(about) 1 #!/bin/bash 2 # Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. 3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style 4 # license that can be found in the LICENSE file. 5 6 set -e 7 8 # We need to test enough GOOS/GOARCH combinations to pick up all the 9 # package dependencies. 10 gooslist="windows linux darwin solaris" 11 goarchlist="386 amd64 arm arm64 ppc64" 12 13 echo NOTE: errors about loading internal/syscall/windows are ok 14 15 deps_of() { 16 for goos in $gooslist 17 do 18 for goarch in $goarchlist 19 do 20 GOOS=$goos GOARCH=$goarch go list -tags cmd_go_bootstrap -f '{{range .Deps}}{{$.ImportPath}} {{.}} 21 {{end}}' $* 22 done 23 done | sort -u | grep . | grep -v ' unsafe$' 24 } 25 26 all="$(deps_of cmd/go | awk '{print $2}') cmd/go" 27 deps_of $all >tmp.all.deps 28 29 ( 30 echo '// generated by mkdeps.bash' 31 echo 32 echo 'package main' 33 echo 34 echo 'var builddeps = map[string][]string{' 35 for pkg in $all 36 do 37 echo -n "\"$pkg\": {" 38 for dep in $(awk -v pkg=$pkg '$1==pkg {print $2}' tmp.all.deps) 39 do 40 echo -n "\"$dep\"," 41 done 42 echo '},' 43 done 44 echo '}' 45 ) |gofmt >deps.go 46 47 rm -f tmp.all.deps