(about) 1 summary: Check that read-write bind mounts can be created 2 # This is blacklisted on debian because we first have to get the dpkg-vendor patches 3 systems: [-debian-8] 4 prepare: | 5 echo "Having installed the snapd-hacker-toolbelt snap" 6 snap install snapd-hacker-toolbelt 7 echo "We can connect it to the mount-observe slot from the core" 8 snap connect snapd-hacker-toolbelt:mount-observe ubuntu-core:mount-observe 9 echo "We can change its mount profile externally to create a read-only bind-mount" 10 echo "/snap/snapd-hacker-toolbelt/current/src -> /snap/snapd-hacker-toolbelt/current/dst" 11 mkdir -p /var/lib/snapd/mount 12 echo "/snap/snapd-hacker-toolbelt/current/src /snap/snapd-hacker-toolbelt/current/dst none bind,rw 0 0" > /var/lib/snapd/mount/snap.snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox.fstab 13 execute: | 14 cd / 15 echo "We can now look at the .id file in the destination directory" 16 [ "$(/snap/bin/snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox cat /snap/snapd-hacker-toolbelt/current/dst/.id)" = "source" ] 17 echo "As well as the current mount points" 18 # FIXME: this doesn't show 'rw', bind mounts confuse most tools and it 19 # seems that busybox is not any different here. 20 /snap/bin/snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox mount | grep snapd-hacker-toolbelt 21 restore: | 22 snap remove --purge snapd-hacker-toolbelt 23 rm -rf /var/snap/snapd-hacker-toolbelt 24 rm -f /var/lib/snapd/mount/snap.snapd-hacker-toolbelt.busybox.fstab