
     1  # This action targets setup-go@v3 to support workers with old NodeJS
     2  # incompabible with newer versions of setup-go.
     3  #
     4  # Since github actions do not support dynamically configuring the
     5  # versions in a uses statement (e.g. `actions/setup-go@${{ var }}`) it
     6  # is necessary to define an action per version rather than one action
     7  # that can be parameterized.
     8  #
     9  # Must be run after actions/checkout to ensure go.mod is available to
    10  # source the project's go version from.
    12  name: 'Install Go toolchain with project defaults'
    13  description: 'Install a go toolchain with project defaults'
    15  runs:
    16    using: composite
    17    steps:
    18      - name: Set the project Go version in the environment
    19        uses: ./.github/actions/set-go-version-in-env
    20      - name: Set up Go
    21        uses: actions/setup-go@v3
    22        with:
    23          go-version: '${{ env.GO_VERSION }}'
    24          check-latest: true