
     1  // Unless explicitly stated otherwise all files in this repository are licensed
     2  // under the Apache License Version 2.0.
     3  // This product includes software developed at Datadog (
     4  // Copyright 2016-present Datadog, Inc.
     6  //go:build unix
     8  //go:generate go run -tags unix -types-file model.go -output accessors_unix.go -field-handlers field_handlers_unix.go -doc ../../../../docs/cloud-workload-security/secl.json -field-accessors-output field_accessors_unix.go
    10  // Package model holds model related files
    11  package model
    13  import (
    14  	"time"
    16  	""
    17  )
    19  // Event represents an event sent from the kernel
    20  // genaccessors
    21  type Event struct {
    22  	BaseEvent
    24  	// globals
    25  	Async bool `field:"event.async,handler:ResolveAsync" event:"*"` // SECLDoc[event.async] Definition:`True if the syscall was asynchronous`
    27  	// context
    28  	SpanContext    SpanContext    `field:"-"`
    29  	NetworkContext NetworkContext `field:"network" event:"dns"`
    31  	// fim events
    32  	Chmod       ChmodEvent    `field:"chmod" event:"chmod"`             // [7.27] [File] A file’s permissions were changed
    33  	Chown       ChownEvent    `field:"chown" event:"chown"`             // [7.27] [File] A file’s owner was changed
    34  	Open        OpenEvent     `field:"open" event:"open"`               // [7.27] [File] A file was opened
    35  	Mkdir       MkdirEvent    `field:"mkdir" event:"mkdir"`             // [7.27] [File] A directory was created
    36  	Rmdir       RmdirEvent    `field:"rmdir" event:"rmdir"`             // [7.27] [File] A directory was removed
    37  	Rename      RenameEvent   `field:"rename" event:"rename"`           // [7.27] [File] A file/directory was renamed
    38  	Unlink      UnlinkEvent   `field:"unlink" event:"unlink"`           // [7.27] [File] A file was deleted
    39  	Utimes      UtimesEvent   `field:"utimes" event:"utimes"`           // [7.27] [File] Change file access/modification times
    40  	Link        LinkEvent     `field:"link" event:"link"`               // [7.27] [File] Create a new name/alias for a file
    41  	SetXAttr    SetXAttrEvent `field:"setxattr" event:"setxattr"`       // [7.27] [File] Set exteneded attributes
    42  	RemoveXAttr SetXAttrEvent `field:"removexattr" event:"removexattr"` // [7.27] [File] Remove extended attributes
    43  	Splice      SpliceEvent   `field:"splice" event:"splice"`           // [7.36] [File] A splice command was executed
    44  	Mount       MountEvent    `field:"mount" event:"mount"`             // [7.42] [File] [Experimental] A filesystem was mounted
    45  	Chdir       ChdirEvent    `field:"chdir" event:"chdir"`             // [7.52] [File] [Experimental] A process changed the current directory
    47  	// process events
    48  	Exec     ExecEvent     `field:"exec" event:"exec"`     // [7.27] [Process] A process was executed or forked
    49  	SetUID   SetuidEvent   `field:"setuid" event:"setuid"` // [7.27] [Process] A process changed its effective uid
    50  	SetGID   SetgidEvent   `field:"setgid" event:"setgid"` // [7.27] [Process] A process changed its effective gid
    51  	Capset   CapsetEvent   `field:"capset" event:"capset"` // [7.27] [Process] A process changed its capacity set
    52  	Signal   SignalEvent   `field:"signal" event:"signal"` // [7.35] [Process] A signal was sent
    53  	Exit     ExitEvent     `field:"exit" event:"exit"`     // [7.38] [Process] A process was terminated
    54  	Syscalls SyscallsEvent `field:"-"`
    56  	// anomaly detection related events
    57  	AnomalyDetectionSyscallEvent AnomalyDetectionSyscallEvent `field:"-"`
    59  	// kernel events
    60  	SELinux      SELinuxEvent      `field:"selinux" event:"selinux"`             // [7.30] [Kernel] An SELinux operation was run
    61  	BPF          BPFEvent          `field:"bpf" event:"bpf"`                     // [7.33] [Kernel] A BPF command was executed
    62  	PTrace       PTraceEvent       `field:"ptrace" event:"ptrace"`               // [7.35] [Kernel] A ptrace command was executed
    63  	MMap         MMapEvent         `field:"mmap" event:"mmap"`                   // [7.35] [Kernel] A mmap command was executed
    64  	MProtect     MProtectEvent     `field:"mprotect" event:"mprotect"`           // [7.35] [Kernel] A mprotect command was executed
    65  	LoadModule   LoadModuleEvent   `field:"load_module" event:"load_module"`     // [7.35] [Kernel] A new kernel module was loaded
    66  	UnloadModule UnloadModuleEvent `field:"unload_module" event:"unload_module"` // [7.35] [Kernel] A kernel module was deleted
    68  	// network events
    69  	DNS  DNSEvent  `field:"dns" event:"dns"`   // [7.36] [Network] A DNS request was sent
    70  	Bind BindEvent `field:"bind" event:"bind"` // [7.37] [Network] A bind was executed
    72  	// internal usage
    73  	Umount           UmountEvent           `field:"-"`
    74  	InvalidateDentry InvalidateDentryEvent `field:"-"`
    75  	ArgsEnvs         ArgsEnvsEvent         `field:"-"`
    76  	MountReleased    MountReleasedEvent    `field:"-"`
    77  	CgroupTracing    CgroupTracingEvent    `field:"-"`
    78  	NetDevice        NetDeviceEvent        `field:"-"`
    79  	VethPair         VethPairEvent         `field:"-"`
    80  	UnshareMountNS   UnshareMountNSEvent   `field:"-"`
    81  	// used for ebpfless
    82  	NSID uint64 `field:"-"`
    83  }
    85  // SyscallEvent contains common fields for all the event
    86  type SyscallEvent struct {
    87  	Retval int64 `field:"retval"` // SECLDoc[retval] Definition:`Return value of the syscall` Constants:`Error constants`
    88  }
    90  // ChmodEvent represents a chmod event
    91  type ChmodEvent struct {
    92  	SyscallEvent
    93  	File FileEvent `field:"file"`
    94  	Mode uint32    `field:"file.destination.mode; file.destination.rights"` // SECLDoc[file.destination.mode] Definition:`New mode of the chmod-ed file` Constants:`File mode constants` SECLDoc[file.destination.rights] Definition:`New rights of the chmod-ed file` Constants:`File mode constants`
    95  }
    97  // ChownEvent represents a chown event
    98  type ChownEvent struct {
    99  	SyscallEvent
   100  	File  FileEvent `field:"file"`
   101  	UID   int64     `field:"file.destination.uid"`                           // SECLDoc[file.destination.uid] Definition:`New UID of the chown-ed file's owner`
   102  	User  string    `field:"file.destination.user,handler:ResolveChownUID"`  // SECLDoc[file.destination.user] Definition:`New user of the chown-ed file's owner`
   103  	GID   int64     `field:"file.destination.gid"`                           // SECLDoc[file.destination.gid] Definition:`New GID of the chown-ed file's owner`
   104  	Group string    `field:",handler:ResolveChownGID"` // SECLDoc[] Definition:`New group of the chown-ed file's owner`
   105  }
   107  // SetuidEvent represents a setuid event
   108  type SetuidEvent struct {
   109  	UID    uint32 `field:"uid"`                                // SECLDoc[uid] Definition:`New UID of the process`
   110  	User   string `field:"user,handler:ResolveSetuidUser"`     // SECLDoc[user] Definition:`New user of the process`
   111  	EUID   uint32 `field:"euid"`                               // SECLDoc[euid] Definition:`New effective UID of the process`
   112  	EUser  string `field:"euser,handler:ResolveSetuidEUser"`   // SECLDoc[euser] Definition:`New effective user of the process`
   113  	FSUID  uint32 `field:"fsuid"`                              // SECLDoc[fsuid] Definition:`New FileSystem UID of the process`
   114  	FSUser string `field:"fsuser,handler:ResolveSetuidFSUser"` // SECLDoc[fsuser] Definition:`New FileSystem user of the process`
   115  }
   117  // SetgidEvent represents a setgid event
   118  type SetgidEvent struct {
   119  	GID     uint32 `field:"gid"`                                  // SECLDoc[gid] Definition:`New GID of the process`
   120  	Group   string `field:"group,handler:ResolveSetgidGroup"`     // SECLDoc[group] Definition:`New group of the process`
   121  	EGID    uint32 `field:"egid"`                                 // SECLDoc[egid] Definition:`New effective GID of the process`
   122  	EGroup  string `field:"egroup,handler:ResolveSetgidEGroup"`   // SECLDoc[egroup] Definition:`New effective group of the process`
   123  	FSGID   uint32 `field:"fsgid"`                                // SECLDoc[fsgid] Definition:`New FileSystem GID of the process`
   124  	FSGroup string `field:"fsgroup,handler:ResolveSetgidFSGroup"` // SECLDoc[fsgroup] Definition:`New FileSystem group of the process`
   125  }
   127  // CapsetEvent represents a capset event
   128  type CapsetEvent struct {
   129  	CapEffective uint64 `field:"cap_effective"` // SECLDoc[cap_effective] Definition:`Effective capability set of the process` Constants:`Kernel Capability constants`
   130  	CapPermitted uint64 `field:"cap_permitted"` // SECLDoc[cap_permitted] Definition:`Permitted capability set of the process` Constants:`Kernel Capability constants`
   131  }
   133  // Credentials represents the kernel credentials of a process
   134  type Credentials struct {
   135  	UID   uint32 `field:"uid"`   // SECLDoc[uid] Definition:`UID of the process`
   136  	GID   uint32 `field:"gid"`   // SECLDoc[gid] Definition:`GID of the process`
   137  	User  string `field:"user"`  // SECLDoc[user] Definition:`User of the process` Example:`process.user == "root"` Description:`Constrain an event to be triggered by a process running as the root user.`
   138  	Group string `field:"group"` // SECLDoc[group] Definition:`Group of the process`
   140  	EUID   uint32 `field:"euid"`   // SECLDoc[euid] Definition:`Effective UID of the process`
   141  	EGID   uint32 `field:"egid"`   // SECLDoc[egid] Definition:`Effective GID of the process`
   142  	EUser  string `field:"euser"`  // SECLDoc[euser] Definition:`Effective user of the process`
   143  	EGroup string `field:"egroup"` // SECLDoc[egroup] Definition:`Effective group of the process`
   145  	FSUID   uint32 `field:"fsuid"`   // SECLDoc[fsuid] Definition:`FileSystem-uid of the process`
   146  	FSGID   uint32 `field:"fsgid"`   // SECLDoc[fsgid] Definition:`FileSystem-gid of the process`
   147  	FSUser  string `field:"fsuser"`  // SECLDoc[fsuser] Definition:`FileSystem-user of the process`
   148  	FSGroup string `field:"fsgroup"` // SECLDoc[fsgroup] Definition:`FileSystem-group of the process`
   150  	CapEffective uint64 `field:"cap_effective"` // SECLDoc[cap_effective] Definition:`Effective capability set of the process` Constants:`Kernel Capability constants`
   151  	CapPermitted uint64 `field:"cap_permitted"` // SECLDoc[cap_permitted] Definition:`Permitted capability set of the process` Constants:`Kernel Capability constants`
   152  }
   154  // LinuxBinprm contains content from the linux_binprm struct, which holds the arguments used for loading binaries
   155  type LinuxBinprm struct {
   156  	FileEvent FileEvent `field:"file"`
   157  }
   159  // Process represents a process
   160  type Process struct {
   161  	PIDContext
   163  	FileEvent FileEvent `field:"file,check:IsNotKworker"`
   165  	ContainerID string `field:""` // SECLDoc[] Definition:`Container ID`
   167  	SpanID  uint64 `field:"-"`
   168  	TraceID uint64 `field:"-"`
   170  	TTYName     string      `field:"tty_name"`                         // SECLDoc[tty_name] Definition:`Name of the TTY associated with the process`
   171  	Comm        string      `field:"comm"`                             // SECLDoc[comm] Definition:`Comm attribute of the process`
   172  	LinuxBinprm LinuxBinprm `field:"interpreter,check:HasInterpreter"` // Script interpreter as identified by the shebang
   174  	// pid_cache_t
   175  	ForkTime time.Time `field:"fork_time,opts:getters_only"`
   176  	ExitTime time.Time `field:"exit_time,opts:getters_only"`
   177  	ExecTime time.Time `field:"exec_time,opts:getters_only"`
   179  	// TODO: merge with ExecTime
   180  	CreatedAt uint64 `field:"created_at,handler:ResolveProcessCreatedAt"` // SECLDoc[created_at] Definition:`Timestamp of the creation of the process`
   182  	Cookie uint64 `field:"-"`
   183  	PPid   uint32 `field:"ppid"` // SECLDoc[ppid] Definition:`Parent process ID`
   185  	// credentials_t section of pid_cache_t
   186  	Credentials
   188  	UserSession UserSessionContext `field:"user_session"` // SECLDoc[user_session] Definition:`User Session context of this process`
   190  	ArgsID uint32 `field:"-"`
   191  	EnvsID uint32 `field:"-"`
   193  	ArgsEntry *ArgsEntry `field:"-"`
   194  	EnvsEntry *EnvsEntry `field:"-"`
   196  	// defined to generate accessors, ArgsTruncated and EnvsTruncated are used during by unmarshaller
   197  	Argv0         string   `field:"argv0,handler:ResolveProcessArgv0,weight:100"`                                                                                                                                                                            // SECLDoc[argv0] Definition:`First argument of the process`
   198  	Args          string   `field:"args,handler:ResolveProcessArgs,weight:500"`                                                                                                                                                                              // SECLDoc[args] Definition:`Arguments of the process (as a string, excluding argv0)` Example:`exec.args == "-sV -p 22,53,110,143,4564 198.116.0-255.1-127"` Description:`Matches any process with these exact arguments.` Example:`exec.args =~ "* -F * http*"` Description:`Matches any process that has the "-F" argument anywhere before an argument starting with "http".`
   199  	Argv          []string `field:"argv,handler:ResolveProcessArgv,weight:500; cmdargv,handler:ResolveProcessCmdArgv,opts:getters_only; args_flags,handler:ResolveProcessArgsFlags,opts:helper; args_options,handler:ResolveProcessArgsOptions,opts:helper"` // SECLDoc[argv] Definition:`Arguments of the process (as an array, excluding argv0)` Example:`exec.argv in [""]` Description:`Matches any process that has this IP address as one of its arguments.` SECLDoc[args_flags] Definition:`Flags in the process arguments` Example:`exec.args_flags in ["s"] && exec.args_flags in ["V"]` Description:`Matches any process with both "-s" and "-V" flags in its arguments. Also matches "-sV".` SECLDoc[args_options] Definition:`Argument of the process as options` Example:`exec.args_options in ["p=0-1024"]` Description:`Matches any process that has either "-p 0-1024" or "--p=0-1024" in its arguments.`
   200  	ArgsTruncated bool     `field:"args_truncated,handler:ResolveProcessArgsTruncated"`                                                                                                                                                                      // SECLDoc[args_truncated] Definition:`Indicator of arguments truncation`
   201  	Envs          []string `field:"envs,handler:ResolveProcessEnvs,weight:100"`                                                                                                                                                                              // SECLDoc[envs] Definition:`Environment variable names of the process`
   202  	Envp          []string `field:"envp,handler:ResolveProcessEnvp,weight:100"`                                                                                                                                                                              // SECLDoc[envp] Definition:`Environment variables of the process`
   203  	EnvsTruncated bool     `field:"envs_truncated,handler:ResolveProcessEnvsTruncated"`                                                                                                                                                                      // SECLDoc[envs_truncated] Definition:`Indicator of environment variables truncation`
   205  	ArgsScrubbed string   `field:"args_scrubbed,handler:ResolveProcessArgsScrubbed,opts:getters_only"`
   206  	ArgvScrubbed []string `field:"argv_scrubbed,handler:ResolveProcessArgvScrubbed,opts:getters_only"`
   208  	// symlink to the process binary
   209  	SymlinkPathnameStr [MaxSymlinks]string `field:"-"`
   210  	SymlinkBasenameStr string              `field:"-"`
   212  	// cache version
   213  	ScrubbedArgvResolved bool           `field:"-"`
   214  	Variables            eval.Variables `field:"-"`
   216  	IsThread        bool `field:"is_thread"` // SECLDoc[is_thread] Definition:`Indicates whether the process is considered a thread (that is, a child process that hasn't executed another program)`
   217  	IsExecExec      bool `field:"-"`         // Indicates whether the process is an exec following another exec
   218  	IsParentMissing bool `field:"-"`         // Indicates the direct parent is missing
   220  	Source uint64 `field:"-"`
   222  	// lineage
   223  	hasValidLineage *bool `field:"-"`
   224  	lineageError    error `field:"-"`
   225  }
   227  // ExecEvent represents a exec event
   228  type ExecEvent struct {
   229  	*Process
   230  }
   232  // FileFields holds the information required to identify a file
   233  type FileFields struct {
   234  	UID   uint32 `field:"uid"`                                           // SECLDoc[uid] Definition:`UID of the file's owner`
   235  	User  string `field:"user,handler:ResolveFileFieldsUser"`            // SECLDoc[user] Definition:`User of the file's owner`
   236  	GID   uint32 `field:"gid"`                                           // SECLDoc[gid] Definition:`GID of the file's owner`
   237  	Group string `field:"group,handler:ResolveFileFieldsGroup"`          // SECLDoc[group] Definition:`Group of the file's owner`
   238  	Mode  uint16 `field:"mode;rights,handler:ResolveRights,opts:helper"` // SECLDoc[mode] Definition:`Mode of the file` Constants:`Inode mode constants` SECLDoc[rights] Definition:`Rights of the file` Constants:`File mode constants`
   239  	CTime uint64 `field:"change_time"`                                   // SECLDoc[change_time] Definition:`Change time (ctime) of the file`
   240  	MTime uint64 `field:"modification_time"`                             // SECLDoc[modification_time] Definition:`Modification time (mtime) of the file`
   242  	PathKey
   243  	Device uint32 `field:"-"`
   245  	InUpperLayer bool `field:"in_upper_layer,handler:ResolveFileFieldsInUpperLayer"` // SECLDoc[in_upper_layer] Definition:`Indicator of the file layer, for example, in an OverlayFS`
   247  	NLink uint32 `field:"-"`
   248  	Flags int32  `field:"-"`
   249  }
   251  // FileEvent is the common file event type
   252  type FileEvent struct {
   253  	FileFields
   255  	PathnameStr string `field:"path,handler:ResolveFilePath,opts:length" op_override:"ProcessSymlinkPathname"`     // SECLDoc[path] Definition:`File's path` Example:`exec.file.path == "/usr/bin/apt"` Description:`Matches the execution of the file located at /usr/bin/apt` Example:`open.file.path == "/etc/passwd"` Description:`Matches any process opening the /etc/passwd file.`
   256  	BasenameStr string `field:"name,handler:ResolveFileBasename,opts:length" op_override:"ProcessSymlinkBasename"` // SECLDoc[name] Definition:`File's basename` Example:` == "apt"` Description:`Matches the execution of any file named apt.`
   257  	Filesystem  string `field:"filesystem,handler:ResolveFileFilesystem"`                                          // SECLDoc[filesystem] Definition:`File's filesystem`
   259  	PathResolutionError error `field:"-"`
   261  	PkgName       string `field:",handler:ResolvePackageName"`                    // SECLDoc[] Definition:`[Experimental] Name of the package that provided this file`
   262  	PkgVersion    string `field:"package.version,handler:ResolvePackageVersion"`              // SECLDoc[package.version] Definition:`[Experimental] Full version of the package that provided this file`
   263  	PkgSrcVersion string `field:"package.source_version,handler:ResolvePackageSourceVersion"` // SECLDoc[package.source_version] Definition:`[Experimental] Full version of the source package of the package that provided this file`
   265  	HashState HashState `field:"-"`
   266  	Hashes    []string  `field:"hashes,handler:ResolveHashesFromEvent,opts:skip_ad,weight:999"` // SECLDoc[hashes] Definition:`[Experimental] List of cryptographic hashes computed for this file`
   268  	// used to mark as already resolved, can be used in case of empty path
   269  	IsPathnameStrResolved bool `field:"-"`
   270  	IsBasenameStrResolved bool `field:"-"`
   271  }
   273  // InvalidateDentryEvent defines a invalidate dentry event
   274  type InvalidateDentryEvent struct {
   275  	Inode   uint64
   276  	MountID uint32
   277  }
   279  // MountReleasedEvent defines a mount released event
   280  type MountReleasedEvent struct {
   281  	MountID uint32
   282  }
   284  // LinkEvent represents a link event
   285  type LinkEvent struct {
   286  	SyscallEvent
   287  	Source FileEvent `field:"file"`
   288  	Target FileEvent `field:"file.destination"`
   289  }
   291  // MkdirEvent represents a mkdir event
   292  type MkdirEvent struct {
   293  	SyscallEvent
   294  	File FileEvent `field:"file"`
   295  	Mode uint32    `field:"file.destination.mode; file.destination.rights"` // SECLDoc[file.destination.mode] Definition:`Mode of the new directory` Constants:`File mode constants` SECLDoc[file.destination.rights] Definition:`Rights of the new directory` Constants:`File mode constants`
   296  }
   298  // ArgsEnvsEvent defines a args/envs event
   299  type ArgsEnvsEvent struct {
   300  	ArgsEnvs
   301  }
   303  // Mount represents a mountpoint (used by MountEvent and UnshareMountNSEvent)
   304  type Mount struct {
   305  	MountID        uint32  `field:"-"`
   306  	Device         uint32  `field:"-"`
   307  	ParentPathKey  PathKey `field:"-"`
   308  	RootPathKey    PathKey `field:"-"`
   309  	BindSrcMountID uint32  `field:"-"`
   310  	FSType         string  `field:"fs_type"` // SECLDoc[fs_type] Definition:`Type of the mounted file system`
   311  	MountPointStr  string  `field:"-"`
   312  	RootStr        string  `field:"-"`
   313  	Path           string  `field:"-"`
   314  }
   316  // MountEvent represents a mount event
   317  type MountEvent struct {
   318  	SyscallEvent
   319  	Mount
   320  	MountPointPath                 string `field:"mountpoint.path,handler:ResolveMountPointPath"` // SECLDoc[mountpoint.path] Definition:`Path of the mount point`
   321  	MountSourcePath                string `field:"source.path,handler:ResolveMountSourcePath"`    // SECLDoc[source.path] Definition:`Source path of a bind mount`
   322  	MountRootPath                  string `field:"root.path,handler:ResolveMountRootPath"`        // SECLDoc[root.path] Definition:`Root path of the mount`
   323  	MountPointPathResolutionError  error  `field:"-"`
   324  	MountSourcePathResolutionError error  `field:"-"`
   325  	MountRootPathResolutionError   error  `field:"-"`
   326  }
   328  // UnshareMountNSEvent represents a mount cloned from a newly created mount namespace
   329  type UnshareMountNSEvent struct {
   330  	Mount
   331  }
   333  // ChdirEvent represents a chdir event
   334  type ChdirEvent struct {
   335  	SyscallEvent
   336  	File FileEvent `field:"file"`
   337  }
   339  // OpenEvent represents an open event
   340  type OpenEvent struct {
   341  	SyscallEvent
   342  	File  FileEvent `field:"file"`
   343  	Flags uint32    `field:"flags"`                 // SECLDoc[flags] Definition:`Flags used when opening the file` Constants:`Open flags`
   344  	Mode  uint32    `field:"file.destination.mode"` // SECLDoc[file.destination.mode] Definition:`Mode of the created file` Constants:`File mode constants`
   345  }
   347  // SELinuxEvent represents a selinux event
   348  type SELinuxEvent struct {
   349  	File            FileEvent        `field:"-"`
   350  	EventKind       SELinuxEventKind `field:"-"`
   351  	BoolName        string           `field:",handler:ResolveSELinuxBoolName"` // SECLDoc[] Definition:`SELinux boolean name`
   352  	BoolChangeValue string           `field:"bool.state"`                               // SECLDoc[bool.state] Definition:`SELinux boolean new value`
   353  	BoolCommitValue bool             `field:"bool_commit.state"`                        // SECLDoc[bool_commit.state] Definition:`Indicator of a SELinux boolean commit operation`
   354  	EnforceStatus   string           `field:"enforce.status"`                           // SECLDoc[enforce.status] Definition:`SELinux enforcement status (one of "enforcing", "permissive", "disabled")`
   355  }
   357  // PIDContext holds the process context of a kernel event
   358  type PIDContext struct {
   359  	Pid       uint32 `field:"pid"` // SECLDoc[pid] Definition:`Process ID of the process (also called thread group ID)`
   360  	Tid       uint32 `field:"tid"` // SECLDoc[tid] Definition:`Thread ID of the thread`
   361  	NetNS     uint32 `field:"-"`
   362  	IsKworker bool   `field:"is_kworker"` // SECLDoc[is_kworker] Definition:`Indicates whether the process is a kworker`
   363  	ExecInode uint64 `field:"-"`          // used to track exec and event loss
   364  }
   366  // RenameEvent represents a rename event
   367  type RenameEvent struct {
   368  	SyscallEvent
   369  	Old FileEvent `field:"file"`
   370  	New FileEvent `field:"file.destination"`
   371  }
   373  // RmdirEvent represents a rmdir event
   374  type RmdirEvent struct {
   375  	SyscallEvent
   376  	File FileEvent `field:"file"`
   377  }
   379  // SetXAttrEvent represents an extended attributes event
   380  type SetXAttrEvent struct {
   381  	SyscallEvent
   382  	File      FileEvent `field:"file"`
   383  	Namespace string    `field:"file.destination.namespace,handler:ResolveXAttrNamespace"` // SECLDoc[file.destination.namespace] Definition:`Namespace of the extended attribute`
   384  	Name      string    `field:",handler:ResolveXAttrName"`           // SECLDoc[] Definition:`Name of the extended attribute`
   386  	NameRaw [200]byte `field:"-"`
   387  }
   389  // UnlinkEvent represents an unlink event
   390  type UnlinkEvent struct {
   391  	SyscallEvent
   392  	File  FileEvent `field:"file"`
   393  	Flags uint32    `field:"flags"` // SECLDoc[flags] Definition:`Flags of the unlink syscall` Constants:`Unlink flags`
   394  }
   396  // UmountEvent represents an umount event
   397  type UmountEvent struct {
   398  	SyscallEvent
   399  	MountID uint32
   400  }
   402  // UtimesEvent represents a utime event
   403  type UtimesEvent struct {
   404  	SyscallEvent
   405  	File  FileEvent `field:"file"`
   406  	Atime time.Time `field:"-"`
   407  	Mtime time.Time `field:"-"`
   408  }
   410  // BPFEvent represents a BPF event
   411  type BPFEvent struct {
   412  	SyscallEvent
   414  	Map     BPFMap     `field:"map"`  // eBPF map involved in the BPF command
   415  	Program BPFProgram `field:"prog"` // eBPF program involved in the BPF command
   416  	Cmd     uint32     `field:"cmd"`  // SECLDoc[cmd] Definition:`BPF command name` Constants:`BPF commands`
   417  }
   419  // BPFMap represents a BPF map
   420  type BPFMap struct {
   421  	ID   uint32 `field:"-"`    // ID of the eBPF map
   422  	Type uint32 `field:"type"` // SECLDoc[type] Definition:`Type of the eBPF map` Constants:`BPF map types`
   423  	Name string `field:"name"` // SECLDoc[name] Definition:`Name of the eBPF map (added in 7.35)`
   424  }
   426  // BPFProgram represents a BPF program
   427  type BPFProgram struct {
   428  	ID         uint32   `field:"-"`           // ID of the eBPF program
   429  	Type       uint32   `field:"type"`        // SECLDoc[type] Definition:`Type of the eBPF program` Constants:`BPF program types`
   430  	AttachType uint32   `field:"attach_type"` // SECLDoc[attach_type] Definition:`Attach type of the eBPF program` Constants:`BPF attach types`
   431  	Helpers    []uint32 `field:"helpers"`     // SECLDoc[helpers] Definition:`eBPF helpers used by the eBPF program (added in 7.35)` Constants:`BPF helper functions`
   432  	Name       string   `field:"name"`        // SECLDoc[name] Definition:`Name of the eBPF program (added in 7.35)`
   433  	Tag        string   `field:"tag"`         // SECLDoc[tag] Definition:`Hash (sha1) of the eBPF program (added in 7.35)`
   434  }
   436  // PTraceEvent represents a ptrace event
   437  type PTraceEvent struct {
   438  	SyscallEvent
   440  	Request uint32          `field:"request"` // SECLDoc[request] Definition:`ptrace request` Constants:`Ptrace constants`
   441  	PID     uint32          `field:"-"`
   442  	Address uint64          `field:"-"`
   443  	Tracee  *ProcessContext `field:"tracee"` // process context of the tracee
   444  }
   446  // MMapEvent represents a mmap event
   447  type MMapEvent struct {
   448  	SyscallEvent
   450  	File       FileEvent `field:"file"`
   451  	Addr       uint64    `field:"-"`
   452  	Offset     uint64    `field:"-"`
   453  	Len        uint64    `field:"-"`
   454  	Protection uint64    `field:"protection"` // SECLDoc[protection] Definition:`memory segment protection` Constants:`Protection constants`
   455  	Flags      uint64    `field:"flags"`      // SECLDoc[flags] Definition:`memory segment flags` Constants:`MMap flags`
   456  }
   458  // MProtectEvent represents a mprotect event
   459  type MProtectEvent struct {
   460  	SyscallEvent
   462  	VMStart       uint64 `field:"-"`
   463  	VMEnd         uint64 `field:"-"`
   464  	VMProtection  int    `field:"vm_protection"`  // SECLDoc[vm_protection] Definition:`initial memory segment protection` Constants:`Virtual Memory flags`
   465  	ReqProtection int    `field:"req_protection"` // SECLDoc[req_protection] Definition:`new memory segment protection` Constants:`Virtual Memory flags`
   466  }
   468  // LoadModuleEvent represents a load_module event
   469  type LoadModuleEvent struct {
   470  	SyscallEvent
   472  	File             FileEvent `field:"file"`                           // Path to the kernel module file
   473  	LoadedFromMemory bool      `field:"loaded_from_memory"`             // SECLDoc[loaded_from_memory] Definition:`Indicates if the kernel module was loaded from memory`
   474  	Name             string    `field:"name"`                           // SECLDoc[name] Definition:`Name of the new kernel module`
   475  	Args             string    `field:"args,handler:ResolveModuleArgs"` // SECLDoc[args] Definition:`Parameters (as a string) of the new kernel module`
   476  	Argv             []string  `field:"argv,handler:ResolveModuleArgv"` // SECLDoc[argv] Definition:`Parameters (as an array) of the new kernel module`
   477  	ArgsTruncated    bool      `field:"args_truncated"`                 // SECLDoc[args_truncated] Definition:`Indicates if the arguments were truncated or not`
   478  }
   480  // UnloadModuleEvent represents an unload_module event
   481  type UnloadModuleEvent struct {
   482  	SyscallEvent
   484  	Name string `field:"name"` // SECLDoc[name] Definition:`Name of the kernel module that was deleted`
   485  }
   487  // SignalEvent represents a signal event
   488  type SignalEvent struct {
   489  	SyscallEvent
   491  	Type   uint32          `field:"type"`   // SECLDoc[type] Definition:`Signal type (ex: SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, etc)` Constants:`Signal constants`
   492  	PID    uint32          `field:"pid"`    // SECLDoc[pid] Definition:`Target PID`
   493  	Target *ProcessContext `field:"target"` // Target process context
   494  }
   496  // SpliceEvent represents a splice event
   497  type SpliceEvent struct {
   498  	SyscallEvent
   500  	File          FileEvent `field:"file"`            // File modified by the splice syscall
   501  	PipeEntryFlag uint32    `field:"pipe_entry_flag"` // SECLDoc[pipe_entry_flag] Definition:`Entry flag of the "fd_out" pipe passed to the splice syscall` Constants:`Pipe buffer flags`
   502  	PipeExitFlag  uint32    `field:"pipe_exit_flag"`  // SECLDoc[pipe_exit_flag] Definition:`Exit flag of the "fd_out" pipe passed to the splice syscall` Constants:`Pipe buffer flags`
   503  }
   505  // CgroupTracingEvent is used to signal that a new cgroup should be traced by the activity dump manager
   506  type CgroupTracingEvent struct {
   507  	ContainerContext ContainerContext
   508  	Config           ActivityDumpLoadConfig
   509  	ConfigCookie     uint64
   510  }
   512  // ActivityDumpLoadConfig represents the load configuration of an activity dump
   513  type ActivityDumpLoadConfig struct {
   514  	TracedEventTypes     []EventType
   515  	Timeout              time.Duration
   516  	WaitListTimestampRaw uint64
   517  	StartTimestampRaw    uint64
   518  	EndTimestampRaw      uint64
   519  	Rate                 uint32 // max number of events per sec
   520  	Paused               uint32
   521  }
   523  // NetworkDeviceContext represents the network device context of a network event
   524  type NetworkDeviceContext struct {
   525  	NetNS   uint32 `field:"-"`
   526  	IfIndex uint32 `field:"ifindex"`                                   // SECLDoc[ifindex] Definition:`interface ifindex`
   527  	IfName  string `field:"ifname,handler:ResolveNetworkDeviceIfName"` // SECLDoc[ifname] Definition:`interface ifname`
   528  }
   530  // BindEvent represents a bind event
   531  type BindEvent struct {
   532  	SyscallEvent
   534  	Addr       IPPortContext `field:"addr"`        // Bound address
   535  	AddrFamily uint16        `field:""` // SECLDoc[] Definition:`Address family`
   536  }
   538  // NetDevice represents a network device
   539  type NetDevice struct {
   540  	Name        string
   541  	NetNS       uint32
   542  	IfIndex     uint32
   543  	PeerNetNS   uint32
   544  	PeerIfIndex uint32
   545  }
   547  // NetDeviceEvent represents a network device event
   548  type NetDeviceEvent struct {
   549  	SyscallEvent
   551  	Device NetDevice
   552  }
   554  // VethPairEvent represents a veth pair event
   555  type VethPairEvent struct {
   556  	SyscallEvent
   558  	HostDevice NetDevice
   559  	PeerDevice NetDevice
   560  }
   562  // SyscallsEvent represents a syscalls event
   563  type SyscallsEvent struct {
   564  	Syscalls []Syscall // 64 * 8 = 512 > 450, bytes should be enough to hold all 450 syscalls
   565  }
   567  // AnomalyDetectionSyscallEvent represents an anomaly detection for a syscall event
   568  type AnomalyDetectionSyscallEvent struct {
   569  	SyscallID Syscall
   570  }
   572  // PathKey identifies an entry in the dentry cache
   573  type PathKey struct {
   574  	Inode   uint64 `field:"inode"`    // SECLDoc[inode] Definition:`Inode of the file`
   575  	MountID uint32 `field:"mount_id"` // SECLDoc[mount_id] Definition:`Mount ID of the file`
   576  	PathID  uint32 `field:"-"`
   577  }