
     1  package statesync
     3  import (
     4  	"errors"
     5  	"testing"
     6  	"time"
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    12  	abci ""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	tmsync ""
    16  	""
    17  	p2pmocks ""
    18  	tmstate ""
    19  	ssproto ""
    20  	tmversion ""
    21  	""
    22  	proxymocks ""
    23  	sm ""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  // Sets up a basic syncer that can be used to test OfferSnapshot requests
    30  func setupOfferSyncer(t *testing.T) (*syncer, *proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot) {
    31  	connQuery := &proxymocks.AppConnQuery{}
    32  	connSnapshot := &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
    33  	stateProvider := &mocks.StateProvider{}
    34  	stateProvider.On("AppHash", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]byte("app_hash"), nil)
    35  	cfg := config.DefaultStateSyncConfig()
    36  	syncer := newSyncer(*cfg, log.NewNopLogger(), connSnapshot, connQuery, stateProvider, "")
    38  	return syncer, connSnapshot
    39  }
    41  // Sets up a simple peer mock with an ID
    42  func simplePeer(id string) *p2pmocks.Peer {
    43  	peer := &p2pmocks.Peer{}
    44  	peer.On("ID").Return(p2p.ID(id))
    45  	return peer
    46  }
    48  func TestSyncer_SyncAny(t *testing.T) {
    49  	state := sm.State{
    50  		ChainID: "chain",
    51  		Version: tmstate.Version{
    52  			Consensus: tmversion.Consensus{
    53  				Block: version.BlockProtocol,
    54  				App:   0,
    55  			},
    56  			Software: version.TMCoreSemVer,
    57  		},
    59  		LastBlockHeight: 1,
    60  		LastBlockID:     types.BlockID{Hash: []byte("blockhash")},
    61  		LastBlockTime:   time.Now(),
    62  		LastResultsHash: []byte("last_results_hash"),
    63  		AppHash:         []byte("app_hash"),
    65  		LastValidators: &types.ValidatorSet{Proposer: &types.Validator{Address: []byte("val1")}},
    66  		Validators:     &types.ValidatorSet{Proposer: &types.Validator{Address: []byte("val2")}},
    67  		NextValidators: &types.ValidatorSet{Proposer: &types.Validator{Address: []byte("val3")}},
    69  		ConsensusParams:                  *types.DefaultConsensusParams(),
    70  		LastHeightConsensusParamsChanged: 1,
    71  	}
    72  	commit := &types.Commit{BlockID: types.BlockID{Hash: []byte("blockhash")}}
    74  	chunks := []*chunk{
    75  		{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 0, Chunk: []byte{1, 1, 0}},
    76  		{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1, Chunk: []byte{1, 1, 1}},
    77  		{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 2, Chunk: []byte{1, 1, 2}},
    78  	}
    79  	s := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
    81  	stateProvider := &mocks.StateProvider{}
    82  	stateProvider.On("AppHash", mock.Anything, uint64(1)).Return(state.AppHash, nil)
    83  	stateProvider.On("AppHash", mock.Anything, uint64(2)).Return([]byte("app_hash_2"), nil)
    84  	stateProvider.On("Commit", mock.Anything, uint64(1)).Return(commit, nil)
    85  	stateProvider.On("State", mock.Anything, uint64(1)).Return(state, nil)
    86  	connSnapshot := &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
    87  	connQuery := &proxymocks.AppConnQuery{}
    89  	cfg := config.DefaultStateSyncConfig()
    90  	syncer := newSyncer(*cfg, log.NewNopLogger(), connSnapshot, connQuery, stateProvider, "")
    92  	// Adding a chunk should error when no sync is in progress
    93  	_, err := syncer.AddChunk(&chunk{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 0, Chunk: []byte{1}})
    94  	require.Error(t, err)
    96  	// Adding a couple of peers should trigger snapshot discovery messages
    97  	peerA := &p2pmocks.Peer{}
    98  	peerA.On("ID").Return(p2p.ID("a"))
    99  	peerA.On("Send", SnapshotChannel, mustEncodeMsg(&ssproto.SnapshotsRequest{})).Return(true)
   100  	syncer.AddPeer(peerA)
   101  	peerA.AssertExpectations(t)
   103  	peerB := &p2pmocks.Peer{}
   104  	peerB.On("ID").Return(p2p.ID("b"))
   105  	peerB.On("Send", SnapshotChannel, mustEncodeMsg(&ssproto.SnapshotsRequest{})).Return(true)
   106  	syncer.AddPeer(peerB)
   107  	peerB.AssertExpectations(t)
   109  	// Both peers report back with snapshots. One of them also returns a snapshot we don't want, in
   110  	// format 2, which will be rejected by the ABCI application.
   111  	new, err := syncer.AddSnapshot(peerA, s)
   112  	require.NoError(t, err)
   113  	assert.True(t, new)
   115  	new, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerB, s)
   116  	require.NoError(t, err)
   117  	assert.False(t, new)
   119  	new, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerB, &snapshot{Height: 2, Format: 2, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1}})
   120  	require.NoError(t, err)
   121  	assert.True(t, new)
   123  	// We start a sync, with peers sending back chunks when requested. We first reject the snapshot
   124  	// with height 2 format 2, and accept the snapshot at height 1.
   125  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   126  		Snapshot: &abci.Snapshot{
   127  			Height: 2,
   128  			Format: 2,
   129  			Chunks: 3,
   130  			Hash:   []byte{1},
   131  		},
   132  		AppHash: []byte("app_hash_2"),
   133  	}).Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT_FORMAT}, nil)
   134  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   135  		Snapshot: &abci.Snapshot{
   136  			Height:   s.Height,
   137  			Format:   s.Format,
   138  			Chunks:   s.Chunks,
   139  			Hash:     s.Hash,
   140  			Metadata: s.Metadata,
   141  		},
   142  		AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   143  	}).Times(2).Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_ACCEPT}, nil)
   145  	chunkRequests := make(map[uint32]int)
   146  	chunkRequestsMtx := tmsync.Mutex{}
   147  	onChunkRequest := func(args mock.Arguments) {
   148  		pb, err := decodeMsg(args[1].([]byte))
   149  		require.NoError(t, err)
   150  		msg := pb.(*ssproto.ChunkRequest)
   151  		require.EqualValues(t, 1, msg.Height)
   152  		require.EqualValues(t, 1, msg.Format)
   153  		require.LessOrEqual(t, msg.Index, uint32(len(chunks)))
   155  		added, err := syncer.AddChunk(chunks[msg.Index])
   156  		require.NoError(t, err)
   157  		assert.True(t, added)
   159  		chunkRequestsMtx.Lock()
   160  		chunkRequests[msg.Index]++
   161  		chunkRequestsMtx.Unlock()
   162  	}
   163  	peerA.On("Send", ChunkChannel, mock.Anything).Maybe().Run(onChunkRequest).Return(true)
   164  	peerB.On("Send", ChunkChannel, mock.Anything).Maybe().Run(onChunkRequest).Return(true)
   166  	// The first time we're applying chunk 2 we tell it to retry the snapshot and discard chunk 1,
   167  	// which should cause it to keep the existing chunk 0 and 2, and restart restoration from
   168  	// beginning. We also wait for a little while, to exercise the retry logic in fetchChunks().
   169  	connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   170  		Index: 2, Chunk: []byte{1, 1, 2},
   171  	}).Once().Run(func(args mock.Arguments) { time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) }).Return(
   172  		&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{
   173  			Result:        abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY_SNAPSHOT,
   174  			RefetchChunks: []uint32{1},
   175  		}, nil)
   177  	connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   178  		Index: 0, Chunk: []byte{1, 1, 0},
   179  	}).Times(2).Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   180  	connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   181  		Index: 1, Chunk: []byte{1, 1, 1},
   182  	}).Times(2).Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   183  	connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   184  		Index: 2, Chunk: []byte{1, 1, 2},
   185  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   186  	connQuery.On("InfoSync", proxy.RequestInfo).Return(&abci.ResponseInfo{
   187  		AppVersion:       9,
   188  		LastBlockHeight:  1,
   189  		LastBlockAppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   190  	}, nil)
   192  	newState, lastCommit, err := syncer.SyncAny(0, func() {})
   193  	require.NoError(t, err)
   195  	time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) // wait for peers to receive requests
   197  	chunkRequestsMtx.Lock()
   198  	assert.Equal(t, map[uint32]int{0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 1}, chunkRequests)
   199  	chunkRequestsMtx.Unlock()
   201  	// The syncer should have updated the state app version from the ABCI info response.
   202  	expectState := state
   203  	expectState.Version.Consensus.App = 9
   205  	assert.Equal(t, expectState, newState)
   206  	assert.Equal(t, commit, lastCommit)
   208  	connSnapshot.AssertExpectations(t)
   209  	connQuery.AssertExpectations(t)
   210  	peerA.AssertExpectations(t)
   211  	peerB.AssertExpectations(t)
   212  }
   214  func TestSyncer_SyncAny_noSnapshots(t *testing.T) {
   215  	syncer, _ := setupOfferSyncer(t)
   216  	_, _, err := syncer.SyncAny(0, func() {})
   217  	assert.Equal(t, errNoSnapshots, err)
   218  }
   220  func TestSyncer_SyncAny_abort(t *testing.T) {
   221  	syncer, connSnapshot := setupOfferSyncer(t)
   223  	s := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   224  	_, err := syncer.AddSnapshot(simplePeer("id"), s)
   225  	require.NoError(t, err)
   226  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   227  		Snapshot: toABCI(s), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   228  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_ABORT}, nil)
   230  	_, _, err = syncer.SyncAny(0, func() {})
   231  	assert.Equal(t, errAbort, err)
   232  	connSnapshot.AssertExpectations(t)
   233  }
   235  func TestSyncer_SyncAny_reject(t *testing.T) {
   236  	syncer, connSnapshot := setupOfferSyncer(t)
   238  	// s22 is tried first, then s12, then s11, then errNoSnapshots
   239  	s22 := &snapshot{Height: 2, Format: 2, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   240  	s12 := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 2, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   241  	s11 := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   242  	_, err := syncer.AddSnapshot(simplePeer("id"), s22)
   243  	require.NoError(t, err)
   244  	_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(simplePeer("id"), s12)
   245  	require.NoError(t, err)
   246  	_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(simplePeer("id"), s11)
   247  	require.NoError(t, err)
   249  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   250  		Snapshot: toABCI(s22), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   251  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT}, nil)
   253  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   254  		Snapshot: toABCI(s12), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   255  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT}, nil)
   257  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   258  		Snapshot: toABCI(s11), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   259  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT}, nil)
   261  	_, _, err = syncer.SyncAny(0, func() {})
   262  	assert.Equal(t, errNoSnapshots, err)
   263  	connSnapshot.AssertExpectations(t)
   264  }
   266  func TestSyncer_SyncAny_reject_format(t *testing.T) {
   267  	syncer, connSnapshot := setupOfferSyncer(t)
   269  	// s22 is tried first, which reject s22 and s12, then s11 will abort.
   270  	s22 := &snapshot{Height: 2, Format: 2, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   271  	s12 := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 2, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   272  	s11 := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   273  	_, err := syncer.AddSnapshot(simplePeer("id"), s22)
   274  	require.NoError(t, err)
   275  	_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(simplePeer("id"), s12)
   276  	require.NoError(t, err)
   277  	_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(simplePeer("id"), s11)
   278  	require.NoError(t, err)
   280  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   281  		Snapshot: toABCI(s22), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   282  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT_FORMAT}, nil)
   284  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   285  		Snapshot: toABCI(s11), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   286  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_ABORT}, nil)
   288  	_, _, err = syncer.SyncAny(0, func() {})
   289  	assert.Equal(t, errAbort, err)
   290  	connSnapshot.AssertExpectations(t)
   291  }
   293  func TestSyncer_SyncAny_reject_sender(t *testing.T) {
   294  	syncer, connSnapshot := setupOfferSyncer(t)
   296  	peerA := simplePeer("a")
   297  	peerB := simplePeer("b")
   298  	peerC := simplePeer("c")
   300  	// sbc will be offered first, which will be rejected with reject_sender, causing all snapshots
   301  	// submitted by both b and c (i.e. sb, sc, sbc) to be rejected. Finally, sa will reject and
   302  	// errNoSnapshots is returned.
   303  	sa := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   304  	sb := &snapshot{Height: 2, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   305  	sc := &snapshot{Height: 3, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   306  	sbc := &snapshot{Height: 4, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   307  	_, err := syncer.AddSnapshot(peerA, sa)
   308  	require.NoError(t, err)
   309  	_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerB, sb)
   310  	require.NoError(t, err)
   311  	_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerC, sc)
   312  	require.NoError(t, err)
   313  	_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerB, sbc)
   314  	require.NoError(t, err)
   315  	_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerC, sbc)
   316  	require.NoError(t, err)
   318  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   319  		Snapshot: toABCI(sbc), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   320  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT_SENDER}, nil)
   322  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   323  		Snapshot: toABCI(sa), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   324  	}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT}, nil)
   326  	_, _, err = syncer.SyncAny(0, func() {})
   327  	assert.Equal(t, errNoSnapshots, err)
   328  	connSnapshot.AssertExpectations(t)
   329  }
   331  func TestSyncer_SyncAny_abciError(t *testing.T) {
   332  	syncer, connSnapshot := setupOfferSyncer(t)
   334  	errBoom := errors.New("boom")
   335  	s := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}}
   336  	_, err := syncer.AddSnapshot(simplePeer("id"), s)
   337  	require.NoError(t, err)
   338  	connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   339  		Snapshot: toABCI(s), AppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   340  	}).Once().Return(nil, errBoom)
   342  	_, _, err = syncer.SyncAny(0, func() {})
   343  	assert.True(t, errors.Is(err, errBoom))
   344  	connSnapshot.AssertExpectations(t)
   345  }
   347  func TestSyncer_offerSnapshot(t *testing.T) {
   348  	unknownErr := errors.New("unknown error")
   349  	boom := errors.New("boom")
   351  	testcases := map[string]struct {
   352  		result    abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result
   353  		err       error
   354  		expectErr error
   355  	}{
   356  		"accept":           {abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_ACCEPT, nil, nil},
   357  		"abort":            {abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_ABORT, nil, errAbort},
   358  		"reject":           {abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT, nil, errRejectSnapshot},
   359  		"reject_format":    {abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT_FORMAT, nil, errRejectFormat},
   360  		"reject_sender":    {abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_REJECT_SENDER, nil, errRejectSender},
   361  		"unknown":          {abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot_UNKNOWN, nil, unknownErr},
   362  		"error":            {0, boom, boom},
   363  		"unknown non-zero": {9, nil, unknownErr},
   364  	}
   365  	for name, tc := range testcases {
   366  		tc := tc
   367  		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
   368  			syncer, connSnapshot := setupOfferSyncer(t)
   369  			s := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}, trustedAppHash: []byte("app_hash")}
   370  			connSnapshot.On("OfferSnapshotSync", abci.RequestOfferSnapshot{
   371  				Snapshot: toABCI(s),
   372  				AppHash:  []byte("app_hash"),
   373  			}).Return(&abci.ResponseOfferSnapshot{Result: tc.result}, tc.err)
   374  			err := syncer.offerSnapshot(s)
   375  			if tc.expectErr == unknownErr {
   376  				require.Error(t, err)
   377  			} else {
   378  				unwrapped := errors.Unwrap(err)
   379  				if unwrapped != nil {
   380  					err = unwrapped
   381  				}
   382  				assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, err)
   383  			}
   384  		})
   385  	}
   386  }
   388  func TestSyncer_applyChunks_Results(t *testing.T) {
   389  	unknownErr := errors.New("unknown error")
   390  	boom := errors.New("boom")
   392  	testcases := map[string]struct {
   393  		result    abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result
   394  		err       error
   395  		expectErr error
   396  	}{
   397  		"accept":           {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT, nil, nil},
   398  		"abort":            {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ABORT, nil, errAbort},
   399  		"retry":            {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY, nil, nil},
   400  		"retry_snapshot":   {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY_SNAPSHOT, nil, errRetrySnapshot},
   401  		"reject_snapshot":  {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_REJECT_SNAPSHOT, nil, errRejectSnapshot},
   402  		"unknown":          {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_UNKNOWN, nil, unknownErr},
   403  		"error":            {0, boom, boom},
   404  		"unknown non-zero": {9, nil, unknownErr},
   405  	}
   406  	for name, tc := range testcases {
   407  		tc := tc
   408  		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
   409  			connQuery := &proxymocks.AppConnQuery{}
   410  			connSnapshot := &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
   411  			stateProvider := &mocks.StateProvider{}
   412  			stateProvider.On("AppHash", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]byte("app_hash"), nil)
   414  			cfg := config.DefaultStateSyncConfig()
   415  			syncer := newSyncer(*cfg, log.NewNopLogger(), connSnapshot, connQuery, stateProvider, "")
   417  			body := []byte{1, 2, 3}
   418  			chunks, err := newChunkQueue(&snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 1}, "")
   419  			require.NoError(t, err)
   420  			_, err = chunks.Add(&chunk{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 0, Chunk: body})
   421  			require.NoError(t, err)
   423  			connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   424  				Index: 0, Chunk: body,
   425  			}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: tc.result}, tc.err)
   426  			if tc.result == abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY {
   427  				connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   428  					Index: 0, Chunk: body,
   429  				}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{
   430  					Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   431  			}
   433  			err = syncer.applyChunks(chunks)
   434  			if tc.expectErr == unknownErr {
   435  				require.Error(t, err)
   436  			} else {
   437  				unwrapped := errors.Unwrap(err)
   438  				if unwrapped != nil {
   439  					err = unwrapped
   440  				}
   441  				assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, err)
   442  			}
   443  			connSnapshot.AssertExpectations(t)
   444  		})
   445  	}
   446  }
   448  func TestSyncer_applyChunks_RefetchChunks(t *testing.T) {
   449  	// Discarding chunks via refetch_chunks should work the same for all results
   450  	testcases := map[string]struct {
   451  		result abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result
   452  	}{
   453  		"accept":          {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT},
   454  		"abort":           {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ABORT},
   455  		"retry":           {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY},
   456  		"retry_snapshot":  {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY_SNAPSHOT},
   457  		"reject_snapshot": {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_REJECT_SNAPSHOT},
   458  	}
   459  	for name, tc := range testcases {
   460  		tc := tc
   461  		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
   462  			connQuery := &proxymocks.AppConnQuery{}
   463  			connSnapshot := &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
   464  			stateProvider := &mocks.StateProvider{}
   465  			stateProvider.On("AppHash", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]byte("app_hash"), nil)
   467  			cfg := config.DefaultStateSyncConfig()
   468  			syncer := newSyncer(*cfg, log.NewNopLogger(), connSnapshot, connQuery, stateProvider, "")
   470  			chunks, err := newChunkQueue(&snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3}, "")
   471  			require.NoError(t, err)
   472  			added, err := chunks.Add(&chunk{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 0, Chunk: []byte{0}})
   473  			require.True(t, added)
   474  			require.NoError(t, err)
   475  			added, err = chunks.Add(&chunk{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1, Chunk: []byte{1}})
   476  			require.True(t, added)
   477  			require.NoError(t, err)
   478  			added, err = chunks.Add(&chunk{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 2, Chunk: []byte{2}})
   479  			require.True(t, added)
   480  			require.NoError(t, err)
   482  			// The first two chunks are accepted, before the last one asks for 1 to be refetched
   483  			connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   484  				Index: 0, Chunk: []byte{0},
   485  			}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   486  			connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   487  				Index: 1, Chunk: []byte{1},
   488  			}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   489  			connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   490  				Index: 2, Chunk: []byte{2},
   491  			}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{
   492  				Result:        tc.result,
   493  				RefetchChunks: []uint32{1},
   494  			}, nil)
   496  			// Since removing the chunk will cause Next() to block, we spawn a goroutine, then
   497  			// check the queue contents, and finally close the queue to end the goroutine.
   498  			// We don't really care about the result of applyChunks, since it has separate test.
   499  			go func() {
   500  				syncer.applyChunks(chunks) //nolint:errcheck // purposefully ignore error
   501  			}()
   503  			time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
   504  			assert.True(t, chunks.Has(0))
   505  			assert.False(t, chunks.Has(1))
   506  			assert.True(t, chunks.Has(2))
   507  			err = chunks.Close()
   508  			require.NoError(t, err)
   509  		})
   510  	}
   511  }
   513  func TestSyncer_applyChunks_RejectSenders(t *testing.T) {
   514  	// Banning chunks senders via ban_chunk_senders should work the same for all results
   515  	testcases := map[string]struct {
   516  		result abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result
   517  	}{
   518  		"accept":          {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT},
   519  		"abort":           {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ABORT},
   520  		"retry":           {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY},
   521  		"retry_snapshot":  {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY_SNAPSHOT},
   522  		"reject_snapshot": {abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_REJECT_SNAPSHOT},
   523  	}
   524  	for name, tc := range testcases {
   525  		tc := tc
   526  		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
   527  			connQuery := &proxymocks.AppConnQuery{}
   528  			connSnapshot := &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
   529  			stateProvider := &mocks.StateProvider{}
   530  			stateProvider.On("AppHash", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]byte("app_hash"), nil)
   532  			cfg := config.DefaultStateSyncConfig()
   533  			syncer := newSyncer(*cfg, log.NewNopLogger(), connSnapshot, connQuery, stateProvider, "")
   535  			// Set up three peers across two snapshots, and ask for one of them to be banned.
   536  			// It should be banned from all snapshots.
   537  			peerA := simplePeer("a")
   538  			peerB := simplePeer("b")
   539  			peerC := simplePeer("c")
   541  			s1 := &snapshot{Height: 1, Format: 1, Chunks: 3}
   542  			s2 := &snapshot{Height: 2, Format: 1, Chunks: 3}
   543  			_, err := syncer.AddSnapshot(peerA, s1)
   544  			require.NoError(t, err)
   545  			_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerA, s2)
   546  			require.NoError(t, err)
   547  			_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerB, s1)
   548  			require.NoError(t, err)
   549  			_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerB, s2)
   550  			require.NoError(t, err)
   551  			_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerC, s1)
   552  			require.NoError(t, err)
   553  			_, err = syncer.AddSnapshot(peerC, s2)
   554  			require.NoError(t, err)
   556  			chunks, err := newChunkQueue(s1, "")
   557  			require.NoError(t, err)
   558  			added, err := chunks.Add(&chunk{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 0, Chunk: []byte{0}, Sender: peerA.ID()})
   559  			require.True(t, added)
   560  			require.NoError(t, err)
   561  			added, err = chunks.Add(&chunk{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 1, Chunk: []byte{1}, Sender: peerB.ID()})
   562  			require.True(t, added)
   563  			require.NoError(t, err)
   564  			added, err = chunks.Add(&chunk{Height: 1, Format: 1, Index: 2, Chunk: []byte{2}, Sender: peerC.ID()})
   565  			require.True(t, added)
   566  			require.NoError(t, err)
   568  			// The first two chunks are accepted, before the last one asks for b sender to be rejected
   569  			connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   570  				Index: 0, Chunk: []byte{0}, Sender: "a",
   571  			}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   572  			connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   573  				Index: 1, Chunk: []byte{1}, Sender: "b",
   574  			}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   575  			connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   576  				Index: 2, Chunk: []byte{2}, Sender: "c",
   577  			}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{
   578  				Result:        tc.result,
   579  				RejectSenders: []string{string(peerB.ID())},
   580  			}, nil)
   582  			// On retry, the last chunk will be tried again, so we just accept it then.
   583  			if tc.result == abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_RETRY {
   584  				connSnapshot.On("ApplySnapshotChunkSync", abci.RequestApplySnapshotChunk{
   585  					Index: 2, Chunk: []byte{2}, Sender: "c",
   586  				}).Once().Return(&abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk{Result: abci.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_ACCEPT}, nil)
   587  			}
   589  			// We don't really care about the result of applyChunks, since it has separate test.
   590  			// However, it will block on e.g. retry result, so we spawn a goroutine that will
   591  			// be shut down when the chunk queue closes.
   592  			go func() {
   593  				syncer.applyChunks(chunks) //nolint:errcheck // purposefully ignore error
   594  			}()
   596  			time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
   598  			s1peers := syncer.snapshots.GetPeers(s1)
   599  			assert.Len(t, s1peers, 2)
   600  			assert.EqualValues(t, "a", s1peers[0].ID())
   601  			assert.EqualValues(t, "c", s1peers[1].ID())
   603  			syncer.snapshots.GetPeers(s1)
   604  			assert.Len(t, s1peers, 2)
   605  			assert.EqualValues(t, "a", s1peers[0].ID())
   606  			assert.EqualValues(t, "c", s1peers[1].ID())
   608  			err = chunks.Close()
   609  			require.NoError(t, err)
   610  		})
   611  	}
   612  }
   614  func TestSyncer_verifyApp(t *testing.T) {
   615  	boom := errors.New("boom")
   616  	s := &snapshot{Height: 3, Format: 1, Chunks: 5, Hash: []byte{1, 2, 3}, trustedAppHash: []byte("app_hash")}
   618  	testcases := map[string]struct {
   619  		response  *abci.ResponseInfo
   620  		err       error
   621  		expectErr error
   622  	}{
   623  		"verified": {&abci.ResponseInfo{
   624  			LastBlockHeight:  3,
   625  			LastBlockAppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   626  			AppVersion:       9,
   627  		}, nil, nil},
   628  		"invalid height": {&abci.ResponseInfo{
   629  			LastBlockHeight:  5,
   630  			LastBlockAppHash: []byte("app_hash"),
   631  			AppVersion:       9,
   632  		}, nil, errVerifyFailed},
   633  		"invalid hash": {&abci.ResponseInfo{
   634  			LastBlockHeight:  3,
   635  			LastBlockAppHash: []byte("xxx"),
   636  			AppVersion:       9,
   637  		}, nil, errVerifyFailed},
   638  		"error": {nil, boom, boom},
   639  	}
   640  	for name, tc := range testcases {
   641  		tc := tc
   642  		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
   643  			connQuery := &proxymocks.AppConnQuery{}
   644  			connSnapshot := &proxymocks.AppConnSnapshot{}
   645  			stateProvider := &mocks.StateProvider{}
   647  			cfg := config.DefaultStateSyncConfig()
   648  			syncer := newSyncer(*cfg, log.NewNopLogger(), connSnapshot, connQuery, stateProvider, "")
   650  			connQuery.On("InfoSync", proxy.RequestInfo).Return(tc.response, tc.err)
   651  			version, err := syncer.verifyApp(s)
   652  			unwrapped := errors.Unwrap(err)
   653  			if unwrapped != nil {
   654  				err = unwrapped
   655  			}
   656  			assert.Equal(t, tc.expectErr, err)
   657  			if err == nil {
   658  				assert.Equal(t, tc.response.AppVersion, version)
   659  			}
   660  		})
   661  	}
   662  }
   664  func toABCI(s *snapshot) *abci.Snapshot {
   665  	return &abci.Snapshot{
   666  		Height:   s.Height,
   667  		Format:   s.Format,
   668  		Chunks:   s.Chunks,
   669  		Hash:     s.Hash,
   670  		Metadata: s.Metadata,
   671  	}
   672  }