
     1  builds:
     2    - main: main.go
     3      binary: janus
     4      goos:
     5        - windows
     6        - darwin
     7        - linux
     8      goarch:
     9        - amd64
    11  archive:
    12    format_overrides:
    13      - goos: windows
    14        format: zip
    15    name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_v{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"
    16    replacements:
    17      darwin: Darwin
    18      linux: Linux
    19      windows: Windows
    20      386: i386
    21      amd64: x86_64
    22    format_overrides:
    23      - goos: windows
    24        format: zip
    26  release:
    27    github:
    28      owner: ethereumproject
    29      name: janus
    30    # Using draft: true will not build homebrew tap, and does not publish Github release
    31    draft: false
    33  # brew:
    34  #   # Reporitory to push the tap to.
    35  #   github:
    36  #     owner: ethereumproject
    37  #     name: janus
    38  #
    39  #   # Folder inside the repository to put the formula.
    40  #   # Default is the root folder.
    41  #   folder: Formula
    42  #
    43  #   # Your app's description
    44  #   # Default is empty
    45  #   description: "Shared CI deployer + version syntax tool for ETCDEV"