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     8  # genqlient: a truly type-safe Go GraphQL client
    10  ## What is genqlient?
    12  genqlient is a Go library to easily generate type-safe code to query a GraphQL API. It takes advantage of the fact that both GraphQL and Go are typed languages to ensure at compile-time that your code is making a valid GraphQL query and using the result correctly, all with a minimum of boilerplate.
    14  genqlient provides:
    16  - Compile-time validation of GraphQL queries: never ship an invalid GraphQL query again!
    17  - Type-safe response objects: genqlient generates the right type for each query, so you know the response will unmarshal correctly and never need to use `interface{}`.
    18  - Production-readiness: genqlient is used in production at Khan Academy, where it supports millions of learners and teachers around the world.
    20  ## How do I use genqlient?
    22  You can download and run genqlient the usual way: `go run`.  To set your project up to use genqlient, see the [getting started guide](docs/, or the [example](example).  For more complete documentation, see the [docs](docs).
    24  ## How can I help?
    26  genqlient welcomes contributions!  Check out the ([Contribution Guidelines](docs/, or file an issue [on GitHub](issues).
    28  ## Why another GraphQL client?
    30  Most common Go GraphQL clients have you write code something like this:
    31  ```go
    32  query := `query GetUser($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { name } }`
    33  variables := map[string]interface{}{"id": "123"}
    34  var resp struct {
    35  	Me struct {
    36  		Name graphql.String
    37  	}
    38  }
    39  client.Query(ctx, query, &resp, variables)
    40  fmt.Println(query.Me.Name)
    41  // Output: Luke Skywalker
    42  ```
    44  This code works, but it has a few problems:
    46  - While the response struct is type-safe at the Go level; there's nothing to check that the schema looks like you expect.  Maybe the field is called `fullName`, not `name`; or maybe you capitalized it wrong (since Go and GraphQL have different conventions); you won't know until runtime.
    47  - The GraphQL variables aren't type-safe at all; you could have passed `{"id": true}` and again you won't know until runtime!
    48  - You have to write everything twice, or hide the query in complicated struct tags, or give up what type safety you do have and resort to `interface{}`.
    50  These problems aren't a big deal in a small application, but for serious production-grade tools they're not ideal.  And they should be entirely avoidable: GraphQL and Go are both typed languages; and GraphQL servers expose their schema in a standard, machine-readable format.  We should be able to simply write a query and have that automatically validated against the schema and turned into a Go struct which we can use in our code.  In fact, there's already good prior art to do this sort of thing: [99designs/gqlgen]( is a popular server library that generates types, and Apollo has a [codegen tool]( to generate similar client-types for several other languages.  (See [docs/](docs/ for more prior art.)
    52  genqlient fills that gap: you just specify the query, and it generates type-safe helpers, validated against the schema, that make the query.