
     1  language: go
     2  go_import_path:
     4  go: 1.8
     5  os:
     6  - linux
     8  env:
     9    global:
    10      # Set GCP_PASSWD environment variable. This is required to decrypt the GCP Service Account key for deploy.
    11      # travis encrypt -r ethereumproject/repo-name GCP_PASSWD=supersecret
    12      - secure: "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"
    14  script:
    15  # Run tests and builds.
    16  - go test -v ./...
    17  - go build -o janus main.go
    19  before_deploy:
    20    # Get janus.
    21    - curl -sL | bash
    22    # Add janus to PATH, this is *required*.
    23    #   This has to happen outside the 'get' script, otherwise PATH will only be set for
    24    #   the script subprocess.
    25    - export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/janusbin
    26    # Use janus to name the archive version of the build.
    27    #   %M - semver: major version
    28    #   %m - semver: minor version
    29    #   %P - semver: patch version
    30    #   %C - commit count since last tag
    31    #   %S - HEAD commit SHA1 with length 7, eg. abcd123
    32    - zip ourrelease-$(janus version -format v%M.%m.%P+%C-%S).zip ourrelease-bin
    34  deploy:
    35    # Note that it's important to skip cleanup if you want to deploy builds generated during a previous process
    36    skip_cleanup: true
    37    provider: script
    38    # Note that if you want to use a stand-alone script, you can use the follow syntax.
    39    #   Gotcha: on Travis you *must* use the relative path execution syntax ('./')
    40    # script: ./
    41    script:
    42      # Note that decrypting the GCP service key requires GCP_PASSWD environment variable to be set (see above).
    43      - janus deploy -to "$(janus version -format %M.%m.x)" -files "*.zip" -key gcp-key.enc.json
    44    on:
    45      branch: master
    46    tags: true