
     1  # Blockchain network
     3  This topic will describe, **at a conceptual level**, how Hyperledger Fabric
     4  allows organizations to collaborate in the formation of blockchain networks.  If
     5  you're an architect, administrator or developer, you can use this topic to get a
     6  solid understanding of the major structure and process components in a
     7  Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network. This topic will use a manageable worked
     8  example that introduces all of the major components in a blockchain network.
    10  After reading this topic and understanding the concept of policies, you will
    11  have a solid understanding of the decisions that organizations need to make to
    12  establish the policies that control a deployed Hyperledger Fabric network.
    13  You'll also understand how organizations manage network evolution using
    14  declarative policies -- a key feature of Hyperledger Fabric. In a nutshell,
    15  you'll understand the major technical components of Hyperledger Fabric and the
    16  decisions organizations need to make about them.
    18  ## What is a blockchain network?
    20  A blockchain network is a technical infrastructure that provides ledger and
    21  smart contract (chaincode) services to applications. Primarily, smart contracts
    22  are used to generate transactions which are subsequently distributed to every
    23  peer node in the network where they are immutably recorded on their copy of the
    24  ledger. The users of applications might be end users using client applications
    25  or blockchain network administrators.
    27  In most cases, multiple [organizations](../glossary.html#organization) come
    28  together as a [consortium](../glossary.html#consortium) to form the network and
    29  their permissions are determined by a set of [policies](../glossary.html#policy)
    30  that are agreed by the consortium when the network is originally configured.
    31  Moreover, network policies can change over time subject to the agreement of the
    32  organizations in the consortium, as we'll discover when we discuss the concept
    33  of *modification policy*.
    35  ## The sample network
    37  Before we start, let's show you what we're aiming at! Here's a diagram
    38  representing the **final state** of our sample network.
    40  Don't worry that this might look complicated! As we go through this topic, we
    41  will build up the network piece by piece, so that you see how the organizations
    42  R1, R2, R3 and R4 contribute infrastructure to the network to help form it. This
    43  infrastructure implements the blockchain network, and it is governed by policies
    44  agreed by the organizations who form the network -- for example, who can add new
    45  organizations. You'll discover how applications consume the ledger and smart
    46  contract services provided by the blockchain network.
    48  ![network.structure](./network.diagram.1.png)
    50  *Four organizations, R1, R2, R3 and R4 have jointly decided, and written into an
    51  agreement, that they will set up and exploit a Hyperledger Fabric
    52  network. R4 has been assigned to be the network initiator  -- it has been given
    53  the power to set up the initial version of the network. R4 has no intention to
    54  perform business transactions on the network. R1 and R2 have a need for a
    55  private communications within the overall network, as do R2 and R3.
    56  Organization R1 has a client application that can perform business transactions
    57  within channel C1. Organization R2 has a client application that can do similar
    58  work both in channel C1 and C2. Organization R3 has a client application that
    59  can do this on channel C2. Peer node P1 maintains a copy of the ledger L1
    60  associated with C1. Peer node P2 maintains a copy of the ledger L1 associated
    61  with C1 and a copy of ledger L2 associated with C2. Peer node P3 maintains a
    62  copy of the ledger L2 associated with C2. The network is governed according to
    63  policy rules specified in network configuration NC4, the network is under the
    64  control of organizations R1 and R4. Channel C1 is governed according to the
    65  policy rules specified in channel configuration CC1; the channel is under the
    66  control of organizations R1 and R2.  Channel C2 is governed according to the
    67  policy rules specified in channel configuration CC2; the channel is under the
    68  control of organizations R2 and R3. There is an ordering service O4 that
    69  services as a network administration point for N, and uses the system channel.
    70  The ordering service also supports application channels C1 and C2, for the
    71  purposes of transaction ordering into blocks for distribution. Each of the four
    72  organizations has a preferred Certificate Authority.*
    74  ## Creating the Network
    76  Let's start at the beginning by creating the basis for the network:
    78  ![network.creation](./network.diagram.2.png)
    80  *The network is formed when an orderer is started. In our example network, N,
    81  the ordering service comprising a single node, O4, is configured according to a
    82  network configuration NC4, which gives administrative rights to organization
    83  R4. At the network level, Certificate Authority CA4 is used to dispense
    84  identities to the administrators and network nodes of the R4 organization.*
    86  We can see that the first thing that defines a **network, N,** is an **ordering
    87  service, O4**. It's helpful to think of the ordering service as the initial
    88  administration point for the network. As agreed beforehand, O4 is initially
    89  configured and started by an administrator in organization R4, and hosted in R4.
    90  The configuration NC4 contains the policies that describe the starting set of
    91  administrative capabilities for the network. Initially this is set to only give
    92  R4 rights over the network. This will change, as we'll see later, but for now R4
    93  is the only member of the network.
    95  ### Certificate Authorities
    97  You can also see a Certificate Authority, CA4, which is used to issue
    98  certificates to administrators and network nodes. CA4 plays a key role in our
    99  network because it dispenses X.509 certificates that can be used to identify
   100  components as belonging to organization R4. Certificates issued by CAs
   101  can also be used to sign transactions to indicate that an organization endorses
   102  the transaction result -- a precondition of it being accepted onto the
   103  ledger. Let's examine these two aspects of a CA in a little more detail.
   105  Firstly, different components of the blockchain network use certificates to
   106  identify themselves to each other as being from a particular organization.
   107  That's why there is usually more than one CA supporting a blockchain network --
   108  different organizations often use different CAs. We're going to use four CAs in
   109  our network; one for each organization. Indeed, CAs are so important that
   110  Hyperledger Fabric provides you with a built-in one (called *Fabric-CA*) to help
   111  you get going, though in practice, organizations will choose to use their own
   112  CA.
   114  The mapping of certificates to member organizations is achieved by via
   115  a structure called a
   116  [Membership Services Provider (MSP)](../glossary.html#membership-services).
   117  Network configuration NC4 uses a named
   118  MSP to identify the properties of certificates dispensed by CA4 which associate
   119  certificate holders with organization R4. NC4 can then use this MSP name in
   120  policies to grant actors from R4 particular
   121  rights over network resources. An example of such a policy is to identify the
   122  administrators in R4 who can add new member organizations to the network. We
   123  don't show MSPs on these diagrams, as they would just clutter them up, but they
   124  are very important.
   126  Secondly, we'll see later how certificates issued by CAs are at the heart of the
   127  [transaction](../glossary.html#transaction) generation and validation process.
   128  Specifically, X.509 certificates are used in client application
   129  [transaction proposals](../glossary.html#proposal) and smart contract
   130  [transaction responses](../glossary.html#response) to digitally sign
   131  [transactions](../glossary.html#transaction).  Subsequently the network nodes
   132  who host copies of the ledger verify that transaction signatures are valid
   133  before accepting transactions onto the ledger.
   135  Let's recap the basic structure of our example blockchain network. There's a
   136  resource, the network N, accessed by a set of users defined by a Certificate
   137  Authority CA4, who have a set of rights over the resources in the network N as
   138  described by policies contained inside a network configuration NC4.  All of this
   139  is made real when we configure and start the ordering service node O4.
   141  ## Adding Network Administrators
   143  NC4 was initially configured to only allow R4 users administrative rights over
   144  the network. In this next phase, we are going to allow organization R1 users to
   145  administer the network. Let's see how the network evolves:
   147  ![network.admins](./network.diagram.2.1.png)
   149  *Organization R4 updates the network configuration to make organization R1 an
   150  administrator too.  After this point R1 and R4 have equal rights over the
   151  network configuration.*
   153  We see the addition of a new organization R1 as an administrator -- R1 and R4
   154  now have equal rights over the network. We can also see that certificate
   155  authority CA1 has been added -- it can be used to identify users from the R1
   156  organization. After this point, users from both R1 and R4 can administer the
   157  network.
   159  Although the orderer node, O4, is running on R4's infrastructure, R1 has shared
   160  administrative rights over it, as long as it can gain network access. It means
   161  that R1 or R4 could update the network configuration NC4 to allow the R2
   162  organization a subset of network operations.  In this way, even though R4 is
   163  running the ordering service, and R1 has full administrative rights over it, R2
   164  has limited rights to create new consortia.
   166  In its simplest form, the ordering service is a single node in the network, and
   167  that's what you can see in the example. Ordering services are usually
   168  multi-node, and can be configured to have different nodes in different
   169  organizations. For example, we might run O4 in R4 and connect it to O2, a
   170  separate orderer node in organization R1.  In this way, we would have a
   171  multi-site, multi-organization administration structure.
   173  We'll discuss the ordering service a little [later in this topic](#the-ordering-service),
   174  but for now just think of the ordering service as an administration point which
   175  provides different organizations controlled access to the network.
   177  ## Defining a Consortium
   179  Although the network can now be administered by R1 and R4, there is very little
   180  that can be done. The first thing we need to do is define a consortium. This
   181  word literally means "a group with a shared destiny", so it's an appropriate
   182  choice for a set of organizations in a blockchain network.
   184  Let's see how a consortium is defined:
   186  ![network.consortium](./network.diagram.3.png)
   188  *A network administrator defines a consortium X1 that contains two members,
   189  the organizations R1 and R2. This consortium definition is stored in the
   190  network configuration NC4, and will be used at the next stage of network
   191  development. CA1 and CA2 are the respective Certificate Authorities for these
   192  organizations.*
   194  Because of the way NC4 is configured, only R1 or R4 can create new consortia.
   195  This diagram shows the addition of a new consortium, X1, which defines R1 and R2
   196  as its constituting organizations.  We can also see that CA2 has been added to
   197  identify users from R2. Note that a consortium can have any number of
   198  organizational members -- we have just shown two as it is the simplest
   199  configuration.
   201  Why are consortia important? We can see that a consortium defines the set of
   202  organizations in the network who share a need to **transact** with one another --
   203  in this case R1 and R2. It really makes sense to group organizations together if
   204  they have a common goal, and that's exactly what's happening.
   206  The network, although started by a single organization, is now controlled by a
   207  larger set of organizations.  We could have started it this way, with R1, R2 and
   208  R4 having shared control, but this build up makes it easier to understand.
   210  We're now going to use consortium X1 to create a really important part of a
   211  Hyperledger Fabric blockchain -- **a channel**.
   213  ## Creating a channel for a consortium
   215  So let's create this key part of the Fabric blockchain network -- **a channel**.
   216  A channel is a primary communications mechanism by which the members of a
   217  consortium can communicate with each other. There can be multiple channels in a
   218  network, but for now, we'll start with one.
   220  Let's see how the first channel has been added to the network:
   222  ![](./network.diagram.4.png)
   224  *A channel C1 has been created for R1 and R2 using the consortium definition X1.
   225  The channel is governed by a channel configuration CC1, completely separate to
   226  the network configuration.  CC1 is managed by R1 and R2 who have equal rights
   227  over C1. R4 has no rights in CC1 whatsoever.*
   229  The channel C1 provides a private communications mechanism for the consortium
   230  X1. We can see channel C1 has been connected to the ordering service O4 but that
   231  nothing else is attached to it. In the next stage of network development, we're
   232  going to connect components such as client applications and peer nodes. But at
   233  this point, a channel represents the **potential** for future connectivity.
   235  Even though channel C1 is a part of the network N, it is quite distinguishable
   236  from it. Also notice that organizations R3 and R4 are not in this channel -- it
   237  is for transaction processing between R1 and R2. In the previous step, we saw
   238  how R4 could grant R1 permission to create new consortia. It's helpful to
   239  mention that R4 **also** allowed R1 to create channels! In this diagram, it
   240  could have been organization R1 or R4 who created a channel C1. Again, note
   241  that a channel can have any number of organizations connected to it -- we've
   242  shown two as it's the simplest configuration.
   244  Again, notice how channel C1 has a completely separate configuration, CC1, to
   245  the network configuration NC4. CC1 contains the policies that govern the
   246  rights that R1 and R2 have over the channel C1 -- and as we've seen, R3 and
   247  R4 have no permissions in this channel. R3 and R4 can only interact with C1 if
   248  they are added by R1 or R2 to the appropriate policy in the channel
   249  configuration CC1. An example is defining who can add a new organization to the
   250  channel. Specifically, note that R4 cannot add itself to the channel C1 -- it
   251  must, and can only, be authorized by R1 or R2.
   253  Why are channels so important? Channels are useful because they provide a
   254  mechanism for private communications and private data between the members of a
   255  consortium. Channels provide privacy from other channels, and from the network.
   256  Hyperledger Fabric is powerful in this regard, as it allows organizations to
   257  share infrastructure and keep it private at the same time.  There's no
   258  contradiction here -- different consortia within the network will have a need
   259  for different information and processes to be appropriately shared, and channels
   260  provide an efficient mechanism to do this.  Channels provide an efficient
   261  sharing of infrastructure while maintaining data and communications privacy.
   263  We can also see that once a channel has been created, it is in a very real sense
   264  "free from the network". It is only organizations that are explicitly specified
   265  in a channel configuration that have any control over it, from this time forward
   266  into the future. Likewise, any updates to network configuration NC4 from this
   267  time onwards will have no direct effect on channel configuration CC1; for
   268  example if consortia definition X1 is changed, it will not affect the members of
   269  channel C1. Channels are therefore useful because they allow private
   270  communications between the organizations constituting the channel. Moreover, the
   271  data in a channel is completely isolated from the rest of the network, including
   272  other channels.
   274  As an aside, there is also a special **system channel** defined for use by the
   275  ordering service.  It behaves in exactly the same way as a regular channel,
   276  which are sometimes called **application channels** for this reason.  We don't
   277  normally need to worry about this channel, but we'll discuss a little bit more
   278  about it [later in this topic](#the-ordering-service).
   280  ## Peers and Ledgers
   282  Let's now start to use the channel to connect the blockchain network and the
   283  organizational components together. In the next stage of network development, we
   284  can see that our network N has just acquired two new components, namely a peer
   285  node P1 and a ledger instance, L1.
   287  ![network.peersledger](./network.diagram.5.png)
   289  *A peer node P1 has joined the channel C1. P1 physically hosts a copy of the
   290  ledger L1. P1 and O4 can communicate with each other using channel C1.*
   292  Peer nodes are the network components where copies of the blockchain ledger are
   293  hosted!  At last, we're starting to see some recognizable blockchain components!
   294  P1's purpose in the network is purely to host a copy of the ledger L1 for others
   295  to access. We can think of L1 as being **physically hosted** on P1, but
   296  **logically hosted** on the channel C1. We'll see this idea more clearly when we
   297  add more peers to the channel.
   299  A key part of a P1's configuration is an X.509 identity issued by CA1 which
   300  associates P1 with organization R1. Once P1 is started, it can **join** channel
   301  C1 using the orderer O4. When O4 receives this join request, it uses the channel
   302  configuration CC1 to determine P1's permissions on this channel. For example,
   303  CC1 determines whether P1 can read and/or write information to the ledger L1.
   305  Notice how peers are joined to channels by the organizations that own them, and
   306  though we've only added one peer, we'll see how  there can be multiple peer
   307  nodes on multiple channels within the network. We'll see the different roles
   308  that peers can take on a little later.
   310  ## Applications and Smart Contract chaincode
   312  Now that the channel C1 has a ledger on it, we can start connecting client
   313  applications to consume some of the services provided by workhorse of the
   314  ledger, the peer!
   316  Notice how the network has grown:
   318  ![network.appsmartcontract](./network.diagram.6.png)
   320  *A smart contract S5 has been installed onto P1.  Client application A1 in
   321  organization R1 can use S5 to access the ledger via peer node P1. A1, P1 and
   322  O4 are all joined to channel C1, i.e. they can all make use of the
   323  communication facilities provided by that channel.*
   325  In the next stage of network development, we can see that client application A1
   326  can use channel C1 to connect to specific network resources -- in this case A1
   327  can connect to both peer node P1 and orderer node O4. Again, see how channels
   328  are central to the communication between network and organization components.
   329  Just like peers and orderers, a client application will have an identity that
   330  associates it with an organization.  In our example, client application A1 is
   331  associated with organization R1; and although it is outside the Fabric
   332  blockchain network, it is connected to it via the channel C1.
   334  It might now appear that A1 can access the ledger L1 directly via P1, but in
   335  fact, all access is managed via a special program called a smart contract
   336  chaincode, S5. Think of S5 as defining all the common access patterns to the
   337  ledger; S5 provides a well-defined set of ways by which the ledger L1 can
   338  be queried or updated. In short, client application A1 has to go through smart
   339  contract S5 to get to ledger L1!
   341  Smart contracts can be created by application developers in each organization to
   342  implement a business process shared by the consortium members. Smart contracts
   343  are used to help generate transactions which can be subsequently distributed to
   344  every node in the network. We'll discuss this idea a little later; it'll be
   345  easier to understand when the network is bigger. For now, the important thing to
   346  understand is that to get to this point two operations must have been performed
   347  on the smart contract; it must have been **installed** on peers, and then
   348  **defined** on a channel.
   350  Hyperledger Fabric users often use the terms **smart contract** and
   351  **chaincode** interchangeably. In general, a smart contract defines the
   352  **transaction logic** that controls the lifecycle of a business object contained
   353  in the world state. It is then packaged into a chaincode which is then deployed
   354  to a blockchain network. Think of smart contracts as governing transactions,
   355  whereas chaincode governs how smart contracts are packaged for deployment.
   357  ### Installing a chaincode package
   359  After a smart contract S5 has been developed, an administrator in organization
   360  R1 must create a chaincode package and [install](../glossary.html#install) it
   361  onto peer node P1. This is a straightforward operation; once completed, P1 has
   362  full knowledge of S5. Specifically, P1 can see the **implementation** logic of
   363  S5 -- the program code that it uses to access the ledger L1. We contrast this to
   364  the S5 **interface** which merely describes the inputs and outputs of S5,
   365  without regard to its implementation.
   367  When an organization has multiple peers in a channel, it can choose the peers
   368  upon which it installs smart contracts; it does not need to install a smart
   369  contract on every peer.
   371  ### Defining a chaincode
   373  Although a chaincode is installed on the peers of individual organizations, it
   374  is governed and operated in the scope of a channel. Each organization needs to
   375  approve a **chaincode definition**, a set of parameters that establish how a
   376  chaincode will be used on a channel. An organization must approve a chaincode
   377  definition in order to use the installed smart contract to query the ledger
   378  and endorse transactions. In our example, which only has a single peer node P1,
   379  an administrator in organization R1 must approve a chaincode definition for S5.
   381  A sufficient number of organizations need to approve a chaincode definition (A
   382  majority, by default) before the chaincode definition can be committed to the
   383  channel and used to interact with the channel ledger. Because the channel only
   384  has one member, the administrator of R1 can commit the chaincode definition of
   385  S5 to the channel C1. Once the definition has been committed, S5 can now be
   386  [invoked](../glossary.html#invoke) by client application A1!
   388  Note that although every component on the channel can now access S5, they are
   389  not able to see its program logic.  This remains private to those nodes who have
   390  installed it; in our example that means P1. Conceptually this means that it's
   391  the smart contract **interface** that is defined and committed to a channel, in
   392  contrast to the smart contract **implementation** that is installed. To reinforce
   393  this idea; installing a smart contract shows how we think of it being
   394  **physically hosted** on a peer, whereas a smart contract that has been defined
   395  on a channel shows how we consider it **logically hosted** by the channel.
   397  ### Endorsement policy
   399  The most important piece of information supplied within the chaincode definition
   400  is the [endorsement policy](../glossary.html#endorsement-policy). It describes
   401  which organizations must approve transactions before they will be accepted by other
   402  organizations onto their copy of the ledger. In our sample network, transactions
   403  can only be accepted onto ledger L1 if R1 or R2 endorse them.
   405  Committing the chaincode definition to the channel places the endorsement policy
   406  on the channel ledger; it enables it to be accessed by any member of the channel.
   407  You can read more about endorsement policies in the [transaction flow topic](../txflow.html).
   409  ### Invoking a smart contract
   411  Once a smart contract has been installed on a peer node and defined on a
   412  channel it can be [invoked](../glossary.html#invoke) by a client application.
   413  Client applications do this by sending transaction proposals to peers owned by
   414  the organizations specified by the smart contract endorsement policy. The
   415  transaction proposal serves as input to the smart contract, which uses it to
   416  generate an endorsed transaction response, which is returned by the peer node to
   417  the client application.
   419  It's these transactions responses that are packaged together with the
   420  transaction proposal to form a fully endorsed transaction, which can be
   421  distributed to the entire network.  We'll look at this in more detail later  For
   422  now, it's enough to understand how applications invoke smart contracts to
   423  generate endorsed transactions.
   425  By this stage in network development we can see that organization R1 is fully
   426  participating in the network. Its applications -- starting with A1 -- can access
   427  the ledger L1 via smart contract S5, to generate transactions that will be
   428  endorsed by R1, and therefore accepted onto the ledger because they conform to
   429  the endorsement policy.
   431  ## Network completed
   433  Recall that our objective was to create a channel for consortium X1 --
   434  organizations R1 and R2. This next phase of network development sees
   435  organization R2 add its infrastructure to the network.
   437  Let's see how the network has evolved:
   439  ![network.grow](./network.diagram.7.png)
   441  *The network has grown through the addition of infrastructure from
   442  organization R2. Specifically, R2 has added peer node P2, which hosts a copy of
   443  ledger L1, and chaincode S5. R2 approves the same chaincode definition as R1.
   444  P2 has also joined channel C1, as has application A2. A2 and P2 are identified
   445  using certificates from CA2. All of this means that both applications A1 and A2
   446  can invoke S5 on C1 either using peer node P1 or P2.*
   448  We can see that organization R2 has added a peer node, P2, on channel C1. P2
   449  also hosts a copy of the ledger L1 and smart contract S5. We can see that R2 has
   450  also added client application A2 which can connect to the network via channel
   451  C1. To achieve this, an administrator in organization R2 has created peer node
   452  P2 and joined it to channel C1, in the same way as an administrator in R1. The
   453  administrator also has to approve the same chaincode definition as R1.
   455  We have created our first operational network! At this stage in network
   456  development, we have a channel in which organizations R1 and R2 can fully
   457  transact with each other. Specifically, this means that applications A1 and A2
   458  can generate transactions using smart contract S5 and ledger L1 on channel C1.
   460  ### Generating and accepting transactions
   462  In contrast to peer nodes, which always host a copy of the ledger, we see that
   463  there are two different kinds of peer nodes; those which host smart contracts
   464  and those which do not. In our network, every peer hosts a copy of the smart
   465  contract, but in larger networks, there will be many more peer nodes that do not
   466  host a copy of the smart contract. A peer can only *run* a smart contract if it
   467  is installed on it, but it can *know* about the interface of a smart contract by
   468  being connected to a channel.
   470  You should not think of peer nodes which do not have smart contracts installed
   471  as being somehow inferior. It's more the case that peer nodes with smart
   472  contracts have a special power -- to help **generate** transactions. Note that
   473  all peer nodes can **validate** and subsequently **accept** or **reject**
   474  transactions onto their copy of the ledger L1. However, only peer nodes with a
   475  smart contract installed can take part in the process of transaction
   476  **endorsement** which is central to the generation of valid transactions.
   478  We don't need to worry about the exact details of how transactions are
   479  generated, distributed and accepted in this topic -- it is sufficient to
   480  understand that we have a blockchain network where organizations R1 and R2 can
   481  share information and processes as ledger-captured transactions.  We'll learn a
   482  lot more about transactions, ledgers, smart contracts in other topics.
   484  ### Types of peers
   486  In Hyperledger Fabric, while all peers are the same, they can assume multiple
   487  roles depending on how the network is configured.  We now have enough
   488  understanding of a typical network topology to describe these roles.
   490    * [*Committing peer*](../glossary.html#commitment). Every peer node in a
   491      channel is a committing peer. It receives blocks of generated transactions,
   492      which are subsequently validated before they are committed to the peer
   493      node's copy of the ledger as an append operation.
   495    * [*Endorsing peer*](../glossary.html#endorsement). Every peer with a smart
   496      contract *can* be an endorsing peer if it has a smart contract installed.
   497      However, to actually *be* an endorsing peer, the smart contract on the peer
   498      must be used by a client application to generate a digitally signed
   499      transaction response. The term *endorsing peer* is an explicit reference to
   500      this fact.
   502      An endorsement policy for a smart contract identifies the
   503      organizations whose peer should digitally sign a generated transaction
   504      before it can be accepted onto a committing peer's copy of the ledger.
   506  These are the two major types of peer; there are two other roles a peer can
   507  adopt:
   509    * [*Leader peer*](../glossary.html#leading-peer). When an organization has
   510      multiple peers in a channel, a leader peer is a node which takes
   511      responsibility for distributing transactions from the orderer to the other
   512      committing peers in the organization.  A peer can choose to participate in
   513      static or dynamic leadership selection.
   515      It is helpful, therefore to think of two sets of peers from leadership
   516      perspective -- those that have static leader selection, and those with
   517      dynamic leader selection. For the static set, zero or more peers can be
   518      configured as leaders. For the dynamic set, one peer will be elected leader
   519      by the set. Moreover, in the dynamic set, if a leader peer fails, then the
   520      remaining peers will re-elect a leader.
   522      It means that an organization's peers can have one or more leaders connected
   523      to the ordering service. This can help to improve resilience and scalability
   524      in large networks which process high volumes of transactions.
   526    * [*Anchor peer*](../glossary.html#anchor-peer). If a peer needs to
   527      communicate with a peer in another organization, then it can use one of the
   528      **anchor peers** defined in the channel configuration for that organization.
   529      An organization can have zero or more anchor peers defined for it, and an
   530      anchor peer can help with many different cross-organization communication
   531      scenarios.
   533  Note that a peer can be a committing peer, endorsing peer, leader peer and
   534  anchor peer all at the same time! Only the anchor peer is optional -- for all
   535  practical purposes there will always be a leader peer and at least one
   536  endorsing peer and at least one committing peer.
   538  ### Adding organizations and peers to the channel
   540  When R2 joins the channel, the organization must install smart contract S5
   541  onto its peer node, P2. That's obvious -- if applications A1 or A2 wish to use
   542  S5 on peer node P2 to generate transactions, it must first be present;
   543  installation is the mechanism by which this happens. At this point, peer node P2
   544  has a physical copy of the smart contract and the ledger; like P1, it can both
   545  generate and accept transactions onto its copy of ledger L1.
   547  R2 must approve the same chaincode definition as was approved by R1 in order to
   548  use smart contract S5. Because the chaincode definition has already been
   549  committed to the channel by organization R1, R2 can use the chaincode as soon as
   550  the organization approves the chaincode definition and installs the chaincode
   551  package. The commit transaction only needs to happen once. A new organization
   552  can use the chaincode as soon as they approve the chaincode parameters agreed to
   553  by other members of the channel. Because the approval of a chaincode definition
   554  occurs at the organization level, R2 can approve the chaincode definition once
   555  and join multiple peers to the channel with the chaincode package installed.
   556  However, if R2 wanted to change the chaincode definition, both R1 and R2 would
   557  need to approve a new definition for their organization, and then one of the
   558  organizations would need to commit the definition to the channel.
   560  In our network, we can see that channel C1 connects two client applications, two
   561  peer nodes and an ordering service.  Since there is only one channel, there is
   562  only one **logical** ledger with which these components interact. Peer nodes P1
   563  and P2 have identical copies of ledger L1. Copies of smart contract S5 will
   564  usually be identically implemented using the same programming language, but
   565  if not, they must be semantically equivalent.
   567  We can see that the careful addition of peers to the network can help support
   568  increased throughput, stability, and resilience. For example, more peers in a
   569  network will allow more applications to connect to it; and multiple peers in an
   570  organization will provide extra resilience in the case of planned or unplanned
   571  outages.
   573  It all means that it is possible to configure sophisticated topologies which
   574  support a variety of operational goals -- there is no theoretical limit to how
   575  big a network can get. Moreover, the technical mechanism by which peers within
   576  an individual organization efficiently discover and communicate with each other --
   577  the [gossip protocol](../gossip.html#gossip-protocol) -- will accommodate a
   578  large number of peer nodes in support of such topologies.
   580  The careful use of network and channel policies allow even large networks to be
   581  well-governed.  Organizations are free to add peer nodes to the network so long
   582  as they conform to the policies agreed by the network. Network and channel
   583  policies create the balance between autonomy and control which characterizes a
   584  de-centralized network.
   586  ## Simplifying the visual vocabulary
   588  We’re now going to simplify the visual vocabulary used to represent our sample
   589  blockchain network. As the size of the network grows, the lines initially used
   590  to help us understand channels will become cumbersome. Imagine how complicated
   591  our diagram would be if we added another peer or client application, or another
   592  channel?
   594  That's what we're going to do in a minute, so before we do, let's simplify the
   595  visual vocabulary. Here's a simplified representation of the network we've
   596  developed so far:
   598  ![network.vocabulary](./network.diagram.8.png)
   600  *The diagram shows the facts relating to channel C1 in the network N as follows:
   601  Client applications A1 and A2 can use channel C1 for communication with peers
   602  P1 and P2, and orderer O4. Peer nodes P1 and P2 can use the communication
   603  services of channel C1. Ordering service O4 can make use of the communication
   604  services of channel C1. Channel configuration CC1 applies to channel C1.*
   606  Note that the network diagram has been simplified by replacing channel lines
   607  with connection points, shown as blue circles which include the channel number.
   608  No information has been lost. This representation is more scalable because it
   609  eliminates crossing lines. This allows us to more clearly represent larger
   610  networks. We've achieved this simplification by focusing on the connection
   611  points between components and a channel, rather than the channel itself.
   613  ## Adding another consortium definition
   615  In this next phase of network development, we introduce organization R3.  We're
   616  going to give organizations R2 and R3 a separate application channel which
   617  allows them to transact with each other.  This application channel will be
   618  completely separate to that previously defined, so that R2 and R3 transactions
   619  can be kept private to them.
   621  Let's return to the network level and define a new consortium, X2, for R2 and
   622  R3:
   624  ![network.consortium2](./network.diagram.9.png)
   626  *A network administrator from organization R1 or R4 has added a new consortium
   627  definition, X2, which includes organizations R2 and R3. This will be used to
   628  define a new channel for X2.*
   630  Notice that the network now has two consortia defined: X1 for organizations R1
   631  and R2 and X2 for organizations R2 and R3. Consortium X2 has been introduced in
   632  order to be able to create a new channel for R2 and R3.
   634  A new channel can only be created by those organizations specifically identified
   635  in the network configuration policy, NC4, as having the appropriate rights to do
   636  so, i.e. R1 or R4. This is an example of a policy which separates organizations
   637  that can manage resources at the network level versus those who can manage
   638  resources at the channel level. Seeing these policies at work helps us
   639  understand why Hyperledger Fabric has a sophisticated **tiered** policy
   640  structure.
   642  In practice, consortium definition X2 has been added to the network
   643  configuration NC4. We discuss the exact mechanics of this operation elsewhere in
   644  the documentation.
   646  ## Adding a new channel
   648  Let's now use this new consortium definition, X2, to create a new channel, C2.
   649  To help reinforce your understanding of the simpler channel notation, we've used
   650  both visual styles -- channel C1 is represented with blue circular end points,
   651  whereas channel C2 is represented with red connecting lines:
   653  ![network.channel2](./network.diagram.10.png)
   655  *A new channel C2 has been created for R2 and R3 using consortium definition X2.
   656  The channel has a channel configuration CC2, completely separate to the network
   657  configuration NC4, and the channel configuration CC1. Channel C2 is managed by
   658  R2 and R3 who have equal rights over C2 as defined by a policy in CC2. R1 and
   659  R4 have no rights defined in CC2 whatsoever.*
   661  The channel C2 provides a private communications mechanism for the consortium
   662  X2. Again, notice how organizations united in a consortium are what form
   663  channels. The channel configuration CC2 now contains the policies that govern
   664  channel resources, assigning management rights to organizations R2 and R3 over
   665  channel C2. It is managed exclusively by R2 and R3; R1 and R4 have no power in
   666  channel C2. For example, channel configuration CC2 can subsequently be updated
   667  to add organizations to support network growth, but this can only be done by R2
   668  or R3.
   670  Note how the channel configurations CC1 and CC2 remain completely separate from
   671  each other, and completely separate from the network configuration, NC4. Again
   672  we're seeing the de-centralized nature of a Hyperledger Fabric network; once
   673  channel C2 has been created, it is managed by organizations R2 and R3
   674  independently to other network elements. Channel policies always remain separate
   675  from each other and can only be changed by the organizations authorized to do so
   676  in the channel.
   678  As the network and channels evolve, so will the network and channel
   679  configurations. There is a process by which this is accomplished in a controlled
   680  manner -- involving configuration transactions which capture the change to these
   681  configurations. Every configuration change results in a new configuration block
   682  transaction being generated, and [later in this topic](#the-ordering-serivce),
   683  we'll see how these blocks are validated and accepted to create updated network
   684  and channel configurations respectively.
   686  ### Network and channel configurations
   688  Throughout our sample network, we see the importance of network and channel
   689  configurations. These configurations are important because they encapsulate the
   690  **policies** agreed by the network members, which provide a shared reference for
   691  controlling access to network resources. Network and channel configurations also
   692  contain **facts** about the network and channel composition, such as the name of
   693  consortia and its organizations.
   695  For example, when the network is first formed using the ordering service node
   696  O4, its behaviour is governed by the network configuration NC4. The initial
   697  configuration of NC4 only contains policies that permit organization R4 to
   698  manage network resources. NC4 is subsequently updated to also allow R1 to manage
   699  network resources. Once this change is made, any administrator from organization
   700  R1 or R4 that connects to O4 will have network management rights because that is
   701  what the policy in the network configuration NC4 permits. Internally, each node
   702  in the ordering service records each channel in the network configuration, so
   703  that there is a record of each channel created, at the network level.
   705  It means that although ordering service node O4 is the actor that created
   706  consortia X1 and X2 and channels C1 and C2, the **intelligence** of the network
   707  is contained in the network configuration NC4 that O4 is obeying.  As long as O4
   708  behaves as a good actor, and correctly implements the policies defined in NC4
   709  whenever it is dealing with network resources, our network will behave as all
   710  organizations have agreed. In many ways NC4 can be considered more important
   711  than O4 because, ultimately, it controls network access.
   713  The same principles apply for channel configurations with respect to peers. In
   714  our network, P1 and P2 are likewise good actors. When peer nodes P1 and P2 are
   715  interacting with client applications A1 or A2 they are each using the policies
   716  defined within channel configuration CC1 to control access to the channel C1
   717  resources.
   719  For example, if A1 wants to access the smart contract chaincode S5 on peer nodes
   720  P1 or P2, each peer node uses its copy of CC1 to determine the operations that
   721  A1 can perform. For example, A1 may be permitted to read or write data from the
   722  ledger L1 according to policies defined in CC1. We'll see later the same pattern
   723  for actors in channel and its channel configuration CC2.  Again, we can see that
   724  while the peers and applications are critical actors in the network, their
   725  behaviour in a channel is dictated more by the channel configuration policy than
   726  any other factor.
   728  Finally, it is helpful to understand how network and channel configurations are
   729  physically realized. We can see that network and channel configurations are
   730  logically singular -- there is one for the network, and one for each channel.
   731  This is important; every component that accesses the network or the channel must
   732  have a shared understanding of the permissions granted to different
   733  organizations.
   735  Even though there is logically a single configuration, it is actually replicated
   736  and kept consistent by every node that forms the network or channel. For
   737  example, in our network peer nodes P1 and P2 both have a copy of channel
   738  configuration CC1, and by the time the network is fully complete, peer nodes P2
   739  and P3 will both have a copy of channel configuration CC2. Similarly ordering
   740  service node O4 has a copy of the network configuration, but in a [multi-node
   741  configuration](#the-ordering-service), every ordering service node will have its
   742  own copy of the network configuration.
   744  Both network and channel configurations are kept consistent using the same
   745  blockchain technology that is used for user transactions -- but for
   746  **configuration** transactions. To change a network or channel configuration, an
   747  administrator must submit a configuration transaction to change the network or
   748  channel configuration. It must be signed by the organizations identified in the
   749  appropriate policy as being responsible for configuration change. This policy is
   750  called the **mod_policy** and we'll [discuss it later](#changing-policy).
   752  Indeed, the ordering service nodes operate a mini-blockchain, connected via the
   753  **system channel** we mentioned earlier. Using the system channel ordering
   754  service nodes distribute network configuration transactions. These transactions
   755  are used to co-operatively maintain a consistent copy of the network
   756  configuration at each ordering service node. In a similar way, peer nodes in an
   757  **application channel** can distribute channel configuration transactions.
   758  Likewise, these transactions are used to maintain a consistent copy of the
   759  channel configuration at each peer node.
   761  This balance between objects that are logically singular, by being physically
   762  distributed is a common pattern in Hyperledger Fabric. Objects like network
   763  configurations, that are logically single, turn out to be physically replicated
   764  among a set of ordering services nodes for example. We also see it with channel
   765  configurations, ledgers, and to some extent smart contracts which are installed
   766  in multiple places but whose interfaces exist logically at the channel level.
   767  It's a pattern you see repeated time and again in Hyperledger Fabric, and
   768  enables Hyperledger Fabric to be both de-centralized and yet manageable at the
   769  same time.
   771  ## Adding another peer
   773  Now that organization R3 is able to fully participate in channel C2, let's add
   774  its infrastructure components to the channel.  Rather than do this one component
   775  at a time, we're going to add a peer, its local copy of a ledger, a smart
   776  contract and a client application all at once!
   778  Let's see the network with organization R3's components added:
   780  ![network.peer2](./network.diagram.11.png)
   782  *The diagram shows the facts relating to channels C1 and C2 in the network N as
   783  follows: Client applications A1 and A2 can use channel C1 for communication
   784  with peers P1 and P2, and ordering service O4; client applications A3 can use
   785  channel C2 for communication with peer P3 and ordering service O4. Ordering
   786  service O4 can make use of the communication services of channels C1 and C2.
   787  Channel configuration CC1 applies to channel C1, CC2 applies to channel C2.*
   789  First of all, notice that because peer node P3 is connected to channel C2, it
   790  has a **different** ledger -- L2 -- to those peer nodes using channel C1.  The
   791  ledger L2 is effectively scoped to channel C2. The ledger L1 is completely
   792  separate; it is scoped to channel C1.  This makes sense -- the purpose of the
   793  channel C2 is to provide private communications between the members of the
   794  consortium X2, and the ledger L2 is the private store for their transactions.
   796  In a similar way, the smart contract S6, installed on peer node P3, and defined
   797  on channel C2, is used to provide controlled access to ledger L2. Application A3
   798  can now use channel C2 to invoke the services provided by smart contract S6 to
   799  generate transactions that can be accepted onto every copy of the ledger L2 in
   800  the network.
   802  At this point in time, we have a single network that has two completely separate
   803  channels defined within it.  These channels provide independently managed
   804  facilities for organizations to transact with each other. Again, this is
   805  de-centralization at work; we have a balance between control and autonomy. This
   806  is achieved through policies which are applied to channels which are controlled
   807  by, and affect, different organizations.
   809  ## Joining a peer to multiple channels
   811  In this final stage of network development, let's return our focus to
   812  organization R2. We can exploit the fact that R2 is a member of both consortia
   813  X1 and X2 by joining it to multiple channels:
   815  ![network.multichannel](./network.diagram.12.png)
   817  *The diagram shows the facts relating to channels C1 and C2 in the network N as
   818  follows: Client applications A1 can use channel C1 for communication with peers
   819  P1 and P2, and ordering service O4; client application A2 can use channel C1
   820  for communication with peers P1 and P2 and channel C2 for communication with
   821  peers P2 and P3 and ordering service O4; client application A3 can use channel
   822  C2 for communication with peer P3 and P2 and ordering service O4. Ordering service O4
   823  can make use of the communication services of channels C1 and C2. Channel
   824  configuration CC1 applies to channel C1, CC2 applies to channel C2.*
   826  We can see that R2 is a special organization in the network, because it is the
   827  only organization that is a member of two application channels!  It is able to
   828  transact with organization R1 on channel C1, while at the same time it can also
   829  transact with organization R3 on a different channel, C2.
   831  Notice how peer node P2 has smart contract S5 installed for channel C1 and smart
   832  contract S6 installed for channel C2. Peer node P2 is a full member of both
   833  channels at the same time via different smart contracts for different ledgers.
   835  This is a very powerful concept -- channels provide both a mechanism for the
   836  separation of organizations, and a mechanism for collaboration between
   837  organizations. All the while, this infrastructure is provided by, and shared
   838  between, a set of independent organizations.
   840  It is also important to note that peer node P2's behaviour is controlled very
   841  differently depending upon the channel in which it is transacting. Specifically,
   842  the policies contained in channel configuration CC1 dictate the operations
   843  available to P2 when it is transacting in channel C1, whereas it is the policies
   844  in channel configuration CC2 that control P2's behaviour in channel C2.
   846  Again, this is desirable -- R2 and R1 agreed the rules for channel C1, whereas
   847  R2 and R3 agreed the rules for channel C2. These rules were captured in the
   848  respective channel policies -- they can and must be used by every
   849  component in a channel to enforce correct behaviour, as agreed.
   851  Similarly, we can see that client application A2 is now able to transact on
   852  channels C1 and C2.  And likewise, it too will be governed by the policies in
   853  the appropriate channel configurations.  As an aside, note that client
   854  application A2 and peer node P2 are using a mixed visual vocabulary -- both
   855  lines and connections. You can see that they are equivalent; they are visual
   856  synonyms.
   858  ### The ordering service
   860  The observant reader may notice that the ordering service node appears to be a
   861  centralized component; it was used to create the network initially, and connects
   862  to every channel in the network.  Even though we added R1 and R4 to the network
   863  configuration policy NC4 which controls the orderer, the node was running on
   864  R4's infrastructure. In a world of de-centralization, this looks wrong!
   866  Don't worry! Our example network showed the simplest ordering service
   867  configuration to help you understand the idea of a network administration point.
   868  In fact, the ordering service can itself too be completely de-centralized!  We
   869  mentioned earlier that an ordering service could be comprised of many individual
   870  nodes owned by different organizations, so let's see how that would be done in
   871  our sample network.
   873  Let's have a look at a more realistic ordering service node configuration:
   875  ![network.finalnetwork2](./network.diagram.15.png)
   877  *A multi-organization ordering service.  The ordering service comprises ordering
   878  service nodes O1 and O4. O1 is provided by organization R1 and node O4 is
   879  provided by organization R4. The network configuration NC4 defines network
   880  resource permissions for actors from both organizations R1 and R4.*
   882  We can see that this ordering service completely de-centralized -- it runs in
   883  organization R1 and it runs in organization R4. The network configuration
   884  policy, NC4, permits R1 and R4 equal rights over network resources.  Client
   885  applications and peer nodes from organizations R1 and R4 can manage network
   886  resources by connecting to either node O1 or node O4, because both nodes behave
   887  the same way, as defined by the policies in network configuration NC4. In
   888  practice, actors from a particular organization *tend* to use infrastructure
   889  provided by their home organization, but that's certainly not always the case.
   891  ### De-centralized transaction distribution
   893  As well as being the management point for the network, the ordering service also
   894  provides another key facility -- it is the distribution point for transactions.
   895  The ordering service is the component which gathers endorsed transactions
   896  from applications and orders them into transaction blocks, which are
   897  subsequently distributed to every peer node in the channel. At each of these
   898  committing peers, transactions are recorded, whether valid or invalid, and their
   899  local copy of the ledger updated appropriately.
   901  Notice how the ordering service node O4 performs a very different role for the
   902  channel C1 than it does for the network N. When acting at the channel level,
   903  O4's role is to gather transactions and distribute blocks inside channel C1. It
   904  does this according to the policies defined in channel configuration CC1. In
   905  contrast, when acting at the network level, O4's role is to provide a management
   906  point for network resources according to the policies defined in network
   907  configuration NC4. Notice again how these roles are defined by different
   908  policies within the channel and network configurations respectively. This should
   909  reinforce to you the importance of declarative policy based configuration in
   910  Hyperledger Fabric. Policies both define, and are used to control, the agreed
   911  behaviours by each and every member of a consortium.
   913  We can see that the ordering service, like the other components in Hyperledger
   914  Fabric, is a fully de-centralized component. Whether acting as a network
   915  management point, or as a distributor of blocks in a channel, its nodes can be
   916  distributed as required throughout the multiple organizations in a network.
   918  ### Changing policy
   920  Throughout our exploration of the sample network, we've seen the importance of
   921  the policies to control the behaviour of the actors in the system. We've only
   922  discussed a few of the available policies, but there are many that can be
   923  declaratively defined to control every aspect of behaviour. These individual
   924  policies are discussed elsewhere in the documentation.
   926  Most importantly of all, Hyperledger Fabric provides a uniquely powerful policy
   927  that allows network and channel administrators to manage policy change itself!
   928  The underlying philosophy is that policy change is a constant, whether it occurs
   929  within or between organizations, or whether it is imposed by external
   930  regulators. For example, new organizations may join a channel, or existing
   931  organizations may have their permissions increased or decreased. Let's
   932  investigate a little more how change policy is implemented in Hyperledger
   933  Fabric.
   935  The key point of understanding is that policy change is managed by a
   936  policy within the policy itself.  The **modification policy**, or
   937  **mod_policy** for short, is a first class policy within a network or channel
   938  configuration that manages change. Let's give two brief examples of how we've
   939  **already** used mod_policy to manage change in our network!
   941  The first example was when the network was initially set up. At this time, only
   942  organization R4 was allowed to manage the network. In practice, this was
   943  achieved by making R4 the only organization defined in the network configuration
   944  NC4 with permissions to network resources.  Moreover, the mod_policy for NC4
   945  only mentioned organization R4 -- only R4 was allowed to change this
   946  configuration.
   948  We then evolved the network N to also allow organization R1 to administer the
   949  network.  R4 did this by adding R1 to the policies for channel creation and
   950  consortium creation. Because of this change, R1 was able to define the
   951  consortia X1 and X2, and create the channels C1 and C2. R1 had equal
   952  administrative rights over the channel and consortium policies in the network
   953  configuration.
   955  R4 however, could grant even more power over the network configuration to R1! R4
   956  could add R1 to the mod_policy such that R1 would be able to manage change of
   957  the network policy too.
   959  This second power is much more powerful than the first, because R1 now has
   960  **full control** over the network configuration NC4! This means that R1 can, in
   961  principle remove R4's management rights from the network.  In practice, R4 would
   962  configure the mod_policy such that R4 would need to also approve the change, or
   963  that all organizations in the mod_policy would have to approve the change.
   964  There's lots of flexibility to make the mod_policy as sophisticated as it needs
   965  to be to support whatever change process is required.
   967  This is mod_policy at work -- it has allowed the graceful evolution of a basic
   968  configuration into a sophisticated one. All the time this has occurred with the
   969  agreement of all organization involved. The mod_policy behaves like every other
   970  policy inside a network or channel configuration; it defines a set of
   971  organizations that are allowed to change the mod_policy itself.
   973  We've only scratched the surface of the power of policies and mod_policy in
   974  particular in this subsection. It is discussed at much more length in the policy
   975  topic, but for now let's return to our finished network!
   977  ## Network fully formed
   979  Let's recap what our network looks like using a consistent visual vocabulary.
   980  We've re-organized it slightly using our more compact visual syntax, because it
   981  better accommodates larger topologies:
   983  ![network.finalnetwork2](./network.diagram.14.png)
   985  *In this diagram we see that the Fabric blockchain network consists of two
   986  application channels and one ordering channel. The organizations R1 and R4 are
   987  responsible for the ordering channel, R1 and R2 are responsible for the blue
   988  application channel while R2 and R3 are responsible for the red application
   989  channel. Client applications A1 is an element of organization R1, and CA1 is
   990  it's certificate authority. Note that peer P2 of organization R2 can use the
   991  communication facilities of the blue and the red application channel. Each
   992  application channel has its own channel configuration, in this case CC1 and
   993  CC2. The channel configuration of the system channel is part of the network
   994  configuration, NC4.*
   996  We're at the end of our conceptual journey to build a sample Hyperledger Fabric
   997  blockchain network. We've created a four organization network with two channels
   998  and three peer nodes, with two smart contracts and an ordering service.  It is
   999  supported by four certificate authorities. It provides ledger and smart contract
  1000  services to three client applications, who can interact with it via the two
  1001  channels. Take a moment to look through the details of the network in the
  1002  diagram, and feel free to read back through the topic to reinforce your
  1003  knowledge, or go to a more detailed topic.
  1005  ### Summary of network components
  1007  Here's a quick summary of the network components we've discussed:
  1009  * [Ledger](../glossary.html#ledger). One per channel. Comprised of the
  1010    [Blockchain](../glossary.html#block) and
  1011    the [World state](../glossary.html#world-state)
  1012  * [Smart contract](../glossary.html#smart-contract) (aka chaincode)
  1013  * [Peer nodes](../glossary.html#peer)
  1014  * [Ordering service](../glossary.html#ordering-service)
  1015  * [Channel](../glossary.html#channel)
  1016  * [Certificate Authority](../glossary.html#hyperledger-fabric-ca)
  1018  ## Network summary
  1020  In this topic, we've seen how different organizations share their infrastructure
  1021  to provide an integrated Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network.  We've seen how
  1022  the collective infrastructure can be organized into channels that provide
  1023  private communications mechanisms that are independently managed.  We've seen
  1024  how actors such as client applications, administrators, peers and orderers are
  1025  identified as being from different organizations by their use of certificates
  1026  from their respective certificate authorities.  And in turn, we've seen the
  1027  importance of policy to define the agreed permissions that these organizational
  1028  actors have over network and channel resources.