
     1  // Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // This file contains the test for canonical struct tags.
     7  package testdata
     9  import "encoding/xml"
    11  type StructTagTest struct {
    12  	A   int "hello"            // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag pair"
    13  	B   int "\tx:\"y\""        // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag key"
    14  	C   int "x:\"y\"\tx:\"y\"" // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get"
    15  	D   int "x:`y`"            // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag value"
    16  	E   int "ct\brl:\"char\""  // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag pair"
    17  	F   int `:"emptykey"`      // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag key"
    18  	G   int `x:"noEndQuote`    // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag value"
    19  	H   int `x:"trunc\x0"`     // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag value"
    20  	I   int `x:"foo",y:"bar"`  // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: key:.value. pairs not separated by spaces"
    21  	J   int `x:"foo"y:"bar"`   // ERROR "not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: key:.value. pairs not separated by spaces"
    22  	OK0 int `x:"y" u:"v" w:""`
    23  	OK1 int `x:"y:z" u:"v" w:""` // note multiple colons.
    24  	OK2 int "k0:\"values contain spaces\" k1:\"literal\ttabs\" k2:\"and\\tescaped\\tabs\""
    25  	OK3 int `under_scores:"and" CAPS:"ARE_OK"`
    26  }
    28  type UnexportedEncodingTagTest struct {
    29  	x int `json:"xx"` // ERROR "struct field x has json tag but is not exported"
    30  	y int `xml:"yy"`  // ERROR "struct field y has xml tag but is not exported"
    31  	z int
    32  	A int `json:"aa" xml:"bb"`
    33  }
    35  type unexp struct{}
    37  type JSONEmbeddedField struct {
    38  	UnexportedEncodingTagTest `is:"embedded"`
    39  	unexp                     `is:"embedded,notexported" json:"unexp"` // OK for now, see issue 7363
    40  }
    42  type AnonymousJSON struct{}
    43  type AnonymousXML struct{}
    45  type DuplicateJSONFields struct {
    46  	JSON              int `json:"a"`
    47  	DuplicateJSON     int `json:"a"` // ERROR "struct field DuplicateJSON repeats json tag .a. also at testdata/structtag.go:46"
    48  	IgnoredJSON       int `json:"-"`
    49  	OtherIgnoredJSON  int `json:"-"`
    50  	OmitJSON          int `json:",omitempty"`
    51  	OtherOmitJSON     int `json:",omitempty"`
    52  	DuplicateOmitJSON int `json:"a,omitempty"` // ERROR "struct field DuplicateOmitJSON repeats json tag .a. also at testdata/structtag.go:46"
    53  	NonJSON           int `foo:"a"`
    54  	DuplicateNonJSON  int `foo:"a"`
    55  	Embedded          struct {
    56  		DuplicateJSON int `json:"a"` // OK because its not in the same struct type
    57  	}
    58  	AnonymousJSON `json:"a"` // ERROR "struct field AnonymousJSON repeats json tag .a. also at testdata/structtag.go:46"
    60  	XML              int `xml:"a"`
    61  	DuplicateXML     int `xml:"a"` // ERROR "struct field DuplicateXML repeats xml tag .a. also at testdata/structtag.go:60"
    62  	IgnoredXML       int `xml:"-"`
    63  	OtherIgnoredXML  int `xml:"-"`
    64  	OmitXML          int `xml:",omitempty"`
    65  	OtherOmitXML     int `xml:",omitempty"`
    66  	DuplicateOmitXML int `xml:"a,omitempty"` // ERROR "struct field DuplicateOmitXML repeats xml tag .a. also at testdata/structtag.go:60"
    67  	NonXML           int `foo:"a"`
    68  	DuplicateNonXML  int `foo:"a"`
    69  	Embedded         struct {
    70  		DuplicateXML int `xml:"a"` // OK because its not in the same struct type
    71  	}
    72  	AnonymousXML `xml:"a"` // ERROR "struct field AnonymousXML repeats xml tag .a. also at testdata/structtag.go:60"
    73  	Attribute    struct {
    74  		XMLName     xml.Name `xml:"b"`
    75  		NoDup       int      `xml:"b"`                // OK because XMLName above affects enclosing struct.
    76  		Attr        int      `xml:"b,attr"`           // OK because <b b="0"><b>0</b></b> is valid.
    77  		DupAttr     int      `xml:"b,attr"`           // ERROR "struct field DupAttr repeats xml attribute tag .b. also at testdata/structtag.go:76"
    78  		DupOmitAttr int      `xml:"b,omitempty,attr"` // ERROR "struct field DupOmitAttr repeats xml attribute tag .b. also at testdata/structtag.go:76"
    80  		AnonymousXML `xml:"b,attr"` // ERROR "struct field AnonymousXML repeats xml attribute tag .b. also at testdata/structtag.go:76"
    81  	}
    82  }