
     1  # Chaincode namespace
     3  **Audience**: Architects, application and smart contract developers,
     4  administrators
     6  A chaincode namespace allows it to keep its world state separate from other
     7  chaincodes. Specifically, smart contracts in the same chaincode share direct
     8  access to the same world state, whereas smart contracts in different chaincodes
     9  cannot directly access each other's world state. If a smart contract needs to
    10  access another chaincode world state, it can do this by performing a
    11  chaincode-to-chaincode invocation. Finally, a blockchain can contain
    12  transactions which relate to different world states.
    14  In this topic, we're going to cover:
    16  * [The importance of namespaces](#motivation)
    17  * [What is a chaincode namespace](#scenario)
    18  * [Channels and namespaces](#channels)
    19  * [How to use chaincode namespaces](#usage)
    20  * [How to access world states across smart contracts](#cross-chaincode-access)
    21  * [Design considerations for chaincode namespaces](#considerations)
    23  ## Motivation
    25  A namespace is a common concept. We understand that *Park Street, New York* and
    26  *Park Street, Seattle* are different streets even though they have the same
    27  name. The city forms a **namespace** for Park Street, simultaneously providing
    28  freedom and clarity.
    30  It's the same in a computer system. Namespaces allow different users to program
    31  and operate different parts of a shared system, without getting in each other's
    32  way. Many programming languages have namespaces so that programs can freely
    33  assign unique identifiers, such as variable names, without worrying about other
    34  programs doing the same. We'll see that Hyperledger Fabric uses namespaces to
    35  help smart contracts keep their ledger world state separate from other smart
    36  contracts.
    38  ## Scenario
    40  Let's examine how the ledger world state organizes facts about business objects
    41  that are important to the organizations in a channel using the diagram below.
    42  Whether these objects are commercial papers, bonds, or vehicle registrations,
    43  and wherever they are in their lifecycle, they are maintained as states within
    44  the ledger world state database. A smart contract manages these business objects
    45  by interacting with the ledger (world state and blockchain), and in most cases
    46  this will involve it querying or updating the ledger world state.
    48  It's vitally important to understand that the ledger world state is partitioned
    49  according to the chaincode of the smart contract that accesses it, and this
    50  partitioning, or *namespacing* is an important design consideration for
    51  architects, administrators and programmers.
    53  ![chaincodens.scenario](./develop.diagram.50.png) *The ledger world state is
    54  separated into different namespaces according to the chaincode that accesses it.
    55  Within a given channel, smart contracts in the same chaincode share the same
    56  world state, and smart contracts in different chaincodes cannot directly access
    57  each other's world state. Likewise, a blockchain can contain transactions that
    58  relate to different chaincode world states.*
    60  In our example, we can see four smart contracts defined in two different
    61  chaincodes, each of which is in their own chaincode container. The `euroPaper`
    62  and `yenPaper` smart contracts are defined in the `papers` chaincode. The
    63  situation is similar for the `euroBond` and `yenBond` smart contracts  -- they
    64  are defined in the `bonds` chaincode. This design helps application programmers
    65  understand whether they are working with commercial papers or bonds priced in
    66  Euros or Yen, and because the rules for each financial product don't really
    67  change for different currencies, it makes sense to manage their deployment in
    68  the same chaincode.
    70  The [diagram](#scenario) also shows the consequences of this deployment choice.
    71  The database management system (DBMS) creates different world state databases
    72  for the `papers` and `bonds` chaincodes and the smart contracts contained within
    73  them. `World state A` and `world state B` are each held within distinct
    74  databases; the data are isolated from each other such that a single world state
    75  query (for example) cannot access both world states. The world state is said to
    76  be *namespaced* according to its chaincode.
    78  See how `world state A` contains two lists of commercial papers `paperListEuro`
    79  and `paperListYen`. The states `PAP11` and `PAP21` are instances of each paper
    80  managed by the `euroPaper` and `yenPaper` smart contracts respectively. Because
    81  they share the same chaincode namespace, their keys (`PAPxyz`) must be unique
    82  within the namespace of the `papers` chaincode, a little like a street name is
    83  unique within a town. Notice how it would be possible to write a smart contract
    84  in the `papers` chaincode that performed an aggregate calculation over all the
    85  commercial papers -- whether priced in Euros or Yen -- because they share the
    86  same namespace. The situation is similar for bonds -- they are held within
    87  `world state B` which maps to a separate `bonds` database, and their keys must
    88  be unique.
    90  Just as importantly, namespaces mean that `euroPaper` and `yenPaper` cannot
    91  directly access `world state B`, and that `euroBond` and `yenBond` cannot
    92  directly access `world state A`. This isolation is helpful, as commercial papers
    93  and bonds are very distinct financial instruments; they have different
    94  attributes and are subject to different rules. It also means that `papers` and
    95  `bonds` could have the same keys, because they are in different namespaces. This
    96  is helpful; it provides a significant degree of freedom for naming. Use this
    97  freedom to name different business objects meaningfully.
    99  Most importantly, we can see that a blockchain is associated with the peer
   100  operating in a particular channel, and that it contains transactions that affect
   101  both `world state A` and `world state B`. That's because the blockchain is the
   102  most fundamental data structure contained in a peer. The set of world states can
   103  always be recreated from this blockchain, because they are the cumulative
   104  results of the blockchain's transactions. A world state helps simplify smart
   105  contracts and improve their efficiency, as they usually only require the current
   106  value of a state. Keeping world states separate via namespaces helps smart
   107  contracts isolate their logic from other smart contracts, rather than having to
   108  worry about transactions that correspond to different world states. For example,
   109  a `bonds` contract does not need to worry about `paper` transactions, because it
   110  cannot see their resultant world state.
   112  It's also worth noticing that the peer, chaincode containers and DBMS all are
   113  logically different processes. The peer and all its chaincode containers are
   114  always in physically separate operating system processes, but the DBMS can be
   115  configured to be embedded or separate, depending on its
   116  [type](../ledger/ledger.html#world-state-database-options). For LevelDB, the
   117  DBMS is wholly contained within the peer, but for CouchDB, it is a separate
   118  operating system process.
   120  It's important to remember that namespace choices in this example are the result
   121  of a business requirement to share commercial papers in different currencies but
   122  isolate them separate from bonds. Think about how the namespace structure would
   123  be modified to meet a business requirement to keep every financial asset class
   124  separate, or share all commercial papers and bonds?
   126  ## Channels
   128  If a peer is joined to multiple channels, then a new blockchain is created
   129  and managed for each channel. Moreover, every time a chaincode is deployed to
   130  a new channel, a new world state database is created for it. It means that
   131  the channel also forms a kind of namespace alongside that of the chaincode for
   132  the world state.
   134  However, the same peer and chaincode container processes can be simultaneously
   135  joined to multiple channels -- unlike blockchains, and world state databases,
   136  these processes do not increase with the number of channels joined.
   138  For example, if you deployed the `papers` and `bonds` chaincode to a new
   139  channel, there would a totally separate blockchain created, and two new world
   140  state databases created. However, the peer and chaincode containers would not
   141  increase; each would just be connected to multiple channels.
   143  ## Usage
   145  Let's use our commercial paper [example](#scenario) to show how an application
   146  uses a smart contract with namespaces. It's worth noting that an application
   147  communicates with the peer, and the peer routes the request to the appropriate
   148  chaincode container which then accesses the DBMS. This routing is done by the
   149  peer **core** component shown in the diagram.
   151  Here's the code for an application that uses both commercial papers and bonds,
   152  priced in Euros and Yen. The code is fairly self-explanatory:
   154  ```javascript
   155  const euroPaper = network.getContract(papers, euroPaper);
   156  paper1 = euroPaper.submit(issue, PAP11);
   158  const yenPaper = network.getContract(papers, yenPaper);
   159  paper2 = yenPaper.submit(redeem, PAP21);
   161  const euroBond = network.getContract(bonds, euroBond);
   162  bond1 = euroBond.submit(buy, BON31);
   164  const yenBond = network.getContract(bonds, yenBond);
   165  bond2 = yenBond.submit(sell, BON41);
   166  ```
   168  See how the application:
   170  * Accesses the `euroPaper` and `yenPaper` contracts using the `getContract()`
   171    API specifying the `papers` chaincode. See interaction points **1a** and
   172    **2a**.
   174  * Accesses the `euroBond` and `yenBond` contracts using the `getContract()` API
   175    specifying the `bonds` chaincode. See interaction points **3a** and **4a**.
   177  * Submits an `issue` transaction to the network for commercial paper `PAP11`
   178    using the `euroPaper` contract. See interaction point **1a**. This results in
   179    the creation of a commercial paper represented by state `PAP11` in `world
   180    state A`; interaction point **1b**. This operation is captured as a
   181    transaction in the blockchain at interaction point **1c**.
   183  * Submits a `redeem` transaction to the network for commercial paper `PAP21`
   184    using the `yenPaper` contract. See interaction point **2a**. This results in
   185    the creation of a commercial paper represented by state `PAP21` in `world
   186    state A`; interaction point **2b**. This operation is captured as a
   187    transaction in the blockchain at interaction point **2c**.
   189  * Submits a `buy` transaction to the network for bond `BON31` using the
   190    `euroBond` contract. See interaction point **3a**. This results in the
   191    creation of a bond represented by state `BON31` in `world state B`;
   192    interaction point **3b**. This operation is captured as a transaction in the
   193    blockchain at interaction point **3c**.
   195  * Submits a `sell` transaction to the network for bond `BON41` using the
   196    `yenBond` contract. See interaction point **4a**. This results in the creation
   197    of a bond represented by state `BON41` in `world state B`; interaction point
   198    **4b**. This operation is captured as a transaction in the blockchain at
   199    interaction point **4c**.
   202  See how smart contracts interact with the world state:
   204  * `euroPaper` and `yenPaper` contracts can directly access `world state A`, but
   205    cannot directly access `world state B`. `World state A` is physically held in
   206    the `papers` database in the database management system (DBMS) corresponding
   207    to the `papers` chaincode.
   209  * `euroBond` and `yenBond` contracts can directly access `world state B`, but
   210    cannot directly access `world state A`. `World state B` is physically held in
   211    the `bonds` database in the database management system (DBMS) corresponding to
   212    the `bonds` chaincode.
   215  See how the blockchain captures transactions for all world states:
   217  * Interactions **1c** and **2c** correspond to transactions create and update
   218    commercial papers `PAP11` and `PAP21` respectively. These are both contained
   219    within `world state A`.
   221  * Interactions **3c** and **4c** correspond to transactions both update bonds
   222    `BON31` and `BON41`. These are both contained within `world state B`.
   224  * If `world state A` or `world state B` were destroyed for any reason, they
   225    could be recreated by replaying all the transactions in the blockchain.
   228  ## Cross chaincode access
   230  As we saw in our example [scenario](#scenario), `euroPaper` and `yenPaper`
   231  cannot directly access `world state B`.  That's because we have designed our
   232  chaincodes and smart contracts so that these chaincodes and world states are
   233  kept separately from each other.  However, let's imagine that `euroPaper` needs
   234  to access `world state B`.
   236  Why might this happen? Imagine that when a commercial paper was issued, the
   237  smart contract wanted to price the paper according to the current return on
   238  bonds with a similar maturity date.  In this case it will be necessary for the
   239  `euroPaper` contract to be able to query the price of bonds in `world state B`.
   240  Look at the following diagram to see how we might structure this interaction.
   242  ![chaincodens.scenario](./develop.diagram.51.png) *How chaincodes and smart
   243  contracts can indirectly access another world state -- via its chaincode.*
   245  Notice how:
   247  * the application submits an `issue` transaction in the `euroPaper` smart
   248    contract to issue `PAP11`. See interaction **1a**.
   250  * the `issue` transaction in the `euroPaper` smart contract calls the `query`
   251    transaction in the `euroBond` smart contract. See interaction point **1b**.
   253  * the `query`in `euroBond` can retrieve information from `world state B`. See
   254     interaction point **1c**.
   256  * when control returns to the `issue` transaction, it can use the information in
   257    the response to price the paper and update `world state A` with information.
   258    See interaction point **1d**.
   260  * the flow of control for issuing commercial paper priced in Yen is the same.
   261    See interaction points **2a**, **2b**, **2c** and **2d**.
   263  Control is passed between chaincode using the `invokeChaincode()`
   264  [API]({BRANCH}/api/fabric-shim.ChaincodeStub.html#invokeChaincode__anchor).
   266  This API passes control from one chaincode to another chaincode.
   268  Although we have only discussed query transactions in the example, it is
   269  possible to invoke a smart contract which will update the called chaincode's
   270  world state.  See the [considerations](#considerations) below.
   272  ## Considerations
   274  * In general, each chaincode will have a single smart contract in it.
   276  * Multiple smart contracts should only be deployed in the same chaincode if they
   277    are very closely related.  Usually, this is only necessary if they share the
   278    same world state.
   280  * Chaincode namespaces provide isolation between different world states. In
   281    general it makes sense to isolate unrelated data from each other. Note that
   282    you cannot choose the chaincode namespace; it is assigned by Hyperledger
   283    Fabric, and maps directly to the name of the chaincode.
   285  * For chaincode to chaincode interactions using the `invokeChaincode()` API,
   286    both chaincodes must be installed on the same peer.
   288      * For interactions that only require the called chaincode's world state to
   289        be queried, the invocation can be in a different channel to the caller's
   290        chaincode.
   292      * For interactions that require the called chaincode's world state to be
   293        updated, the invocation must be in the same channel as the caller's
   294        chaincode.
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   297 -->