
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  /*
     3   * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
     4   * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
     5   * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
     6   * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
     7   * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
     8   * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     9   *
    10   *
    11   *
    12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    16   * limitations under the License.
    17   */
    19  package cmd
    21  import (
    22  	"fmt"
    23  	"strconv"
    24  	"strings"
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  )
    31  // Common/reusable Flags used across multiple report commands
    32  const (
    33  	FLAG_REPORT_WHERE      = "where"
    34  	FLAG_REPORT_WHERE_HELP = "comma-separated list of `key=<regex>` clauses used to filter the result set"
    35  )
    37  const (
    39  	REPORT_LIST_VALUE_NONE          = "none"
    40  )
    42  // Markdown report helpers
    43  const (
    44  	MD_COLUMN_SEPARATOR = "|"
    45  	MD_ALIGN_LEFT       = ":--"
    46  	MD_ALIGN_CENTER     = "-:-"
    47  	MD_ALIGN_RIGHT      = "--:"
    49  )
    51  // Helper function in case displayed table columns become too wide
    52  func truncateString(value string, maxLength int, showDetail bool) string {
    53  	length := len(value)
    54  	if length > maxLength {
    55  		value = value[:maxLength]
    56  		if showDetail {
    57  			value = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%v/%v)", value, maxLength, length)
    58  		}
    59  	}
    60  	return value
    61  }
    63  // TODO: Allow column format data to include MD_ALIGN_xxx values
    64  func createMarkdownColumnAlignmentRow(columns []ColumnFormatData, summarizedReport bool) (alignment []string) {
    65  	for _, column := range columns {
    66  		// if it is a summary report being created, but the column is not marked summary data
    67  		if summarizedReport && !column.IsSummaryData {
    68  			continue // skip to next column
    69  		}
    70  		// it is summary colum data, include it in the alignment row formatting
    71  		alignment = append(alignment, MD_ALIGN_DEFAULT)
    72  	}
    73  	return
    74  }
    76  func createMarkdownRow(data []string) string {
    77  	return MD_COLUMN_SEPARATOR +
    78  		strings.Join(data, MD_COLUMN_SEPARATOR) +
    80  }
    82  // Report processing helpers
    83  func processWhereFlag(cmd *cobra.Command) (whereFilters []common.WhereFilter, err error) {
    84  	// Process flag: --where
    85  	whereValues, errGet := cmd.Flags().GetString(FLAG_REPORT_WHERE)
    87  	if errGet != nil {
    88  		err = getLogger().Errorf("failed to read flag `%s` value", FLAG_REPORT_WHERE)
    89  		return
    90  	}
    92  	whereFilters, err = retrieveWhereFilters(whereValues)
    93  	return
    94  }
    96  // Parse "--where" flags on behalf of utility commands that filter output reports (lists)
    97  func retrieveWhereFilters(whereValues string) (whereFilters []common.WhereFilter, err error) {
    98  	// Use common functions for parsing query request clauses
    99  	wherePredicates := common.ParseWherePredicates(whereValues)
   100  	whereFilters, err = common.ParseWhereFilters(wherePredicates)
   101  	return
   102  }
   104  // A generic function that takes variadic "column" data (for a single row) as an interface{}
   105  // of either string or []string types and, if needed, "wraps" the single row data into multiple
   106  // text rows according to parameterized constraints.
   107  // NOTE: Currently, only wraps []string values
   108  // TODO: Also wrap on "maxChar" (per column) limit
   109  func wrapTableRowText(maxChars int, joinChar string, columns ...interface{}) (tableData [][]string, err error) {
   111  	// calculate column dimension needed as max of slice sizes
   112  	numColumns := len(columns)
   114  	// Allocate a 1 row table
   115  	tableData = make([][]string, 1)
   117  	// Allocate the first row of the multi-row "table"
   118  	var numRowsAllocated int = 1
   119  	rowData := make([]string, numColumns)
   120  	tableData[0] = rowData
   122  	// for each column inspect its data and "wrap" as needed
   123  	// TODO: wrap on macChars using spaces; for now, just support list output
   124  	for iCol, column := range columns {
   125  		switch data := column.(type) {
   126  		case string:
   127  			// for now, a straightforward copy for string types
   128  			rowData[iCol] = column.(string)
   129  		case []string:
   130  			entries := column.([]string)
   131  			numRowsNeeded := len(entries)
   133  			// If needed, allocate and append new rows
   134  			if numRowsNeeded > numRowsAllocated {
   135  				// as long as we need more rows allocated
   136  				for ; numRowsAllocated < numRowsNeeded; numRowsAllocated++ {
   137  					rowData = make([]string, numColumns)
   138  					tableData = append(tableData, rowData)
   139  				}
   140  				getLogger().Debugf("tableData: (%v)", tableData)
   141  			}
   143  			// Add the multi-line data to appropriate row in the table
   144  			for i := 0; i < numRowsNeeded; i++ {
   145  				tableData[i][iCol] = entries[i]
   146  			}
   147  			//getLogger().Debugf("tableData: (%v)", tableData)
   148  		case bool:
   149  			rowData[iCol] = strconv.FormatBool(data)
   150  		case int:
   151  			rowData[iCol] = strconv.Itoa(data)
   152  		case float64:
   153  			// NOTE: JSON Unmarshal() always decodes JSON Numbers as "float64" type
   154  			rowData[iCol] = strconv.FormatFloat(data, 'f', -1, 64)
   155  		case nil:
   156  			//getLogger().Tracef("nil value for column: `%v`", columnData.DataKey)
   157  			rowData[iCol] = REPORT_LIST_VALUE_NONE
   158  		default:
   159  			err = getLogger().Errorf("Unexpected type for report data: column: %s, type: `%T`, value: `%v`", rowData[iCol], data, data)
   160  		}
   161  	}
   163  	return
   164  }
   166  // Report column data values
   167  const REPORT_SUMMARY_DATA = true
   169  const REPORT_DO_NOT_TRUNCATE = -1
   171  // TODO: Support additional flags to:
   172  //   - show number of chars shown vs. available when truncated (e.g., (x/y))
   173  //   - provide "empty" value to display in column (e.g., "none" or "UNDEFINED")
   174  //   - inform how to "summarize" (e.g., show-first-only) data if data type is a slice (e.g., []string)
   175  //     NOTE: if only a subset of entries are shown on a summary, an indication of (x) entries could be shown as well
   176  //   - Support Markdown column alignment (e.g., MD_ALIGN_xxx values)
   177  type ColumnFormatData struct {
   178  	DataKey          string // Note: data key is the column label (where possible)
   179  	TruncateLength   int    // truncate character data to this length (default=-1 means don't truncate)
   180  	IsSummaryData    bool   // include in `--summary` reports
   181  	ReplaceLineFeeds bool   // replace line feeds with spaces (e.g., for multi-line descriptions)
   182  	Alignment        string // Align column data where possible (i.e., This is primarily for markdown format)
   183  }
   185  func NewColumnFormatData(key string, truncateLen int, isSummary bool, replaceLineFeeds bool) (foo *ColumnFormatData) {
   186  	foo = new(ColumnFormatData)
   187  	foo.DataKey = key
   188  	foo.TruncateLength = truncateLen
   189  	foo.IsSummaryData = isSummary
   190  	foo.ReplaceLineFeeds = replaceLineFeeds
   191  	return
   192  }
   194  func (data *ColumnFormatData) SetAlignment(alignment string) {
   195  	data.Alignment = alignment
   196  }
   198  func prepareReportTitleData(formatData []ColumnFormatData, summarizedReport bool) (titleData []string, separatorData []string) {
   199  	var underline string
   200  	for _, columnData := range formatData {
   202  		// if the report we are preparing is a summarized one (i.e., --summary true)
   203  		// we will skip appending column data not marked to be included in a summary report
   204  		if summarizedReport && !columnData.IsSummaryData {
   205  			continue
   206  		}
   207  		titleData = append(titleData, columnData.DataKey)
   209  		underline = strings.Repeat(REPORT_LIST_TITLE_ROW_SEPARATOR, len(columnData.DataKey))
   210  		separatorData = append(separatorData, underline)
   211  	}
   212  	return
   213  }
   215  func prepareReportLineData(structIn interface{}, formatData []ColumnFormatData, summarizedReport bool) (lineData []string, err error) {
   216  	var mapStruct map[string]interface{}
   217  	var data interface{}
   218  	var dataFound bool
   219  	var sliceString []string
   220  	var joinedData string
   222  	mapStruct, err = utils.MarshalStructToJsonMap(structIn)
   224  	for _, columnData := range formatData {
   225  		// reset local vars
   226  		sliceString = nil
   228  		// if the report we are preparing is a summarized one (i.e., --summary true)
   229  		// we will skip appending column data not marked to be included in a summary report
   230  		if summarizedReport && !columnData.IsSummaryData {
   231  			continue
   232  		}
   234  		data, dataFound = mapStruct[columnData.DataKey]
   236  		if !dataFound {
   237  			// TODO: change back?
   238  			getLogger().Errorf("data not found in structure: key: `%s`", columnData.DataKey)
   239  			data = "<error: not found>"
   240  			//return
   241  		}
   243  		//fmt.Printf("data: `%v` (%T)\n", data, data)
   244  		switch typedData := data.(type) {
   245  		case string:
   246  			// replace line feeds with spaces in description
   247  			if typedData != "" {
   248  				if columnData.ReplaceLineFeeds {
   249  					// For tabbed text tables, replace line feeds with spaces
   250  					typedData = strings.ReplaceAll(typedData, "\n", " ")
   251  				}
   252  			}
   253  			lineData = append(lineData, typedData)
   254  		case bool:
   255  			lineData = append(lineData, strconv.FormatBool(typedData))
   256  		case int:
   257  			lineData = append(lineData, strconv.Itoa(typedData))
   258  		case float64:
   259  			// NOTE: JSON Unmarshal() always decodes JSON Numbers as "float64" type
   260  			lineData = append(lineData, strconv.FormatFloat(typedData, 'f', -1, 64))
   261  		case []interface{}:
   262  			// convert to []string
   263  			for _, value := range typedData {
   264  				sliceString = append(sliceString, value.(string))
   265  			}
   267  			// separate each entry with a comma (and space for readability)
   268  			joinedData = strings.Join(sliceString, ", ")
   270  			if joinedData != "" {
   271  				// replace line feeds with spaces in description
   272  				if columnData.ReplaceLineFeeds {
   273  					// For tabbed text tables, replace line feeds with spaces
   274  					joinedData = strings.ReplaceAll(joinedData, "\n", " ")
   275  				}
   276  			}
   278  			if summarizedReport {
   279  				if len(sliceString) > 0 {
   280  					lineData = append(lineData, sliceString[0])
   281  				}
   282  				continue
   283  			}
   285  			lineData = append(lineData, joinedData)
   286  		case nil:
   287  			//getLogger().Tracef("nil value for column: `%v`", columnData.DataKey)
   288  			lineData = append(lineData, REPORT_LIST_VALUE_NONE)
   289  		default:
   290  			err = getLogger().Errorf("Unexpected type for report data: column: %s, type: `%T`, value: `%v`", columnData.DataKey, data, data)
   291  		}
   292  	}
   294  	return
   295  }