
     1  {
     2      // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
     3      // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
     4      // For more information, visit:
     5      "version": "0.2.0",
     6      "configurations": [
     7          {
     8              "showGlobalVariables": true,
     9              "name": "Debug: validate",
    10              "type": "go",
    11              "request": "launch",
    12              "mode": "debug",
    13              "program": "main.go", // "program": "${file}",
    14              "args": ["validate", "-i", "examples/cyclonedx/SBOM/protonmail-webclient-v4-0912dff/bom.json"],
    15              "dlvFlags": ["--check-go-version=false"]
    16          },
    17          {
    18              "showGlobalVariables": true,
    19              "name": "Debug: query: SELECT * FROM metadata.component",
    20              "type": "go",
    21              "request": "launch",
    22              "mode": "debug",
    23              "program": "main.go", // "program": "${file}",
    24              "args": ["query", "-i", "test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-4-mature-example-1.json", "--select", "*", "--from", "metadata.component"],
    25              "dlvFlags": ["--check-go-version=false"]
    26          },
    27          {
    28              "showGlobalVariables": true,
    29              "name": "Debug: license list",
    30              "type": "go",
    31              "request": "launch",
    32              "mode": "debug",
    33              "program": "main.go", // "program": "${file}",
    34              "args": ["license", "list", "-i", "<filename>", "--format", "json"],
    35              "dlvFlags": ["--check-go-version=false"]
    36          },
    37          {
    38              "showGlobalVariables": true,
    39              "name": "Debug: diff",
    40              "type": "go",
    41              "request": "launch",
    42              "mode": "debug",
    43              "program": "main.go", // "program": "${file}",
    44              "args": ["diff", "-i", "test/cyclonedx/cdx-1-4-mature-example-1.json", "--input-revision", "test/diff/cdx-1-4-mature-example-1-delta.json"],
    45              "dlvFlags": ["--check-go-version=false"]
    46          },
    47      ]
    48  }