
     1  #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2  set -e
     3  SCRIPTDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
     4  source "${SCRIPTDIR}/.validate"
     6  if [ -n "${TEST_FORCE_VALIDATE:-}" ]; then
     7  	files=(docs/api/*.yaml)
     8  else
     9  	IFS=$'\n'
    10  	files=($(validate_diff --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only -- docs/*.yaml || true))
    11  	unset IFS
    12  fi
    14  # validate the yamllint configuration file before anything else
    15  if out=$(yamllint -f parsable -d "{extends: default, rules: {document-start: disable}}" "${SCRIPTDIR}"/yamllint.yaml); then
    16  	echo "Congratulations! yamllint config file formatted correctly"
    17  else
    18  	echo "${out}" >&2
    19  	false
    20  fi
    22  # Then validate GitHub actions workflows, and conditionally lint the swagger
    23  # files in the docs directory, as these are large files and take some time.
    24  if out=$(yamllint -f parsable -c "${SCRIPTDIR}"/yamllint.yaml .github/workflows/*.yml "${files[@]}"); then
    25  	echo "Congratulations! YAML files are formatted correctly"
    26  else
    27  	echo "${out}" >&2
    28  	false
    29  fi