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    90            "name": "Jane"
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   120          "reviewer": {
   121            "name": "Jane"
   122          },
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   140                }
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   142              "classification": "Company Confidential",
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   144            }
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   146          "created": "2023-04-25T00:00:00+00:00",
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   150          },
   151          "reviewer": {
   152            "name": "Jane"
   153          },
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   156            "certificatePath": [ "MIIB...", "MIID..." ],
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   164            "bom-ref": "acme-inc",
   165            "name": "Acme Inc"
   166          }
   167        ]
   168      },
   169      "affirmation": {
   170        "statement": "I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that all information is correct...",
   171        "signatories": [
   172          {
   173            "name": "Tom",
   174            "role": "CEO",
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   176              "algorithm": "ES256",
   177              "certificatePath": [ "MIIB...", "MIID..." ],
   178              "value": "tqIT..."
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   182            "name": "Jerry",
   183            "role": "COO",
   184            "organization": {
   185              "name": "Acme Inc"
   186            },
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   189              "url": ""
   190            }
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