
     1  /* For license and copyright information please see LEGAL file in repository */
     3  package www
     5  import (
     6  	"bytes"
     7  	"strconv"
     9  	"../json"
    10  	"../minify"
    11  	"../protocol"
    12  )
    14  // mixHTMLToJS add given HTML file to specific part of JS file.
    15  func mixHTMLToJS(js, html []byte) (mixedData []byte, err protocol.Error) {
    16  	html, err = minify.HTML.MinifyBytes(html)
    17  	if err != nil {
    18  		return
    19  	}
    21  	var loc = bytes.Index(js, []byte("HTML: ("))
    22  	if loc < 0 {
    23  		loc = bytes.Index(js, []byte("HTML = ("))
    24  		if loc < 0 {
    25  			// err = "html file can't add to JS file due to bad JS format."
    26  			return
    27  		}
    28  	}
    30  	var graveAccentIndex int = bytes.IndexByte(js[loc:], '`')
    31  	graveAccentIndex += loc + 1
    33  	mixedData = make([]byte, 0, len(js)+len(html))
    34  	mixedData = append(mixedData, js[:graveAccentIndex]...)
    35  	mixedData = append(mixedData, html...)
    36  	mixedData = append(mixedData, js[graveAccentIndex:]...)
    37  	return
    38  }
    40  // mixHTMLTemplateToJS add given HTML template file to specific part of JS file.
    41  func mixHTMLTemplateToJS(js, html []byte, tempName string) (mixedData []byte, err protocol.Error) {
    42  	html, err = minify.HTML.MinifyBytes(html)
    43  	if err != nil {
    44  		return
    45  	}
    47  	var loc = bytes.Index(js, []byte(tempName+`": (`))
    48  	if loc < 0 {
    49  		// err = "html template file can't add to JS file due to bad JS format."
    50  		return
    51  	}
    53  	var graveAccentIndex int = bytes.IndexByte(js[loc:], '`')
    54  	graveAccentIndex += loc + 1
    56  	mixedData = make([]byte, 0, len(js)+len(html))
    57  	mixedData = append(mixedData, js[:graveAccentIndex]...)
    58  	mixedData = append(mixedData, html...)
    59  	mixedData = append(mixedData, js[graveAccentIndex:]...)
    60  	return
    61  }
    63  // localizeHTMLFile make and returns number of localize file by number of language indicate in JSON localize text
    64  func localizeHTMLFile(html []byte, lj localize) (mixedData map[string][]byte, err protocol.Error) {
    65  	mixedData = make(map[string][]byte, len(lj))
    66  	for lang, text := range lj {
    67  		mixedData[lang], err = replaceLocalizeTextInHTML(html, text)
    68  	}
    69  	return
    70  }
    72  func replaceLocalizeTextInHTML(html []byte, text []string) (mixData []byte, err protocol.Error) {
    73  	mixData = make([]byte, 0, len(html))
    74  	var replacerIndex int
    75  	var bracketIndex int
    76  	var textIndex uint64
    77  	var goErr error
    78  	for {
    79  		replacerIndex = bytes.Index(html, []byte("${LocaleText["))
    80  		if replacerIndex < 0 {
    81  			mixData = append(mixData, html...)
    82  			return
    83  		}
    84  		mixData = append(mixData, html[:replacerIndex]...)
    85  		html = html[replacerIndex:]
    87  		bracketIndex = bytes.IndexByte(html, ']')
    88  		textIndex, goErr = strconv.ParseUint(string(html[13:bracketIndex]), 10, 8)
    89  		if goErr != nil {
    90  			// err = "Index numbers in desire file is not valid, double check your file for bad structures"
    91  		} else {
    92  			mixData = append(mixData, text[textIndex]...)
    93  		}
    95  		html = html[bracketIndex+1:]
    96  	}
    97  }
    99  type localize map[string][]string
   101  func (lj *localize) jsonDecoder(data []byte) (err protocol.Error) {
   102  	// TODO::: convert to generated code
   103  	err = json.Unmarshal(data, lj)
   104  	return
   105  }