
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Connect - Intentions"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-connect-intentions"
     5  description: |-
     6    Intentions define access control for services via Connect and are used to control which services may establish connections. Intentions can be managed via the API, CLI, or UI.
     7  ---
     9  # Intentions
    11  Intentions define access control for services via Connect and are used
    12  to control which services may establish connections. Intentions can be
    13  managed via the API, CLI, or UI.
    15  Intentions are enforced by the [proxy](/docs/connect/proxies.html)
    16  or [natively integrated application](/docs/connect/native.html) on
    17  inbound connections. After verifying the TLS client certificate, the
    18  [authorize API endpoint](#) is called which verifies the connection
    19  is allowed by testing the intentions. If authorize returns false the
    20  connection must be terminated.
    22  The default intention behavior is defined by the default
    23  [ACL policy](/docs/guides/acl.html). If the default ACL policy is "allow all",
    24  then all Connect connections are allowed by default. If the default ACL policy
    25  is "deny all", then all Connect connections are denied by default.
    27  ## Intention Basics
    29  Intentions can be managed via the
    30  [API](#),
    31  [CLI](#),
    32  or UI. Please see the respective documentation for each for full details
    33  on options, flags, etc.
    34  Below is an example of a basic intention to show the basic attributes
    35  of an intention. The full data model of an intention can be found in the
    36  [API documentation](#).
    38  ```
    39  $ consul intention create -deny web db
    40  Created: web => db (deny)
    41  ```
    43  The intention above is a deny intention with a source of "web" and
    44  destination of "db". This says that connections from web to db are not
    45  allowed and the connection will be rejected.
    47  When an intention is modified, existing connections will not be affected.
    48  This means that changing a connection from "allow" to "deny" today
    49  _will not_ kill the connection. Addressing this shortcoming is on
    50  the near term roadmap for Consul.
    52  ### Wildcard Intentions
    54  An intention source or destination may also be the special wildcard
    55  value `*`. This matches _any_ value and is used as a catch-all. Example:
    57  ```
    58  $ consul intention create -deny web '*'
    59  Created: web => * (deny)
    60  ```
    62  This example says that the "web" service cannot connect to _any_ service.
    64  ### Metadata
    66  Arbitrary string key/value data may be associated with intentions. This
    67  is unused by Consul but can be used by external systems or for visibility
    68  in the UI.
    70  ```
    71  $ consul intention create \
    72    -deny \
    73    -meta description='Hello there' \
    74    web db
    75  ...
    77  $ consul intention get web db
    78  Source:             web
    79  Destination:        db
    80  Action:             deny
    81  ID:                 31449e02-c787-f7f4-aa92-72b5d9b0d9ec
    82  Meta[description]:  Hello there
    83  Created At:         Friday, 25-May-18 02:07:51 CEST
    84  ```
    86  ## Precedence and Match Order
    88  Intentions are matched in an implicit order based on specificity, preferring
    89  deny over allow. Specificity is determined by whether a value is an exact
    90  specified value or is the wildcard value `*`.
    91  The full precedence table is shown below and is evaluated
    92  top to bottom, with larger numbers being evaluated first.
    94  | Source Name | Destination Name | Precedence |
    95  | ----------- | ---------------- | ---------- |
    96  | Exact       | Exact            | 9          |
    97  | `*`         | Exact            | 8          |
    98  | Exact       | `*`              | 6          |
    99  | `*`         | `*`              | 5          |
   101  The precedence value can be read from the [API](/api/connect/intentions.html)
   102  after an intention is created.
   103  Precedence cannot be manually overridden today. This is a feature that will
   104  be added in a later version of Consul.
   106  In the case the two precedence values match, Consul will evaluate
   107  intentions based on lexographical ordering of the destination then
   108  source name. In practice, this is a moot point since authorizing a connection
   109  has an exact source and destination value so its impossible for two
   110  valid non-wildcard intentions to match.
   112  The numbers in the table above are not stable. Their ordering will remain
   113  fixed but the actual number values may change in the future.
   114  The numbers are non-contiguous because there are
   115  some unused values in the middle in preparation for a future version of
   116  Consul supporting namespaces.
   118  ## Intention Management Permissions
   120  Intention management can be protected by [ACLs](/docs/guides/acl.html).
   121  Permissions for intentions are _destination-oriented_, meaning the ACLs
   122  for managing intentions are looked up based on the destination value
   123  of the intention, not the source.
   125  Intention permissions are by default implicitly granted at `read` level
   126  when granting `service:read` or `service:write`. This is because a
   127  service registered that wants to use Connect needs `intentions:read`
   128  for its own service name in order to know whether or not to authorize
   129  connections. The following ACL policy will implicitly grant `intentions:read` 
   130  (note _read_) for service `web`.
   132  ```hcl
   133  service "web" {
   134    policy = "write"
   135  }
   136  ```
   138  It is possible to explicitly specify intention permissions. For example,
   139  the following policy will allow a service to be discovered without granting
   140  access to read intentions for it.
   142  ```hcl
   143  service "web" {
   144    policy = "read"
   145    intentions = "deny"
   146  }
   147  ```
   149  Note that `intentions:read` is required for a token that a Connect-enabled
   150  service uses to register itself or it's proxy. If the token used does not
   151  have `intentions:read` then the agent will be unable to resolve intentions
   152  for the service and so will not be able to authorize any incoming connections.
   154  ~> **Security Note:** Explicitly allowing `intentions:write` on the token you
   155  provide to a service instance at registration time opens up a significant
   156  additional vulnerability. Although you may trust the service _team_ to define
   157  which inbound connections they accept, using a combined token for registration 
   158  allows a compromised instance to to redefine the intentions which allows many 
   159  additional attack vectors and may be hard to detect. We strongly recommend only 
   160  delegating `intentions:write` using tokens that are used by operations teams or
   161  orchestrators rather than spread via application config, or only manage 
   162  intentions with management tokens.
   164  ## Performance and Intention Updates
   166  The intentions for services registered with a Consul agent are cached
   167  locally on that agent. They are then updated via a background blocking query
   168  against the Consul servers.
   170  Connect connection attempts require only local agent
   171  communication for authorization and generally impose only impose microseconds
   172  of latency to the connection. All actions in the data path of connections
   173  require only local data to ensure minimal performance overhead.
   175  Updates to intentions are propagated nearly instantly to agents since agents
   176  maintain a continuous blocking query in the background for intention updates
   177  for registered services.
   179  Because all the intention data is cached locally, the agents can fail static.
   180  Even if the agents are severed completely from the Consul servers, inbound
   181  connection authorization continues to work for a configured amount of time.
   182  Changes to intentions will not be picked up until the partition heals, but
   183  will then automatically take effect when connectivity is restored.