
     1  ---
     2  # INFO: Why is there a _v1 suffix on amd64 builds?
     3  project_name: dsv-cli
     4  dist: .artifacts/goreleaser
     5  env:
     6    - GITHUB_TOKEN={{ if index .Env "GITHUB_TOKEN" }}{{ .Env.GITHUB_TOKEN }}{{else}}''{{end}}
     7    - GITLAB_TOKEN=''
     8    - GITEA_TOKEN=''
     9    - LOCAL_DEBUGGING={{ if index .Env "LOCAL_DEBUGGING" }}{{ .Env.LOCAL_DEBUGGING }}{{else}}{{end}}
    10    - QUILL_SIGN_P12={{ if index .Env "QUILL_SIGN_P12" }}{{ .Env.QUILL_SIGN_P12 }}{{else}}{{end}}
    11    - QUILL_SIGN_PASSWORD={{ if index .Env "QUILL_SIGN_PASSWORD" }}{{ .Env.QUILL_SIGN_PASSWORD }}{{else}}{{end}}
    12    - COSIGN_PASSWORD={{ if index .Env "COSIGN_PASSWORD" }}{{ .Env.COSIGN_PASSWORD }}{{else}}{{end}}
    13    - COSIGN_KEY={{ if index .Env "COSIGN_KEY" }}{{ .Env.COSIGN_KEY }}{{else}}{{end}}
    14    - DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled
    15    - S3_BUCKET={{ if index .Env "S3_BUCKET" }}{{ .Env.S3_BUCKET }}{{else}}{{end}}
    16    - S3_KEY_PREFIX={{ if index .Env "S3_KEY_PREFIX" }}{{ .Env.S3_KEY_PREFIX }}{{else}}{{end}}
    17    - CGO_ENABLED=0
    18  before:
    19    hooks:
    20      - go mod download
    21  builds:
    22    - id: build-darwin
    23      binary: &build-binary-name-template dsv
    24      # dsv-{{ replace .Os "windows" "win" }}-{{ if eq .Arch "386" }}x86{{ else if eq .Arch "amd64" }}x64{{ else }}{{ .Arch }}{{end}}
    25      mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'
    26      ldflags: &common-ldflags |
    27        -s -w
    28        -X{{.Version}}
    29        -X{{ .FullCommit }}
    30        -X{{ .CommitDate }}
    31      goos: [darwin]
    32      goarch:
    33        - amd64
    34        - arm64
    35      hooks:
    36        post:
    37          # Quill tool is installed in environment by aqua.
    38          - cmd: '{{ if index .Env "QUILL_SIGN_P12_PASSWORD"  }}quill sign "{{ .Path }}" --ad-hoc={{ .IsSnapshot }} -vv{{ else }}echo "👉 no QUILL_SIGN_P12_PASSWORD provided so bypassing"{{ end }}'
    39            env:
    40              - QUILL_LOG_FILE=.cache/quill-{{ .Target }}.log
    41              - QUILL_SIGN_P12={{ .Env.QUILL_SIGN_P12 }}
    42              - QUILL_SIGN_P12_PASSWORD={{ .Env.QUILL_SIGN_PASSWORD }}
    43          - cmd: &hook-sign-blob '{{ if index .Env "COSIGN_PASSWORD"  }}cosign sign-blob --key={{.Env.COSIGN_KEY }} --output-signature="{{ .Path }}.sig" --output-file=".cache/cosign-{{ .Target }}.log" --verbose --yes "{{ .Path }}" {{ else }}echo "👉 no COSIGN_PASSWORD provided so bypassing"{{ end }}'
    44            env:
    45              - COSIGN_KEY={{ .Env.COSIGN_KEY }}
    46              - COSIGN_PASSWORD={{ .Env.COSIGN_PASSWORD }}
    47    - id: build-linux
    48      binary: *build-binary-name-template
    49      mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'
    50      ldflags: *common-ldflags
    51      goos: [linux]
    52      goarch:
    53        - amd64
    54        - '386'
    55      hooks:
    56        post:
    57          - cmd: *hook-sign-blob
    58            env:
    59              - COSIGN_KEY={{ .Env.COSIGN_KEY }}
    60              - COSIGN_PASSWORD={{ .Env.COSIGN_PASSWORD }}
    61    - id: build-windows
    62      binary: *build-binary-name-template
    63      mod_timestamp: '{{ .CommitTimestamp }}'
    64      ldflags: *common-ldflags
    65      goos: [windows]
    66      goarch:
    67        - amd64
    68        - '386'
    69      hooks:
    70        post:
    71          - cmd: *hook-sign-blob
    72            env:
    73              - COSIGN_KEY={{ .Env.COSIGN_KEY }}
    74              - COSIGN_PASSWORD={{ .Env.COSIGN_PASSWORD }}
    75  archives:
    76    # Name template is: 'dsv-{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}',
    77    # but we replace:
    78    #     - "windows" with "win"
    79    #     - "386" with "x86"
    80    #     - "amd64" with "x64"
    81    # Example: "build-windows-amd64.exe" -> "dsv-win-x64.exe"
    82    # - id: archives
    83    #   builds:
    84    #     - build-darwin
    85    #     - build-linux
    86    #     - build-windows
    87    #   name_template: dsv-{{ replace .Os "windows" "win" }}-{{ if eq .Arch "386" }}x86{{ else }}{{ .Arch }}{{end}}
    88    #   files:
    89    #     - dsv
    90    #     - '.artifacts/goreleaser/*.sig'
    92    - format: binary
    93      id: archive-binary-darwin
    94      name_template: &artifact-build-name dsv-{{ replace .Os "windows" "win" }}-{{ if eq .Arch "386" }}x86{{ else if eq .Arch "amd64" }}x64{{ else }}{{ .Arch }}{{end}}
    95      builds:
    96        - build-darwin
    97    - format: binary
    98      id: archive-binary-linux
    99      name_template: *artifact-build-name
   100      builds:
   101        - build-linux
   102    - format: binary
   103      id: archive-binary-windows
   104      name_template: *artifact-build-name
   105      builds:
   106        - build-windows
   107    - format: zip
   108      id: archive-zip-windows
   109      name_template: *artifact-build-name
   110      builds:
   111        - build-windows
   112  checksum:
   113    name_template: checksums-sha256.txt
   114    algorithm: sha256
   115    disable: false
   117  release:
   118    prerelease: auto
   119    draft: false
   120    mode: replace
   121    skip_upload: false
   122    replace_existing_draft: true
   123    name_template: '{{.ProjectName}}-v{{.Version}}'
   124    extra_files:
   125      - glob: .artifacts/goreleaser/**/*.sig
   126      - glob: .artifacts/cli-version.json
   128  sboms:
   129    - artifacts: binary
   130      id: sbom-binaries
   131      documents:
   132        - '{{ .Binary }}-{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}.sbom.json'
   133        #- '${artifact}.{{.Runtime.Goos}}.{{.Runtime.Goarch}}.spdx.json'
   134  changelog:
   135    skip: false
   136    sort: asc
   137    use: github
   138    groups:
   139      - title: Features
   140        regexp: "^.*feat[(\\w)]*:+.*$"
   141        order: 0
   142      - title: 'Fixes'
   143        regexp: "^.*fix[(\\w)]*:+.*$"
   144        order: 1
   145      - title: 'CI & Chore'
   146        regexp: "^.*(fix|chore|build)[(\\w)]*:+.*$"
   147        order: 2
   148      - title: Others
   149        order: 999
   150    filters:
   151      exclude:
   152        - '^docs:'
   153        - '^test:'
   154        - '^style:'
   155  blobs:
   156    # Binaries, signatures, and SBOMs
   157    - provider: s3
   158      region: us-east-1
   159      disableSSL: true
   160      bucket: '{{ .Env.S3_BUCKET }}'
   161      folder: '{{ .Env.S3_KEY_PREFIX }}/{{.Version}}'
   162      extra_files:
   163        - glob: .artifacts/goreleaser/**/*.sig
   165  brews:
   166    - name: dsv-cli
   167      ids:
   168        - archive-binary-linux
   169        - archive-binary-darwin
   170      tap:
   171        owner: DelineaXPM
   172        name: homebrew-tap
   173        branch: main
   174        token: '{{ .Env.GITHUB_TOKEN }}'
   175      download_strategy: CurlDownloadStrategy
   176      commit_author:
   177        name: goreleaserbot
   178        email:
   179      commit_msg_template: 'Brew formula update for {{ .ProjectName }} version {{ .Tag }}'
   180      folder: Formula
   181      homepage: ''
   182      description: 'âš¡ A cross-platform swiss army knife tool for DevOps secrets management from Delinea.'
   183      license: 'Apache-2.0 license'
   184      skip_upload: '{{ if .IsSnapshot }}true{{else}}false{{end}}'
   185      dependencies:
   186        - name: git
   187      conflicts: []
   188      test: |
   189        assert_equal "{{.Version}}", shell_output("#{bin}/dsv --version").strip
   191  scoop:
   192    bucket:
   193      owner: DelineaXPM
   194      name: scoop-bucket
   195      branch: main
   196    commit_author:
   197      name: goreleaserbot
   198      email:
   199    homepage: ''
   200    description: 'âš¡ A cross-platform swiss army knife tool for DevOps secrets management from Delinea.'
   201    license: 'Apache-2.0 license'
   202    skip_upload: '{{ if .IsSnapshot }}true{{else}}false{{end}}'
   204  snapcrafts:
   205    - id: dsv-cli-snap
   206      builds:
   207        - build-linux #'{{ if (eq .Runtime.Goos "linux") }}build-linux{{else}}{{end}}'
   208      name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}'
   209      name: dsv-cli
   210      # must run snapcraft login first
   211      publish: true
   212      summary: 'âš¡ A cross-platform swiss army knife tool for DevOps secrets management from Delinea.'
   213      description: |
   214        The DSV CLI is a cross-platform swiss army knife tool for DevOps secrets management from Delinea.
   215        It is designed to be a simple, yet powerful, tool for managing secrets in a variety of
   216        environments. It is designed to be used in CI/CD pipelines, as well as locally on developer
   217        machines.
   218      grade: stable
   219      confinement: strict
   220      license: Apache-2.0
   221      apps:
   222        # The name of the app must be the same name as the binary built or the snapcraft name.
   223        dsv-cli:
   224          #
   225          plugs: ['network'] # removed home, and personal-files as these would persist outside the snap but require special approval. Instead all the data will be contained the snap environment itself.
   226          command: dsv
   228      # SNAP DOCS:
   229      #
   230      # For non-classic snaps, this environment variable is re-written to SNAP_USER_DATA by snapd so that each snap appears to have a dedicated home directory that is a subdirectory of the real home directory.
   231      # args: --config 'SNAP_USER_COMMON/.dsv.yml'
   232      # aliases: ['dsv']
   233      # as a result, no plugs for home should be required
   234      # plugs:
   235      #   personal-files:
   236      #     read:
   237      #       - $HOME/.dsv.yml
   238      #       - $HOME/.thy
   239      #     write:
   240      #       - $HOME/.dsv.yml
   241      #       - $HOME/.thy
   242  dockers:
   243    - id: docker-publish-cli
   244      ids: [build-linux]
   245      goos: linux
   246      image_templates:
   247        - '{{ if index .Env "DOCKER_ORG" }}{{ .Env.DOCKER_ORG }}/{{ .ProjectName }}:{{ .Tag }}{{ end }}'
   248        - '{{ if index .Env "DOCKER_ORG" }}{{ .Env.DOCKER_ORG }}/{{ .ProjectName }}:latest{{ end }}'
   249      skip_push: false
   250      dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile.dsv.chainguard
   251      use: buildx
   252      build_flag_templates:
   253        - --platform=linux/amd64
   254        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.created={{.Date}}
   255        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.title={{ .ProjectName }}
   256        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.revision={{ .FullCommit }}
   257        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.version={{.Version}}
   258    # local builds
   259    - id: docker-publish-local
   260      ids: [build-linux]
   261      goos: linux
   262      image_templates:
   263        - '{{ .ProjectName }}:{{ .Tag }}'
   264        - '{{ .ProjectName }}:latest' # This one is for dev usage so latest version, no tagged semver required in docker compose or local testing
   265      skip_push: true
   266      dockerfile: ./docker/Dockerfile.dsv.chainguard
   267      use: buildx
   268      build_flag_templates:
   269        - --platform=linux/amd64
   270        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.created={{.Date}}
   271        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.title={{ .ProjectName }}
   272        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.revision={{ .FullCommit }}
   273        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.version={{.Version}}
   274        - --label=org.opencontainers.image.version="{{ .Tag }}"