
     1  // Copyright 2017, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
     3  package events
     5  // APIGatewayProxyRequest contains data coming from the API Gateway proxy
     6  type APIGatewayProxyRequest struct {
     7  	Resource                        string                        `json:"resource"` // The resource path defined in API Gateway
     8  	Path                            string                        `json:"path"`     // The url path for the caller
     9  	HTTPMethod                      string                        `json:"httpMethod"`
    10  	Headers                         map[string]string             `json:"headers"`
    11  	MultiValueHeaders               map[string][]string           `json:"multiValueHeaders"`
    12  	QueryStringParameters           map[string]string             `json:"queryStringParameters"`
    13  	MultiValueQueryStringParameters map[string][]string           `json:"multiValueQueryStringParameters"`
    14  	PathParameters                  map[string]string             `json:"pathParameters"`
    15  	StageVariables                  map[string]string             `json:"stageVariables"`
    16  	RequestContext                  APIGatewayProxyRequestContext `json:"requestContext"`
    17  	Body                            string                        `json:"body"`
    18  	IsBase64Encoded                 bool                          `json:"isBase64Encoded,omitempty"`
    19  }
    21  // APIGatewayProxyResponse configures the response to be returned by API Gateway for the request
    22  type APIGatewayProxyResponse struct {
    23  	StatusCode        int                 `json:"statusCode"`
    24  	Headers           map[string]string   `json:"headers"`
    25  	MultiValueHeaders map[string][]string `json:"multiValueHeaders"`
    26  	Body              string              `json:"body"`
    27  	IsBase64Encoded   bool                `json:"isBase64Encoded,omitempty"`
    28  }
    30  // APIGatewayProxyRequestContext contains the information to identify the AWS account and resources invoking the
    31  // Lambda function. It also includes Cognito identity information for the caller.
    32  type APIGatewayProxyRequestContext struct {
    33  	AccountID        string                    `json:"accountId"`
    34  	ResourceID       string                    `json:"resourceId"`
    35  	OperationName    string                    `json:"operationName,omitempty"`
    36  	Stage            string                    `json:"stage"`
    37  	DomainName       string                    `json:"domainName"`
    38  	DomainPrefix     string                    `json:"domainPrefix"`
    39  	RequestID        string                    `json:"requestId"`
    40  	Protocol         string                    `json:"protocol"`
    41  	Identity         APIGatewayRequestIdentity `json:"identity"`
    42  	ResourcePath     string                    `json:"resourcePath"`
    43  	Authorizer       map[string]interface{}    `json:"authorizer"`
    44  	HTTPMethod       string                    `json:"httpMethod"`
    45  	RequestTime      string                    `json:"requestTime"`
    46  	RequestTimeEpoch int64                     `json:"requestTimeEpoch"`
    47  	APIID            string                    `json:"apiId"` // The API Gateway rest API Id
    48  }
    50  // APIGatewayV2HTTPRequest contains data coming from the new HTTP API Gateway
    51  type APIGatewayV2HTTPRequest struct {
    52  	Version               string                         `json:"version"`
    53  	RouteKey              string                         `json:"routeKey"`
    54  	RawPath               string                         `json:"rawPath"`
    55  	RawQueryString        string                         `json:"rawQueryString"`
    56  	Cookies               []string                       `json:"cookies,omitempty"`
    57  	Headers               map[string]string              `json:"headers"`
    58  	QueryStringParameters map[string]string              `json:"queryStringParameters,omitempty"`
    59  	PathParameters        map[string]string              `json:"pathParameters,omitempty"`
    60  	RequestContext        APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContext `json:"requestContext"`
    61  	StageVariables        map[string]string              `json:"stageVariables,omitempty"`
    62  	Body                  string                         `json:"body,omitempty"`
    63  	IsBase64Encoded       bool                           `json:"isBase64Encoded"`
    64  }
    66  // APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContext contains the information to identify the AWS account and resources invoking the Lambda function.
    67  type APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContext struct {
    68  	RouteKey     string                                               `json:"routeKey"`
    69  	AccountID    string                                               `json:"accountId"`
    70  	Stage        string                                               `json:"stage"`
    71  	RequestID    string                                               `json:"requestId"`
    72  	Authorizer   *APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerDescription `json:"authorizer,omitempty"`
    73  	APIID        string                                               `json:"apiId"` // The API Gateway HTTP API Id
    74  	DomainName   string                                               `json:"domainName"`
    75  	DomainPrefix string                                               `json:"domainPrefix"`
    76  	Time         string                                               `json:"time"`
    77  	TimeEpoch    int64                                                `json:"timeEpoch"`
    78  	HTTP         APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextHTTPDescription        `json:"http"`
    79  }
    81  // APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerDescription contains authorizer information for the request context.
    82  type APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerDescription struct {
    83  	JWT    *APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerJWTDescription `json:"jwt,omitempty"`
    84  	Lambda map[string]interface{}                                  `json:"lambda,omitempty"`
    85  	IAM    *APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerIAMDescription `json:"iam,omitempty"`
    86  }
    88  // APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerJWTDescription contains JWT authorizer information for the request context.
    89  type APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerJWTDescription struct {
    90  	Claims map[string]string `json:"claims"`
    91  	Scopes []string          `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
    92  }
    94  // APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerIAMDescription contains IAM information for the request context.
    95  type APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerIAMDescription struct {
    96  	AccessKey       string                                                  `json:"accessKey"`
    97  	AccountID       string                                                  `json:"accountId"`
    98  	CallerID        string                                                  `json:"callerId"`
    99  	CognitoIdentity APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerCognitoIdentity `json:"cognitoIdentity,omitempty"`
   100  	PrincipalOrgID  string                                                  `json:"principalOrgId"`
   101  	UserARN         string                                                  `json:"userArn"`
   102  	UserID          string                                                  `json:"userId"`
   103  }
   105  // APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerCognitoIdentity contains Cognito identity information for the request context.
   106  type APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextAuthorizerCognitoIdentity struct {
   107  	AMR            []string `json:"amr"`
   108  	IdentityID     string   `json:"identityId"`
   109  	IdentityPoolID string   `json:"identityPoolId"`
   110  }
   112  // APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextHTTPDescription contains HTTP information for the request context.
   113  type APIGatewayV2HTTPRequestContextHTTPDescription struct {
   114  	Method    string `json:"method"`
   115  	Path      string `json:"path"`
   116  	Protocol  string `json:"protocol"`
   117  	SourceIP  string `json:"sourceIp"`
   118  	UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"`
   119  }
   121  // APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse configures the response to be returned by API Gateway V2 for the request
   122  type APIGatewayV2HTTPResponse struct {
   123  	StatusCode        int                 `json:"statusCode"`
   124  	Headers           map[string]string   `json:"headers"`
   125  	MultiValueHeaders map[string][]string `json:"multiValueHeaders"`
   126  	Body              string              `json:"body"`
   127  	IsBase64Encoded   bool                `json:"isBase64Encoded,omitempty"`
   128  	Cookies           []string            `json:"cookies"`
   129  }
   131  // APIGatewayRequestIdentity contains identity information for the request caller.
   132  type APIGatewayRequestIdentity struct {
   133  	CognitoIdentityPoolID         string `json:"cognitoIdentityPoolId"`
   134  	AccountID                     string `json:"accountId"`
   135  	CognitoIdentityID             string `json:"cognitoIdentityId"`
   136  	Caller                        string `json:"caller"`
   137  	APIKey                        string `json:"apiKey"`
   138  	APIKeyID                      string `json:"apiKeyId"`
   139  	AccessKey                     string `json:"accessKey"`
   140  	SourceIP                      string `json:"sourceIp"`
   141  	CognitoAuthenticationType     string `json:"cognitoAuthenticationType"`
   142  	CognitoAuthenticationProvider string `json:"cognitoAuthenticationProvider"`
   143  	UserArn                       string `json:"userArn"`
   144  	UserAgent                     string `json:"userAgent"`
   145  	User                          string `json:"user"`
   146  }
   148  // APIGatewayWebsocketProxyRequest contains data coming from the API Gateway proxy
   149  type APIGatewayWebsocketProxyRequest struct {
   150  	Resource                        string                                 `json:"resource"` // The resource path defined in API Gateway
   151  	Path                            string                                 `json:"path"`     // The url path for the caller
   152  	HTTPMethod                      string                                 `json:"httpMethod"`
   153  	Headers                         map[string]string                      `json:"headers"`
   154  	MultiValueHeaders               map[string][]string                    `json:"multiValueHeaders"`
   155  	QueryStringParameters           map[string]string                      `json:"queryStringParameters"`
   156  	MultiValueQueryStringParameters map[string][]string                    `json:"multiValueQueryStringParameters"`
   157  	PathParameters                  map[string]string                      `json:"pathParameters"`
   158  	StageVariables                  map[string]string                      `json:"stageVariables"`
   159  	RequestContext                  APIGatewayWebsocketProxyRequestContext `json:"requestContext"`
   160  	Body                            string                                 `json:"body"`
   161  	IsBase64Encoded                 bool                                   `json:"isBase64Encoded,omitempty"`
   162  }
   164  // APIGatewayWebsocketProxyRequestContext contains the information to identify
   165  // the AWS account and resources invoking the Lambda function. It also includes
   166  // Cognito identity information for the caller.
   167  type APIGatewayWebsocketProxyRequestContext struct {
   168  	AccountID          string                    `json:"accountId"`
   169  	ResourceID         string                    `json:"resourceId"`
   170  	Stage              string                    `json:"stage"`
   171  	RequestID          string                    `json:"requestId"`
   172  	Identity           APIGatewayRequestIdentity `json:"identity"`
   173  	ResourcePath       string                    `json:"resourcePath"`
   174  	Authorizer         interface{}               `json:"authorizer"`
   175  	HTTPMethod         string                    `json:"httpMethod"`
   176  	APIID              string                    `json:"apiId"` // The API Gateway rest API Id
   177  	ConnectedAt        int64                     `json:"connectedAt"`
   178  	ConnectionID       string                    `json:"connectionId"`
   179  	DomainName         string                    `json:"domainName"`
   180  	Error              string                    `json:"error"`
   181  	EventType          string                    `json:"eventType"`
   182  	ExtendedRequestID  string                    `json:"extendedRequestId"`
   183  	IntegrationLatency string                    `json:"integrationLatency"`
   184  	MessageDirection   string                    `json:"messageDirection"`
   185  	MessageID          interface{}               `json:"messageId"`
   186  	RequestTime        string                    `json:"requestTime"`
   187  	RequestTimeEpoch   int64                     `json:"requestTimeEpoch"`
   188  	RouteKey           string                    `json:"routeKey"`
   189  	Status             string                    `json:"status"`
   190  }
   192  // APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequestTypeRequestIdentity contains identity information for the request caller.
   193  type APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequestTypeRequestIdentity struct {
   194  	APIKey   string `json:"apiKey"`
   195  	SourceIP string `json:"sourceIp"`
   196  }
   198  // APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerContext represents the expected format of an API Gateway custom authorizer response.
   199  // Deprecated. Code should be updated to use the Authorizer map from APIGatewayRequestIdentity. Ex: Authorizer["principalId"]
   200  type APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerContext struct {
   201  	PrincipalID *string `json:"principalId"`
   202  	StringKey   *string `json:"stringKey,omitempty"`
   203  	NumKey      *int    `json:"numKey,omitempty"`
   204  	BoolKey     *bool   `json:"boolKey,omitempty"`
   205  }
   207  // APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequestTypeRequestContext represents the expected format of an API Gateway custom authorizer response.
   208  type APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequestTypeRequestContext struct {
   209  	Path         string                                               `json:"path"`
   210  	AccountID    string                                               `json:"accountId"`
   211  	ResourceID   string                                               `json:"resourceId"`
   212  	Stage        string                                               `json:"stage"`
   213  	RequestID    string                                               `json:"requestId"`
   214  	Identity     APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequestTypeRequestIdentity `json:"identity"`
   215  	ResourcePath string                                               `json:"resourcePath"`
   216  	HTTPMethod   string                                               `json:"httpMethod"`
   217  	APIID        string                                               `json:"apiId"`
   218  }
   220  // APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequest contains data coming in to a custom API Gateway authorizer function.
   221  type APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequest struct {
   222  	Type               string `json:"type"`
   223  	AuthorizationToken string `json:"authorizationToken"`
   224  	MethodArn          string `json:"methodArn"`
   225  }
   227  // APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequestTypeRequest contains data coming in to a custom API Gateway authorizer function.
   228  type APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequestTypeRequest struct {
   229  	Type                            string                                              `json:"type"`
   230  	MethodArn                       string                                              `json:"methodArn"`
   231  	Resource                        string                                              `json:"resource"`
   232  	Path                            string                                              `json:"path"`
   233  	HTTPMethod                      string                                              `json:"httpMethod"`
   234  	Headers                         map[string]string                                   `json:"headers"`
   235  	MultiValueHeaders               map[string][]string                                 `json:"multiValueHeaders"`
   236  	QueryStringParameters           map[string]string                                   `json:"queryStringParameters"`
   237  	MultiValueQueryStringParameters map[string][]string                                 `json:"multiValueQueryStringParameters"`
   238  	PathParameters                  map[string]string                                   `json:"pathParameters"`
   239  	StageVariables                  map[string]string                                   `json:"stageVariables"`
   240  	RequestContext                  APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerRequestTypeRequestContext `json:"requestContext"`
   241  }
   243  // APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerResponse represents the expected format of an API Gateway authorization response.
   244  type APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerResponse struct {
   245  	PrincipalID        string                           `json:"principalId"`
   246  	PolicyDocument     APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerPolicy `json:"policyDocument"`
   247  	Context            map[string]interface{}           `json:"context,omitempty"`
   248  	UsageIdentifierKey string                           `json:"usageIdentifierKey,omitempty"`
   249  }
   251  // APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerPolicy represents an IAM policy
   252  type APIGatewayCustomAuthorizerPolicy struct {
   253  	Version   string
   254  	Statement []IAMPolicyStatement
   255  }
   257  // IAMPolicyStatement represents one statement from IAM policy with action, effect and resource
   258  type IAMPolicyStatement struct {
   259  	Action   []string
   260  	Effect   string
   261  	Resource []string
   262  }