
     1  language: go
     2  go_import_path:
     3  os: linux
     4  jobs:
     5    include:
     6      - stage: build
     7        os: linux
     8        dist: bionic
     9        go: 1.12.x
    10        script:
    11          - go run build/ci.go install
    13      - stage: build
    14        os: linux
    15        dist: bionic
    16        go: 1.13.x
    17        script:
    18          - go run build/ci.go install
    20      # These are the latest Go versions.
    21      - stage: build
    22        os: linux
    23        arch: amd64
    24        dist: bionic
    25        go: master
    26        script:
    27          - go run build/ci.go install
    29      - stage: build
    30        if: type = pull_request
    31        os: linux
    32        arch: amd64
    33        dist: bionic
    34        go: 1.13.x
    35        script:
    36          - go run build/ci.go install
    38      - stage: build
    39        os: osx
    40        go: 1.13.x
    41        script:
    42          - echo "Increase the maximum number of open file descriptors on macOS"
    43          - NOFILE=20480
    44          - sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=$NOFILE
    45          - sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=$NOFILE
    46          - sudo launchctl limit maxfiles $NOFILE $NOFILE
    47          - sudo launchctl limit maxfiles
    48          - ulimit -S -n $NOFILE
    49          - ulimit -n
    50          - unset -f cd # workaround for
    51          - go run build/ci.go install