
     1  /* For license and copyright information please see LEGAL file in repository */
     3  package srpc
     5  import (
     6  	"../protocol"
     7  	"../syllab"
     8  )
    10  /*
    11  type openStreamFrame struct {
    12  	ProtocolID  uint16 // protocol ID usage is like TCP||UDP ports that indicate payload protocol.
    13  	SerErrID    uint64 // Service or Error
    14  	CompressID  uint64
    15  	TotalPacket uint32 // Expected packets count that send over this stream!
    16  	DataLength  uint64
    17  	Weight      protocol.ConnectionWeight
    18  }
    19  */
    20  type openStreamFrame []byte
    22  func (f openStreamFrame) ProtocolID() uint16                { return syllab.GetUInt16(f, 0) }
    23  func (f openStreamFrame) SerErrID() uint64                  { return syllab.GetUInt64(f, 2) }
    24  func (f openStreamFrame) CompressID() uint64                { return syllab.GetUInt64(f, 10) }
    25  func (f openStreamFrame) Weight() protocol.ConnectionWeight { return protocol.ConnectionWeight(f[10]) }
    26  func (f openStreamFrame) NextFrame() []byte                 { return f[18:] }
    28  // setStreamSettings set stream settings like time sensitive use in VoIP, IPTV, ...
    29  func openStream(conn protocol.Connection, frame openStreamFrame) (err protocol.Error) {
    30  	// TODO::: allow multiple settings set??
    32  	// Check server supported requested protocol
    33  	var ProtocolID = protocol.NetworkApplicationProtocolID(frame.ProtocolID())
    34  	var protocolHandler protocol.NetworkApplicationHandler = protocol.App.GetNetworkApplicationHandler(ProtocolID)
    35  	if protocolHandler == nil {
    36  		// Send response or just ignore packet
    37  		// TODO::: DDOS!!??
    38  		return
    39  	}
    41  	// Dropping packets is preferable to waiting for packets delayed due to retransmissions.
    42  	// Developer can ask to complete data for offline usage after first data usage.
    43  	return
    44  }