings now have some magic properties.  If a binding variable
    14    starts with '?*', then that binding is cleared before each 'recv'.
    15    So if you have a '?*' pattern variable in a 'recv', the resulting
    16    binding cannot conflict when used in a subsequent 'recv'.
    18    Additionally, a binding for a variable that starts with '?!' also
    19    has a special property.  A 'recv' step can have a 'clearbindings'
    20    property, which (when true) will remove all bindings except those
    21    for variables that start with '?!'.  In other words, '?!' bindings
    22    survive 'clearbindings'.
    24    No more parameters!  Instead, we just use bindings.  Consider using
    25    bindings for variables starting with '?!' (to survive any
    26    'clearbindings' in 'recv' steps).  You can set bindings on the Plax
    27    command line almost as you did for parameters.  The typical
    28    difference is that you don't want the braces.  Example:
    30      plax -test demos/mother.yaml -p '?!WANT=chips'
    32    That invocation will establish the binding of '?!WANT', and that
    33    binding will override the default value specified in the 'bindings'
    34    section below.
    36  bindings:
    37    '?!WANT': tacos
    38  spec:
    39    initialphase: mock-demo
    40    phases:
    41      mock-demo:
    42        doc: |
    43          We ask Mother to make us a mock channel.  Then we test that
    44          channel.
    45        steps:
    46          - pub:
    47              doc: Please make a mock channel.
    48              payload:
    49                make:
    50                  name: mock1
    51                  type: mock
    52          - recv:
    53              doc: Check that our request succeeded.
    54              chan: mother
    55              pattern:
    56                success: true
    57          - pub:
    58              payload:
    59                hello: world
    60          - recv:
    61              pattern:
    62                hello: world
    63          - goto: cmd-demo
    64      cmd-demo:
    65        doc: |
    66          Start a subprocess and then listen to it.
    68          This subprocess will emit some JSON, and that JSON will
    69          include the binding for '?!WANT'.
    70        steps:
    71          - pub:
    72              chan: mother
    73              payload:
    74                make:
    75                  name: cmd1
    76                  type: cmd
    77                  config:
    78                    command: bash
    79                    doc: This command just emits one line.
    80                    args:
    81                      - '-c'
    82                      - 'echo "{\"want\":\"{?!WANT}\"}"'
    83          - recv:
    84              doc: Check that our request succeeded.
    85              chan: mother
    86              pattern:
    87                success: true
    88          - recv:
    89              doc: |
    90                Get what we expected (more or less).
    92                We'll use a pattern variable starting with '?*' so that
    93                we won't get a subsequent bindings conflict if we do a
    94                subsequent 'recv' that happens to use the same variable
    95                incidentally.
    96              chan: cmd1
    97              pattern:
    98                want: '?*wanted'
    99          - goto: mqtt-demo
   100      mqtt-demo:
   101        doc: |
   102          Create and test an MQTT client channel.
   104          This channel expects a local MQTT broker that allows anonymous
   105          access.
   106        steps:
   107          - pub:
   108              chan: mother
   109              payload:
   110                make:
   111                  name: mqtt1
   112                  type: mqtt
   113                  config:
   114                    clientid: plax1
   115                    brokerurl: tcp://localhost:1883
   116          - recv:
   117              chan: mother
   118              pattern:
   119                success: true
   120          - sub:
   121              chan: mqtt1
   122              topic: want
   123          - pub:
   124              doc: |
   125                Publish a message about what we '?!WANT'.
   126              chan: mqtt1
   127              topic: want
   128              payload:
   129                what: '?!WANT'
   130                when: now
   131          - recv:
   132              doc: |
   133                Receive our message and bind some variables that we
   134                might use (intentionally) in a subsequent 'recv'.
   135              chan: mqtt1
   136              pattern:
   137                what: "?what"
   138                when: "?when"
   139          - goto: echo-demo
   140      echo-demo:
   141        doc: |
   142          Create a cmd (subprocess) channel that echos what we 'pub' to
   143          it.
   144        steps:
   145          - pub:
   146              chan: mother
   147              payload:
   148                make:
   149                  name: echo
   150                  type: cmd
   151                  config:
   152                    command: bash
   153                    doc: Just echo stdin to stdout.
   154                    args:
   155                      - '-c'
   156                      - 'while true; do read line; echo $line; done'
   157          - recv:
   158              chan: mother
   159              pattern:
   160                success: true
   161          - pub:
   162              doc: Send a message to the subprocess.
   163              chan: echo
   164              payload:
   165                please: work
   166          - recv:
   167              doc: |
   168                Verify we hear what we want, and establish a binding.
   169              chan: echo
   170              pattern:
   171                please: "?work"
   172          - run: |
   173              // Check that we really have a binding for '?work'.
   174              return test.Bindings["?work"] ? true : Failure("no '?work'");
   175          - pub:
   176              doc: |
   177                For fun, we use the previous binding for '?when'.
   178              chan: echo
   179              payload:
   180                please: 'work again'
   181                when: "?when"
   182          - recv:
   183              doc: |
   184                Verify that we hear what we want.
   186                Note that we are clearing bindings so that we have an
   187                unbound '?work' going into the pattern matching.  If we
   188                didn't 'clearbindings', then this step would fail.
   189              chan: echo
   190              clearbindings: true
   191              pattern:
   192                please: "?work"
   193                when: now