
     1  package processor
     3  import (
     4  	"fmt"
     5  	"sort"
     6  	"sync"
     7  	"time"
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  )
    17  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    19  func init() {
    20  	Constructors[TypeWorkflow] = TypeSpec{
    21  		constructor: NewWorkflow,
    22  		Categories: []Category{
    23  			CategoryComposition,
    24  		},
    25  		Status: docs.StatusStable,
    26  		Summary: `
    27  Executes a topology of ` + "[`branch` processors][processors.branch]" + `,
    28  performing them in parallel where possible.`,
    29  		Description: `
    30  ## Why Use a Workflow
    32  ### Performance
    34  Most of the time the best way to compose processors is also the simplest, just configure them in series. This is because processors are often CPU bound, low-latency, and you can gain vertical scaling by increasing the number of processor pipeline threads, allowing Benthos to process [multiple messages in parallel][configuration.pipelines].
    36  However, some processors such as ` + "[`http`][processors.http], [`lambda`][processors.lambda] or [`cache`][processors.cache]" + ` interact with external services and therefore spend most of their time waiting for a response. These processors tend to be high-latency and low CPU activity, which causes messages to process slowly.
    38  When a processing pipeline contains multiple network processors that aren't dependent on each other we can benefit from performing these processors in parallel for each individual message, reducing the overall message processing latency.
    40  ### Simplifying Processor Topology
    42  A workflow is often expressed as a [DAG][dag_wiki] of processing stages, where each stage can result in N possible next stages, until finally the flow ends at an exit node.
    44  For example, if we had processing stages A, B, C and D, where stage A could result in either stage B or C being next, always followed by D, it might look something like this:
    46  ` + "```text" + `
    47       /--> B --\
    48  A --|          |--> D
    49       \--> C --/
    50  ` + "```" + `
    52  This flow would be easy to express in a standard Benthos config, we could simply use a ` + "[`switch` processor][processors.switch]" + ` to route to either B or C depending on a condition on the result of A. However, this method of flow control quickly becomes unfeasible as the DAG gets more complicated, imagine expressing this flow using switch processors:
    54  ` + "```text" + `
    55        /--> B -------------|--> D
    56       /                   /
    57  A --|          /--> E --|
    58       \--> C --|          \
    59                 \----------|--> F
    60  ` + "```" + `
    62  And imagine doing so knowing that the diagram is subject to change over time. Yikes! Instead, with a workflow we can either trust it to automatically resolve the DAG or express it manually as simply as ` + "`order: [ [ A ], [ B, C ], [ E ], [ D, F ] ]`" + `, and the conditional logic for determining if a stage is executed is defined as part of the branch itself.`,
    63  		Footnotes: `
    64  ## Structured Metadata
    66  When the field ` + "`meta_path`" + ` is non-empty the workflow processor creates an object describing which workflows were successful, skipped or failed for each message and stores the object within the message at the end.
    68  The object is of the following form:
    70  ` + "```json" + `
    71  {
    72  	"succeeded": [ "foo" ],
    73  	"skipped": [ "bar" ],
    74  	"failed": {
    75  		"baz": "the error message from the branch"
    76  	}
    77  }
    78  ` + "```" + `
    80  If a message already has a meta object at the given path when it is processed then the object is used in order to determine which branches have already been performed on the message (or skipped) and can therefore be skipped on this run.
    82  This is a useful pattern when replaying messages that have failed some branches previously. For example, given the above example object the branches foo and bar would automatically be skipped, and baz would be reattempted.
    84  The previous meta object will also be preserved in the field ` + "`<meta_path>.previous`" + ` when the new meta object is written, preserving a full record of all workflow executions.
    86  If a field ` + "`<meta_path>.apply`" + ` exists in the meta object for a message and is an array then it will be used as an explicit list of stages to apply, all other stages will be skipped.
    88  ## Resources
    90  It's common to configure processors (and other components) [as resources][configuration.resources] in order to keep the pipeline configuration cleaner. With the workflow processor you can include branch processors configured as resources within your workflow either by specifying them by name in the field ` + "`order`" + `, if Benthos doesn't find a branch within the workflow configuration of that name it'll refer to the resources.
    92  Alternatively, if you do not wish to have an explicit ordering, you can add resource names to the field ` + "`branch_resources`" + ` and they will be included in the workflow with automatic DAG resolution along with any branches configured in the ` + "`branches`" + ` field.
    94  ### Resource Error Conditions
    96  There are two error conditions that could potentially occur when resources included in your workflow are mutated, and if you are planning to mutate resources in your workflow it is important that you understand them.
    98  The first error case is that a resource in the workflow is removed and not replaced, when this happens the workflow will still be executed but the individual branch will fail. This should only happen if you explicitly delete a branch resource, as any mutation operation will create the new resource before removing the old one.
   100  The second error case is when automatic DAG resolution is being used and a resource in the workflow is changed in a way that breaks the DAG (circular dependencies, etc). When this happens it is impossible to execute the workflow and therefore the processor will fail, which is possible to capture and handle using [standard error handling patterns][configuration.error-handling].
   102  ## Error Handling
   104  The recommended approach to handle failures within a workflow is to query against the [structured metadata](#structured-metadata) it provides, as it provides granular information about exactly which branches failed and which ones succeeded and therefore aren't necessary to perform again.
   106  For example, if our meta object is stored at the path ` + "`meta.workflow`" + ` and we wanted to check whether a message has failed for any branch we can do that using a [Bloblang query][guides.bloblang] like ` + "`this.meta.workflow.failed.length() | 0 > 0`" + `, or to check whether a specific branch failed we can use ` + "`this.exists(\"\")`" + `.
   108  However, if structured metadata is disabled by setting the field ` + "`meta_path`" + ` to empty then the workflow processor instead adds a general error flag to messages when any executed branch fails. In this case it's possible to handle failures using [standard error handling patterns][configuration.error-handling].
   110  [dag_wiki]:
   111  [processors.switch]: /docs/components/processors/switch
   112  [processors.http]: /docs/components/processors/http
   113  [processors.lambda]: /docs/components/processors/lambda
   114  [processors.cache]: /docs/components/processors/cache
   115  [processors.branch]: /docs/components/processors/branch
   116  [guides.bloblang]: /docs/guides/bloblang/about
   117  [configuration.pipelines]: /docs/configuration/processing_pipelines
   118  [configuration.error-handling]: /docs/configuration/error_handling
   119  [configuration.resources]: /docs/configuration/resources
   120  `,
   121  		Examples: []docs.AnnotatedExample{
   122  			{
   123  				Title: "Automatic Ordering",
   124  				Summary: `
   125  When the field ` + "`order`" + ` is omitted a best attempt is made to determine a dependency tree between branches based on their request and result mappings. In the following example the branches foo and bar will be executed first in parallel, and afterwards the branch baz will be executed.`,
   126  				Config: `
   127  pipeline:
   128    processors:
   129      - workflow:
   130          meta_path: meta.workflow
   131          branches:
   132            foo:
   133              request_map: 'root = ""'
   134              processors:
   135                - http:
   136                    url: TODO
   137              result_map: ' = this'
   139            bar:
   140              request_map: 'root = this.body'
   141              processors:
   142                - aws_lambda:
   143                    function: TODO
   144              result_map: ' = this'
   146            baz:
   147              request_map: |
   148                root.fooid =
   149                root.barstuff =
   150              processors:
   151                - cache:
   152                    resource: TODO
   153                    operator: set
   154                    key: ${! json("fooid") }
   155                    value: ${! json("barstuff") }
   156  `,
   157  			},
   158  			{
   159  				Title: "Conditional Branches",
   160  				Summary: `
   161  Branches of a workflow are skipped when the ` + "`request_map`" + ` assigns ` + "`deleted()`" + ` to the root. In this example the branch A is executed when the document type is "foo", and branch B otherwise. Branch C is executed afterwards and is skipped unless either A or B successfully provided a result at ` + "`tmp.result`" + `.`,
   162  				Config: `
   163  pipeline:
   164    processors:
   165      - workflow:
   166          branches:
   167            A:
   168              request_map: |
   169                root = if this.document.type != "foo" {
   170                    deleted()
   171                }
   172              processors:
   173                - http:
   174                    url: TODO
   175              result_map: 'root.tmp.result = this'
   177            B:
   178              request_map: |
   179                root = if this.document.type == "foo" {
   180                    deleted()
   181                }
   182              processors:
   183                - aws_lambda:
   184                    function: TODO
   185              result_map: 'root.tmp.result = this'
   187            C:
   188              request_map: |
   189                root = if this.tmp.result != null {
   190                    deleted()
   191                }
   192              processors:
   193                - http:
   194                    url: TODO_SOMEWHERE_ELSE
   195              result_map: 'root.tmp.result = this'
   196  `,
   197  			},
   198  			{
   199  				Title: "Resources",
   200  				Summary: `
   201  The ` + "`order`" + ` field can be used in order to refer to [branch processor resources](#resources), this can sometimes make your pipeline configuration cleaner, as well as allowing you to reuse branch configurations in order places. It's also possible to mix and match branches configured within the workflow and configured as resources.`,
   202  				Config: `
   203  pipeline:
   204    processors:
   205      - workflow:
   206          order: [ [ foo, bar ], [ baz ] ]
   207          branches:
   208            bar:
   209              request_map: 'root = this.body'
   210              processors:
   211                - aws_lambda:
   212                    function: TODO
   213              result_map: ' = this'
   215  processor_resources:
   216    - label: foo
   217      branch:
   218        request_map: 'root = ""'
   219        processors:
   220          - http:
   221              url: TODO
   222        result_map: ' = this'
   224    - label: baz
   225      branch:
   226        request_map: |
   227          root.fooid =
   228          root.barstuff =
   229        processors:
   230          - cache:
   231              resource: TODO
   232              operator: set
   233              key: ${! json("fooid") }
   234              value: ${! json("barstuff") }
   235  `,
   236  			},
   237  		},
   238  		FieldSpecs: docs.FieldSpecs{
   239  			docs.FieldString("meta_path", "A [dot path](/docs/configuration/field_paths) indicating where to store and reference [structured metadata](#structured-metadata) about the workflow execution."),
   240  			docs.FieldDeprecated("stages").Map(),
   241  			docs.FieldString(
   242  				"order",
   243  				"An explicit declaration of branch ordered tiers, which describes the order in which parallel tiers of branches should be executed. Branches should be identified by the name as they are configured in the field `branches`. It's also possible to specify branch processors configured [as a resource](#resources).",
   244  				[][]string{{"foo", "bar"}, {"baz"}},
   245  				[][]string{{"foo"}, {"bar"}, {"baz"}},
   246  			).ArrayOfArrays(),
   247  			docs.FieldString(
   248  				"branch_resources",
   249  				"An optional list of [`branch` processor](/docs/components/processors/branch) names that are configured as [resources](#resources). These resources will be included in the workflow with any branches configured inline within the [`branches`](#branches) field. The order and parallelism in which branches are executed is automatically resolved based on the mappings of each branch. When using resources with an explicit order it is not necessary to list resources in this field.",
   250  			).AtVersion("3.38.0").Advanced().Array(),
   251  			docs.FieldCommon(
   252  				"branches",
   253  				"An object of named [`branch` processors](/docs/components/processors/branch) that make up the workflow. The order and parallelism in which branches are executed can either be made explicit with the field `order`, or if omitted an attempt is made to automatically resolve an ordering based on the mappings of each branch.",
   254  			).Map().WithChildren(branchFields...),
   255  		},
   256  	}
   257  }
   259  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261  // WorkflowConfig is a config struct containing fields for the Workflow
   262  // processor.
   263  type WorkflowConfig struct {
   264  	MetaPath        string                         `json:"meta_path" yaml:"meta_path"`
   265  	Order           [][]string                     `json:"order" yaml:"order"`
   266  	BranchResources []string                       `json:"branch_resources" yaml:"branch_resources"`
   267  	Branches        map[string]BranchConfig        `json:"branches" yaml:"branches"`
   268  	Stages          map[string]DepProcessMapConfig `json:"stages" yaml:"stages"`
   269  }
   271  // NewWorkflowConfig returns a default WorkflowConfig.
   272  func NewWorkflowConfig() WorkflowConfig {
   273  	return WorkflowConfig{
   274  		MetaPath:        "meta.workflow",
   275  		Order:           [][]string{},
   276  		BranchResources: []string{},
   277  		Branches:        map[string]BranchConfig{},
   278  		Stages:          map[string]DepProcessMapConfig{},
   279  	}
   280  }
   282  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   284  // Workflow is a processor that applies a list of child processors to a new
   285  // payload mapped from the original, and after processing attempts to overlay
   286  // the results back onto the original payloads according to more mappings.
   287  type Workflow struct {
   288  	log   log.Modular
   289  	stats metrics.Type
   291  	children  *workflowBranchMap
   292  	allStages map[string]struct{}
   293  	metaPath  []string
   295  	mCount           metrics.StatCounter
   296  	mSent            metrics.StatCounter
   297  	mSentParts       metrics.StatCounter
   298  	mSkippedNoStages metrics.StatCounter
   299  	mErr             metrics.StatCounter
   300  	mErrJSON         metrics.StatCounter
   301  	mErrMeta         metrics.StatCounter
   302  	mErrOverlay      metrics.StatCounter
   303  	mErrStages       map[string]metrics.StatCounter
   304  	mSuccStages      map[string]metrics.StatCounter
   305  	metricsMut       sync.RWMutex
   306  }
   308  // NewWorkflow returns a new workflow processor.
   309  func NewWorkflow(
   310  	conf Config, mgr types.Manager, log log.Modular, stats metrics.Type,
   311  ) (Type, error) {
   312  	if len(conf.Workflow.Stages) > 0 {
   313  		if len(conf.Workflow.Branches) > 0 {
   314  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot combine both workflow branches and stages in the same processor")
   315  		}
   316  		if len(conf.Workflow.Order) > 0 {
   317  			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot combine both manual ordering and stages in the same processor")
   318  		}
   319  		return newWorkflowDeprecated(conf, mgr, log, stats)
   320  	}
   322  	w := &Workflow{
   323  		log:         log,
   324  		stats:       stats,
   325  		mErrStages:  map[string]metrics.StatCounter{},
   326  		mSuccStages: map[string]metrics.StatCounter{},
   327  		metaPath:    nil,
   328  		allStages:   map[string]struct{}{},
   329  	}
   330  	if len(conf.Workflow.MetaPath) > 0 {
   331  		w.metaPath = gabs.DotPathToSlice(conf.Workflow.MetaPath)
   332  	}
   334  	var err error
   335  	if w.children, err = newWorkflowBranchMap(conf.Workflow, mgr, log, stats); err != nil {
   336  		return nil, err
   337  	}
   338  	for k := range w.children.dynamicBranches {
   339  		w.allStages[k] = struct{}{}
   340  	}
   342  	w.mCount = stats.GetCounter("count")
   343  	w.mSent = stats.GetCounter("sent")
   344  	w.mSentParts = stats.GetCounter("parts.sent")
   345  	w.mSkippedNoStages = stats.GetCounter("skipped.no_stages")
   346  	w.mErr = stats.GetCounter("error")
   347  	w.mErrJSON = stats.GetCounter("error.json_parse")
   348  	w.mErrMeta = stats.GetCounter("error.meta_set")
   349  	w.mErrOverlay = stats.GetCounter("error.overlay")
   351  	return w, nil
   352  }
   354  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   356  func (w *Workflow) incrStageErr(id string) {
   357  	w.metricsMut.RLock()
   358  	ctr, exists := w.mErrStages[id]
   359  	w.metricsMut.RUnlock()
   360  	if exists {
   361  		ctr.Incr(1)
   362  		return
   363  	}
   365  	w.metricsMut.Lock()
   366  	defer w.metricsMut.Unlock()
   368  	ctr = w.stats.GetCounter(fmt.Sprintf("%v.error", id))
   369  	ctr.Incr(1)
   370  	w.mErrStages[id] = ctr
   371  }
   373  func (w *Workflow) incrStageSucc(id string) {
   374  	w.metricsMut.RLock()
   375  	ctr, exists := w.mSuccStages[id]
   376  	w.metricsMut.RUnlock()
   377  	if exists {
   378  		ctr.Incr(1)
   379  		return
   380  	}
   382  	w.metricsMut.Lock()
   383  	defer w.metricsMut.Unlock()
   385  	ctr = w.stats.GetCounter(fmt.Sprintf("%v.success", id))
   386  	ctr.Incr(1)
   387  	w.mSuccStages[id] = ctr
   388  }
   390  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   392  type resultTracker struct {
   393  	succeeded map[string]struct{}
   394  	skipped   map[string]struct{}
   395  	failed    map[string]string
   396  	sync.Mutex
   397  }
   399  func trackerFromTree(tree [][]string) *resultTracker {
   400  	r := &resultTracker{
   401  		succeeded: map[string]struct{}{},
   402  		skipped:   map[string]struct{}{},
   403  		failed:    map[string]string{},
   404  	}
   405  	for _, layer := range tree {
   406  		for _, k := range layer {
   407  			r.succeeded[k] = struct{}{}
   408  		}
   409  	}
   410  	return r
   411  }
   413  func (r *resultTracker) Skipped(k string) {
   414  	r.Lock()
   415  	delete(r.succeeded, k)
   417  	r.skipped[k] = struct{}{}
   418  	r.Unlock()
   419  }
   421  func (r *resultTracker) Failed(k, why string) {
   422  	r.Lock()
   423  	delete(r.succeeded, k)
   424  	delete(r.skipped, k)
   426  	r.failed[k] = why
   427  	r.Unlock()
   428  }
   430  func (r *resultTracker) ToObject() map[string]interface{} {
   431  	succeeded := make([]interface{}, 0, len(r.succeeded))
   432  	skipped := make([]interface{}, 0, len(r.skipped))
   433  	failed := make(map[string]interface{}, len(r.failed))
   435  	for k := range r.succeeded {
   436  		succeeded = append(succeeded, k)
   437  	}
   438  	sort.Slice(succeeded, func(i, j int) bool {
   439  		return succeeded[i].(string) < succeeded[j].(string)
   440  	})
   441  	for k := range r.skipped {
   442  		skipped = append(skipped, k)
   443  	}
   444  	sort.Slice(skipped, func(i, j int) bool {
   445  		return skipped[i].(string) < skipped[j].(string)
   446  	})
   447  	for k, v := range r.failed {
   448  		failed[k] = v
   449  	}
   451  	m := map[string]interface{}{}
   452  	if len(succeeded) > 0 {
   453  		m["succeeded"] = succeeded
   454  	}
   455  	if len(skipped) > 0 {
   456  		m["skipped"] = skipped
   457  	}
   458  	if len(failed) > 0 {
   459  		m["failed"] = failed
   460  	}
   461  	return m
   462  }
   464  // Returns a map of enrichment IDs that should be skipped for this payload.
   465  func (w *Workflow) skipFromMeta(root interface{}) map[string]struct{} {
   466  	skipList := map[string]struct{}{}
   467  	if len(w.metaPath) == 0 {
   468  		return skipList
   469  	}
   471  	gObj := gabs.Wrap(root)
   473  	// If a whitelist is provided for this flow then skip stages that aren't
   474  	// within it.
   475  	if apply, ok := gObj.S(append(w.metaPath, "apply")...).Data().([]interface{}); ok {
   476  		if len(apply) > 0 {
   477  			for k := range w.allStages {
   478  				skipList[k] = struct{}{}
   479  			}
   480  			for _, id := range apply {
   481  				if idStr, isString := id.(string); isString {
   482  					delete(skipList, idStr)
   483  				}
   484  			}
   485  		}
   486  	}
   488  	// Skip stages that already succeeded in a previous run of this workflow.
   489  	if succeeded, ok := gObj.S(append(w.metaPath, "succeeded")...).Data().([]interface{}); ok {
   490  		for _, id := range succeeded {
   491  			if idStr, isString := id.(string); isString {
   492  				if _, exists := w.allStages[idStr]; exists {
   493  					skipList[idStr] = struct{}{}
   494  				}
   495  			}
   496  		}
   497  	}
   499  	// Skip stages that were already skipped in a previous run of this workflow.
   500  	if skipped, ok := gObj.S(append(w.metaPath, "skipped")...).Data().([]interface{}); ok {
   501  		for _, id := range skipped {
   502  			if idStr, isString := id.(string); isString {
   503  				if _, exists := w.allStages[idStr]; exists {
   504  					skipList[idStr] = struct{}{}
   505  				}
   506  			}
   507  		}
   508  	}
   510  	return skipList
   511  }
   513  // ProcessMessage applies workflow stages to each part of a message type.
   514  func (w *Workflow) ProcessMessage(msg types.Message) ([]types.Message, types.Response) {
   515  	w.mCount.Incr(1)
   517  	payload := msg.DeepCopy()
   519  	// Prevent resourced branches from being updated mid-flow.
   520  	dag, children, unlock, err := w.children.Lock()
   521  	if err != nil {
   522  		w.mErr.Incr(1)
   523  		w.log.Errorf("Failed to establish workflow: %v\n", err)
   525  		payload.Iter(func(i int, p types.Part) error {
   526  			FlagErr(p, err)
   527  			return nil
   528  		})
   529  		w.mSentParts.Incr(int64(payload.Len()))
   530  		w.mSent.Incr(1)
   531  		return []types.Message{payload}, nil
   532  	}
   533  	defer unlock()
   535  	skipOnMeta := make([]map[string]struct{}, msg.Len())
   536  	payload.Iter(func(i int, p types.Part) error {
   537  		p.Get()
   538  		p.Metadata()
   539  		if jObj, err := p.JSON(); err == nil {
   540  			skipOnMeta[i] = w.skipFromMeta(jObj)
   541  		} else {
   542  			skipOnMeta[i] = map[string]struct{}{}
   543  		}
   544  		return nil
   545  	})
   547  	propMsg, _ := tracing.WithChildSpans("workflow", payload)
   549  	records := make([]*resultTracker, payload.Len())
   550  	for i := range records {
   551  		records[i] = trackerFromTree(dag)
   552  	}
   554  	for _, layer := range dag {
   555  		results := make([][]types.Part, len(layer))
   556  		errors := make([]error, len(layer))
   558  		wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
   559  		wg.Add(len(layer))
   560  		for i, eid := range layer {
   561  			go func(id string, index int) {
   562  				branchMsg, branchSpans := tracing.WithChildSpans(id, propMsg.Copy())
   564  				branchParts := make([]types.Part, branchMsg.Len())
   565  				branchMsg.Iter(func(partIndex int, part types.Part) error {
   566  					// Remove errors so that they aren't propagated into the
   567  					// branch.
   568  					ClearFail(part)
   569  					if _, exists := skipOnMeta[partIndex][id]; !exists {
   570  						branchParts[partIndex] = part
   571  					}
   572  					return nil
   573  				})
   575  				var mapErrs []branchMapError
   576  				results[index], mapErrs, errors[index] = children[id].createResult(branchParts, propMsg)
   577  				for _, s := range branchSpans {
   578  					s.Finish()
   579  				}
   580  				for j, p := range results[index] {
   581  					if p == nil {
   582  						records[j].Skipped(id)
   583  					}
   584  				}
   585  				for _, e := range mapErrs {
   586  					records[e.index].Failed(id, e.err.Error())
   587  				}
   588  				wg.Done()
   589  			}(eid, i)
   590  		}
   591  		wg.Wait()
   593  		for i, id := range layer {
   594  			var failed []branchMapError
   595  			err := errors[i]
   596  			if err == nil {
   597  				if failed, err = children[id].overlayResult(payload, results[i]); err != nil {
   598  					w.mErrOverlay.Incr(1)
   599  				}
   600  			}
   601  			if err != nil {
   602  				w.incrStageErr(id)
   603  				w.mErr.Incr(1)
   604  				w.log.Errorf("Failed to perform enrichment '%v': %v\n", id, err)
   605  				for j := range records {
   606  					records[j].Failed(id, err.Error())
   607  				}
   608  				continue
   609  			}
   610  			for _, e := range failed {
   611  				records[e.index].Failed(id, e.err.Error())
   612  			}
   613  			w.incrStageSucc(id)
   614  		}
   615  	}
   617  	// Finally, set the meta records of each document.
   618  	if len(w.metaPath) > 0 {
   619  		payload.Iter(func(i int, p types.Part) error {
   620  			pJSON, err := p.JSON()
   621  			if err != nil {
   622  				w.mErr.Incr(1)
   623  				w.mErrMeta.Incr(1)
   624  				w.log.Errorf("Failed to parse message for meta update: %v\n", err)
   625  				FlagErr(p, err)
   626  				return nil
   627  			}
   629  			gObj := gabs.Wrap(pJSON)
   630  			previous := gObj.S(w.metaPath...).Data()
   631  			current := records[i].ToObject()
   632  			if previous != nil {
   633  				current["previous"] = previous
   634  			}
   635  			gObj.Set(current, w.metaPath...)
   637  			p.SetJSON(gObj.Data())
   638  			return nil
   639  		})
   640  	} else {
   641  		payload.Iter(func(i int, p types.Part) error {
   642  			if lf := len(records[i].failed); lf > 0 {
   643  				failed := make([]string, 0, lf)
   644  				for k := range records[i].failed {
   645  					failed = append(failed, k)
   646  				}
   647  				sort.Strings(failed)
   648  				FlagErr(p, fmt.Errorf("workflow branches failed: %v", failed))
   649  			}
   650  			return nil
   651  		})
   652  	}
   654  	tracing.FinishSpans(propMsg)
   656  	w.mSentParts.Incr(int64(payload.Len()))
   657  	w.mSent.Incr(1)
   658  	msgs := [1]types.Message{payload}
   659  	return msgs[:], nil
   660  }
   662  // CloseAsync shuts down the processor and stops processing requests.
   663  func (w *Workflow) CloseAsync() {
   664  	w.children.CloseAsync()
   665  }
   667  // WaitForClose blocks until the processor has closed down.
   668  func (w *Workflow) WaitForClose(timeout time.Duration) error {
   669  	return w.children.WaitForClose(timeout)
   670  }
   672  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------