
     1  version: 2.1
     3  references:
     4    # environment specific references - aim to avoid conflicts
     5    go-machine-image: &go_machine_image
     6      circleci/classic:201808-01
     7    go-machine-recent-image: &go_machine_recent_image
     8      ubuntu-1604:201903-01
     9    go-windows-image: &go_windows_image
    10      windows-server-2019-vs2019:stable
    12    # common references
    13    common_envs: &common_envs
    14      GOMAXPROCS: 1
    15      NOMAD_SLOW_TEST: 1
    16      GOTESTSUM_JUNITFILE: /tmp/test-reports/results.xml
    17      GOTESTSUM_JSONFILE: /tmp/test-reports/testjsonfile.json
    18      # disable implicit git paging.  CircleCI runs commands with in a tty
    19      # making git assume it's an interactive session.
    20      PAGER: cat
    21      GIT_PAGER: cat
    23  commands:
    24    install-buf:
    25      steps:
    26        - run:
    27            name: install buf
    28            command: |
    29              sudo ./scripts/
    30    install-vault:
    31      parameters:
    32        version:
    33          type: string
    34          default: 1.2.4
    35      steps:
    36        - run:
    37            name: Install Vault
    38            command: |
    39              set -x
    41              case "${OSTYPE}" in
    42                linux*)  os="linux" ;;
    43                darwin*) os="darwin" ;;
    44                msys*)   os="windows" ;;
    45                *)       echo "unknown os: ${OSTYPE}"; exit 1 ;;
    46              esac
    48              curl -SL --fail -o /tmp/"<< parameters.version >>"/vault_"<< parameters.version >>"_"${os}"
    50              if [[ "${os}" != "windows" ]]; then
    51                sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin /tmp/
    52                rm -rf /tmp/vault*
    53              else
    54                rm -rf c:\Windows\vault.exe
    55                unzip /tmp/ -d "/c/Windows"
    56                rm -rf /tmp/vault*
    57              fi
    58    install-consul:
    59      parameters:
    60        version:
    61          type: string
    62          default: 1.8.3
    63      steps:
    64        - run:
    65            name: Install Consul << parameters.version >>
    66            command: |
    67              curl -SL --fail -o /tmp/<< parameters.version >>/consul_<< parameters.version >>
    68              sudo unzip -d /usr/local/bin /tmp/
    69              rm -rf /tmp/consul*
    70    install-golang:
    71      parameters:
    72        target_directory:
    73          type: string
    74          default: /usr/local
    75      steps:
    76        - run:
    77            name: Install golang
    78            command: |
    79              set -x
    81              echo installing golang ${GOLANG_VERSION}
    83              case "${OSTYPE}" in
    84                linux*)  os="linux" ;;
    85                darwin*) os="darwin" ;;
    86                msys*)   os="windows" ;;
    87                *)       echo "unknown os: ${OSTYPE}"; exit 1 ;;
    88              esac
    90              if [[ "${os}" != "windows" ]]
    91              then
    92                sudo rm -rf << parameters.target_directory >>/go
    93                sudo mkdir -p << parameters.target_directory >>
    94                curl -SL --fail -o /tmp/golang.tar.gz${GOLANG_VERSION}.${os}-amd64.tar.gz
    95                sudo tar -C << parameters.target_directory >> -xzf /tmp/golang.tar.gz
    96                rm -rf /tmp/golang.tar.gz
    97              else
    98                rm -rf << parameters.target_directory >>/go
    99                mkdir -p <<parameters.target_directory >>
   100                curl -SL --fail -o /tmp/${GOLANG_VERSION}
   101                unzip -q -o /tmp/ -d << parameters.target_directory >>
   102                rm -rf /tmp/
   103              fi
   105    install-circleci-local-cli:
   106      parameters:
   107        version:
   108          type: string
   109          default: 0.1.5879
   111        sha256:
   112          type: string
   113          default: f178ea62c781aec06267017404f87983c87f171fd0e66ef3737916246ae66dd6
   114      steps:
   115        - run:
   116            name: Install CircleCI CLI << parameters.version >>
   117            command: |
   118              CCI_VERSION="<< parameters.version >>"
   119              CCI_SHA256="<< parameters.sha256 >>"
   121              URL="${CCI_VERSION}/circleci-cli_${CCI_VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
   123              mkdir -p /tmp/circleci-cli/
   124              curl --fail --show-error --location \
   125                -o /tmp/circleci-cli/cli.tar.gz "${URL}"
   127              echo "$CCI_SHA256 /tmp/circleci-cli/cli.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c
   129              tar -xz --strip-components=1 \
   130                -C /tmp/circleci-cli \
   131                -f /tmp/circleci-cli/cli.tar.gz \
   132                "circleci-cli_${CCI_VERSION}_linux_amd64/circleci"
   134              sudo cp /tmp/circleci-cli/circleci /usr/bin/circleci-local-cli
   136              circleci-local-cli version
   137    run-tests:
   138      steps:
   139        - run:
   140            name: Running Nomad Tests
   141            no_output_timeout: 20m
   142            command: |
   143              if [ -z $GOTEST_PKGS_EXCLUDE ];
   144              then
   145                unset GOTEST_PKGS_EXCLUDE
   146              else
   147                unset GOTEST_PKGS
   148              fi
   150              if [ ! -z $GOTESTARCH ]; then
   151                export GOARCH="$GOTESTARCH";
   152              fi
   154              mkdir -p /tmp/test-reports
   155              sudo -E PATH="$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH" make generate-structs
   157              if [ ! -z $GOTEST_MOD ]; then
   158                sudo -E PATH="$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH" make test-nomad-module
   159              else
   160                sudo -E PATH="$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH" make test-nomad
   161              fi
   163  jobs:
   164    website-docker-image:
   165      docker:
   166        - image:
   167      shell: /usr/bin/env bash -euo pipefail -c
   168      steps:
   169        - checkout
   170        - run:
   171            name: Skip building if nothing changed
   172            command: |
   173              # There is an edge case that would cause an issue here - if dependencies are updated to an exact copy
   174              # of a previous version, for example if packge-lock.json is reverted, we need to manually push the new
   175              # image to the "latest" tag
   176              # Ignore job if running an enterprise build
   177              IMAGE_TAG=$(cat website/Dockerfile website/package-lock.json | sha256sum | awk '{print $1;}')
   178              echo "Using $IMAGE_TAG"
   180              if  [ "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL" != "" ]; then
   181                echo "Not Nomad OSS Repo, not building website docker image"
   182                circleci-agent step halt
   183              elif curl$IMAGE_TAG -fsL > /dev/null; then
   184                echo "Dependencies have not changed, not building a new website docker image."
   185                circleci-agent step halt
   186              fi
   188        - setup_remote_docker
   189        - run:
   190            name: Build Docker Image
   191            command: |
   192              IMAGE_TAG=$(cat website/Dockerfile website/package-lock.json | sha256sum | awk '{print $1;}')
   193              echo "Using $IMAGE_TAG"
   195              cd website/
   196              docker build -t hashicorp/nomad-website:$IMAGE_TAG .
   197              docker tag hashicorp/nomad-website:$IMAGE_TAG hashicorp/nomad-website:latest
   198              docker login -u $WEBSITE_DOCKER_USER -p $WEBSITE_DOCKER_PASS
   199              docker push hashicorp/nomad-website
   201    test-windows:
   202      executor: go-windows
   204      steps:
   205        - run: git config --global core.autocrlf false
   206        - checkout
   207        - run:
   208            name: Setup
   209            command: |
   210              mkdir -p $GOBIN
   211              mkdir -p $GOTESTSUM_PATH
   212        - install-golang:
   213            target_directory: "c:"
   214        - run: go version
   215        - install-vault:
   216            version: $VAULT_VERSION
   217        - run: vault version
   218        - run: choco install make
   219        - run:
   220            name: Install golang dependencies
   221            command: |
   222              export PATH=$PATH:/c/go/bin:/c/gopath/bin
   223              make deps
   224        - run:
   225            name: Pre-download docker test image
   226            command: docker pull
   227        - run:
   228            name: Build nomad
   229            command: |
   230              export PATH=$PATH:/c/go/bin:/c/gopath/bin
   231              go build -o $GOBIN\nomad.exe
   232        - run:
   233            name: Run tests with gotestsum
   234            command: |
   235              # Only test docker driver tests for now
   236              export PATH=$PATH:/c/go/bin:/c/gopath/bin
   237              gotestsum --format=short-verbose \
   238                --junitfile $GOTESTSUM_PATH/results.xml \
   239       \
   240       \
   243        - store_test_results:
   244            path: c:\tmp\test-reports
   245        - store_artifacts:
   246            path: c:\tmp\test-reports
   247    test-ui:
   248      docker:
   249        - image:
   250          environment:
   251            # See for details.
   252            JOBS: 2
   253      steps:
   254        - checkout
   255        - restore_cache:
   256            keys:
   257              - v3-deps-{{ checksum "ui/yarn.lock" }}
   258        - run:
   259            name: yarn install
   260            command: cd ui && yarn install --frozen-lockfile
   261        - save_cache:
   262            key: v3-deps-{{ checksum "ui/yarn.lock" }}
   263            paths:
   264              - ./ui/node_modules
   265        - run:
   266            name: lint:js
   267            command: cd ui && yarn run lint:js
   268        - run:
   269            name: lint:hbs
   270            command: cd ui && yarn run lint:hbs
   271        - run:
   272            name: Ember tests
   273            command: mkdir -p /tmp/test-reports && cd ui && yarn test
   274        - store_test_results:
   275            path: /tmp/test-reports
   276        - store_artifacts:
   277            path: /tmp/test-reports
   278    test-machine:
   279      executor: "<< parameters.executor >>"
   280      parameters:
   281        test_packages:
   282          type: string
   283          default: ""
   284        test_module:
   285          type: string
   286          default: ""
   287        exclude_packages:
   288          type: string
   289          default: ""
   290        executor:
   291          type: string
   292          default: "go-machine-recent"
   293        goarch:
   294          type: string
   295          default: "amd64"
   296      environment:
   297        GOTEST_PKGS_EXCLUDE: "<< parameters.exclude_packages >>"
   298        GOTEST_PKGS: "<< parameters.test_packages >>"
   299        GOTEST_MOD: "<< parameters.test_module >>"
   300        GOTESTARCH: "<< parameters.goarch >>"
   301      steps:
   302        - checkout
   303        - install-golang
   304        - install-buf
   305        - install-consul
   306        - install-vault
   307        - run:
   308            name: Install 32bit gcc libs
   309            command: |
   310              if [ ! -z $GOTESTARCH ] && [ $GOTESTARCH == "386" ]; then
   311                sudo apt-get update
   312                sudo apt-get install -y gcc-multilib
   313              else
   314                echo "Skipping 32bit lib installation while building for not 386"
   315              fi
   316        - run: PATH="$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH" make bootstrap
   317        - run-tests
   318        - store_test_results:
   319            path: /tmp/test-reports
   320        - store_artifacts:
   321            path: /tmp/test-reports
   322    test-e2e:
   323      executor: go
   324      steps:
   325        - checkout
   326        - run: apt-get update; apt-get install -y sudo unzip
   327        # e2e tests require privileged mount/umount permissions when running as root
   328        # TODO: switch to using machine executor and run as root to test e2e path
   329        - run:
   330            name: prepare non-root user
   331            command: |
   332              groupadd --gid 3434 circleci
   333              useradd --uid 3434 --gid circleci --shell /bin/bash --create-home circleci
   334              echo 'circleci ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL' >> /etc/sudoers.d/50-circleci
   335              echo 'Defaults    env_keep += "DEBIAN_FRONTEND"' >> /etc/sudoers.d/env_keep
   336              chown -R circleci:circleci /go
   338        - run: sudo -E -H -u circleci PATH=${PATH} make deps
   339        - run: sudo -E -H -u circleci PATH=${PATH} make integration-test
   340        - run: sudo -E -H -u circleci PATH=${PATH} make e2e-test
   341    test-container:
   342      executor: go
   343      parameters:
   344        test_packages:
   345          type: string
   346          default: ""
   347        exclude_packages:
   348          type: string
   349          default: ""
   350        goarch:
   351          type: string
   352          default: "amd64"
   353      environment:
   354        GOTEST_PKGS: "<< parameters.test_packages >>"
   355        GOTEST_PKGS_EXCLUDE: "<< parameters.exclude_packages >>"
   356        GOTESTARCH: "<< parameters.goarch >>"
   357      steps:
   358        - checkout
   359        - run: apt-get update; apt-get install -y shellcheck sudo unzip
   360        - run: make deps
   361        - install-buf
   362        - install-consul
   363        - install-vault
   364        - run-tests
   365        - store_test_results:
   366            path: /tmp/test-reports
   367        - store_artifacts:
   368            path: /tmp/test-reports
   369    lint-go:
   370      executor: go
   371      steps:
   372        - checkout
   373        - run: apt-get update; apt-get install -y shellcheck sudo unzip
   374        - install-buf
   375        - install-circleci-local-cli
   376        - run: make deps lint-deps
   377        - run: make check
   378        - run: make checkscripts
   379        - run: mkdir -p ui/dist && make generate-all static-assets
   380    build-darwin-binaries:
   381      executor: go-macos
   382      steps:
   383        - checkout
   384        - run:
   385            name: configure PATH
   386            command:
   387              echo 'export PATH="${GOPATH}/bin:${HOME}/goinstall/go/bin:$PATH"' >> ${BASH_ENV}
   389        - install-golang:
   390            target_directory: ~/goinstall
   391        - run: source ${BASH_ENV} && make deps
   392        - run: brew install protobuf
   393        - run: PATH="$GOPATH/bin:${HOME}/goinstall/go/bin:$PATH" make generate-structs
   395        - run:
   396            name: prepare ui cache
   397            command: git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H ui > /tmp/ui-sha
   399        - restore_cache:
   400            name: restore compiled ui assets
   401            keys:
   402            - v1-binary-ui-assets-darwin-{{ checksum "/tmp/ui-sha" }}
   403        - run:
   404            name: prepare ui
   405            command: |
   406              if [[ -f ~/caches/ui-assets/bindata_assetfs.go ]]; then
   407                cp ~/caches/ui-assets/bindata_assetfs.go ./command/agent/bindata_assetfs.go
   408                exit 0
   409              fi
   411              ./scripts/
   413              export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH"
   414              source ${BASH_ENV}
   415              . ~/.nvm/
   416              cd ui && yarn install --frozen-lockfile && cd ..
   417              JOBS=2 make ember-dist static-assets
   419              mkdir -p ~/caches/ui-assets
   420              cp ./command/agent/bindata_assetfs.go ~/caches/ui-assets/bindata_assetfs.go
   421        - save_cache:
   422            name: save compiled ui assets
   423            key: v1-binary-ui-assets-darwin-{{ checksum "/tmp/ui-sha" }}
   424            paths:
   425            - ~/caches/ui-assets
   426        - run:
   427            name: build binaries
   428            command: |
   429              source ${BASH_ENV}
   430              export GO_TAGS="ui $(grep -e '^GO_TAGS ?=' ./GNUmakefile | cut -d= -f2)"
   431              make pkg/
   432        - store_artifacts:
   433            path: pkg/
   434            destination: /builds/
   435    build-binaries:
   436      executor: go
   437      steps:
   438        - checkout
   439        - run: apt-get update; apt-get install -y sudo unzip zip
   440        - run: make deps
   441        - install-buf
   442        - run: sudo -E PATH="$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH" make generate-structs
   444        - run:
   445            name: prepare ui cache
   446            command: git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%H ui > /tmp/ui-sha
   448        - restore_cache:
   449            name: restore compiled ui assets
   450            keys:
   451            - v1-binary-ui-assets-linux-{{ checksum "/tmp/ui-sha" }}
   452        - run:
   453            name: prepare ui
   454            command: |
   455              if [[ -f /tmp/ui-assets/bindata_assetfs.go ]]; then
   456                cp /tmp/ui-assets/bindata_assetfs.go ./command/agent/bindata_assetfs.go
   457                exit 0
   458              fi
   460              ./scripts/
   462              export PATH="$HOME/.yarn/bin:$HOME/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
   463              export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH"
   464              . ~/.nvm/
   465              cd ui && yarn install --frozen-lockfile && cd ..
   466              JOBS=2 make ember-dist static-assets
   468              mkdir -p /tmp/ui-assets
   469              cp ./command/agent/bindata_assetfs.go /tmp/ui-assets/bindata_assetfs.go
   471        - save_cache:
   472            name: save compiled ui assets
   473            key: v1-binary-ui-assets-linux-{{ checksum "/tmp/ui-sha" }}
   474            paths:
   475            - /tmp/ui-assets
   476        - run:
   477            name: build binaries
   478            command: |
   479              export GO_TAGS="ui $(grep -e '^GO_TAGS ?=' ./GNUmakefile | cut -d= -f2)"
   480              make pkg/ pkg/
   481        - store_artifacts:
   482            path: pkg
   483            destination: /builds
   484        - store_artifacts:
   485            path: /tmp/ui-assets
   486            destination: /ui-assets
   487    algolia_index:
   488      docker:
   489        - image:
   490      steps:
   491        - checkout
   492        - run:
   493            name: Push content to Algolia Index
   494            command: |
   495              if  [ "$CIRCLE_REPOSITORY_URL" != "" ]; then
   496                echo "Not Nomad OSS Repo, not indexing Algolia"
   497                exit 0
   498              fi
   500              cd website/
   501              npm install
   502              node scripts/index_search_content.js
   503  executors:
   504    go:
   505      working_directory: /go/src/
   506      docker:
   507        - image:
   508      environment:
   509        <<: *common_envs
   510        GOPATH: /go
   512    go-machine:
   513      working_directory: ~/go/src/
   514      machine:
   515        image: *go_machine_image
   516      environment: &machine_env
   517        <<: *common_envs
   518        GOPATH: /home/circleci/go
   519        GOLANG_VERSION: 1.15.6
   521    # uses a more recent image with unattended upgrades disabled properly
   522    # but seems to break docker builds
   523    go-machine-recent:
   524      working_directory: ~/go/src/
   525      machine:
   526        image: *go_machine_recent_image
   527      environment: *machine_env
   529    go-macos:
   530      working_directory: ~/go/src/
   531      macos:
   532        xcode: 11.3.1
   533      environment:
   534        <<: *common_envs
   535        GOPATH: /Users/distiller/go
   536        GOLANG_VERSION: 1.15.6
   538    go-windows:
   539      machine:
   540        image: *go_windows_image
   541        resource_class: windows.medium
   542        shell: bash --login -eo pipefail
   543      working_directory: c:\gopath\src\\hashicorp\nomad
   544      environment:
   545        GOPATH: c:\gopath
   546        GOBIN: c:\gopath\bin
   547        GOTESTSUM_PATH: c:\tmp\test-reports
   548        GOLANG_VERSION: 1.15.6
   549        GOTESTSUM_VERSION: 0.4.2
   550        VAULT_VERSION: 1.4.1
   552  workflows:
   553    build-test:
   554      jobs:
   555        - build-binaries:
   556            # almost always build binaries as they may be needed
   557            # for e2e tests
   558            filters:
   559              branches:
   560                ignore:
   561                  - stable-website
   562                  - /^.-ui\b.*/
   564        - lint-go:
   565            # check branches are almost all the backend branches
   566            filters: &backend_check_branches_filter
   567              branches:
   568                ignore:
   569                  - /^.-ui\b.*/
   570                  - /^docs-.*/
   571                  - stable-website
   573          # Note: comment-out this job in ENT
   574        - build-darwin-binaries:
   575            filters: *backend_check_branches_filter
   577        - test-e2e:
   578            filters: *backend_check_branches_filter
   580        - test-ui:
   581            filters:
   582              branches:
   583                ignore:
   584                  - stable-website
   585                  - /^docs-.*/
   586                  - /^e2e-.*/
   588          # Note: comment-out this job in ENT
   589        - test-windows:
   590            filters:
   591              branches:
   592                ignore:
   593                  - /^.-ui\b.*/
   594                  - /^docs-.*/
   595                  - /^e2e-.*/
   596                  - stable-website
   598        - test-machine:
   599            name: "test-client"
   600            test_packages: "./client/..."
   601            # test branches are the branches that can impact unit tests
   602            filters: &backend_test_branches_filter
   603              branches:
   604                ignore:
   605                  - /^.-ui\b.*/
   606                  - /^docs-.*/
   607                  - /^e2e-.*/
   608                  - stable-website
   609        - test-machine:
   610            name: "test-nomad"
   611            test_packages: "./nomad/..."
   612            filters: *backend_test_branches_filter
   613        - test-machine:
   614            # API Tests run in a VM rather than container due to the FS tests
   615            # requiring `mount` priviliges.
   616            name: "test-api"
   617            test_module: "api"
   618            filters: *backend_test_branches_filter
   619        - test-container:
   620            name: "test-devices"
   621            test_packages: "./devices/..."
   622            filters: *backend_test_branches_filter
   623        - test-machine:
   624            name: "test-other"
   625            exclude_packages: "./api|./client|./drivers/docker|./drivers/exec|./drivers/shared/executor|./nomad|./devices|./e2e"
   626            filters: *backend_test_branches_filter
   627        - test-machine:
   628            name: "test-docker"
   629            test_packages: "./drivers/docker"
   630            # docker is misbehaving in docker-machine-recent image
   631            # and we get unexpected failures
   632            # e.g.
   633            executor: go-machine
   634            filters: *backend_test_branches_filter
   635        - test-machine:
   636            name: "test-exec"
   637            test_packages: "./drivers/exec"
   638            filters: *backend_test_branches_filter
   639        - test-machine:
   640            name: "test-shared-exec"
   641            test_packages: "./drivers/shared/executor"
   642            filters: *backend_test_branches_filter
   643        - test-machine:
   644            name: "test-32bit"
   645            # Currently we only explicitly test fingerprinting on 32bit
   646            # architectures.
   647            test_packages: "./client/fingerprint"
   648            goarch: "386"
   649            filters: *backend_test_branches_filter
   650    website:
   651      when:
   652        equal: [ "", << pipeline.project.git_url >> ]
   653      jobs:
   654        - website-docker-image:
   655            context: static-sites
   656            filters:
   657              branches:
   658                only:
   659                  - master
   661        - algolia_index:
   662            context: static-sites
   663            filters:
   664              branches:
   665                only:
   666                  - stable-website