
     1  # Using the Fabric test network
     3  After you have downloaded the Hyperledger Fabric Docker images and samples, you
     4  can deploy a test network by using scripts that are provided in the
     5  `fabric-samples` repository. You can use the test network to learn about Fabric
     6  by running nodes on your local machine. More experienced developers can use the
     7  network to test their smart contracts and applications. The network is meant to
     8  be used only as a tool for education and testing. It should not be used as a
     9  template for deploying a production network. The test network is being introduced
    10  in Fabric v2.0 as the long term replacement for the `first-network` sample.
    12  The sample network deploys a Fabric network with Docker Compose. Because the
    13  nodes are isolated within a Docker Compose network, the test network is not
    14  configured to connect to other running fabric nodes.
    16  **Note:** These instructions have been verified to work against the
    17  latest stable Docker images and the pre-compiled setup utilities within the
    18  supplied tar file. If you run these commands with images or tools from the
    19  current master branch, it is possible that you will encounter errors.
    21  ## Before you begin
    23  Before you can run the test network, you need to clone the `fabric-samples`
    24  repository and download the Fabric images. Make sure that that you have installed
    25  the [Prerequisites](prereqs.html) and [Installed the Samples, Binaries and Docker Images](install.html).
    27  ## Bring up the test network
    29  You can find the scripts to bring up the network in the `test-network` directory
    30  of the ``fabric-samples`` repository. Navigate to the test network directory by
    31  using the following command:
    32  ```
    33  cd fabric-samples/test-network
    34  ```
    36  In this directory, you can find an annotated script, ````, that stands
    37  up a Fabric network using the Docker images on your local machine. You can run
    38  ``./ -h`` to print the script help text:
    40  ```
    41  Usage:
    42 <Mode> [Flags]
    43      <Mode>
    44        - 'up' - bring up fabric orderer and peer nodes. No channel is created
    45        - 'up createChannel' - bring up fabric network with one channel
    46        - 'createChannel' - create and join a channel after the network is created
    47        - 'deployCC' - deploy the fabcar chaincode on the channel
    48        - 'down' - clear the network with docker-compose down
    49        - 'restart' - restart the network
    51      Flags:
    52      -ca <use CAs> -  create Certificate Authorities to generate the crypto material
    53      -c <channel name> - channel name to use (defaults to "mychannel")
    54      -s <dbtype> - the database backend to use: goleveldb (default) or couchdb
    55      -r <max retry> - CLI times out after certain number of attempts (defaults to 5)
    56      -d <delay> - delay duration in seconds (defaults to 3)
    57      -l <language> - the programming language of the chaincode to deploy: go (default), java, javascript, typescript
    58      -v <version>  - chaincode version. Must be a round number, 1, 2, 3, etc
    59      -i <imagetag> - the tag to be used to launch the network (defaults to "latest")
    60      -cai <ca_imagetag> - the image tag to be used for CA (defaults to "1.4.6")
    61      -verbose - verbose mode
    62 -h (print this message)
    64   Possible Mode and flags
    65 up -ca -c -r -d -s -i -verbose
    66 up createChannel -ca -c -r -d -s -i -verbose
    67 createChannel -c -r -d -verbose
    68 deployCC -l -v -r -d -verbose
    70   Taking all defaults:
    71 up
    73   Examples:
    74 up createChannel -ca -c mychannel -s couchdb -i 2.0.0
    75 createChannel -c channelName
    76 deployCC -l javascript
    77  ```
    79  From inside the `test-network` directory, run the following command to remove
    80  any containers or artifacts from any previous runs:
    81  ```
    82  ./ down
    83  ```
    85  You can then bring up the network by issuing the following command. You will
    86  experience problems if you try to run the script from another directory:
    87  ```
    88  ./ up
    89  ```
    91  This command creates a Fabric network that consists of two peer nodes, one
    92  ordering node. No channel is created when you run `./ up`, though we
    93  will get there in a [future step](#creating-a-channel). If the command completes
    94  successfully, you will see the logs of the nodes being created:
    95  ```
    96  Creating network "net_test" with the default driver
    97  Creating volume "" with default driver
    98  Creating volume "" with default driver
    99  Creating volume "" with default driver
   100  Creating    ... done
   101  Creating ... done
   102  Creating ... done
   103  CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                  PORTS                              NAMES
   104  8d0c74b9d6af        hyperledger/fabric-orderer:latest   "orderer"           4 seconds ago       Up Less than a second>7050/tcp   
   105  ea1cf82b5b99        hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest      "peer node start"   4 seconds ago       Up Less than a second>7051/tcp   
   106  cd8d9b23cb56        hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest      "peer node start"   4 seconds ago       Up 1 second             7051/tcp,>9051/tcp
   107  ```
   109  If you don't get this result, jump down to [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
   110  for help on what might have gone wrong. By default, the network uses the
   111  cryptogen tool to bring up the network. However, you can also
   112  [bring up the network with Certificate Authorities](#bring-up-the-network-with-certificate-authorities).
   114  ### The components of the test network
   116  After your test network is deployed, you can take some time to examine its
   117  components. Run the following command to list all of Docker containers that
   118  are running on your machine. You should see the three nodes that were created by
   119  the `` script:
   120  ```
   121  docker ps -a
   122  ```
   124  Each node and user that interacts with a Fabric network needs to belong to an
   125  organization that is a network member. The group of organizations that are
   126  members of a Fabric network are often referred to as the consortium. The test
   127  network has two consortium members, Org1 and Org2. The network also includes one
   128  orderer organization that maintains the ordering service of the network.
   130  [Peers](peers/peers.html) are the fundamental components of any Fabric network.
   131  Peers store the blockchain ledger and validate transactions before they are
   132  committed to the ledger. Peers run the smart contracts that contain the business
   133  logic that is used to manage the assets on the blockchain ledger.
   135  Every peer in the network needs to belong to a member of the consortium. In the
   136  test network, each organization operates one peer each, ``
   137  and ``.
   139  Every Fabric network also includes an [ordering service](orderer/ordering_service.html).
   140  While peers validate transactions and add blocks of transactions to the
   141  blockchain ledger, they do not decide on the order of transactions or include
   142  them into new blocks. On a distributed network, peers may be running far away
   143  from each other and not have a common view of when a transaction was created.
   144  Coming to consensus on the order of transactions is a costly process that would
   145  create overhead for the peers.
   147  An ordering service allows peers to focus on validating transactions and
   148  committing them to the ledger. After ordering nodes receive endorsed transactions
   149  from clients, they come to consensus on the order of transactions and then add
   150  them to blocks. The blocks are then distributed to peer nodes, which add the
   151  blocks the blockchain ledger. Ordering nodes also operate the system channel
   152  that defines the capabilities of a Fabric network, such as how blocks are made
   153  and which version of Fabric that nodes can use. The system channel defines which
   154  organizations are members of the consortium.
   156  The sample network uses a single node Raft ordering service that is operated by
   157  the ordering organization. You can see the ordering node running on your machine
   158  as ``. While the test network only uses a single node ordering
   159  service, a real network would have multiple ordering nodes, operated by one or
   160  multiple orderer organizations. The different ordering nodes would use the Raft
   161  consensus algorithm to come to agreement on the order of transactions across
   162  the network.
   164  ## Creating a channel
   166  Now that we have peer and orderer nodes running on our machine, we can use the
   167  script to create a Fabric channel for transactions between Org1 and Org2.
   168  Channels are a private layer of communication between specific network members.
   169  Channels can be used only by organizations that are invited to the channel, and
   170  are invisible to other members of the network. Each channel has a separate
   171  blockchain ledger. Organizations that have been invited "join" their peers to
   172  the channel to store the channel ledger and validate the transactions on the
   173  channel.
   175  You can use the `` script to create a channel between Org1 and Org2
   176  and join their peers to the channel. Run the following command to create a
   177  channel with the default name of `mychannel`:
   178  ```
   179  ./ createChannel
   180  ```
   181  If the command was successful, you can see the following message printed in your
   182  logs:
   183  ```
   184  ========= Channel successfully joined ===========
   185  ```
   187  You can also use the channel flag to create a channel with custom name. As an
   188  example, the following command would create a channel named `channel1`:
   189  ```
   190  ./ createChannel -c channel1
   191  ```
   193  The channel flag also allows you to create multiple channels by specifying
   194  different channel names. After you create `mychannel` or `channel1`, you can use
   195  the command below to create a second channel named `channel2`:
   196  ```
   197  ./ createChannel -c channel2
   198  ```
   200  If you want to bring up the network and create a channel in a single step, you
   201  can use the `up` and `createChannel` modes together:
   202  ```
   203  ./ up createChannel
   204  ```
   206  ## Starting a chaincode on the channel
   208  After you have created a channel, you can start using [smart contracts](smartcontract/smartcontract.html) to
   209  interact with the channel ledger. Smart contracts contain the business logic
   210  that governs assets on the blockchain ledger. Applications run by members of the
   211  network can invoke smart contracts to create assets on the ledger, as well as
   212  change and transfer those assets. Applications also query smart contracts to
   213  read data on the ledger.
   215  To ensure that transactions are valid, transactions created using smart contracts
   216  typically need to be signed by multiple organizations to be committed to the
   217  channel ledger. Multiple signatures are integral to the trust model of Fabric.
   218  Requiring multiple endorsements for a transaction prevents one organization on
   219  a channel from tampering with the ledger on their peer or using business logic
   220  that was not agreed to. To sign a transaction, each organization needs to invoke
   221  and execute the smart contract on their peer, which then signs the output of the
   222  transaction. If the output is consistent and has been signed by enough
   223  organizations, the transaction can be committed to the ledger. The policy that
   224  specifies the set organizations on the channel that need to execute the smart
   225  contract is referred to as the endorsement policy, which is set for each
   226  chaincode as part of the chaincode definition.
   228  In Fabric, smart contracts are deployed on the network in packages referred to
   229  as chaincode. A Chaincode is installed on the peers of an organization and then
   230  deployed to a channel, where it can then be used to endorse transactions and
   231  interact with the blockchain ledger. Before a chaincode can be deployed to a
   232  channel, the members of the channel need to agree on a chaincode definition that
   233  establishes chaincode governance. When the required number of organizations
   234  agree, the chaincode definition can be committed to the channel, and the
   235  chaincode is ready to be used.
   237  After you have used the `` to create a channel, you can start a
   238  chaincode on the channel using the following command:
   239  ```
   240  ./ deployCC
   241  ```
   242  The `deployCC` subcommand will install the **fabcar** chaincode on
   243  ```` and ```` and then deploy
   244  the chaincode on the channel specified using the channel flag (or `mychannel`
   245  if no channel is specified).  If you are deploying a chaincode for the first
   246  time, the script will install the chaincode dependencies. By default, The script
   247  installs the Go version of the fabcar chaincode. However, you can use the
   248  language flag, `-l`, to install the Java or javascript versions of the chaincode.
   249  You can find the Fabcar chaincode in the `chaincode` folder of the `fabric-samples`
   250  directory. This folder contains sample chaincode that are provided as examples and
   251  used by tutorials to highlight Fabric features.
   253  After the **fabcar** chaincode definition has been committed to the channel, the
   254  script initializes the chaincode by invoking the `init` function and then invokes
   255  the chaincode to put an initial list of cars on the ledger. The script then
   256  queries the chaincode to verify the that the data was added. If the chaincode was
   257  installed, deployed, and invoked correctly, you should see the following list of
   258  cars printed in your logs:
   259  ```
   260  [{"Key":"CAR0", "Record":{"make":"Toyota","model":"Prius","colour":"blue","owner":"Tomoko"}},
   261  {"Key":"CAR1", "Record":{"make":"Ford","model":"Mustang","colour":"red","owner":"Brad"}},
   262  {"Key":"CAR2", "Record":{"make":"Hyundai","model":"Tucson","colour":"green","owner":"Jin Soo"}},
   263  {"Key":"CAR3", "Record":{"make":"Volkswagen","model":"Passat","colour":"yellow","owner":"Max"}},
   264  {"Key":"CAR4", "Record":{"make":"Tesla","model":"S","colour":"black","owner":"Adriana"}},
   265  {"Key":"CAR5", "Record":{"make":"Peugeot","model":"205","colour":"purple","owner":"Michel"}},
   266  {"Key":"CAR6", "Record":{"make":"Chery","model":"S22L","colour":"white","owner":"Aarav"}},
   267  {"Key":"CAR7", "Record":{"make":"Fiat","model":"Punto","colour":"violet","owner":"Pari"}},
   268  {"Key":"CAR8", "Record":{"make":"Tata","model":"Nano","colour":"indigo","owner":"Valeria"}},
   269  {"Key":"CAR9", "Record":{"make":"Holden","model":"Barina","colour":"brown","owner":"Shotaro"}}]
   270  ===================== Query successful on peer0.org1 on channel 'mychannel' =====================
   271  ```
   273  ## Interacting with the network
   275  After you bring up the test network, you can use the `peer` CLI to interact
   276  with your network. The `peer` CLI allows you to invoke deployed smart contracts,
   277  update channels, or install and deploy new smart contracts from the CLI.
   279  Make sure that you are operating from the `test-network` directory. If you
   280  followed the instructions to [install the Samples, Binaries and Docker Images](install.html),
   281  You can find the `peer` binaries in the `bin` folder of the `fabric-samples`
   282  repository. Use the following command to add those binaries to your CLI Path:
   283  ```
   284  export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:$PATH
   285  ```
   286  You also need to set the `FABRIC_CFG_PATH` to point to the `core.yaml` file in
   287  the `fabric-samples` repository:
   288  ```
   289  export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/
   290  ```
   291  You can now set the environment variables that allow you to operate the `peer`
   292   CLI as Org1:
   293  ```
   294  # Environment variables for Org1
   296  export CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=true
   297  export CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID="Org1MSP"
   298  export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
   299  export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
   300  export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=localhost:7051
   301  ```
   304  variables point to the Org1 crypto material in the `organizations` folder.
   306  If you used `./ deployCC` to install and start the fabcar chaincode,
   307  you can now query the ledger from your CLI. Run the following command to get the
   308  list of cars that were added to your channel ledger:
   309  ```
   310  peer chaincode query -C mychannel -n fabcar -c '{"Args":["queryAllCars"]}'
   311  ```
   313  If the command is successful, you can see the same list of cars that were printed
   314  in the logs when you ran the script:
   315  ```
   316  [{"Key":"CAR0", "Record":{"make":"Toyota","model":"Prius","colour":"blue","owner":"Tomoko"}},
   317  {"Key":"CAR1", "Record":{"make":"Ford","model":"Mustang","colour":"red","owner":"Brad"}},
   318  {"Key":"CAR2", "Record":{"make":"Hyundai","model":"Tucson","colour":"green","owner":"Jin Soo"}},
   319  {"Key":"CAR3", "Record":{"make":"Volkswagen","model":"Passat","colour":"yellow","owner":"Max"}},
   320  {"Key":"CAR4", "Record":{"make":"Tesla","model":"S","colour":"black","owner":"Adriana"}},
   321  {"Key":"CAR5", "Record":{"make":"Peugeot","model":"205","colour":"purple","owner":"Michel"}},
   322  {"Key":"CAR6", "Record":{"make":"Chery","model":"S22L","colour":"white","owner":"Aarav"}},
   323  {"Key":"CAR7", "Record":{"make":"Fiat","model":"Punto","colour":"violet","owner":"Pari"}},
   324  {"Key":"CAR8", "Record":{"make":"Tata","model":"Nano","colour":"indigo","owner":"Valeria"}},
   325  {"Key":"CAR9", "Record":{"make":"Holden","model":"Barina","colour":"brown","owner":"Shotaro"}}]
   326  ```
   328  Chaincodes are invoked when a network member wants to transfer or change an
   329  asset on the ledger. Use the following command to change the owner of a car on
   330  the ledger by invoking the fabcar chaincode:
   331  ```
   332  peer chaincode invoke -o localhost:7050 --ordererTLSHostnameOverride --tls true --cafile ${PWD}/organizations/ordererOrganizations/ -C mychannel -n fabcar --peerAddresses localhost:7051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ --peerAddresses localhost:9051 --tlsRootCertFiles ${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/ -c '{"function":"changeCarOwner","Args":["CAR9","Dave"]}'
   333  ```
   335  If the command is successful, you should see the following response:
   336  ```
   337  2019-12-04 17:38:21.048 EST [chaincodeCmd] chaincodeInvokeOrQuery -> INFO 001 Chaincode invoke successful. result: status:200
   338  ```
   340  **Note:** If you deployed the Java chaincode, run the invoke command with the
   341  following arguments instead: `'{"function":"changeCarOwner","Args":["CAR009","Dave"]}'`
   342  The Fabcar chaincode written in Java uses a different index than the chaincode
   343  written in Javascipt or Go.
   345  Because the endorsement policy for the fabcar chaincode requires the transaction
   346  to be signed by Org1 and Org2, the chaincode invoke command needs to target both
   347  `` and `` using the `--peerAddresses`
   348  flag. Because TLS is enabled for the network, the command also needs to reference
   349  the TLS certificate for each peer using the `--tlsRootCertFiles` flag.
   351  After we invoke the chaincode, we can use another query to see how the invoke
   352  changed the assets on the blockchain ledger. Since we already queried the Org1
   353  peer, we can take this opportunity to query the chaincode running on the Org2
   354  peer. Set the following environment variables to operate as Org2:
   355  ```
   356  # Environment variables for Org2
   358  export CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED=true
   359  export CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID="Org2MSP"
   360  export CORE_PEER_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
   361  export CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/
   362  export CORE_PEER_ADDRESS=localhost:9051
   363  ```
   365  You can now query the fabcar chaincode running on ``:
   366  ```
   367  peer chaincode query -C mychannel -n fabcar -c '{"Args":["queryCar","CAR9"]}'
   368  ```
   370  The result will show that `"CAR9"` was transferred to Dave:
   371  ```
   372  {"make":"Holden","model":"Barina","colour":"brown","owner":"Dave"}
   373  ```
   375  ## Bring down the network
   377  When you are finished using the test network, you can bring down the network
   378  with the following command:
   379  ```
   380  ./ down
   381  ```
   383  The command will stop and remove the node and chaincode containers, delete the
   384  organization crypto material, and remove the chaincode images from your Docker
   385  Registry. The command also removes the channel artifacts and docker volumes from
   386  previous runs, allowing you to run `./ up` again if you encountered
   387  any problems.
   389  ## Next steps
   391  Now that you have used the test network to deploy Hyperledger Fabric on your
   392  local machine, you can use the tutorials to start developing your own solution:
   394  - Learn how to deploy your own smart contracts to the test network using the
   395  [Deploying a smart contract to a channel](deploy_chaincode.html) tutorial.
   396  - Visit the [Writing Your First Application](write_first_app.html) tutorial
   397  to learn how to use the APIs provided by the Fabric SDKs to invoke smart
   398  contracts from your client applications.
   399  - If you are ready to deploy a more complicated smart contract to the network, follow
   400  the [commercial paper tutorial](tutorial/commercial_paper.html) to explore a
   401  use case in which two organizations use a blockchain network to trade commercial
   402  paper.
   404  You can find the the complete list of Fabric tutorials on the [tutorials](tutorials.html)
   405  page.
   407  ## Bring up the network with Certificate Authorities
   409  Hyperledger Fabric uses public key infrastructure (PKI) to verify the actions of
   410  all network participants. Every node, network administrator, and user submitting
   411  transactions needs to have a public certificate and private key to verify their
   412  identity. These identities need to have a valid root of trust, establishing
   413  that the certificates were issued by an organization that is a member of the
   414  network. The `` script creates all of the cryptographic material
   415  that is required to deploy and operate the network before it creates the peer
   416  and ordering nodes.
   418  By default, the script uses the cryptogen tool to create the certificates
   419  and keys. The tool is provided for development and testing, and can quickly
   420  create the required crypto material for Fabric organizations with a valid root
   421  of trust. When you run `./ up`, you can see the cryptogen tool creating
   422  the certificates and keys for Org1, Org2, and the Orderer Org.
   424  ```
   425  creating Org1, Org2, and ordering service organization with crypto from 'cryptogen'
   427  /Usr/fabric-samples/test-network/../bin/cryptogen
   429  ##########################################################
   430  ##### Generate certificates using cryptogen tool #########
   431  ##########################################################
   433  ##########################################################
   434  ############ Create Org1 Identities ######################
   435  ##########################################################
   436  + cryptogen generate --config=./organizations/cryptogen/crypto-config-org1.yaml --output=organizations
   438  + res=0
   439  + set +x
   440  ##########################################################
   441  ############ Create Org2 Identities ######################
   442  ##########################################################
   443  + cryptogen generate --config=./organizations/cryptogen/crypto-config-org2.yaml --output=organizations
   445  + res=0
   446  + set +x
   447  ##########################################################
   448  ############ Create Orderer Org Identities ###############
   449  ##########################################################
   450  + cryptogen generate --config=./organizations/cryptogen/crypto-config-orderer.yaml --output=organizations
   451  + res=0
   452  + set +x
   453  ```
   455  However, the test network script also provides the option to bring up the network using
   456  Certificate Authorities (CAs). In a production network, each organization
   457  operates a CA (or multiple intermediate CAs) that creates the identities that
   458  belong to their organization. All of the identities created by a CA run by the
   459  organization share the same root of trust. Although it takes more time than
   460  using cryptogen, bringing up the test network using CAs provides an introduction
   461  to how a network is deployed in production. Deploying CAs also allows you to enroll
   462  client identities with the Fabric SDKs and create a certificate and private key
   463  for your applications.
   465  If you would like to bring up a network using Fabric CAs, first run the following
   466  command to bring down any running networks:
   467  ```
   468  ./ down
   469  ```
   471  You can then bring up the network with the CA flag:
   472  ```
   473  ./ up -ca
   474  ```
   476  After you issue the command, you can see the script bringing up three CAs, one
   477  for each organization in the network.
   478  ```
   479  ##########################################################
   480  ##### Generate certificates using Fabric CA's ############
   481  ##########################################################
   482  Creating network "net_default" with the default driver
   483  Creating ca_org2    ... done
   484  Creating ca_org1    ... done
   485  Creating ca_orderer ... done
   486  ```
   488  It is worth taking time to examine the logs generated by the `./`
   489  script after the CAs have been deployed. The test network uses the Fabric CA
   490  client to register node and user identities with the CA of each organization. The
   491  script then uses the enroll command to generate an MSP folder for each identity.
   492  The MSP folder contains the certificate and private key for each identity, and
   493  establishes the identity's role and membership in the organization that operated
   494  the CA. You can use the following command to examine the MSP folder of the Org1
   495  admin user:
   496  ```
   497  tree organizations/peerOrganizations/
   498  ```
   499  The command will reveal the MSP folder structure and configuration file:
   500  ```
   501  organizations/peerOrganizations/
   502  └── msp
   503      ├── IssuerPublicKey
   504      ├── IssuerRevocationPublicKey
   505      ├── cacerts
   506      │   └── localhost-7054-ca-org1.pem
   507      ├── config.yaml
   508      ├── keystore
   509      │   └── 58e81e6f1ee8930df46841bf88c22a08ae53c1332319854608539ee78ed2fd65_sk
   510      ├── signcerts
   511      │   └── cert.pem
   512      └── user
   513  ```
   514  You can find the certificate of the admin user in the `signcerts` folder and the
   515  private key in the `keystore` folder. To learn more about MSPs, see the [Membership Service Provider](membership/membership.html)
   516  concept topic.
   518  Both cryptogen and the Fabric CAs generate the cryptographic material for each organization
   519  in the `organizations` folder. You can find the commands that are used to set up the
   520  network in the `` script in the `organizations/fabric-ca` directory.
   521  To learn more about how you would use the Fabric CA to deploy a Fabric network,
   522  visit the [Fabric CA operations guide](
   523  You can learn more about how Fabric uses PKI by visiting the [identity](identity/identity.html)
   524  and [membership](membership/membership.html) concept topics.
   526  ## What's happening behind the scenes?
   528  If you are interested in learning more about the sample network, you can
   529  investigate the files and scripts in the `test-network` directory. The steps
   530  below provide a guided tour of what happens when you issue the command of
   531  `./ up`.
   533  - `./` creates the certificates and keys for two peer organizations
   534    and the orderer organization. By default, the script uses the cryptogen tool
   535    using the configuration files located in the `organizations/cryptogen` folder.
   536    If you use the `-ca` flag to create Certificate Authorities, the script uses
   537    Fabric CA server configuration files and `` script located in
   538    the `organizations/fabric-ca` folder. Both cryptogen and the Fabric CAs create
   539    the crypto material and MSP folders for all three organizations in the
   540    `organizations` folder.
   542  - The script uses configtxgen tool to create the system channel genesis block.
   543    Configtxgen consumes the `TwoOrgsOrdererGenesis`  channel profile in the
   544    `configtx/configtx.yaml` file to create the genesis block. The block is stored
   545    in the `system-genesis-block` folder.
   547  - Once the organization crypto material and the system channel genesis block have
   548    been generated, the `` can bring up the nodes of the network. The
   549    script uses the ``docker-compose-test-net.yaml`` file in the `docker` folder
   550    to create the peer and orderer nodes. The `docker` folder also contains the
   551    ``docker-compose-e2e.yaml`` file that brings up the nodes of the network
   552    alongside three Fabric CAs. This file is meant to be used to run end-to-end
   553    tests by the Fabric SDK. Refer to the [Node SDK](
   554    repo for details on running these tests.
   556  - If you use the `createChannel` subcommand, `./` runs the
   557    `` script in the `scripts` folder to create a channel
   558    using the supplied channel name. The script uses the `configtx.yaml` file to
   559    create the channel creation transaction, as well as two anchor peer update
   560    transactions. The script uses the peer cli to create the channel, join
   561    ```` and ```` to the channel, and
   562    make both of the peers anchor peers.
   564  - If you issue the `deployCC` command, `./` runs the ````
   565    script to install the **fabcar** chaincode on both peers and then define then
   566    chaincode on the channel. Once the chaincode definition is committed to the
   567    channel, the peer cli initializes the chainocde using the `Init` and invokes
   568    the chaincode to put initial data on the ledger.
   570  ## Troubleshooting
   572  If you have any problems with the tutorial, review the following:
   574  -  You should always start your network fresh. You can use the following command
   575     to remove the artifacts, crypto material, containers, volumes, and chaincode
   576     images from previous runs:
   577     ```
   578     ./ down
   579     ```
   580     You **will** see errors if you do not remove old containers, images, and
   581     volumes.
   583  -  If you see Docker errors, first check your Docker version ([Prerequisites](prereqs.html)),
   584     and then try restarting your Docker process. Problems with Docker are
   585     oftentimes not immediately recognizable. For example, you may see errors
   586     that are the result of your node not being able to access the crypto material
   587     mounted within a container.
   589     If problems persist, you can remove your images and start from scratch:
   590     ```
   591     docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
   592     docker rmi -f $(docker images -q)
   593     ```
   595  -  If you see errors on your create, approve, commit, invoke or query commands,
   596     make sure you have properly updated the channel name and chaincode name.
   597     There are placeholder values in the supplied sample commands.
   599  -  If you see the error below:
   600     ```
   601     Error: Error endorsing chaincode: rpc error: code = 2 desc = Error installing chaincode code mycc:1.0(chaincode /var/hyperledger/production/chaincodes/mycc.1.0 exits)
   602     ```
   604     You likely have chaincode images (e.g. ```` or
   605     ````) from prior runs. Remove them and try
   606     again.
   607     ```
   608     docker rmi -f $(docker images | grep dev-peer[0-9] | awk '{print $3}')
   609     ```
   611  -  If you see the below error:
   613     ```
   614     [configtx/tool/localconfig] Load -> CRIT 002 Error reading configuration: Unsupported Config Type ""
   615     panic: Error reading configuration: Unsupported Config Type ""
   616     ```
   618     Then you did not set the ``FABRIC_CFG_PATH`` environment variable properly. The
   619     configtxgen tool needs this variable in order to locate the configtx.yaml. Go
   620     back and execute an ``export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/configtx/configtx.yaml``,
   621     then recreate your channel artifacts.
   623  -  If you see an error stating that you still have "active endpoints", then prune
   624     your Docker networks. This will wipe your previous networks and start you with a
   625     fresh environment:
   626     ```
   627     docker network prune
   628     ```
   630     You will see the following message:
   631     ```
   632     WARNING! This will remove all networks not used by at least one container.
   633     Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N]
   634     ```
   635     Select ``y``.
   637  -  If you see an error similar to the following:
   638     ```
   639     /bin/bash: ./scripts/ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
   640     ```
   642     Ensure that the file in question (**** in this example) is
   643     encoded in the Unix format. This was most likely caused by not setting
   644     ``core.autocrlf`` to ``false`` in your Git configuration (see
   645      [Windows extras](prereqs.html#windows-extras)). There are several ways of fixing this. If you have
   646     access to the vim editor for instance, open the file:
   647     ```
   648     vim ./fabric-samples/test-network/scripts/
   649     ```
   651     Then change its format by executing the following vim command:
   652     ```
   653     :set ff=unix
   654     ```
   656  - If your orderer exits upon creation or if you see that the create channel
   657    command fails due to an inability to connect to your ordering service, use
   658    the `docker logs` command to read the logs from the ordering node. You may see
   659    the following message:
   660    ```
   661    PANI 007 [channel system-channel] config requires unsupported orderer capabilities: Orderer capability V2_0 is required but not supported: Orderer capability V2_0 is required but not supported
   662    ```
   663    This occurs when you are trying to run the network using Fabric version 1.4.x
   664    docker images. The test network needs to run using Fabric version 2.x.
   666  If you continue to see errors, share your logs on the **fabric-questions**
   667  channel on [Hyperledger Rocket Chat]( or on
   668  [StackOverflow](
   670  <!--- Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
   671 -->