
     1  // An example showing how to declare a slice and perform various operations using a slice.
     2  package main
     4  import "fmt"
     6  // Slices get passed by reference into functions, meaning, if make changes to
     7  // a slice within a function, our changes will be reflected to the slice that
     8  // was passed into the function.
    10  func populateIntegerSlice(input []int) {
    12  	// We set values in a slice, just like we do with arrays using the square brackets
    13  	// notation [] with the element index enclosed within the square brackets.
    14  	input[0] = 3
    15  	input[1] = 6
    16  	input[2] = 9
    17  	input[3] = 12
    18  	input[4] = 15
    19  }
    21  func changingLineupExample() {
    23  	// Declaring and initializing a slice representing the original band members of
    24  	// rock band, INXS using a slice literal (notice it looks just like an array literal
    25  	// except without the element count)
    26  	fmt.Println("The original INXS lineup:")
    27  	inxs := []string{"Michael", "Andrew", "Jon", "Tim", "Kirk", "Garry"}
    28  	fmt.Println(inxs, "\n")
    30  	// Michael left the band in 1997
    31  	fmt.Println("The lineup without Michael:")
    32  	inxs = append(inxs[:0], inxs[1:]...)
    33  	fmt.Println(inxs, "\n")
    35  	// JD joins the band in 2005
    36  	fmt.Println("The lineup with a new member, JD:")
    37  	inxs = append(inxs, "JD")
    38  	fmt.Println(inxs, "\n")
    40  }
    42  func main() {
    44  	// We use the make() built-in function to create a new slice of length 5.
    45  	// Here we make a slice of integers of length 5.
    46  	var mySlice []int = make([]int, 5)
    47  	fmt.Printf("Contents of mySlice: %v\n\n", mySlice)
    49  	populateIntegerSlice(mySlice)
    50  	fmt.Printf("Contents of mySlice: %v\n", mySlice)
    51  	// We can use the len() built-in function to return the length of the slice
    52  	fmt.Println("The length of mySlice is: ", len(mySlice))
    53  	// We can use the cap() built-in function to return the capacity of the slice
    54  	fmt.Println("The capacity of mySlice is: ", cap(mySlice), "\n")
    56  	// Add a new element to mySlice, and notice the changes to the length and
    57  	// capacity of the slice
    58  	fmt.Println("After adding a new element to mySlice...\n")
    59  	mySlice = append(mySlice, 18)
    60  	fmt.Printf("Contents of mySlice: %v\n", mySlice)
    61  	fmt.Println("The length of mySlice is: ", len(mySlice))
    62  	fmt.Println("The capacity of mySlice is: ", cap(mySlice), "\n")
    64  	// This short hand notation allows us to get the elements from index 1 up to
    65  	// (but not including) index 4.
    66  	s := mySlice[1:4]
    67  	fmt.Println("mySlice[1:4] ", s, "\n")
    69  	// When you slice a slice, you get a reference back to that slice. Any changes you
    70  	// make to the subslice will be reflected in the original slice.
    71  	s[0] = 7 // this will cause mySlice[1] to be equal to 7
    72  	fmt.Println("mySlice: ", mySlice)
    74  	// All elements in myslice up to (not including) the element at index 4
    75  	t := mySlice[:4]
    76  	fmt.Println("mySlice[:4] ", t, "\n")
    78  	// The elements from (and including) the element at index 1
    79  	u := mySlice[1:]
    80  	fmt.Println("mySlice[1:] ", u, "\n")
    82  	changingLineupExample()
    83  }