
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  /*
     3   * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
     4   * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
     5   * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
     6   * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
     7   * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
     8   * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
     9   *
    10   *
    11   *
    12   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    13   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    14   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    15   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    16   * limitations under the License.
    17   */
    19  package schema
    21  // v1.4: created "vulnerability" defn.
    22  // v1.5: added "workaround", "proofOfConcept", "rejected"
    23  // Note: "bom-ref" is a "ref-type" which is a constrained `string`
    24  // Note: "cwes" is a array of "cwe" which is a constrained `int`
    25  // NOTE: CDXRefType is a named `string` type as of v1.5
    26  type CDXVulnerability struct {
    27  	Id             string                       `json:"id,omitempty"`             // v1.4
    28  	Source         *CDXVulnerabilitySource      `json:"source,omitempty"`         // v1.4
    29  	BOMRef         *CDXRefType                  `json:"bom-ref,omitempty"`        // v1.4
    30  	References     *[]CDXVulnerabilityReference `json:"references"`               // v1.4: anon. type
    31  	Ratings        *[]CDXRating                 `json:"ratings,omitempty"`        // v1.4
    32  	Cwes           *[]int                       `json:"cwes,omitempty"`           // v1.4
    33  	Description    string                       `json:"description,omitempty"`    // v1.4
    34  	Detail         string                       `json:"detail,omitempty"`         // v1.4
    35  	Recommendation string                       `json:"recommendation,omitempty"` // v1.4
    36  	Advisories     *[]CDXAdvisory               `json:"advisories,omitempty"`     // v1.4
    37  	Created        string                       `json:"created,omitempty"`        // v1.4
    38  	Published      string                       `json:"published,omitempty"`      // v1.4
    39  	Updated        string                       `json:"updated,omitempty"`        // v1.4
    40  	Credits        *CDXCredit                   `json:"credits,omitempty"`        // v1.4: anon. type
    41  	Tools          interface{}                  `json:"tools,omitempty"`          // v1.4: added; v1.5: changed to interface{}
    42  	Analysis       *CDXAnalysis                 `json:"analysis,omitempty"`       // v1.4: anon. type
    43  	Affects        *[]CDXAffect                 `json:"affects,omitempty"`        // v1.4: anon. type
    44  	Properties     *[]CDXProperty               `json:"properties,omitempty"`     // v1.4: added
    45  	Workaround     string                       `json:"workaround,omitempty"`     // v1.5: added
    46  	ProofOfConcept *CDXProofOfConcept           `json:"proofOfConcept,omitempty"` // v1.5: added
    47  	Rejected       string                       `json:"rejected,omitempty"`       // v1.5: added
    48  }
    50  // v1.4 This is an anonymous type used in CDXVulnerability
    51  type CDXVulnerabilityReference struct {
    52  	Id     string                  `json:"id,omitempty"`     // v1.4
    53  	Source *CDXVulnerabilitySource `json:"source,omitempty"` // v1.4
    54  }
    56  // v1.4: created "vulnerabilitySource" defn.
    57  // Note: "url" is of type "string" (and not an "iri-reference")
    58  // TODO: "url" SHOULD be an "iri-reference"
    59  type CDXVulnerabilitySource struct {
    60  	Url  string `json:"url,omitempty"`  // v1.4
    61  	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // v1.4
    62  }
    64  // v1.4: created "rating" defn.
    65  // Note: "score" is of type "number" which should map to `float64`
    66  // Note: "severity" is of type "severity" which is a constrained `string`
    67  // Note: "method" is of type "scoreMethod" which is a constrained `string`
    68  type CDXRating struct {
    69  	Source        *CDXVulnerabilitySource `json:"source,omitempty"`        // v1.4
    70  	Score         float64                 `json:"score,omitempty"`         // v1.4
    71  	Severity      string                  `json:"severity,omitempty"`      // v1.4
    72  	Method        string                  `json:"method,omitempty"`        // v1.4
    73  	Vector        string                  `json:"vector,omitempty"`        // v1.4
    74  	Justification string                  `json:"justification,omitempty"` // v1.4
    75  }
    77  // v1.4: created "releaseNotes" defn.
    78  // Note: "url" is of type "iri-reference"
    79  type CDXAdvisory struct {
    80  	Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // v1.4
    81  	Url   string `json:"url,omitempty"`   // v1.4
    82  }
    84  // v1.4: created "credit" defn. to represent the in-line, anon. type
    85  // found in the "vulnerability" type defn.
    86  type CDXCredit struct {
    87  	Organizations *[]CDXOrganizationalEntity  `json:"organizations,omitempty"` // v1.4
    88  	Individuals   *[]CDXOrganizationalContact `json:"individuals,omitempty"`   // v1.4
    89  }
    91  // v1.4: created "analysis" def. to represent an in-line, anon. type defined in the "vulnerability" object defn.
    92  // v1.5: added "firstIssued", "lastUpdated"
    93  // Note: "state" is an "impactAnalysisState" type which is a constrained enum. of type `string`
    94  // Note: "justification" is an "impactAnalysisJustification" type which is a constrained enum. of type `string`
    95  // TODO: "response" is also "in-lined" as a constrained enum. of `string`, but SHOULD be declared at top-level
    96  type CDXAnalysis struct {
    97  	State         string    `json:"state,omitempty"`         // v1.4
    98  	Justification string    `json:"justification,omitempty"` // v1.4
    99  	Response      *[]string `json:"response,omitempty"`      // v1.4: anon. type
   100  	Detail        string    `json:"detail,omitempty"`        // v1.4
   101  	FirstIssued   string    `json:"firstIssued,omitempty"`   // v1.5: added
   102  	LastUpdated   string    `json:"lastUpdated,omitempty"`   // v1.5: added
   103  }
   105  // v1.4: created "analysis" def. to represent an in-line, anon. type
   106  // v1.5: Note: "ref" is a constrained "string" which can be "anyOf": ["#/definitions/refLinkType", "#/definitions/bomLinkElementType"]
   107  // Note: This anon. "type" ONLY includes a single array of another in-line type
   108  // TODO: create top-level defn. for "affect" anon. type
   109  type CDXAffect struct {
   110  	Versions *[]CDXVersionRange `json:"versions,omitempty"` // v1.4: anon. type
   111  	Ref      *CDXRefLinkType    `json:"ref,omitempty"`      // v1.5: added
   112  }
   114  // v1.4: created "version" def. to represent an in-line, anon. type
   115  // Note "version" is a top-level defn. that is a constrained `string` type
   116  // Note "affectedStatus" is a top-level defn. that is an enum. of `string` type
   117  // Note: Both "version" constrains strings to a min/mac (1, 1024) length
   118  // this concept SHOULD APPLY to all free-form text entries (e.g., descriptive text)
   119  // TODO: create top-level defn. for "versions" (a.k.a. "versionRange") anon. type (name TBD)
   120  type CDXVersionRange struct {
   121  	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` // v1.4
   122  	Range   string `json:"range,omitempty"`   // v1.4
   123  	Status  string `json:"status,omitempty"`  // v1.4
   124  }
   126  // v1.5: created ("reproductionSteps", "environment", "supportingMaterial")
   127  // TODO: "supportingMaterial" should be plural as it is an "array"
   128  type CDXProofOfConcept struct {
   129  	ReproductionSteps  string                   `json:"reproductionSteps,omitempty"`  // v1.5: added
   130  	Environment        string                   `json:"environment,omitempty"`        // v1.5: added
   131  	SupportingMaterial *[]CDXSupportingMaterial `json:"supportingMaterial,omitempty"` // v1.5: added
   132  }
   134  // v1.5: created ("contentType", "encoding", "content")
   135  type CDXSupportingMaterial struct {
   136  	ContentType string `json:"contentType,omitempty"` // v1.5: added
   137  	Encoding    string `json:"encoding,omitempty"`    // v1.5: added
   138  	Content     string `json:"content,omitempty"`     // v1.5: added
   139  }