
     1  package output
     3  import (
     4  	"context"
     5  	"errors"
     6  	"fmt"
     7  	"sync"
     8  	"time"
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	imessage ""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  )
    28  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    30  var (
    31  	// ErrSwitchNoConditionMet is returned when a message does not match any
    32  	// output conditions.
    33  	ErrSwitchNoConditionMet = errors.New("no switch output conditions were met by message")
    34  	// ErrSwitchNoCasesMatched is returned when a message does not match any
    35  	// output cases.
    36  	ErrSwitchNoCasesMatched = errors.New("no switch cases were matched by message")
    37  	// ErrSwitchNoOutputs is returned when creating a Switch type with less than
    38  	// 2 outputs.
    39  	ErrSwitchNoOutputs = errors.New("attempting to create switch with fewer than 2 cases")
    40  )
    42  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44  func init() {
    45  	Constructors[TypeSwitch] = TypeSpec{
    46  		constructor: fromSimpleConstructor(NewSwitch),
    47  		Summary: `
    48  The switch output type allows you to route messages to different outputs based on their contents.`,
    49  		Description: `
    50  Messages must successfully route to one or more outputs, otherwise this is considered an error and the message is reprocessed. In order to explicitly drop messages that do not match your cases add one final case with a [drop output](/docs/components/outputs/drop).`,
    51  		config: docs.FieldComponent().WithChildren(
    52  			docs.FieldCommon(
    53  				"retry_until_success", `
    54  If a selected output fails to send a message this field determines whether it is
    55  reattempted indefinitely. If set to false the error is instead propagated back
    56  to the input level.
    58  If a message can be routed to >1 outputs it is usually best to set this to true
    59  in order to avoid duplicate messages being routed to an output.`,
    60  			),
    61  			docs.FieldAdvanced(
    62  				"strict_mode", `
    63  This field determines whether an error should be reported if no condition is met.
    64  If set to true, an error is propagated back to the input level. The default
    65  behavior is false, which will drop the message.`,
    66  			),
    67  			docs.FieldAdvanced(
    68  				"max_in_flight", "The maximum number of parallel message batches to have in flight at any given time. Note that if a child output has a higher `max_in_flight` then the switch output will automatically match it, therefore this value is the minimum `max_in_flight` to set in cases where the child values can't be inferred (such as when using resource outputs as children).",
    69  			),
    70  			docs.FieldCommon(
    71  				"cases",
    72  				"A list of switch cases, outlining outputs that can be routed to.",
    73  				[]interface{}{
    74  					map[string]interface{}{
    75  						"check": `this.urls.contains("")`,
    76  						"output": map[string]interface{}{
    77  							"cache": map[string]interface{}{
    78  								"target": "foo",
    79  								"key":    "${!json(\"id\")}",
    80  							},
    81  						},
    82  						"continue": true,
    83  					},
    84  					map[string]interface{}{
    85  						"output": map[string]interface{}{
    86  							"s3": map[string]interface{}{
    87  								"bucket": "bar",
    88  								"path":   "${!json(\"id\")}",
    89  							},
    90  						},
    91  					},
    92  				},
    93  			).Array().WithChildren(
    94  				docs.FieldBloblang(
    95  					"check",
    96  					"A [Bloblang query](/docs/guides/bloblang/about/) that should return a boolean value indicating whether a message should be routed to the case output. If left empty the case always passes.",
    97  					`this.type == "foo"`,
    98  					`this.contents.urls.contains("")`,
    99  				).HasDefault(""),
   100  				docs.FieldCommon(
   101  					"output", "An [output](/docs/components/outputs/about/) for messages that pass the check to be routed to.",
   102  				).HasDefault(map[string]interface{}{}).HasType(docs.FieldTypeOutput),
   103  				docs.FieldAdvanced(
   104  					"continue",
   105  					"Indicates whether, if this case passes for a message, the next case should also be tested.",
   106  				).HasDefault(false).HasType(docs.FieldTypeBool),
   107  			),
   108  			docs.FieldDeprecated("outputs").Array().WithChildren(
   109  				docs.FieldDeprecated("condition").HasType(docs.FieldTypeCondition),
   110  				docs.FieldDeprecated("fallthrough"),
   111  				docs.FieldDeprecated("output").HasType(docs.FieldTypeOutput),
   112  			).OmitWhen(func(v, _ interface{}) (string, bool) {
   113  				arr, ok := v.([]interface{})
   114  				return "field outputs is deprecated in favour of cases", ok && len(arr) == 0
   115  			}),
   116  		).Linter(func(ctx docs.LintContext, line, col int, value interface{}) []docs.Lint {
   117  			if _, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}); !ok {
   118  				return nil
   119  			}
   120  			gObj := gabs.Wrap(value)
   121  			retry, exists := gObj.S("retry_until_success").Data().(bool)
   122  			// TODO: V4 Is retry_until_success going to be false by default now?
   123  			if exists && !retry {
   124  				return nil
   125  			}
   126  			for _, cObj := range gObj.S("cases").Children() {
   127  				typeStr, _ := cObj.S("output", "type").Data().(string)
   128  				isReject := cObj.Exists("output", "reject")
   129  				if typeStr == "reject" || isReject {
   130  					return []docs.Lint{
   131  						docs.NewLintError(line, "a `switch` output with a `reject` case output must have the field `switch.retry_until_success` set to `false` (defaults to `true`), otherwise the `reject` child output will result in infinite retries"),
   132  					}
   133  				}
   134  			}
   135  			return nil
   136  		}),
   137  		Categories: []Category{
   138  			CategoryUtility,
   139  		},
   140  		Examples: []docs.AnnotatedExample{
   141  			{
   142  				Title: "Basic Multiplexing",
   143  				Summary: `
   144  The most common use for a switch output is to multiplex messages across a range of output destinations. The following config checks the contents of the field ` + "`type` of messages and sends `foo` type messages to an `amqp_1` output, `bar` type messages to a `gcp_pubsub` output, and everything else to a `redis_streams` output" + `.
   146  Outputs can have their own processors associated with them, and in this example the ` + "`redis_streams`" + ` output has a processor that enforces the presence of a type field before sending it.`,
   147  				Config: `
   148  output:
   149    switch:
   150      cases:
   151        - check: this.type == "foo"
   152          output:
   153            amqp_1:
   154              url: amqps://guest:guest@localhost:5672/
   155              target_address: queue:/the_foos
   157        - check: this.type == "bar"
   158          output:
   159            gcp_pubsub:
   160              project: dealing_with_mike
   161              topic: mikes_bars
   163        - output:
   164            redis_streams:
   165              url: tcp://localhost:6379
   166              stream: everything_else
   167            processors:
   168              - bloblang: |
   169                  root = this
   170                  root.type = this.type | "unknown"
   171  `,
   172  			},
   173  			{
   174  				Title: "Control Flow",
   175  				Summary: `
   176  The ` + "`continue`" + ` field allows messages that have passed a case to be tested against the next one also. This can be useful when combining non-mutually-exclusive case checks.
   178  In the following example a message that passes both the check of the first case as well as the second will be routed to both.`,
   179  				Config: `
   180  output:
   181    switch:
   182      cases:
   183        - check: 'this.user.interests.contains("walks").catch(false)'
   184          output:
   185            amqp_1:
   186              url: amqps://guest:guest@localhost:5672/
   187              target_address: queue:/people_what_think_good
   188          continue: true
   190        - check: 'this.user.dislikes.contains("videogames").catch(false)'
   191          output:
   192            gcp_pubsub:
   193              project: people
   194              topic: that_i_dont_want_to_hang_with
   195  `,
   196  			},
   197  		},
   198  	}
   199  }
   201  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203  // SwitchConfig contains configuration fields for the Switch output type.
   204  type SwitchConfig struct {
   205  	RetryUntilSuccess bool                 `json:"retry_until_success" yaml:"retry_until_success"`
   206  	StrictMode        bool                 `json:"strict_mode" yaml:"strict_mode"`
   207  	MaxInFlight       int                  `json:"max_in_flight" yaml:"max_in_flight"`
   208  	Cases             []SwitchConfigCase   `json:"cases" yaml:"cases"`
   209  	Outputs           []SwitchConfigOutput `json:"outputs" yaml:"outputs"`
   210  }
   212  // NewSwitchConfig creates a new SwitchConfig with default values.
   213  func NewSwitchConfig() SwitchConfig {
   214  	return SwitchConfig{
   215  		RetryUntilSuccess: true,
   216  		// TODO: V4 consider making this true by default.
   217  		StrictMode:  false,
   218  		MaxInFlight: 1,
   219  		Cases:       []SwitchConfigCase{},
   220  		Outputs:     []SwitchConfigOutput{},
   221  	}
   222  }
   224  // SwitchConfigCase contains configuration fields per output of a switch type.
   225  type SwitchConfigCase struct {
   226  	Check    string `json:"check" yaml:"check"`
   227  	Continue bool   `json:"continue" yaml:"continue"`
   228  	Output   Config `json:"output" yaml:"output"`
   229  }
   231  // NewSwitchConfigCase creates a new switch output config with default values.
   232  func NewSwitchConfigCase() SwitchConfigCase {
   233  	return SwitchConfigCase{
   234  		Check:    "",
   235  		Continue: false,
   236  		Output:   NewConfig(),
   237  	}
   238  }
   240  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242  // Switch is a broker that implements types.Consumer and broadcasts each message
   243  // out to an array of outputs.
   244  type Switch struct {
   245  	logger     log.Modular
   246  	stats      metrics.Type
   247  	mMsgRcvd   metrics.StatCounter
   248  	mMsgSnt    metrics.StatCounter
   249  	mOutputErr metrics.StatCounter
   251  	maxInFlight  int
   252  	transactions <-chan types.Transaction
   254  	retryUntilSuccess bool
   255  	strictMode        bool
   256  	outputTSChans     []chan types.Transaction
   257  	outputs           []types.Output
   258  	checks            []*mapping.Executor
   259  	conditions        []types.Condition
   260  	continues         []bool
   261  	fallthroughs      []bool
   263  	ctx        context.Context
   264  	close      func()
   265  	closedChan chan struct{}
   266  }
   268  // NewSwitch creates a new Switch type by providing outputs. Messages will be
   269  // sent to a subset of outputs according to condition and fallthrough settings.
   270  func NewSwitch(
   271  	conf Config,
   272  	mgr types.Manager,
   273  	logger log.Modular,
   274  	stats metrics.Type,
   275  ) (Type, error) {
   276  	ctx, done := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   277  	o := &Switch{
   278  		stats:             stats,
   279  		logger:            logger,
   280  		maxInFlight:       conf.Switch.MaxInFlight,
   281  		transactions:      nil,
   282  		retryUntilSuccess: conf.Switch.RetryUntilSuccess,
   283  		strictMode:        conf.Switch.StrictMode,
   284  		closedChan:        make(chan struct{}),
   285  		ctx:               ctx,
   286  		close:             done,
   287  		mMsgRcvd:          stats.GetCounter("switch.messages.received"),
   288  		mMsgSnt:           stats.GetCounter("switch.messages.sent"),
   289  		mOutputErr:        stats.GetCounter("switch.output.error"),
   290  	}
   292  	lCases := len(conf.Switch.Cases)
   293  	lOutputs := len(conf.Switch.Outputs)
   294  	if lCases < 2 && lOutputs < 2 {
   295  		return nil, ErrSwitchNoOutputs
   296  	}
   297  	if lCases > 0 {
   298  		if lOutputs > 0 {
   299  			return nil, errors.New("combining switch cases with deprecated outputs is not supported")
   300  		}
   301  		o.outputs = make([]types.Output, lCases)
   302  		o.checks = make([]*mapping.Executor, lCases)
   303  		o.continues = make([]bool, lCases)
   304  		o.fallthroughs = make([]bool, lCases)
   305  	} else {
   306  		o.outputs = make([]types.Output, lOutputs)
   307  		o.conditions = make([]types.Condition, lOutputs)
   308  		o.fallthroughs = make([]bool, lOutputs)
   309  	}
   311  	var err error
   312  	for i, oConf := range conf.Switch.Outputs {
   313  		ns := fmt.Sprintf("switch.%v", i)
   314  		oMgr, oLog, oStats := interop.LabelChild(ns+".output", mgr, logger, stats)
   315  		oStats = metrics.Combine(stats, oStats)
   316  		if o.outputs[i], err = New(oConf.Output, oMgr, oLog, oStats); err != nil {
   317  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create output '%v' type '%v': %v", i, oConf.Output.Type, err)
   318  		}
   319  		cMgr, cLog, cStats := interop.LabelChild(ns+".condition", mgr, logger, stats)
   320  		if o.conditions[i], err = condition.New(oConf.Condition, cMgr, cLog, cStats); err != nil {
   321  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create output '%v' condition '%v': %v", i, oConf.Condition.Type, err)
   322  		}
   323  		o.fallthroughs[i] = oConf.Fallthrough
   324  	}
   326  	for i, cConf := range conf.Switch.Cases {
   327  		oMgr, oLog, oStats := interop.LabelChild(fmt.Sprintf("switch.%v.output", i), mgr, logger, stats)
   328  		oStats = metrics.Combine(stats, oStats)
   329  		if o.outputs[i], err = New(cConf.Output, oMgr, oLog, oStats); err != nil {
   330  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create case '%v' output type '%v': %v", i, cConf.Output.Type, err)
   331  		}
   332  		if len(cConf.Check) > 0 {
   333  			if o.checks[i], err = interop.NewBloblangMapping(mgr, cConf.Check); err != nil {
   334  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse case '%v' check mapping: %v", i, err)
   335  			}
   336  		}
   337  		o.continues[i] = cConf.Continue
   338  	}
   340  	o.outputTSChans = make([]chan types.Transaction, len(o.outputs))
   341  	for i := range o.outputTSChans {
   342  		if mif, ok := output.GetMaxInFlight(o.outputs[i]); ok && mif > o.maxInFlight {
   343  			o.maxInFlight = mif
   344  		}
   345  		o.outputTSChans[i] = make(chan types.Transaction)
   346  		if err := o.outputs[i].Consume(o.outputTSChans[i]); err != nil {
   347  			return nil, err
   348  		}
   349  	}
   350  	return o, nil
   351  }
   353  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   355  // Consume assigns a new transactions channel for the broker to read.
   356  func (o *Switch) Consume(transactions <-chan types.Transaction) error {
   357  	if o.transactions != nil {
   358  		return types.ErrAlreadyStarted
   359  	}
   360  	o.transactions = transactions
   362  	if len(o.conditions) > 0 {
   363  		o.logger.Warnf("Using deprecated field `outputs` which will be removed in the next major release of Benthos. For more information check out the docs at")
   364  		go o.loopDeprecated()
   365  	} else {
   366  		go o.loop()
   367  	}
   368  	return nil
   369  }
   371  // MaxInFlight returns the maximum number of in flight messages permitted by the
   372  // output. This value can be used to determine a sensible value for parent
   373  // outputs, but should not be relied upon as part of dispatcher logic.
   374  func (o *Switch) MaxInFlight() (int, bool) {
   375  	return o.maxInFlight, true
   376  }
   378  // Connected returns a boolean indicating whether this output is currently
   379  // connected to its target.
   380  func (o *Switch) Connected() bool {
   381  	for _, out := range o.outputs {
   382  		if !out.Connected() {
   383  			return false
   384  		}
   385  	}
   386  	return true
   387  }
   389  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   391  func (o *Switch) dispatchRetryOnErr(outputTargets [][]types.Part) error {
   392  	var owg errgroup.Group
   393  	for target, parts := range outputTargets {
   394  		if len(parts) == 0 {
   395  			continue
   396  		}
   397  		msgCopy, i := message.New(nil), target
   398  		msgCopy.SetAll(parts)
   399  		owg.Go(func() error {
   400  			throt := throttle.New(throttle.OptCloseChan(o.ctx.Done()))
   401  			resChan := make(chan types.Response)
   403  			// Try until success or shutdown.
   404  			for {
   405  				select {
   406  				case o.outputTSChans[i] <- types.NewTransaction(msgCopy, resChan):
   407  				case <-o.ctx.Done():
   408  					return types.ErrTypeClosed
   409  				}
   410  				select {
   411  				case res := <-resChan:
   412  					if res.Error() != nil {
   413  						o.logger.Errorf("Failed to dispatch switch message: %v\n", res.Error())
   414  						o.mOutputErr.Incr(1)
   415  						if !throt.Retry() {
   416  							return types.ErrTypeClosed
   417  						}
   418  					} else {
   419  						o.mMsgSnt.Incr(1)
   420  						return nil
   421  					}
   422  				case <-o.ctx.Done():
   423  					return types.ErrTypeClosed
   424  				}
   425  			}
   426  		})
   427  	}
   428  	return owg.Wait()
   429  }
   431  func (o *Switch) dispatchNoRetries(group *imessage.SortGroup, sourceMessage types.Message, outputTargets [][]types.Part) error {
   432  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   434  	var setErr func(error)
   435  	var setErrForPart func(types.Part, error)
   436  	var getErr func() error
   437  	{
   438  		var generalErr error
   439  		var batchErr *batch.Error
   440  		var errLock sync.Mutex
   442  		setErr = func(err error) {
   443  			if err == nil {
   444  				return
   445  			}
   446  			errLock.Lock()
   447  			generalErr = err
   448  			errLock.Unlock()
   449  		}
   450  		setErrForPart = func(part types.Part, err error) {
   451  			if err == nil {
   452  				return
   453  			}
   454  			errLock.Lock()
   455  			defer errLock.Unlock()
   457  			index := group.GetIndex(part)
   458  			if index == -1 {
   459  				generalErr = err
   460  				return
   461  			}
   463  			if batchErr == nil {
   464  				batchErr = batch.NewError(sourceMessage, err)
   465  			}
   466  			batchErr.Failed(index, err)
   467  		}
   468  		getErr = func() error {
   469  			if batchErr != nil {
   470  				return batchErr
   471  			}
   472  			return generalErr
   473  		}
   474  	}
   476  	for target, parts := range outputTargets {
   477  		if len(parts) == 0 {
   478  			continue
   479  		}
   480  		wg.Add(1)
   481  		msgCopy, i := message.New(nil), target
   482  		msgCopy.SetAll(parts)
   484  		go func() {
   485  			defer wg.Done()
   487  			resChan := make(chan types.Response)
   488  			select {
   489  			case o.outputTSChans[i] <- types.NewTransaction(msgCopy, resChan):
   490  			case <-o.ctx.Done():
   491  				setErr(types.ErrTypeClosed)
   492  				return
   493  			}
   494  			select {
   495  			case res := <-resChan:
   496  				if res.Error() != nil {
   497  					o.mOutputErr.Incr(1)
   498  					if bErr, ok := res.Error().(*batch.Error); ok {
   499  						bErr.WalkParts(func(i int, p types.Part, e error) bool {
   500  							if e != nil {
   501  								setErrForPart(p, e)
   502  							}
   503  							return true
   504  						})
   505  					} else {
   506  						msgCopy.Iter(func(i int, p types.Part) error {
   507  							setErrForPart(p, res.Error())
   508  							return nil
   509  						})
   510  					}
   511  				} else {
   512  					o.mMsgSnt.Incr(1)
   513  				}
   514  			case <-o.ctx.Done():
   515  				setErr(types.ErrTypeClosed)
   516  			}
   517  		}()
   518  	}
   520  	wg.Wait()
   521  	return getErr()
   522  }
   524  // loop is an internal loop that brokers incoming messages to many outputs.
   525  func (o *Switch) loop() {
   526  	var wg sync.WaitGroup
   528  	defer func() {
   529  		wg.Wait()
   530  		for i, output := range o.outputs {
   531  			output.CloseAsync()
   532  			close(o.outputTSChans[i])
   533  		}
   534  		for _, output := range o.outputs {
   535  			_ = output.WaitForClose(shutdown.MaximumShutdownWait())
   536  		}
   537  		close(o.closedChan)
   538  	}()
   540  	sendLoop := func() {
   541  		defer wg.Done()
   542  		for {
   543  			var ts types.Transaction
   544  			var open bool
   546  			select {
   547  			case ts, open = <-o.transactions:
   548  				if !open {
   549  					return
   550  				}
   551  			case <-o.ctx.Done():
   552  				return
   553  			}
   554  			o.mMsgRcvd.Incr(1)
   556  			group, trackedMsg := imessage.NewSortGroup(ts.Payload)
   558  			outputTargets := make([][]types.Part, len(o.checks))
   559  			if checksErr := trackedMsg.Iter(func(i int, p types.Part) error {
   560  				routedAtLeastOnce := false
   561  				for j, exe := range o.checks {
   562  					test := true
   563  					if exe != nil {
   564  						var err error
   565  						if test, err = exe.QueryPart(i, trackedMsg); err != nil {
   566  							test = false
   567  							o.logger.Errorf("Failed to test case %v: %v\n", j, err)
   568  						}
   569  					}
   570  					if test {
   571  						routedAtLeastOnce = true
   572  						outputTargets[j] = append(outputTargets[j], p.Copy())
   573  						if !o.continues[j] {
   574  							return nil
   575  						}
   576  					}
   577  				}
   578  				if !routedAtLeastOnce && o.strictMode {
   579  					return ErrSwitchNoConditionMet
   580  				}
   581  				return nil
   582  			}); checksErr != nil {
   583  				select {
   584  				case ts.ResponseChan <- response.NewError(checksErr):
   585  				case <-o.ctx.Done():
   586  					return
   587  				}
   588  				continue
   589  			}
   591  			var resErr error
   592  			if o.retryUntilSuccess {
   593  				resErr = o.dispatchRetryOnErr(outputTargets)
   594  			} else {
   595  				resErr = o.dispatchNoRetries(group, trackedMsg, outputTargets)
   596  			}
   598  			var oResponse types.Response = response.NewAck()
   599  			if resErr != nil {
   600  				oResponse = response.NewError(resErr)
   601  			}
   602  			select {
   603  			case ts.ResponseChan <- oResponse:
   604  			case <-o.ctx.Done():
   605  				return
   606  			}
   607  		}
   608  	}
   610  	// Max in flight
   611  	for i := 0; i < o.maxInFlight; i++ {
   612  		wg.Add(1)
   613  		go sendLoop()
   614  	}
   615  }
   617  // CloseAsync shuts down the Switch broker and stops processing requests.
   618  func (o *Switch) CloseAsync() {
   619  	o.close()
   620  }
   622  // WaitForClose blocks until the Switch broker has closed down.
   623  func (o *Switch) WaitForClose(timeout time.Duration) error {
   624  	select {
   625  	case <-o.closedChan:
   626  	case <-time.After(timeout):
   627  		return types.ErrTimeout
   628  	}
   629  	return nil
   630  }
   632  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------