
     1  ---
     2  layout: "docs"
     3  page_title: "Consul Architecture"
     4  sidebar_current: "docs-internals-architecture"
     5  description: |-
     6    Consul is a complex system that has many different moving parts. To help users and developers of Consul form a mental model of how it works, this page documents the system architecture.
     7  ---
     9  # Consul Architecture
    11  Consul is a complex system that has many different moving parts. To help
    12  users and developers of Consul form a mental model of how it works, this
    13  page documents the system architecture.
    15  ~> **Advanced Topic!** This page covers technical details of
    16  the internals of Consul. You don't need to know these details to effectively
    17  operate and use Consul. These details are documented here for those who wish
    18  to learn about them without having to go spelunking through the source code.
    20  ## Glossary
    22  Before describing the architecture, we provide a glossary of terms to help
    23  clarify what is being discussed:
    25  * Agent - An agent is the long running daemon on every member of the Consul cluster.
    26  It is started by running `consul agent`. The agent is able to run in either *client*
    27  or *server* mode. Since all nodes must be running an agent, it is simpler to refer to
    28  the node as being either a client or server, but there are other instances of the agent. All
    29  agents can run the DNS or HTTP interfaces, and are responsible for running checks and
    30  keeping services in sync.
    32  * Client - A client is an agent that forwards all RPCs to a server. The client is relatively
    33  stateless. The only background activity a client performs is taking part in the LAN gossip
    34  pool. This has a minimal resource overhead and consumes only a small amount of network
    35  bandwidth.
    37  * Server - A server is an agent with an expanded set of responsibilities including
    38  participating in the Raft quorum, maintaining cluster state, responding to RPC queries,
    39  exchanging WAN gossip with other datacenters, and forwarding queries to leaders or
    40  remote datacenters.
    42  * Datacenter - While the definition of a datacenter seems obvious, there are subtle details
    43  that must be considered. For example, in EC2, are multiple availability zones considered
    44  to comprise a single datacenter? We define a datacenter to be a networking environment that is
    45  private, low latency, and high bandwidth. This excludes communication that would traverse
    46  the public internet, but for our purposes multiple availability zones within a single EC2
    47  region would be considered part of a single datacenter.
    49  * Consensus - When used in our documentation we use consensus to mean agreement upon
    50  the elected leader as well as agreement on the ordering of transactions. Since these
    51  transactions are applied to a
    52  [finite-state machine](, our definition
    53  of consensus implies the consistency of a replicated state machine. Consensus is described
    54  in more detail on [Wikipedia](,
    55  and our implementation is described [here](/docs/internals/consensus.html).
    57  * Gossip - Consul is built on top of [Serf]( which provides a full
    58  [gossip protocol]( that is used for multiple purposes.
    59  Serf provides membership, failure detection, and event broadcast. Our use of these
    60  is described more in the [gossip documentation](/docs/internals/gossip.html). It is enough to know
    61  that gossip involves random node-to-node communication, primarily over UDP.
    63  * LAN Gossip - Refers to the LAN gossip pool which contains nodes that are all
    64  located on the same local area network or datacenter.
    66  * WAN Gossip - Refers to the WAN gossip pool which contains only servers. These
    67  servers are primarily located in different datacenters and typically communicate
    68  over the internet or wide area network.
    70  * RPC - Remote Procedure Call. This is a request / response mechanism allowing a
    71  client to make a request of a server.
    73  ## 10,000 foot view
    75  From a 10,000 foot altitude the architecture of Consul looks like this:
    77  <div class="center">
    78  [![Consul Architecture](/assets/images/consul-arch.png)](/assets/images/consul-arch.png)
    79  </div>
    81  Let's break down this image and describe each piece. First of all, we can see
    82  that there are two datacenters, labeled "one" and "two". Consul has first
    83  class support for [multiple datacenters](/docs/guides/datacenters.html) and
    84  expects this to be the common case.
    86  Within each datacenter, we have a mixture of clients and servers. It is expected
    87  that there be between three to five servers. This strikes a balance between
    88  availability in the case of failure and performance, as consensus gets progressively
    89  slower as more machines are added. However, there is no limit to the number of clients,
    90  and they can easily scale into the thousands or tens of thousands.
    92  All the nodes that are in a datacenter participate in a [gossip protocol](/docs/internals/gossip.html).
    93  This means there is a gossip pool that contains all the nodes for a given datacenter. This serves
    94  a few purposes: first, there is no need to configure clients with the addresses of servers;
    95  discovery is done automatically. Second, the work of detecting node failures
    96  is not placed on the servers but is distributed. This makes failure detection much more
    97  scalable than naive heartbeating schemes. Thirdly, it is used as a messaging layer to notify
    98  when important events such as leader election take place.
   100  The servers in each datacenter are all part of a single Raft peer set. This means that
   101  they work together to elect a single leader, a selected server which has extra duties. The leader
   102  is responsible for processing all queries and transactions. Transactions must also be replicated to
   103  all peers as part of the [consensus protocol](/docs/internals/consensus.html). Because of this
   104  requirement, when a non-leader server receives an RPC request, it forwards it to the cluster leader.
   106  The server nodes also operate as part of a WAN gossip pool. This pool is different from the LAN pool
   107  as it is optimized for the higher latency of the internet and is expected to contain only
   108  other Consul server nodes. The purpose of this pool is to allow datacenters to discover each
   109  other in a low-touch manner. Bringing a new datacenter online is as easy as joining the existing
   110  WAN gossip pool. Because the servers are all operating in this pool, it also enables cross-datacenter
   111  requests. When a server receives a request for a different datacenter, it forwards it to a random
   112  server in the correct datacenter. That server may then forward to the local leader.
   114  This results in a very low coupling between datacenters, but because of failure detection,
   115  connection caching and multiplexing, cross-datacenter requests are relatively fast and reliable.
   117  In general, data is not replicated between different Consul datacenters. When a
   118  request is made for a resource in another datacenter, the local Consul servers forward
   119  an RPC request to the remote Consul servers for that resource and return the results.
   120  If the remote datacenter is not available, then those resources will also not be
   121  available, but that won't otherwise affect the local datacenter. There are some special
   122  situations where a limited subset of data can be replicated, such as with Consul's built-in
   123  [ACL replication](/docs/guides/acl.html#outages-and-acl-replication) capability, or
   124  external tools like [consul-replicate](
   126  In some places, client agents may cache data from the servers to make it
   127  available locally for performance and reliability. Examples include Connect
   128  certificates and intentions which allow the client agent to make local decisions
   129  about inbound connection requests without a round trip to the servers. Some API
   130  endpoints also support optional result caching. This helps reliability because
   131  the local agent can continue to respond to some queries like service-discovery
   132  or Connect authorization from cache even if the connection to the servers is
   133  disrupted or the servers are temporarily unavailable.
   135  ## Getting in depth
   137  At this point we've covered the high level architecture of Consul, but there are many
   138  more details for each of the subsystems. The [consensus protocol](/docs/internals/consensus.html) is
   139  documented in detail as is the [gossip protocol](/docs/internals/gossip.html). The [documentation](/docs/internals/security.html)
   140  for the security model and protocols used are also available.
   142  For other details, either consult the code, ask in IRC, or reach out to the mailing list.