
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  /*
     3   * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
     4   * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
     5   * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
     6   * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
     7   * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
     8   * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     9   *
    10   *
    11   *
    12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    16   * limitations under the License.
    17   */
    18  package schema
    20  const (
    21  	KEY_ANNOTATIONS = "annotations"
    22  	KEY_COMPONENTS  = "components"
    23  	KEY_LICENSES    = "licenses"
    24  	KEY_METADATA    = "metadata"
    25  	KEY_SERVICES    = "services"
    26  )
    28  // Note: CycloneDX v1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 schema properties are currently supported
    29  // TODO: make ALL struct pointer references for (future) editing needs
    31  // For convenience, we provide named vars. for testing for zero-length (empty) structs
    32  var EMPTY_CDXLicense = CDXLicense{}
    34  // NOTE: During parsing, any fields not explicitly included in the structure
    35  // will still be added as generic "interface{}" types
    36  // v1.3: added "compositions"
    37  // v1.4: added "vulnerabilities", "signature"
    38  // v1.5: added "annotations", "formulation", "properties"
    39  // v1.6: added "declarations", "definitions"
    40  type CDXBom struct {
    41  	BOMFormat          string                  `json:"bomFormat,omitempty"`
    42  	SpecVersion        string                  `json:"specVersion,omitempty"`
    43  	SerialNumber       string                  `json:"serialNumber,omitempty"`
    44  	Version            int                     `json:"version,omitempty"`
    45  	Metadata           *CDXMetadata            `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
    46  	Components         *[]CDXComponent         `json:"components,omitempty"`
    47  	Services           *[]CDXService           `json:"services,omitempty"`
    48  	ExternalReferences *[]CDXExternalReference `json:"externalReferences,omitempty"`
    49  	Dependencies       *[]CDXDependency        `json:"dependencies,omitempty"`
    50  	Compositions       *[]CDXCompositions      `json:"compositions,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
    51  	Vulnerabilities    *[]CDXVulnerability     `json:"vulnerabilities,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
    52  	Signature          *JSFSignature           `json:"signature,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
    53  	Annotations        *[]CDXAnnotation        `json:"annotations,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
    54  	Formulation        *[]CDXFormula           `json:"formulation,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
    55  	Properties         *[]CDXProperty          `json:"properties,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
    56  	Declarations       *[]CDXDeclaration       `json:"declarations,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
    57  	Definitions        *[]CDXDefinition        `json:"definitions,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
    58  }
    60  // v1.2: existed
    61  // v1.3: added "licenses", "properties"
    62  // v1.5: added "lifecycles"
    63  // v1.5: "tools" is changed to an interface{} as it represents 2 possible types (object <legacy tools>, slice <new tools>)
    64  // v1.6: added "manufacturer"; deprecated "manufacture"
    65  // Note: "timestamp" in OWASP SCVS is: urn:owasp:scvs:bom:core:timestamp
    66  type CDXMetadata struct {
    67  	Timestamp    string                      `json:"timestamp,omitempty" scvs:"bom:core:timestamp"`
    68  	Tools        interface{}                 `json:"tools,omitempty"`
    69  	Authors      *[]CDXOrganizationalContact `json:"authors,omitempty"`
    70  	Component    *CDXComponent               `json:"component,omitempty"`
    71  	Supplier     *CDXOrganizationalEntity    `json:"supplier,omitempty"`
    72  	Licenses     *[]CDXLicenseChoice         `json:"licenses,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
    73  	Properties   *[]CDXProperty              `json:"properties,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
    74  	Lifecycles   *[]CDXLifecycle             `json:"lifecycles,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
    75  	Manufacture  *CDXOrganizationalEntity    `json:"manufacture,omitempty" cdx:"deprecated:1.6"`
    76  	Manufacturer *CDXOrganizationalEntity    `json:"manufacturer,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
    77  }
    79  // v1.2: existed
    80  // v1.3: added: "evidence", "properties"
    81  // v1.4: added: "releaseNotes", "signature"
    82  // v1.4: changed: "version" no longer required
    83  // v1.4: deprecated: "modified", "cpe", "swid"
    84  // v1.5: added "modelCard", (component)"data"
    85  // Note: "bom-ref" is a "refType" which is a constrained `string`
    86  // TODO: "mime-type" SHOULD become "media-type" which is more modern/inclusive
    87  // TODO: Remove "service" from "Type" enum. as "service" now exists (deprecate in future versions)
    88  // NOTE: CDXRefType is a named `string` type as of v1.5
    89  type CDXComponent struct {
    90  	Primary            bool                        `json:"-"`              // Proprietary: do NOT marshal/unmarshal
    91  	Type               string                      `json:"type,omitempty"` // Constraint: enum [see schema]
    92  	Name               string                      `json:"name,omitempty"`
    93  	Version            string                      `json:"version,omitempty"`
    94  	Description        string                      `json:"description,omitempty"`
    95  	Group              string                      `json:"group,omitempty"`
    96  	BOMRef             *CDXRefType                 `json:"bom-ref,omitempty"`
    97  	MimeType           string                      `json:"mime-type,omitempty"`
    98  	Supplier           *CDXOrganizationalEntity    `json:"supplier,omitempty"`
    99  	Publisher          string                      `json:"publisher,omitempty"`
   100  	Scope              string                      `json:"scope,omitempty"` // Constraint: "enum": ["required","optional","excluded"]
   101  	Hashes             *[]CDXHash                  `json:"hashes,omitempty"`
   102  	Licenses           *[]CDXLicenseChoice         `json:"licenses,omitempty"`
   103  	Copyright          string                      `json:"copyright,omitempty"`
   104  	Cpe                string                      `json:"cpe,omitempty"`                                       // See:
   105  	Purl               string                      `json:"purl,omitempty" scvs:"bom:resource:identifiers:purl"` // See:
   106  	Swid               *CDXSwid                    `json:"swid,omitempty"`                                      // See:
   107  	Pedigree           *CDXPedigree                `json:"pedigree,omitempty"`
   108  	ExternalReferences *[]CDXExternalReference     `json:"externalReferences,omitempty"`
   109  	Components         *[]CDXComponent             `json:"components,omitempty"`
   110  	Evidence           *CDXComponentEvidence       `json:"evidence,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
   111  	Properties         *[]CDXProperty              `json:"properties,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
   112  	ReleaseNotes       *[]CDXReleaseNotes          `json:"releaseNotes,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   113  	Signature          *JSFSignature               `json:"signature,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   114  	Modified           bool                        `json:"modified,omitempty" cdx:"deprecated:1.4"`
   115  	ModelCard          *CDXModelCard               `json:"modelCard,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   116  	Data               *[]CDXComponentData         `json:"data,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   117  	Authors            *[]CDXOrganizationalContact `json:"authors,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   118  	OmniborId          *[]string                   `json:"omniborId,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   119  	Swhid              *[]string                   `json:"swhid,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   120  	CryptoProperties   *CDXCryptoProperties        `json:"cryptoProperties,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   121  	Tags               *[]string                   `json:"tags,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   122  	Manufacturer       *CDXOrganizationalEntity    `json:"manufacturer,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   123  	Author             string                      `json:"author,omitempty" cdx:"deprecated:1.6"`
   124  }
   126  // v1.5 added object
   127  // The general theme or subject matter of the data being specified.
   128  // TODO: "contents" is plural, but it is not an array
   129  type CDXComponentData struct {
   130  	Type           string                 `json:"type,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"` // Constraint: "enum": ["source-code","configuration","dataset","definition","other"]
   131  	Name           string                 `json:"name,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   132  	BOMRef         *CDXRefType            `json:"bom-ref,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   133  	Contents       *CDXContent            `json:"contents,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   134  	Classification *CDXDataClassification `json:"classification,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   135  	SensitiveData  []string               `json:"sensitiveData,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   136  	Graphics       *CDXGraphicsCollection `json:"graphics,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   137  	Description    string                 `json:"description,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   138  	Governance     *CDXDataGovernance     `json:"governance,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   139  }
   141  // v1.5 added object
   142  type CDXContent struct {
   143  	Url        string         `json:"url,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   144  	Attachment *CDXAttachment `json:"attachment,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   145  	Properties *[]CDXProperty `json:"properties,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   146  }
   148  // v1.5 added
   149  type CDXDataGovernance struct {
   150  	Custodians *[]CDXDataGovernanceResponsibleParty `json:"custodians,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   151  	Stewards   *[]CDXDataGovernanceResponsibleParty `json:"stewards,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   152  	Owners     *[]CDXDataGovernanceResponsibleParty `json:"owners,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   153  }
   155  // v1.5 added structure
   156  // Constraints: "oneOf": ["organization", "contact"]
   157  type CDXDataGovernanceResponsibleParty struct {
   158  	Organization *CDXOrganizationalEntity  `json:"organization,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   159  	Contact      *CDXOrganizationalContact `json:"contact,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   160  }
   162  // v1.2: existed
   163  // v1.3: added: "properties"
   164  // v1.4: added: "releaseNotes", "signature"
   165  // v1.5: moved "data" object elements into "serviceData" object
   166  // v1.5: added "trustZone"
   167  // -----
   168  // TODO: a service is not all auth or not auth.; that is, we have multiple endpoints
   169  // but only 1 boolean for "authenticated" (open spec. issue)
   170  // TODO: Not sure the intent of having "nested" (hierarchical) services?
   171  // TODO: Should support OpenAPI specification (documents) as canonical descriptors
   172  // TODO: v1.2 "licenses" used to be an anon. type until v1.3 intro. the `LicenseChoice` def.
   173  // validate a v1.2 SBOM wit the anon. type parses properly
   174  // NOTE: CDXRefType is a named `string` type as of v1.5
   175  type CDXService struct {
   176  	Name               string                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
   177  	Version            string                   `json:"version,omitempty"`
   178  	Description        string                   `json:"description,omitempty"`
   179  	Group              string                   `json:"group,omitempty"`
   180  	BOMRef             *CDXRefType              `json:"bom-ref,omitempty"`
   181  	Endpoints          *[]string                `json:"endpoints,omitempty"`
   182  	Authenticated      bool                     `json:"authenticated,omitempty"`
   183  	XTrustBoundary     bool                     `json:"x-trust-boundary,omitempty"`
   184  	Provider           *CDXOrganizationalEntity `json:"provider,omitempty"`
   185  	Data               *[]CDXServiceData        `json:"data,omitempty"`
   186  	Licenses           *[]CDXLicenseChoice      `json:"licenses,omitempty"`
   187  	ExternalReferences *[]CDXExternalReference  `json:"externalReferences,omitempty"`
   188  	Services           *[]CDXService            `json:"services,omitempty"`
   189  	Properties         *[]CDXProperty           `json:"properties,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
   190  	ReleaseNotes       *[]CDXReleaseNotes       `json:"releaseNotes,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   191  	Signature          *JSFSignature            `json:"signature,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   192  	TrustZone          string                   `json:"trustZone,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   193  	Tags               *[]string                `json:"tags,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   194  }
   196  // v1.5: added. aggregated related date from v1.2-v1.4 and added additional fields
   197  // v1.2-v1.4: "flow", "classification" existed
   198  // TODO: "source" is a "oneOf" type (both currently resolve to string), but needs to be its own anonymous type
   199  // TODO: "destination" is a "oneOf" type (both currently resolve to string), but needs to be its own anonymous type
   200  type CDXServiceData struct {
   201  	Flow           string                 `json:"flow,omitempty"`
   202  	Classification *CDXDataClassification `json:"classification,omitempty"`
   203  	Name           string                 `json:"name,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   204  	Description    string                 `json:"description,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   205  	Governance     *CDXDataGovernance     `json:"governance,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   206  	Source         string                 `json:"source,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   207  	Destination    string                 `json:"destination,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   208  }
   210  // v1.2: existed as an anon. type in the "component" type defn.
   211  // The "Notes" (plural) should likely be multiple strings or text annotations
   212  // TODO: create top-level defn. for "pedigree" anon. type
   213  type CDXPedigree struct {
   214  	Ancestors   *[]CDXComponent `json:"ancestors,omitempty"`
   215  	Descendants *[]CDXComponent `json:"descendants,omitempty"`
   216  	Variants    *[]CDXComponent `json:"variants,omitempty"`
   217  	Commits     *[]CDXCommit    `json:"commits,omitempty"`
   218  	Patches     *[]CDXPatch     `json:"patches,omitempty"`
   219  	Notes       string          `json:"notes,omitempty"`
   220  }
   222  // TODO: create "isEmpty()" method to use in "component list" command
   223  // This method, currently, does NOT go "deep" enough into the structs used as slices...
   224  func (pedigree *CDXPedigree) isEmpty() bool {
   225  	if *pedigree == (CDXPedigree{}) {
   226  		return true
   227  	}
   228  	if (pedigree.Notes != "") ||
   229  		(pedigree.Ancestors != nil && len(*pedigree.Ancestors) > 0) ||
   230  		(pedigree.Descendants != nil && len(*pedigree.Descendants) > 0) ||
   231  		(pedigree.Variants != nil && len(*pedigree.Variants) > 0) ||
   232  		(pedigree.Commits != nil && len(*pedigree.Commits) > 0) ||
   233  		(pedigree.Patches != nil && len(*pedigree.Patches) > 0) {
   234  		return false
   235  	}
   236  	// TODO: we verified, at least to a shallow depth, that an attempt was made to provide
   237  	// provenance data; however, data structs in could still be "empty"
   238  	// a full, deep empty check impl. is needed
   239  	return true
   240  }
   242  // v1.2: existed
   243  // See:
   244  // NOTE: Swid v1 tag values are deprecated; new v2 tags are avail.
   245  type CDXSwid struct {
   246  	TagId      string         `json:"tagId,omitempty"`
   247  	Name       string         `json:"name,omitempty"`
   248  	Version    string         `json:"version,omitempty"`
   249  	TagVersion int            `json:"tagVersion,omitempty"`
   250  	Patch      bool           `json:"patch,omitempty"`
   251  	Text       *CDXAttachment `json:"text,omitempty"`
   252  	Url        string         `json:"url,omitempty"`
   253  }
   255  // v1.2: was an anon. type in schema
   256  // v1.3: created explicit schema object type
   257  // Note: "oneOf": ["license", "expression"] is required
   258  // NOTE: CDXLicenseExpression is a named `string` type as of v1.5
   259  type CDXLicenseChoice struct {
   260  	License *CDXLicense `json:"license,omitempty"`
   261  	//Expression string     `json:"expression,omitempty"` // v1.5: changed
   262  	CDXLicenseExpression
   263  }
   265  // v1.5: added "expression" type structure
   266  // v1.6: added Acknowledgment
   267  // NOTE: CDXRefType is a named `string` type as of v1.5
   268  type CDXLicenseExpression struct {
   269  	Expression      string      `json:"expression,omitempty"`
   270  	BOMRef          *CDXRefType `json:"bom-ref,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   271  	Acknowledgement string      `json:"acknowledgement,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   272  }
   274  // v1.2: was an anon. type
   275  // v1.3: created as a named type
   276  // v1.6: added Acknowledgment
   277  // Note: "id" SHOULD be an SPDX license ID
   278  // Note: "oneOf": ["id", "name"] is required
   279  // Note: CDXRefType is a named `string` type as of v1.5
   280  // Note: Acknowledgement is actually a named `string` (licenseAcknowledgementEnumeration)
   281  type CDXLicense struct {
   282  	Id              string         `json:"id,omitempty"`
   283  	Name            string         `json:"name,omitempty"`
   284  	Text            *CDXAttachment `json:"text,omitempty"`
   285  	Url             string         `json:"url,omitempty"`
   286  	BOMRef          *CDXRefType    `json:"bom-ref,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   287  	Licensing       *CDXLicensing  `json:"licensing,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   288  	Properties      *[]CDXProperty `json:"properties,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   289  	Acknowledgement string         `json:"acknowledgement,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.6"`
   290  }
   292  // v1.5: added object
   293  type CDXLicensing struct {
   294  	AltIds        *[]string             `json:"altIds,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   295  	Licensor      *CDXLicenseLegalParty `json:"licensor,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   296  	Licensee      *CDXLicenseLegalParty `json:"licensee,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   297  	Purchaser     *CDXLicenseLegalParty `json:"purchaser,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   298  	PurchaseOrder string                `json:"purchaseOrder,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   299  	LicenseTypes  *[]string             `json:"licenseTypes,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   300  	LastRenewal   string                `json:"lastRenewal,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   301  	Expiration    string                `json:"expiration,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   302  }
   304  // v1.2: existed
   305  // TODO: GitHub PRs MAY have more than 1 commit (committer); CDX needs to account for this
   306  type CDXCommit struct {
   307  	Uid       string                 `json:"uid,omitempty"`
   308  	Url       string                 `json:"url,omitempty"`
   309  	Message   string                 `json:"message,omitempty"`
   310  	Author    *CDXIdentifiableAction `json:"author,omitempty"`
   311  	Committer *CDXIdentifiableAction `json:"committer,omitempty"`
   312  }
   314  // v1.2: existed
   315  type CDXPatch struct {
   316  	Type     string      `json:"type,omitempty"`
   317  	Diff     *CDXDiff    `json:"diff,omitempty"`
   318  	Resolves *[]CDXIssue `json:"resolves,omitempty"`
   319  }
   321  // v1.2: existed
   322  // v1.3 "url" type changed from `string` (with constraints) to an "iri-reference"
   323  type CDXDiff struct {
   324  	Text *CDXAttachment `json:"text,omitempty"`
   325  	Url  string         `json:"url,omitempty" cdx:"changed:1.3"`
   326  }
   328  // v1.2: existed
   329  // Note: v1.2 Bug: there appears to be a bug in the 1.2 spec. where the type for
   330  // "references" is declared an array of "no type" (it likely should be `string`)
   331  // Not sure how a parser will treat this... perhaps as an `interface{}`?
   332  // v1.3: fixed missing item type to "string" ([]string) and constrained as an "iri-reference"
   333  type CDXIssue struct {
   334  	Type        string     `json:"type,omitempty"`
   335  	Id          string     `json:"id,omitempty"`
   336  	Name        string     `json:"name,omitempty"`
   337  	Description string     `json:"description,omitempty"`
   338  	Source      *CDXSource `json:"source,omitempty"`
   339  	References  *[]string  `json:"references,omitempty" cdx:"changed:1.3"`
   340  }
   342  // v1.2: existed as anon. type
   343  // Note: this is an anonymous type defined within "issue" defn. (i.e., "CDXIssue")
   344  type CDXSource struct {
   345  	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   346  	Url  string `json:"url,omitempty"`
   347  }
   349  // v1.2: existed
   350  // TODO: We should suggest this be "deprecated" and instead add "timestamp" and
   351  // other fields to OrganizationalContact (or similar)
   352  // TODO: should have "signage" information (e.g., evidence, public key)
   353  type CDXIdentifiableAction struct {
   354  	Timestamp string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
   355  	Name      string `json:"name,omitempty"`
   356  	Email     string `json:"email,omitempty"`
   357  }
   359  // v1.2: existed
   360  // v1.4: "ref" and "dependsOn" became type "refType" which is a constrained `string`
   361  // v1.5: "ref": is now a constrained "string" of type "#/definitions/refLinkType"
   362  // v1.5: "dependsOn": is now a constrained "string" of type "#/definitions/refLinkType"
   363  // Note: Changes to RefType and RefLinkType are ONLY constraint changes; we need only track type changes...
   364  type CDXDependency struct {
   365  	Ref       *CDXRefLinkType   `json:"ref,omitempty"`
   366  	DependsOn *[]CDXRefLinkType `json:"dependsOn,omitempty"`
   367  }
   369  // v1.2: existed
   370  // Note: "flow" is of type "dataFlow" which is a constrained `string` type
   371  // v1.5: removed.  No longer an object; now it is a "string" ( "flow" moved out as "string" into "serviceData" object)
   372  // type CDXDataClassification struct {
   373  // 	Flow           string `json:"flow,omitempty"`
   374  // 	Classification string `json:"classification,omitempty"`
   375  // }
   377  // v1.5 added. Replaced former "object" type in favor of "string"
   378  // Data classification tags data according to its type, sensitivity, and value if altered,
   379  // stolen, or destroyed.
   380  type CDXDataClassification string // Constraint: "enum": ["inbound", "outbound", "bi-directional", "unknown"]
   382  // v1.3: created "copyright" defn.
   383  type CDXCopyright struct {
   384  	Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
   385  }
   387  // v1.3: created "componentEvidence" defn.
   388  // Note: "Identity" was changed from a singleton in v1.5, to an array of in v1.6
   389  type CDXComponentEvidence struct {
   390  	Licenses    *[]CDXLicense    `json:"licenses,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
   391  	Copyright   *[]CDXCopyright  `json:"copyright,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
   392  	Identity    interface{}      `json:"identity,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5,changed:1.6"`
   393  	Occurrences *[]CDXOccurrence `json:"occurrences,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   394  	Callstack   *CDXCallstack    `json:"callstack,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   395  }
   397  // v1.5: added
   398  type CDXOccurrence struct {
   399  	BOMRef   *CDXRefType `json:"bom-ref,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   400  	Location string      `json:"location,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   401  }
   403  // v1.5: added
   404  type CDXCallstack struct {
   405  	Frames *[]CDXFrames `json:"frames,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   406  }
   408  // v1.5: added
   409  // Note: "parameters" SHOULD use "formulation" definitions that better define a parameter
   410  type CDXFrames struct {
   411  	Package      string    `json:"package,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   412  	Module       string    `json:"module,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   413  	Function     string    `json:"function,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   414  	Parameters   *[]string `json:"parameters,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   415  	Line         int       `json:"line,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   416  	Column       int       `json:"column,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   417  	FullFilename string    `json:"fullFilename,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   418  }
   420  // v1.5: added
   421  // TODO: figure out how to support both the v1.5 "Identity" type (a singleton
   422  // of an anonymous type) vs. the v1.6 "identity" which is an array of named type
   423  // (i.e., componentIdentityEvidence).
   424  // Note: Tools is either (OneOf) CDXRefType <or> CDXBomLinkElementType, which are both strings for now...
   425  // type CDXComponentIdentityEvidence struct {
   426  // 	Field      string       `json:"field,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   427  // 	Confidence float64      `json:"confidence,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   428  // 	Methods    *[]CDXMethod `json:"methods,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   429  // 	Tools      *[]string    `json:"tools,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   430  // }
   432  // // v1.5: added
   433  // type CDXMethod struct {
   434  // 	Technique  string  `json:"technique,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   435  // 	Confidence float64 `json:"confidence,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   436  // 	Value      string  `json:"value,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   437  // }
   439  // v1.3: created "compositions" defn.
   440  // v1.4: added "signature"
   441  // v1.5: added "bom-ref", "vulnerabilities"
   442  // Note: "aggregate" is type `aggregateType` which is a constrained string
   443  // TODO: Note: "Assemblies" is really an array of OneOf: "refLinkType" or "bomLinkElementType"
   444  // which BOTH thankfully mapping to "string"; however, this MAY need to become an "interface{}"
   445  // similar to "tools" has become.
   446  // TODO: Should NOT be plural; open issue against v2.0 schema
   447  // NOTE: CDXRefType is a named `string` type as of v1.5
   448  type CDXCompositions struct {
   449  	Aggregate       string              `json:"aggregate,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
   450  	Assemblies      *[]string           `json:"assemblies,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
   451  	Dependencies    *[]string           `json:"dependencies,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.3"`
   452  	Signature       *JSFSignature       `json:"signature,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   453  	Vulnerabilities *[]CDXVulnerability `json:"vulnerabilities,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   454  	BOMRef          *CDXRefType         `json:"bom-ref,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   455  }
   457  // v1.4: created "releaseNotes" defn.
   458  // TODO: should be singular "releaseNote"
   459  // TODO: v1.7: Add []ExternalReferences
   460  // TODO: v1.7: "Tags" is an overloaded concept... currently doesn't represent GitHub tags
   461  type CDXReleaseNotes struct {
   462  	Type          string         `json:"type,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   463  	Title         string         `json:"title,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   464  	FeaturedImage string         `json:"featuredImage,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   465  	SocialImage   string         `json:"socialImage,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   466  	Description   string         `json:"description,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   467  	Timestamp     string         `json:"timestamp,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   468  	Aliases       *[]string      `json:"aliases,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   469  	Tags          *[]string      `json:"tags,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   470  	Resolves      *[]CDXIssue    `json:"resolves,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   471  	Notes         *[]CDXNote     `json:"notes,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   472  	Properties    *[]CDXProperty `json:"properties,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.4"`
   473  }
   475  type CDXLifecycle struct {
   476  	//  v1.5: "enum": [ "design", "pre-build", "build", "post-build", "operations", "discovery", "decommission"]
   477  	Phase              string `json:"phase,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   478  	CDXNameDescription        // name, description
   479  }
   481  // v1.5 new type for "metadata"
   482  type CDXNameDescription struct {
   483  	Name        string `json:"name,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   484  	Description string `json:"description,omitempty" cdx:"added:1.5"`
   485  }