
     1  package client
     3  import (
     4  	"encoding/json"
     5  	"fmt"
     6  	"io"
     7  	"os"
     8  	"path/filepath"
     9  	"reflect"
    10  	"runtime"
    11  	"strings"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	ocispec ""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	pkg ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  )
    33  // KpmClient is the client of kpm.
    34  type KpmClient struct {
    35  	// The writer of the log.
    36  	logWriter io.Writer
    37  	// The home path of kpm for global configuration file and kcl package storage path.
    38  	homePath string
    39  	// The settings of kpm loaded from the global configuration file.
    40  	settings settings.Settings
    41  	// The flag of whether to check the checksum of the package and update kcl.mod.lock.
    42  	noSumCheck bool
    43  }
    45  // NewKpmClient will create a new kpm client with default settings.
    46  func NewKpmClient() (*KpmClient, error) {
    47  	settings := settings.GetSettings()
    49  	if settings.ErrorEvent != (*reporter.KpmEvent)(nil) {
    50  		return nil, settings.ErrorEvent
    51  	}
    53  	homePath, err := env.GetAbsPkgPath()
    54  	if err != nil {
    55  		return nil, err
    56  	}
    58  	return &KpmClient{
    59  		logWriter: os.Stdout,
    60  		settings:  *settings,
    61  		homePath:  homePath,
    62  	}, nil
    63  }
    65  // SetNoSumCheck will set the 'noSumCheck' flag.
    66  func (c *KpmClient) SetNoSumCheck(noSumCheck bool) {
    67  	c.noSumCheck = noSumCheck
    68  }
    70  // GetNoSumCheck will return the 'noSumCheck' flag.
    71  func (c *KpmClient) GetNoSumCheck() bool {
    72  	return c.noSumCheck
    73  }
    75  func (c *KpmClient) SetLogWriter(writer io.Writer) {
    76  	c.logWriter = writer
    77  }
    79  func (c *KpmClient) GetLogWriter() io.Writer {
    80  	return c.logWriter
    81  }
    83  // SetHomePath will set the home path of kpm.
    84  func (c *KpmClient) SetHomePath(homePath string) {
    85  	c.homePath = homePath
    86  }
    88  // AcquirePackageCacheLock will acquire the lock of the package cache.
    89  func (c *KpmClient) AcquirePackageCacheLock() error {
    90  	return c.settings.AcquirePackageCacheLock(c.logWriter)
    91  }
    93  // ReleasePackageCacheLock will release the lock of the package cache.
    94  func (c *KpmClient) ReleasePackageCacheLock() error {
    95  	return c.settings.ReleasePackageCacheLock()
    96  }
    98  // GetSettings will return the settings of kpm client.
    99  func (c *KpmClient) GetSettings() *settings.Settings {
   100  	return &c.settings
   101  }
   103  func (c *KpmClient) LoadPkgFromPath(pkgPath string) (*pkg.KclPkg, error) {
   104  	modFile, err := c.LoadModFile(pkgPath)
   105  	if err != nil {
   106  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.FailedLoadKclMod, err, fmt.Sprintf("could not load 'kcl.mod' in '%s'", pkgPath))
   107  	}
   109  	// Get dependencies from kcl.mod.lock.
   110  	deps, err := c.LoadLockDeps(pkgPath)
   112  	if err != nil {
   113  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.FailedLoadKclMod, err, fmt.Sprintf("could not load 'kcl.mod.lock' in '%s'", pkgPath))
   114  	}
   116  	return &pkg.KclPkg{
   117  		ModFile:      *modFile,
   118  		HomePath:     pkgPath,
   119  		Dependencies: *deps,
   120  	}, nil
   121  }
   123  func (c *KpmClient) LoadModFile(pkgPath string) (*pkg.ModFile, error) {
   124  	modFile := new(pkg.ModFile)
   125  	err := modFile.LoadModFile(filepath.Join(pkgPath, pkg.MOD_FILE))
   126  	if err != nil {
   127  		return nil, err
   128  	}
   130  	modFile.HomePath = pkgPath
   132  	if modFile.Dependencies.Deps == nil {
   133  		modFile.Dependencies.Deps = make(map[string]pkg.Dependency)
   134  	}
   135  	err = c.FillDependenciesInfo(modFile)
   136  	if err != nil {
   137  		return nil, err
   138  	}
   140  	return modFile, nil
   141  }
   143  func (c *KpmClient) LoadLockDeps(pkgPath string) (*pkg.Dependencies, error) {
   144  	return pkg.LoadLockDeps(pkgPath)
   145  }
   147  // ResolveDepsIntoMap will calculate the map of kcl package name and local storage path of the external packages.
   148  func (c *KpmClient) ResolveDepsIntoMap(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg) (map[string]string, error) {
   149  	err := c.ResolvePkgDepsMetadata(kclPkg, true)
   150  	if err != nil {
   151  		return nil, err
   152  	}
   154  	depMetadatas, err := kclPkg.GetDepsMetadata()
   155  	if err != nil {
   156  		return nil, err
   157  	}
   158  	var pkgMap map[string]string = make(map[string]string)
   159  	for _, d := range depMetadatas.Deps {
   160  		pkgMap[d.GetAliasName()] = d.GetLocalFullPath(kclPkg.HomePath)
   161  	}
   163  	return pkgMap, nil
   164  }
   166  // ResolveDepsMetadata will calculate the local storage path of the external package,
   167  // and check whether the package exists locally.
   168  // If the package does not exist, it will re-download to the local.
   169  func (c *KpmClient) ResolvePkgDepsMetadata(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg, update bool) error {
   170  	var searchPath string
   171  	kclPkg.NoSumCheck = c.noSumCheck
   173  	if kclPkg.IsVendorMode() {
   174  		// In the vendor mode, the search path is the vendor subdirectory of the current package.
   175  		err := c.VendorDeps(kclPkg)
   176  		if err != nil {
   177  			return err
   178  		}
   179  		searchPath = kclPkg.LocalVendorPath()
   180  	} else {
   181  		// Otherwise, the search path is the $KCL_PKG_PATH.
   182  		searchPath = c.homePath
   183  	}
   185  	// If under the mode of '--no_sum_check', the checksum of the package will not be checked.
   186  	// There is no kcl.mod.lock, and the dependencies in kcl.mod and kcl.mod.lock do not need to be aligned.
   187  	if !c.noSumCheck {
   188  		// If not under the mode of '--no_sum_check',
   189  		// all the dependencies in kcl.mod.lock are the dependencies of the current package.
   190  		//
   191  		// alian the dependencies between kcl.mod and kcl.mod.lock
   192  		// clean the dependencies in kcl.mod.lock which not in kcl.mod
   193  		// clean the dependencies in kcl.mod.lock and kcl.mod which have different version
   194  		for name, dep := range kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps {
   195  			modDep, ok := kclPkg.ModFile.Dependencies.Deps[name]
   196  			if !ok || !dep.WithTheSameVersion(modDep) {
   197  				reporter.ReportMsgTo(
   198  					fmt.Sprintf("removing '%s' with version '%s'", name, dep.Version),
   199  					c.logWriter,
   200  				)
   201  				delete(kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps, name)
   202  			}
   203  		}
   204  		// add the dependencies in kcl.mod which not in kcl.mod.lock
   205  		for name, d := range kclPkg.ModFile.Dependencies.Deps {
   206  			if _, ok := kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps[name]; !ok {
   207  				reporter.ReportMsgTo(
   208  					fmt.Sprintf("adding '%s' with version '%s'", name, d.Version),
   209  					c.logWriter,
   210  				)
   211  				kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps[name] = d
   212  			}
   213  		}
   214  	} else {
   215  		// If under the mode of '--no_sum_check', the checksum of the package will not be checked.
   216  		// All the dependencies in kcl.mod are the dependencies of the current package.
   217  		kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps = kclPkg.ModFile.Dependencies.Deps
   218  	}
   220  	for name, d := range kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps {
   221  		searchFullPath := filepath.Join(searchPath, d.FullName)
   222  		if !update {
   223  			if d.IsFromLocal() {
   224  				searchFullPath = d.GetLocalFullPath(kclPkg.HomePath)
   225  			}
   227  			// Find it and update the local path of the dependency.
   228  			d.LocalFullPath = searchFullPath
   229  			kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps[name] = d
   231  		} else {
   232  			if utils.DirExists(searchFullPath) && (c.GetNoSumCheck() || utils.CheckPackageSum(d.Sum, searchFullPath)) {
   233  				// Find it and update the local path of the dependency.
   234  				d.LocalFullPath = searchFullPath
   235  				kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps[name] = d
   236  			} else if d.IsFromLocal() && !utils.DirExists(d.GetLocalFullPath(kclPkg.HomePath)) {
   237  				return reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.DependencyNotFound, fmt.Errorf("dependency '%s' not found in '%s'", d.Name, searchFullPath))
   238  			} else if d.IsFromLocal() && utils.DirExists(d.GetLocalFullPath(kclPkg.HomePath)) {
   239  				sum, err := utils.HashDir(d.GetLocalFullPath(kclPkg.HomePath))
   240  				if err != nil {
   241  					return reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.CalSumFailed, err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to calculate checksum for '%s' in '%s'", d.Name, searchFullPath))
   242  				}
   243  				d.Sum = sum
   244  				kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps[name] = d
   245  			} else {
   246  				// Otherwise, re-vendor it.
   247  				if kclPkg.IsVendorMode() {
   248  					err := c.VendorDeps(kclPkg)
   249  					if err != nil {
   250  						return err
   251  					}
   252  				} else {
   253  					// Or, re-download it.
   254  					err := c.AddDepToPkg(kclPkg, &d)
   255  					if err != nil {
   256  						return err
   257  					}
   258  				}
   259  				// After re-downloading or re-vendoring,
   260  				// re-resolving is required to update the dependent paths.
   261  				err := c.ResolvePkgDepsMetadata(kclPkg, update)
   262  				if err != nil {
   263  					return err
   264  				}
   265  				return nil
   266  			}
   267  		}
   268  	}
   269  	if update {
   270  		// update the kcl.mod and kcl.mod.lock.
   271  		err := kclPkg.UpdateModAndLockFile()
   272  		if err != nil {
   273  			return err
   274  		}
   275  	}
   276  	return nil
   277  }
   279  // UpdateDeps will update the dependencies.
   280  func (c *KpmClient) UpdateDeps(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg) error {
   281  	_, err := c.ResolveDepsMetadataInJsonStr(kclPkg, true)
   282  	if err != nil {
   283  		return err
   284  	}
   286  	err = kclPkg.UpdateModAndLockFile()
   287  	if err != nil {
   288  		return err
   289  	}
   290  	return nil
   291  }
   293  // ResolveDepsMetadataInJsonStr will calculate the local storage path of the external package,
   294  // and check whether the package exists locally. If the package does not exist, it will re-download to the local.
   295  // Finally, the calculated metadata of the dependent packages is serialized into a json string and returned.
   296  func (c *KpmClient) ResolveDepsMetadataInJsonStr(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg, update bool) (string, error) {
   297  	// 1. Calculate the dependency path, check whether the dependency exists
   298  	// and re-download the dependency that does not exist.
   299  	err := c.ResolvePkgDepsMetadata(kclPkg, update)
   300  	if err != nil {
   301  		return "", err
   302  	}
   304  	// 2. Serialize to JSON
   305  	depMetadatas, err := kclPkg.GetDepsMetadata()
   306  	if err != nil {
   307  		return "", err
   308  	}
   309  	jsonData, err := json.Marshal(&depMetadatas)
   310  	if err != nil {
   311  		return "", reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.Bug, err, "internal bug: failed to marshal the dependencies into json")
   312  	}
   314  	return string(jsonData), nil
   315  }
   317  // Compile will call kcl compiler to compile the current kcl package and its dependent packages.
   318  func (c *KpmClient) Compile(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg, kclvmCompiler *runner.Compiler) (*kcl.KCLResultList, error) {
   319  	pkgMap, err := c.ResolveDepsIntoMap(kclPkg)
   320  	if err != nil {
   321  		return nil, err
   322  	}
   324  	// Fill the dependency path.
   325  	for dName, dPath := range pkgMap {
   326  		if !filepath.IsAbs(dPath) {
   327  			dPath = filepath.Join(c.homePath, dPath)
   328  		}
   329  		kclvmCompiler.AddDepPath(dName, dPath)
   330  	}
   332  	return kclvmCompiler.Run()
   333  }
   335  // CompileWithOpts will compile the kcl program with the compile options.
   336  func (c *KpmClient) CompileWithOpts(opts *opt.CompileOptions) (*kcl.KCLResultList, error) {
   337  	pkgPath, err := filepath.Abs(opts.PkgPath())
   338  	if err != nil {
   339  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.Bug, err, "internal bugs, please contact us to fix it.")
   340  	}
   342  	c.noSumCheck = opts.NoSumCheck()
   344  	kclPkg, err := pkg.LoadKclPkg(pkgPath)
   345  	if err != nil {
   346  		return nil, err
   347  	}
   349  	kclPkg.SetVendorMode(opts.IsVendor())
   351  	globalPkgPath, err := env.GetAbsPkgPath()
   352  	if err != nil {
   353  		return nil, err
   354  	}
   356  	err = kclPkg.ValidateKpmHome(globalPkgPath)
   357  	if err != (*reporter.KpmEvent)(nil) {
   358  		return nil, err
   359  	}
   360  	// add all the options from 'kcl.mod'
   361  	opts.Merge(*kclPkg.GetKclOpts())
   362  	if len(opts.Entries()) > 0 {
   363  		// add entry from '--input'
   364  		for _, entry := range opts.Entries() {
   365  			if filepath.IsAbs(entry) {
   366  				opts.Merge(kcl.WithKFilenames(entry))
   367  			} else {
   368  				opts.Merge(kcl.WithKFilenames(filepath.Join(opts.PkgPath(), entry)))
   369  			}
   370  		}
   371  	} else if len(kclPkg.GetEntryKclFilesFromModFile()) == 0 && !opts.HasSettingsYaml() {
   372  		// no entry
   373  		opts.Merge(kcl.WithKFilenames(opts.PkgPath()))
   374  	}
   375  	opts.Merge(kcl.WithWorkDir(opts.PkgPath()))
   377  	// Calculate the absolute path of entry file described by '--input'.
   378  	compiler := runner.NewCompilerWithOpts(opts)
   380  	// Call the kcl compiler.
   381  	compileResult, err := c.Compile(kclPkg, compiler)
   383  	if err != nil {
   384  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.CompileFailed, err, "failed to compile the kcl package")
   385  	}
   387  	return compileResult, nil
   388  }
   390  // CompilePkgWithOpts will compile the kcl package with the compile options.
   391  func (c *KpmClient) CompilePkgWithOpts(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg, opts *opt.CompileOptions) (*kcl.KCLResultList, error) {
   392  	opts.SetPkgPath(kclPkg.HomePath)
   393  	if len(opts.Entries()) > 0 {
   394  		// add entry from '--input'
   395  		for _, entry := range opts.Entries() {
   396  			if filepath.IsAbs(entry) {
   397  				opts.Merge(kcl.WithKFilenames(entry))
   398  			} else {
   399  				opts.Merge(kcl.WithKFilenames(filepath.Join(opts.PkgPath(), entry)))
   400  			}
   401  		}
   402  		// add entry from 'kcl.mod'
   403  	} else if len(kclPkg.GetEntryKclFilesFromModFile()) > 0 {
   404  		opts.Merge(*kclPkg.GetKclOpts())
   405  	} else if !opts.HasSettingsYaml() {
   406  		// no entry
   407  		opts.Merge(kcl.WithKFilenames(opts.PkgPath()))
   408  	}
   409  	opts.Merge(kcl.WithWorkDir(opts.PkgPath()))
   410  	// Calculate the absolute path of entry file described by '--input'.
   411  	compiler := runner.NewCompilerWithOpts(opts)
   412  	// Call the kcl compiler.
   413  	compileResult, err := c.Compile(kclPkg, compiler)
   415  	if err != nil {
   416  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.CompileFailed, err, "failed to compile the kcl package")
   417  	}
   419  	return compileResult, nil
   420  }
   422  // CompileTarPkg will compile the kcl package from the tar package.
   423  func (c *KpmClient) CompileTarPkg(tarPath string, opts *opt.CompileOptions) (*kcl.KCLResultList, error) {
   424  	absTarPath, err := utils.AbsTarPath(tarPath)
   425  	if err != nil {
   426  		return nil, err
   427  	}
   428  	// Extract the tar package to a directory with the same name.
   429  	// e.g.
   430  	// 'xxx/xxx/xxx/test.tar' will be extracted to the directory 'xxx/xxx/xxx/test'.
   431  	destDir := strings.TrimSuffix(absTarPath, filepath.Ext(absTarPath))
   432  	err = utils.UnTarDir(absTarPath, destDir)
   433  	if err != nil {
   434  		return nil, err
   435  	}
   437  	opts.SetPkgPath(destDir)
   438  	// The directory after extracting the tar package is taken as the root directory of the package,
   439  	// and kclvm is called to compile the kcl program under the 'destDir'.
   440  	// e.g.
   441  	// if the tar path is 'xxx/xxx/xxx/test.tar',
   442  	// the 'xxx/xxx/xxx/test' will be taken as the root path of the kcl package to compile.
   443  	return c.CompileWithOpts(opts)
   444  }
   446  // CompileGitPkg will compile the kcl package from the git url.
   447  func (c *KpmClient) CompileGitPkg(gitOpts *git.CloneOptions, compileOpts *opt.CompileOptions) (*kcl.KCLResultList, error) {
   448  	// 1. Create the temporary directory to pull the tar.
   449  	tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "")
   450  	if err != nil {
   451  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.Bug, err, "internal bugs, please contact us to fix it.")
   452  	}
   453  	tmpDir = filepath.Join(tmpDir, constants.GitEntry)
   455  	// clean the temp dir.
   456  	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
   458  	// 2. clone the git repo
   459  	_, err = git.CloneWithOpts(
   460  		git.WithCommit(gitOpts.Commit),
   461  		git.WithBranch(gitOpts.Branch),
   462  		git.WithTag(gitOpts.Tag),
   463  		git.WithRepoURL(gitOpts.RepoURL),
   464  		git.WithLocalPath(tmpDir),
   465  	)
   466  	if err != nil {
   467  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.FailedGetPkg, err, "failed to get the git repository")
   468  	}
   470  	compileOpts.SetPkgPath(tmpDir)
   472  	return c.CompileWithOpts(compileOpts)
   473  }
   475  // CompileOciPkg will compile the kcl package from the OCI reference or url.
   476  func (c *KpmClient) CompileOciPkg(ociSource, version string, opts *opt.CompileOptions) (*kcl.KCLResultList, error) {
   477  	ociOpts, err := c.ParseOciOptionFromString(ociSource, version)
   479  	if err != nil {
   480  		return nil, err
   481  	}
   483  	// 1. Create the temporary directory to pull the tar.
   484  	tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "")
   485  	if err != nil {
   486  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.Bug, err, "internal bugs, please contact us to fix it.")
   487  	}
   488  	// clean the temp dir.
   489  	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
   491  	localPath := ociOpts.SanitizePathWithSuffix(tmpDir)
   493  	// 2. Pull the tar.
   494  	err = c.pullTarFromOci(localPath, ociOpts)
   496  	if err != nil {
   497  		return nil, err
   498  	}
   500  	// 3.Get the (*.tar) file path.
   501  	matches, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(localPath, constants.KCL_PKG_TAR))
   502  	if err != nil || len(matches) != 1 {
   503  		if err != nil {
   504  			return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.FailedGetPkg, err, "failed to pull kcl package")
   505  		} else {
   506  			return nil, errors.FailedPull
   507  		}
   508  	}
   510  	return c.CompileTarPkg(matches[0], opts)
   511  }
   513  // createIfNotExist will create a file if it does not exist.
   514  func (c *KpmClient) createIfNotExist(filepath string, storeFunc func() error) error {
   515  	reporter.ReportMsgTo(fmt.Sprintf("creating new :%s", filepath), c.GetLogWriter())
   516  	err := utils.CreateFileIfNotExist(
   517  		filepath,
   518  		storeFunc,
   519  	)
   520  	if err != nil {
   521  		if errEvent, ok := err.(*reporter.KpmEvent); ok {
   522  			if errEvent.Type() != reporter.FileExists {
   523  				return err
   524  			} else {
   525  				reporter.ReportMsgTo(fmt.Sprintf("'%s' already exists", filepath), c.GetLogWriter())
   526  			}
   527  		} else {
   528  			return err
   529  		}
   530  	}
   532  	return nil
   533  }
   535  // InitEmptyPkg will initialize an empty kcl package.
   536  func (c *KpmClient) InitEmptyPkg(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg) error {
   537  	err := c.createIfNotExist(kclPkg.ModFile.GetModFilePath(), kclPkg.ModFile.StoreModFile)
   538  	if err != nil {
   539  		return err
   540  	}
   542  	err = c.createIfNotExist(kclPkg.ModFile.GetModLockFilePath(), kclPkg.LockDepsVersion)
   543  	if err != nil {
   544  		return err
   545  	}
   547  	err = c.createIfNotExist(filepath.Join(kclPkg.ModFile.HomePath, constants.DEFAULT_KCL_FILE_NAME), kclPkg.CreateDefauleMain)
   548  	if err != nil {
   549  		return err
   550  	}
   552  	return nil
   553  }
   555  // AddDepWithOpts will add a dependency to the current kcl package.
   556  func (c *KpmClient) AddDepWithOpts(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg, opt *opt.AddOptions) (*pkg.KclPkg, error) {
   557  	c.noSumCheck = opt.NoSumCheck
   558  	kclPkg.NoSumCheck = opt.NoSumCheck
   560  	// 1. get the name and version of the repository from the input arguments.
   561  	d, err := pkg.ParseOpt(&opt.RegistryOpts)
   562  	if err != nil {
   563  		return nil, err
   564  	}
   566  	reporter.ReportMsgTo(
   567  		fmt.Sprintf("adding dependency '%s'", d.Name),
   568  		c.logWriter,
   569  	)
   570  	// 2. download the dependency to the local path.
   571  	err = c.AddDepToPkg(kclPkg, d)
   572  	if err != nil {
   573  		return nil, err
   574  	}
   576  	// 3. update the kcl.mod and kcl.mod.lock.
   577  	err = kclPkg.UpdateModAndLockFile()
   578  	if err != nil {
   579  		return nil, err
   580  	}
   582  	succeedMsgInfo := d.Name
   583  	if len(d.Version) != 0 {
   584  		succeedMsgInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", d.Name, d.Version)
   585  	}
   587  	reporter.ReportMsgTo(
   588  		fmt.Sprintf("add dependency '%s' successfully", succeedMsgInfo),
   589  		c.logWriter,
   590  	)
   591  	return kclPkg, nil
   592  }
   594  // AddDepToPkg will add a dependency to the kcl package.
   595  func (c *KpmClient) AddDepToPkg(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg, d *pkg.Dependency) error {
   597  	if !reflect.DeepEqual(kclPkg.ModFile.Dependencies.Deps[d.Name], *d) {
   598  		// the dep passed on the cli is different from the kcl.mod.
   599  		kclPkg.ModFile.Dependencies.Deps[d.Name] = *d
   600  	}
   602  	// download all the dependencies.
   603  	changedDeps, _, err := c.InitGraphAndDownloadDeps(kclPkg)
   605  	if err != nil {
   606  		return err
   607  	}
   609  	// Update kcl.mod and kcl.mod.lock
   610  	for k, v := range changedDeps.Deps {
   611  		kclPkg.ModFile.Dependencies.Deps[k] = v
   612  		kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps[k] = v
   613  	}
   615  	return err
   616  }
   618  // PackagePkg will package the current kcl package into a "*.tar" file in under the package path.
   619  func (c *KpmClient) PackagePkg(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg, vendorMode bool) (string, error) {
   620  	globalPkgPath, err := env.GetAbsPkgPath()
   621  	if err != nil {
   622  		return "", err
   623  	}
   625  	err = kclPkg.ValidateKpmHome(globalPkgPath)
   626  	if err != (*reporter.KpmEvent)(nil) {
   627  		return "", err
   628  	}
   630  	err = c.Package(kclPkg, kclPkg.DefaultTarPath(), vendorMode)
   632  	if err != nil {
   633  		reporter.ExitWithReport("failed to package pkg " + kclPkg.GetPkgName() + ".")
   634  		return "", err
   635  	}
   636  	return kclPkg.DefaultTarPath(), nil
   637  }
   639  // Package will package the current kcl package into a "*.tar" file into 'tarPath'.
   640  func (c *KpmClient) Package(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg, tarPath string, vendorMode bool) error {
   641  	// Vendor all the dependencies into the current kcl package.
   642  	if vendorMode {
   643  		err := c.VendorDeps(kclPkg)
   644  		if err != nil {
   645  			return reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.FailedVendor, err, "failed to vendor dependencies")
   646  		}
   647  	}
   649  	// Tar the current kcl package into a "*.tar" file.
   650  	err := utils.TarDir(kclPkg.HomePath, tarPath)
   651  	if err != nil {
   652  		return reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.FailedPackage, err, "failed to package the kcl module")
   653  	}
   654  	return nil
   655  }
   657  // VendorDeps will vendor all the dependencies of the current kcl package.
   658  func (c *KpmClient) VendorDeps(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg) error {
   659  	// Mkdir the dir "vendor".
   660  	vendorPath := kclPkg.LocalVendorPath()
   661  	err := os.MkdirAll(vendorPath, 0755)
   662  	if err != nil {
   663  		return err
   664  	}
   666  	lockDeps := make([]pkg.Dependency, 0, len(kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps))
   668  	for _, d := range kclPkg.Dependencies.Deps {
   669  		lockDeps = append(lockDeps, d)
   670  	}
   672  	// Traverse all dependencies in kcl.mod.lock.
   673  	for i := 0; i < len(lockDeps); i++ {
   674  		d := lockDeps[i]
   675  		if len(d.Name) == 0 {
   676  			return errors.InvalidDependency
   677  		}
   678  		vendorFullPath := filepath.Join(vendorPath, d.FullName)
   679  		// If the package already exists in the 'vendor', do nothing.
   680  		if utils.DirExists(vendorFullPath) && check(d, vendorFullPath) {
   681  			continue
   682  		} else {
   683  			// If not in the 'vendor', check the global cache.
   684  			cacheFullPath := filepath.Join(c.homePath, d.FullName)
   685  			if utils.DirExists(cacheFullPath) && check(d, cacheFullPath) {
   686  				// If there is, copy it into the 'vendor' directory.
   687  				err := copy.Copy(cacheFullPath, vendorFullPath)
   688  				if err != nil {
   689  					return err
   690  				}
   691  			} else if utils.DirExists(d.GetLocalFullPath(kclPkg.HomePath)) && check(d, d.GetLocalFullPath(kclPkg.HomePath)) {
   692  				// If there is, copy it into the 'vendor' directory.
   693  				err := copy.Copy(d.GetLocalFullPath(kclPkg.HomePath), vendorFullPath)
   694  				if err != nil {
   695  					return err
   696  				}
   697  			} else {
   698  				// re-download if not.
   699  				err = c.AddDepToPkg(kclPkg, &d)
   700  				if err != nil {
   701  					return err
   702  				}
   703  				// re-vendor again with new kcl.mod and kcl.mod.lock
   704  				err = c.VendorDeps(kclPkg)
   705  				if err != nil {
   706  					return err
   707  				}
   708  				return nil
   709  			}
   710  		}
   711  	}
   713  	return nil
   714  }
   716  // FillDepInfo will fill registry information for a dependency.
   717  func (c *KpmClient) FillDepInfo(dep *pkg.Dependency) error {
   718  	if dep.Source.Local != nil {
   719  		dep.LocalFullPath = dep.Source.Local.Path
   720  		return nil
   721  	}
   722  	if dep.Source.Oci != nil {
   723  		dep.Source.Oci.Reg = c.GetSettings().DefaultOciRegistry()
   724  		urlpath := utils.JoinPath(c.GetSettings().DefaultOciRepo(), dep.Name)
   725  		dep.Source.Oci.Repo = urlpath
   726  		manifest := ocispec.Manifest{}
   727  		jsonDesc, err := c.FetchOciManifestIntoJsonStr(opt.OciFetchOptions{
   728  			FetchBytesOptions: oras.DefaultFetchBytesOptions,
   729  			OciOptions: opt.OciOptions{
   730  				Reg:  c.GetSettings().DefaultOciRegistry(),
   731  				Repo: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", c.GetSettings().DefaultOciRepo(), dep.Name),
   732  				Tag:  dep.Version,
   733  			},
   734  		})
   736  		if err != nil {
   737  			return err
   738  		}
   740  		err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonDesc), &manifest)
   741  		if err != nil {
   742  			return err
   743  		}
   745  		if value, ok := manifest.Annotations[constants.DEFAULT_KCL_OCI_MANIFEST_SUM]; ok {
   746  			dep.Sum = value
   747  		}
   748  		return nil
   749  	}
   750  	return nil
   751  }
   753  // FillDependenciesInfo will fill registry information for all dependencies in a kcl.mod.
   754  func (c *KpmClient) FillDependenciesInfo(modFile *pkg.ModFile) error {
   755  	for k, v := range modFile.Deps {
   756  		err := c.FillDepInfo(&v)
   757  		if err != nil {
   758  			return err
   759  		}
   760  		modFile.Deps[k] = v
   761  	}
   762  	return nil
   763  }
   765  // Download will download the dependency to the local path.
   766  func (c *KpmClient) Download(dep *pkg.Dependency, localPath string) (*pkg.Dependency, error) {
   767  	if dep.Source.Git != nil {
   768  		_, err := c.DownloadFromGit(dep.Source.Git, localPath)
   769  		if err != nil {
   770  			return nil, err
   771  		}
   773  		dep.LocalFullPath = localPath
   774  		// Creating symbolic links in a global cache is not an optimal solution.
   775  		// This allows kclvm to locate the package by default.
   776  		// This feature is unstable and will be removed soon.
   777  		err = createDepRef(dep.LocalFullPath, filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(localPath), dep.Name))
   778  		if err != nil {
   779  			return nil, err
   780  		}
   781  		dep.FullName = dep.GenDepFullName()
   782  		// If the dependency is from git commit, the version is the commit id.
   783  		// If the dependency is from git tag, the version is the tag.
   784  		dep.Version, err = dep.Source.Git.GetValidGitReference()
   785  		if err != nil {
   786  			return nil, err
   787  		}
   788  	}
   790  	if dep.Source.Oci != nil {
   791  		localPath, err := c.DownloadFromOci(dep.Source.Oci, localPath)
   792  		if err != nil {
   793  			return nil, err
   794  		}
   795  		dep.Version = dep.Source.Oci.Tag
   796  		dep.LocalFullPath = localPath
   797  		// Creating symbolic links in a global cache is not an optimal solution.
   798  		// This allows kclvm to locate the package by default.
   799  		// This feature is unstable and will be removed soon.
   800  		err = createDepRef(dep.LocalFullPath, filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(localPath), dep.Name))
   801  		if err != nil {
   802  			return nil, err
   803  		}
   804  		dep.FullName = dep.GenDepFullName()
   805  	}
   807  	if dep.Source.Local != nil {
   808  		dep.LocalFullPath = dep.Source.Local.Path
   809  	}
   811  	var err error
   812  	dep.Sum, err = utils.HashDir(dep.LocalFullPath)
   813  	if err != nil {
   814  		return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(
   815  			reporter.FailedHashPkg,
   816  			err,
   817  			fmt.Sprintf("failed to hash the kcl package '%s' in '%s'.", dep.Name, dep.LocalFullPath),
   818  		)
   819  	}
   821  	return dep, nil
   822  }
   824  // DownloadFromGit will download the dependency from the git repository.
   825  func (c *KpmClient) DownloadFromGit(dep *pkg.Git, localPath string) (string, error) {
   826  	var msg string
   827  	if len(dep.Tag) != 0 {
   828  		msg = fmt.Sprintf("with tag '%s'", dep.Tag)
   829  	}
   831  	if len(dep.Commit) != 0 {
   832  		msg = fmt.Sprintf("with commit '%s'", dep.Commit)
   833  	}
   835  	reporter.ReportMsgTo(
   836  		fmt.Sprintf("cloning '%s' %s", dep.Url, msg),
   837  		c.logWriter,
   838  	)
   840  	_, err := git.CloneWithOpts(
   841  		git.WithCommit(dep.Commit),
   842  		git.WithTag(dep.Tag),
   843  		git.WithRepoURL(dep.Url),
   844  		git.WithLocalPath(localPath),
   845  		git.WithWriter(c.logWriter),
   846  	)
   848  	if err != nil {
   849  		return localPath, reporter.NewErrorEvent(
   850  			reporter.FailedCloneFromGit,
   851  			err,
   852  			fmt.Sprintf("failed to clone from '%s' into '%s'.", dep.Url, localPath),
   853  		)
   854  	}
   856  	return localPath, err
   857  }
   859  func (c *KpmClient) ParseKclModFile(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg) (map[string]map[string]string, error) {
   860  	// Get path to kcl.mod file
   861  	modFilePath := kclPkg.ModFile.GetModFilePath()
   863  	// Read the content of the kcl.mod file
   864  	modFileBytes, err := os.ReadFile(modFilePath)
   865  	if err != nil {
   866  		return nil, err
   867  	}
   869  	// Normalize line endings for Windows systems
   870  	modFileContent := strings.ReplaceAll(string(modFileBytes), "\r\n", "\n")
   872  	// Parse the TOML content
   873  	var modFileData map[string]interface{}
   874  	if err := toml.Unmarshal([]byte(modFileContent), &modFileData); err != nil {
   875  		return nil, err
   876  	}
   878  	// Extract dependency information
   879  	dependencies := make(map[string]map[string]string)
   880  	if deps, ok := modFileData["dependencies"].(map[string]interface{}); ok {
   881  		for dep, details := range deps {
   882  			dependency := make(map[string]string)
   883  			switch d := details.(type) {
   884  			case string:
   885  				// For simple version strings
   886  				dependency["version"] = d
   887  			case map[string]interface{}:
   888  				// For dependencies with attributes
   889  				for key, value := range d {
   890  					dependency[key] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)
   891  				}
   892  			default:
   893  				return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported dependency format")
   894  			}
   895  			dependencies[dep] = dependency
   896  		}
   897  	}
   899  	return dependencies, nil
   900  }
   902  // DownloadFromOci will download the dependency from the oci repository.
   903  func (c *KpmClient) DownloadFromOci(dep *pkg.Oci, localPath string) (string, error) {
   904  	ociClient, err := oci.NewOciClient(dep.Reg, dep.Repo, &c.settings)
   905  	if err != nil {
   906  		return "", err
   907  	}
   908  	ociClient.SetLogWriter(c.logWriter)
   909  	// Select the latest tag, if the tag, the user inputed, is empty.
   910  	var tagSelected string
   911  	if len(dep.Tag) == 0 {
   912  		tagSelected, err = ociClient.TheLatestTag()
   913  		if err != nil {
   914  			return "", err
   915  		}
   917  		reporter.ReportMsgTo(
   918  			fmt.Sprintf("the lastest version '%s' will be added", tagSelected),
   919  			c.logWriter,
   920  		)
   922  		dep.Tag = tagSelected
   923  		localPath = localPath + dep.Tag
   924  	} else {
   925  		tagSelected = dep.Tag
   926  	}
   928  	reporter.ReportMsgTo(
   929  		fmt.Sprintf("downloading '%s:%s' from '%s/%s:%s'", dep.Repo, tagSelected, dep.Reg, dep.Repo, tagSelected),
   930  		c.logWriter,
   931  	)
   933  	// Pull the package with the tag.
   934  	err = ociClient.Pull(localPath, tagSelected)
   935  	if err != nil {
   936  		return "", err
   937  	}
   939  	matches, _ := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(localPath, "*.tar"))
   940  	if matches == nil || len(matches) != 1 {
   941  		// then try to glob tgz file
   942  		matches, _ = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(localPath, "*.tgz"))
   943  		if matches == nil || len(matches) != 1 {
   944  			err = reporter.NewErrorEvent(
   945  				reporter.InvalidKclPkg,
   946  				err,
   947  				fmt.Sprintf("failed to find the kcl package tar from '%s'.", localPath),
   948  			)
   949  		}
   951  		return "", reporter.NewErrorEvent(
   952  			reporter.InvalidKclPkg,
   953  			err,
   954  			fmt.Sprintf("failed to find the kcl package tar from '%s'.", localPath),
   955  		)
   956  	}
   958  	tarPath := matches[0]
   959  	if utils.IsTar(tarPath) {
   960  		err = utils.UnTarDir(tarPath, localPath)
   961  	} else {
   962  		err = utils.ExtractTarball(tarPath, localPath)
   963  	}
   964  	if err != nil {
   965  		return "", reporter.NewErrorEvent(
   966  			reporter.FailedUntarKclPkg,
   967  			err,
   968  			fmt.Sprintf("failed to untar the kcl package tar from '%s' into '%s'.", tarPath, localPath),
   969  		)
   970  	}
   972  	// After untar the downloaded kcl package tar file, remove the tar file.
   973  	if utils.DirExists(tarPath) {
   974  		rmErr := os.Remove(tarPath)
   975  		if rmErr != nil {
   976  			return "", reporter.NewErrorEvent(
   977  				reporter.FailedUntarKclPkg,
   978  				err,
   979  				fmt.Sprintf("failed to untar the kcl package tar from '%s' into '%s'.", tarPath, localPath),
   980  			)
   981  		}
   982  	}
   984  	return localPath, nil
   985  }
   987  // PullFromOci will pull a kcl package from oci registry and unpack it.
   988  func (c *KpmClient) PullFromOci(localPath, source, tag string) error {
   989  	localPath, err := filepath.Abs(localPath)
   990  	if err != nil {
   991  		return reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.Bug, err)
   992  	}
   993  	if len(source) == 0 {
   994  		return reporter.NewErrorEvent(
   995  			reporter.UnKnownPullWhat,
   996  			errors.FailedPull,
   997  			"oci url or package name must be specified",
   998  		)
   999  	}
  1001  	if len(tag) == 0 {
  1002  		reporter.ReportMsgTo(
  1003  			fmt.Sprintf("start to pull '%s'", source),
  1004  			c.logWriter,
  1005  		)
  1006  	} else {
  1007  		reporter.ReportMsgTo(
  1008  			fmt.Sprintf("start to pull '%s' with tag '%s'", source, tag),
  1009  			c.logWriter,
  1010  		)
  1011  	}
  1013  	ociOpts, err := c.ParseOciOptionFromString(source, tag)
  1014  	if err != nil {
  1015  		return err
  1016  	}
  1018  	tmpDir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "")
  1019  	if err != nil {
  1020  		return reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.Bug, err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to create temp dir '%s'.", tmpDir))
  1021  	}
  1022  	// clean the temp dir.
  1023  	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
  1025  	storepath := ociOpts.SanitizePathWithSuffix(tmpDir)
  1026  	err = c.pullTarFromOci(storepath, ociOpts)
  1027  	if err != nil {
  1028  		return err
  1029  	}
  1031  	// Get the (*.tar) file path.
  1032  	tarPath := filepath.Join(storepath, constants.KCL_PKG_TAR)
  1033  	matches, err := filepath.Glob(tarPath)
  1034  	if err != nil || len(matches) != 1 {
  1035  		if err == nil {
  1036  			err = errors.InvalidPkg
  1037  		}
  1039  		return reporter.NewErrorEvent(
  1040  			reporter.InvalidKclPkg,
  1041  			err,
  1042  			fmt.Sprintf("failed to find the kcl package tar from '%s'.", tarPath),
  1043  		)
  1044  	}
  1046  	// Untar the tar file.
  1047  	storagePath := ociOpts.SanitizePathWithSuffix(localPath)
  1048  	err = utils.UnTarDir(matches[0], storagePath)
  1049  	if err != nil {
  1050  		return reporter.NewErrorEvent(
  1051  			reporter.FailedUntarKclPkg,
  1052  			err,
  1053  			fmt.Sprintf("failed to untar the kcl package tar from '%s' into '%s'.", matches[0], storagePath),
  1054  		)
  1055  	}
  1057  	reporter.ReportMsgTo(
  1058  		fmt.Sprintf("pulled '%s' in '%s' successfully", source, storagePath),
  1059  		c.logWriter,
  1060  	)
  1061  	return nil
  1062  }
  1064  // PushToOci will push a kcl package to oci registry.
  1065  func (c *KpmClient) PushToOci(localPath string, ociOpts *opt.OciOptions) error {
  1066  	ociCli, err := oci.NewOciClient(ociOpts.Reg, ociOpts.Repo, &c.settings)
  1067  	if err != nil {
  1068  		return err
  1069  	}
  1071  	ociCli.SetLogWriter(c.logWriter)
  1073  	exist, err := ociCli.ContainsTag(ociOpts.Tag)
  1074  	if err != (*reporter.KpmEvent)(nil) {
  1075  		return err
  1076  	}
  1078  	if exist {
  1079  		return reporter.NewErrorEvent(
  1080  			reporter.PkgTagExists,
  1081  			fmt.Errorf("package version '%s' already exists", ociOpts.Tag),
  1082  		)
  1083  	}
  1085  	return ociCli.PushWithOciManifest(localPath, ociOpts.Tag, &opt.OciManifestOptions{
  1086  		Annotations: ociOpts.Annotations,
  1087  	})
  1088  }
  1090  // LoginOci will login to the oci registry.
  1091  func (c *KpmClient) LoginOci(hostname, username, password string) error {
  1092  	return oci.Login(hostname, username, password, &c.settings)
  1093  }
  1095  // LogoutOci will logout from the oci registry.
  1096  func (c *KpmClient) LogoutOci(hostname string) error {
  1097  	return oci.Logout(hostname, &c.settings)
  1098  }
  1100  // ParseOciRef will parser '<repo_name>:<repo_tag>' into an 'OciOptions'.
  1101  func (c *KpmClient) ParseOciRef(ociRef string) (*opt.OciOptions, error) {
  1102  	oci_address := strings.Split(ociRef, constants.OCI_SEPARATOR)
  1103  	if len(oci_address) == 1 {
  1104  		return &opt.OciOptions{
  1105  			Reg:  c.GetSettings().DefaultOciRegistry(),
  1106  			Repo: utils.JoinPath(c.GetSettings().DefaultOciRepo(), oci_address[0]),
  1107  		}, nil
  1108  	} else if len(oci_address) == 2 {
  1109  		return &opt.OciOptions{
  1110  			Reg:  c.GetSettings().DefaultOciRegistry(),
  1111  			Repo: utils.JoinPath(c.GetSettings().DefaultOciRepo(), oci_address[0]),
  1112  			Tag:  oci_address[1],
  1113  		}, nil
  1114  	} else {
  1115  		return nil, reporter.NewEvent(reporter.IsNotRef)
  1116  	}
  1117  }
  1119  // ParseOciOptionFromString will parser '<repo_name>:<repo_tag>' into an 'OciOptions' with an OCI registry.
  1120  // the default OCI registry is ''.
  1121  // if the 'ociUrl' is only '<repo_name>', ParseOciOptionFromString will take 'latest' as the default tag.
  1122  func (c *KpmClient) ParseOciOptionFromString(oci string, tag string) (*opt.OciOptions, error) {
  1123  	ociOpt, event := opt.ParseOciUrl(oci)
  1124  	if event != nil && (event.Type() == reporter.IsNotUrl || event.Type() == reporter.UrlSchemeNotOci) {
  1125  		ociOpt, err := c.ParseOciRef(oci)
  1126  		if err != nil {
  1127  			return nil, err
  1128  		}
  1129  		if len(tag) != 0 {
  1130  			reporter.ReportEventTo(
  1131  				reporter.NewEvent(
  1132  					reporter.InvalidFlag,
  1133  					"kpm get version from oci reference '<repo_name>:<repo_tag>'",
  1134  				),
  1135  				c.logWriter,
  1136  			)
  1137  			reporter.ReportEventTo(
  1138  				reporter.NewEvent(
  1139  					reporter.InvalidFlag,
  1140  					"arg '--tag' is invalid for oci reference",
  1141  				),
  1142  				c.logWriter,
  1143  			)
  1144  		}
  1145  		return ociOpt, nil
  1146  	}
  1148  	ociOpt.Tag = tag
  1150  	return ociOpt, nil
  1151  }
  1153  // InitGraphAndDownloadDeps initializes a dependency graph and call downloadDeps function.
  1154  func (c *KpmClient) InitGraphAndDownloadDeps(kclPkg *pkg.KclPkg) (*pkg.Dependencies, graph.Graph[string, string], error) {
  1156  	depGraph := graph.New(graph.StringHash, graph.Directed(), graph.PreventCycles())
  1158  	// add the root vertex(package name) to the dependency graph.
  1159  	root := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", kclPkg.GetPkgName(), kclPkg.GetPkgVersion())
  1160  	err := depGraph.AddVertex(root)
  1161  	if err != nil {
  1162  		return nil, nil, err
  1163  	}
  1165  	changedDeps, err := c.downloadDeps(kclPkg.ModFile.Dependencies, kclPkg.Dependencies, depGraph, root)
  1166  	if err != nil {
  1167  		return nil, nil, err
  1168  	}
  1170  	return changedDeps, depGraph, nil
  1171  }
  1173  // dependencyExists will check whether the dependency exists in the local filesystem.
  1174  func (c *KpmClient) dependencyExists(dep *pkg.Dependency, lockDeps *pkg.Dependencies) *pkg.Dependency {
  1176  	// If the flag '--no_sum_check' is set, skip the checksum check.
  1177  	if c.noSumCheck {
  1178  		// If the dependent package does exist locally
  1179  		if utils.DirExists(filepath.Join(c.homePath, dep.FullName)) {
  1180  			return dep
  1181  		}
  1182  	}
  1184  	lockDep, present := lockDeps.Deps[dep.Name]
  1185  	// Check if the sum of this dependency in kcl.mod.lock has been changed.
  1186  	if !c.noSumCheck && present {
  1187  		// If the dependent package does not exist locally, then method 'check' will return false.
  1188  		if c.noSumCheck || check(lockDep, filepath.Join(c.homePath, dep.FullName)) {
  1189  			return dep
  1190  		}
  1191  	}
  1193  	return nil
  1194  }
  1196  // downloadDeps will download all the dependencies of the current kcl package.
  1197  func (c *KpmClient) downloadDeps(deps pkg.Dependencies, lockDeps pkg.Dependencies, depGraph graph.Graph[string, string], parent string) (*pkg.Dependencies, error) {
  1198  	newDeps := pkg.Dependencies{
  1199  		Deps: make(map[string]pkg.Dependency),
  1200  	}
  1202  	// Traverse all dependencies in kcl.mod
  1203  	for _, d := range deps.Deps {
  1204  		if len(d.Name) == 0 {
  1205  			return nil, errors.InvalidDependency
  1206  		}
  1208  		existDep := c.dependencyExists(&d, &lockDeps)
  1209  		if existDep != nil {
  1210  			newDeps.Deps[d.Name] = *existDep
  1211  			continue
  1212  		}
  1214  		expectedSum := lockDeps.Deps[d.Name].Sum
  1215  		// Clean the cache
  1216  		if len(c.homePath) == 0 || len(d.FullName) == 0 {
  1217  			return nil, errors.InternalBug
  1218  		}
  1219  		dir := filepath.Join(c.homePath, d.FullName)
  1220  		os.RemoveAll(dir)
  1222  		// download dependencies
  1223  		lockedDep, err := c.Download(&d, dir)
  1224  		if err != nil {
  1225  			return nil, err
  1226  		}
  1228  		if !lockedDep.IsFromLocal() {
  1229  			if !c.noSumCheck && expectedSum != "" &&
  1230  				lockedDep.Sum != expectedSum &&
  1231  				existDep != nil &&
  1232  				existDep.FullName == d.FullName {
  1233  				return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(
  1234  					reporter.CheckSumMismatch,
  1235  					errors.CheckSumMismatchError,
  1236  					fmt.Sprintf("checksum for '%s' changed in lock file", lockedDep.Name),
  1237  				)
  1238  			}
  1239  		}
  1241  		// Update kcl.mod and kcl.mod.lock
  1242  		newDeps.Deps[d.Name] = *lockedDep
  1243  		lockDeps.Deps[d.Name] = *lockedDep
  1244  	}
  1246  	// necessary to make a copy as when we are updating kcl.mod in below for loop
  1247  	// then newDeps.Deps gets updated and range gets an extra value to iterate through
  1248  	// this messes up the dependency graph
  1249  	newDepsCopy := make(map[string]pkg.Dependency)
  1250  	for k, v := range newDeps.Deps {
  1251  		newDepsCopy[k] = v
  1252  	}
  1254  	// Recursively download the dependencies of the new dependencies.
  1255  	for _, d := range newDepsCopy {
  1256  		// Load kcl.mod file of the new downloaded dependencies.
  1257  		deppkg, err := pkg.LoadKclPkg(filepath.Join(c.homePath, d.FullName))
  1258  		if len(d.LocalFullPath) != 0 {
  1259  			deppkg, err = pkg.LoadKclPkg(d.LocalFullPath)
  1260  		}
  1262  		if err != nil {
  1263  			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
  1264  				continue
  1265  			}
  1266  			return nil, err
  1267  		}
  1268  		source := fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", d.Name, d.Version)
  1269  		source = strings.TrimRight(source, "@")
  1270  		err = depGraph.AddVertex(source)
  1271  		if err != nil && err != graph.ErrVertexAlreadyExists {
  1272  			return nil, err
  1273  		}
  1275  		err = depGraph.AddEdge(parent, source)
  1276  		if err != nil {
  1277  			if err == graph.ErrEdgeCreatesCycle {
  1278  				return nil, reporter.NewErrorEvent(
  1279  					reporter.CircularDependencyExist,
  1280  					nil,
  1281  					fmt.Sprintf("adding %s as a dependency results in a cycle", source),
  1282  				)
  1283  			}
  1284  			return nil, err
  1285  		}
  1287  		// Download the dependencies.
  1288  		nested, err := c.downloadDeps(deppkg.ModFile.Dependencies, lockDeps, depGraph, source)
  1289  		if err != nil {
  1290  			return nil, err
  1291  		}
  1293  		// Update kcl.mod.
  1294  		for _, d := range nested.Deps {
  1295  			if _, ok := newDeps.Deps[d.Name]; !ok {
  1296  				newDeps.Deps[d.Name] = d
  1297  			}
  1298  		}
  1299  	}
  1301  	return &newDeps, nil
  1302  }
  1304  // pullTarFromOci will pull a kcl package tar file from oci registry.
  1305  func (c *KpmClient) pullTarFromOci(localPath string, ociOpts *opt.OciOptions) error {
  1306  	absPullPath, err := filepath.Abs(localPath)
  1307  	if err != nil {
  1308  		return reporter.NewErrorEvent(reporter.Bug, err)
  1309  	}
  1311  	ociCli, err := oci.NewOciClient(ociOpts.Reg, ociOpts.Repo, &c.settings)
  1312  	if err != nil {
  1313  		return err
  1314  	}
  1316  	ociCli.SetLogWriter(c.logWriter)
  1318  	var tagSelected string
  1319  	if len(ociOpts.Tag) == 0 {
  1320  		tagSelected, err = ociCli.TheLatestTag()
  1321  		if err != nil {
  1322  			return err
  1323  		}
  1324  		reporter.ReportMsgTo(
  1325  			fmt.Sprintf("the lastest version '%s' will be pulled", tagSelected),
  1326  			c.logWriter,
  1327  		)
  1328  	} else {
  1329  		tagSelected = ociOpts.Tag
  1330  	}
  1332  	full_repo := utils.JoinPath(ociOpts.Reg, ociOpts.Repo)
  1333  	reporter.ReportMsgTo(
  1334  		fmt.Sprintf("pulling '%s:%s' from '%s'", ociOpts.Repo, tagSelected, full_repo),
  1335  		c.logWriter,
  1336  	)
  1338  	err = ociCli.Pull(absPullPath, tagSelected)
  1339  	if err != nil {
  1340  		return err
  1341  	}
  1343  	return nil
  1344  }
  1346  // FetchOciManifestConfIntoJsonStr will fetch the oci manifest config of the kcl package from the oci registry and return it into json string.
  1347  func (c *KpmClient) FetchOciManifestIntoJsonStr(opts opt.OciFetchOptions) (string, error) {
  1348  	ociCli, err := oci.NewOciClient(opts.Reg, opts.Repo, &c.settings)
  1349  	if err != nil {
  1350  		return "", err
  1351  	}
  1353  	manifestJson, err := ociCli.FetchManifestIntoJsonStr(opts)
  1354  	if err != nil {
  1355  		return "", err
  1356  	}
  1357  	return manifestJson, nil
  1358  }
  1360  // check sum for a Dependency.
  1361  func check(dep pkg.Dependency, newDepPath string) bool {
  1362  	if dep.Sum == "" {
  1363  		return false
  1364  	}
  1366  	sum, err := utils.HashDir(newDepPath)
  1368  	if err != nil {
  1369  		return false
  1370  	}
  1372  	return dep.Sum == sum
  1373  }
  1375  // createDepRef will create a dependency reference for the dependency saved on the local filesystem.
  1376  // On the unix-like system, it will create a symbolic link.
  1377  // On the windows system, it will create a junction.
  1378  func createDepRef(depName, refName string) error {
  1379  	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
  1380  		// 'go-getter' continuously occupies files in '.git', causing the copy operation to fail
  1381  		opt := copy.Options{
  1382  			Skip: func(srcinfo os.FileInfo, src, dest string) (bool, error) {
  1383  				return filepath.Base(src) == constants.GitPathSuffix, nil
  1384  			},
  1385  		}
  1386  		return copy.Copy(depName, refName, opt)
  1387  	} else {
  1388  		return utils.CreateSymlink(depName, refName)
  1389  	}
  1390  }