
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Commands: Info"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-commands-info"
     5  description: |-
     6    The `info` command provides various debugging information that can be useful to operators. Depending on if the agent is a client or server, information about different sub-systems will be returned.
     7  ---
     9  # Consul Info
    11  Command: `consul info`
    13  The `info` command provides various debugging information that can be
    14  useful to operators. Depending on if the agent is a client or server,
    15  information about different sub-systems will be returned.
    17  There are currently the top-level keys for:
    19  * agent: Provides information about the agent
    20  * consul: Information about the consul library (client or server)
    21  * raft: Provides info about the Raft [consensus library](/docs/internals/consensus.html)
    22  * serf_lan: Provides info about the LAN [gossip pool](/docs/internals/gossip.html)
    23  * serf_wan: Provides info about the WAN [gossip pool](/docs/internals/gossip.html)
    25  Here is an example output:
    27  ```text
    28  agent:
    29      check_monitors = 0
    30      check_ttls = 0
    31      checks = 0
    32      services = 0
    33  consul:
    34      bootstrap = true
    35      known_datacenters = 1
    36      leader = true
    37      server = true
    38  raft:
    39      applied_index = 45832
    40      commit_index = 45832
    41      fsm_pending = 0
    42      last_log_index = 45832
    43      last_log_term = 4
    44      last_snapshot_index = 45713
    45      last_snapshot_term = 1
    46      num_peers = 2
    47      state = Leader
    48      term = 4
    49  serf_lan:
    50      event_queue = 0
    51      event_time = 2
    52      failed = 0
    53      intent_queue = 0
    54      left = 0
    55      member_time = 7
    56      members = 3
    57      query_queue = 0
    58      query_time = 1
    59  serf_wan:
    60      event_queue = 0
    61      event_time = 1
    62      failed = 0
    63      intent_queue = 0
    64      left = 0
    65      member_time = 1
    66      members = 1
    67      query_queue = 0
    68      query_time = 1
    69  ```
    71  ## Usage
    73  Usage: `consul info`
    75  #### API Options
    77  <%= partial "docs/commands/http_api_options_client" %>