
     1  /* For license and copyright information please see LEGAL file in repository */
     3  package authorization
     5  import (
     6  	etime "../earth-time"
     7  	er "../error"
     8  	"../json"
     9  	"../syllab"
    10  )
    12  // Product store needed data to authorize product as auction or any other order type
    13  type Product struct {
    14  	AllowUserID   [32]byte `index-hash:"ID" json:",string"` // If 0 means this sale is not just for specific UserID! can be any OrgID e.g. DistributionCenterID
    15  	AllowUserType UserType
    16  	AllowWeekdays etime.Weekdays
    17  	AllowDayhours etime.Dayhours
    18  	GroupID       [32]byte `index-hash:"ID" json:",string"` // it can be 0 and means sale is global!
    19  	MinNumBuy     uint64   // Minimum number to buy in this auction to use for sale-off(Discount)
    20  	StockNumber   uint64   // 0 for unlimited until related product exist to sell!
    21  	LiveUntil     etime.Time
    22  }
    24  // SyllabDecoder decode syllab to given Product
    25  func (p *Product) SyllabDecoder(buf []byte, stackIndex uint32) (err *er.Error) {
    26  	// var add, ln uint32
    27  	// var tempSlice []byte
    29  	if uint32(len(buf)) < p.SyllabStackLen() {
    30  		err = syllab.ErrSyllabDecodeSmallSlice
    31  		return
    32  	}
    34  	copy(p.AllowUserID[:], buf[0:])
    35  	p.AllowUserType = UserType(syllab.GetUInt8(buf, 32))
    36  	p.AllowWeekdays = etime.Weekdays(syllab.GetUInt8(buf, 33))
    37  	p.AllowDayhours = etime.Dayhours(syllab.GetUInt32(buf, 34))
    38  	copy(p.GroupID[:], buf[38:])
    39  	p.MinNumBuy = syllab.GetUInt64(buf, 70)
    40  	p.StockNumber = syllab.GetUInt64(buf, 78)
    41  	p.LiveUntil = etime.Time(syllab.GetInt64(buf, 86))
    42  	return
    43  }
    45  // SyllabEncoder encode given Product to syllab format
    46  func (p *Product) SyllabEncoder(buf []byte, stackIndex, heapIndex uint32) (nextHeapAddr uint32) {
    47  	copy(buf[0:], p.AllowUserID[:])
    48  	syllab.SetUInt8(buf, 32, uint8(p.AllowUserType))
    49  	syllab.SetUInt8(buf, 33, uint8(p.AllowWeekdays))
    50  	syllab.SetUInt32(buf, 34, uint32(p.AllowDayhours))
    51  	copy(buf[38:], p.GroupID[:])
    52  	syllab.SetUInt64(buf, 70, p.MinNumBuy)
    53  	syllab.SetUInt64(buf, 78, p.StockNumber)
    54  	syllab.SetInt64(buf, 86, int64(p.LiveUntil))
    55  	return
    56  }
    58  // SyllabStackLen return stack length of Product
    59  func (p *Product) SyllabStackLen() (ln uint32) {
    60  	return 94
    61  }
    63  // SyllabHeapLen return heap length of Product
    64  func (p *Product) SyllabHeapLen() (ln uint32) {
    65  	return
    66  }
    68  // SyllabLen return whole length of Product
    69  func (p *Product) SyllabLen() (ln int) {
    70  	return int(p.SyllabStackLen() + p.SyllabHeapLen())
    71  }
    73  // JSONDecoder decode json to given Product
    74  func (p *Product) JSONDecoder(decoder json.DecoderUnsafeMinifed) (err *er.Error) {
    75  	for err == nil {
    76  		var keyName = decoder.DecodeKey()
    77  		switch keyName {
    78  		case "AllowUserID":
    79  			err = decoder.DecodeByteArrayAsBase64(p.AllowUserID[:])
    80  		case "AllowUserType":
    81  			var num uint8
    82  			num, err = decoder.DecodeUInt8()
    83  			p.AllowUserType = UserType(num)
    84  		case "AllowWeekdays":
    85  			var num uint8
    86  			num, err = decoder.DecodeUInt8()
    87  			p.AllowWeekdays = etime.Weekdays(num)
    88  		case "AllowDayhours":
    89  			var num uint32
    90  			num, err = decoder.DecodeUInt32()
    91  			p.AllowDayhours = etime.Dayhours(num)
    92  		case "GroupID":
    93  			err = decoder.DecodeByteArrayAsBase64(p.GroupID[:])
    94  		case "MinNumBuy":
    95  			p.MinNumBuy, err = decoder.DecodeUInt64()
    96  		case "StockNumber":
    97  			p.StockNumber, err = decoder.DecodeUInt64()
    98  		case "LiveUntil":
    99  			var num int64
   100  			num, err = decoder.DecodeInt64()
   101  			p.LiveUntil = etime.Time(num)
   102  		default:
   103  			err = decoder.NotFoundKeyStrict()
   104  		}
   106  		if len(decoder.Buf) < 3 {
   107  			return
   108  		}
   109  	}
   110  	return
   111  }
   113  // JSONEncoder encode given Product to json format.
   114  func (p *Product) JSONEncoder(encoder json.Encoder) {
   115  	encoder.EncodeString(`{"AllowUserID":"`)
   116  	encoder.EncodeByteSliceAsBase64(p.AllowUserID[:])
   118  	encoder.EncodeString(`","AllowUserType":`)
   119  	encoder.EncodeUInt8(uint8(p.AllowUserType))
   121  	encoder.EncodeString(`,"AllowWeekdays":`)
   122  	encoder.EncodeUInt8(uint8(p.AllowWeekdays))
   124  	encoder.EncodeString(`,"AllowDayhours":`)
   125  	encoder.EncodeUInt32(uint32(p.AllowDayhours))
   127  	encoder.EncodeString(`,"GroupID":"`)
   128  	encoder.EncodeByteSliceAsBase64(p.GroupID[:])
   130  	encoder.EncodeString(`","MinNumBuy":`)
   131  	encoder.EncodeUInt64(p.MinNumBuy)
   133  	encoder.EncodeString(`,"StockNumber":`)
   134  	encoder.EncodeUInt64(p.StockNumber)
   136  	encoder.EncodeString(`,"LiveUntil":`)
   137  	encoder.EncodeInt64(int64(p.LiveUntil))
   139  	encoder.EncodeByte('}')
   140  }
   142  // JSONLen return json needed len to encode!
   143  func (p *Product) JSONLen() (ln int) {
   144  	ln = 455
   145  	return
   146  }