
     1  // Copyright (C) 2019-2024, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
     4  package config
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"path/filepath"
    10  	"runtime"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  )
    29  const (
    30  	DefaultHTTPPort    = 9650
    31  	DefaultStakingPort = 9651
    33  	AvalancheGoDataDirVar    = "METALGO_DATA_DIR"
    34  	defaultUnexpandedDataDir = "$" + AvalancheGoDataDirVar
    36  	DefaultProcessContextFilename = "process.json"
    37  )
    39  var (
    40  	// [defaultUnexpandedDataDir] will be expanded when reading the flags
    41  	defaultDataDir              = filepath.Join("$HOME", ".metalgo")
    42  	defaultDBDir                = filepath.Join(defaultUnexpandedDataDir, "db")
    43  	defaultLogDir               = filepath.Join(defaultUnexpandedDataDir, "logs")
    44  	defaultProfileDir           = filepath.Join(defaultUnexpandedDataDir, "profiles")
    45  	defaultStakingPath          = filepath.Join(defaultUnexpandedDataDir, "staking")
    46  	defaultStakingTLSKeyPath    = filepath.Join(defaultStakingPath, "staker.key")
    47  	defaultStakingCertPath      = filepath.Join(defaultStakingPath, "staker.crt")
    48  	defaultStakingSignerKeyPath = filepath.Join(defaultStakingPath, "signer.key")
    49  	defaultConfigDir            = filepath.Join(defaultUnexpandedDataDir, "configs")
    50  	defaultChainConfigDir       = filepath.Join(defaultConfigDir, "chains")
    51  	defaultVMConfigDir          = filepath.Join(defaultConfigDir, "vms")
    52  	defaultVMAliasFilePath      = filepath.Join(defaultVMConfigDir, "aliases.json")
    53  	defaultChainAliasFilePath   = filepath.Join(defaultChainConfigDir, "aliases.json")
    54  	defaultSubnetConfigDir      = filepath.Join(defaultConfigDir, "subnets")
    55  	defaultPluginDir            = filepath.Join(defaultUnexpandedDataDir, "plugins")
    56  	defaultChainDataDir         = filepath.Join(defaultUnexpandedDataDir, "chainData")
    57  	defaultProcessContextPath   = filepath.Join(defaultUnexpandedDataDir, DefaultProcessContextFilename)
    58  )
    60  func deprecateFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) error {
    61  	for key, message := range deprecatedKeys {
    62  		if err := fs.MarkDeprecated(key, message); err != nil {
    63  			return err
    64  		}
    65  	}
    66  	return nil
    67  }
    69  func addProcessFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
    70  	// If true, print the version and quit.
    71  	fs.Bool(VersionKey, false, "If true, print version and quit")
    72  	fs.Bool(VersionJSONKey, false, "If true, print version in JSON format and quit")
    73  }
    75  func addNodeFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
    76  	// Home directory
    77  	fs.String(DataDirKey, defaultDataDir, "Sets the base data directory where default sub-directories will be placed unless otherwise specified.")
    78  	// System
    79  	fs.Uint64(FdLimitKey, ulimit.DefaultFDLimit, "Attempts to raise the process file descriptor limit to at least this value and error if the value is above the system max")
    81  	// Plugin directory
    82  	fs.String(PluginDirKey, defaultPluginDir, "Path to the plugin directory")
    84  	// Config File
    85  	fs.String(ConfigFileKey, "", fmt.Sprintf("Specifies a config file. Ignored if %s is specified", ConfigContentKey))
    86  	fs.String(ConfigContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded config content")
    87  	fs.String(ConfigContentTypeKey, "json", "Specifies the format of the base64 encoded config content. Available values: 'json', 'yaml', 'toml'")
    89  	// Genesis
    90  	fs.String(GenesisFileKey, "", fmt.Sprintf("Specifies a genesis config file path. Ignored when running standard networks or if %s is specified",
    91  		GenesisFileContentKey))
    92  	fs.String(GenesisFileContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded genesis content")
    94  	// Network ID
    95  	fs.String(NetworkNameKey, constants.MainnetName, "Network ID this node will connect to")
    97  	// ACP flagging
    98  	fs.IntSlice(ACPSupportKey, nil, "ACPs to support adoption")
    99  	fs.IntSlice(ACPObjectKey, nil, "ACPs to object adoption")
   101  	// AVAX fees
   102  	fs.Uint64(TxFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.TxFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX")
   103  	fs.Uint64(CreateAssetTxFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.CreateAssetTxFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that create new assets")
   104  	fs.Uint64(CreateSubnetTxFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.CreateSubnetTxFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that create new subnets")
   105  	fs.Uint64(TransformSubnetTxFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.TransformSubnetTxFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that transform subnets")
   106  	fs.Uint64(CreateBlockchainTxFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.CreateBlockchainTxFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that create new blockchains")
   107  	fs.Uint64(AddPrimaryNetworkValidatorFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.AddPrimaryNetworkValidatorFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that add new primary network validators")
   108  	fs.Uint64(AddPrimaryNetworkDelegatorFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.AddPrimaryNetworkDelegatorFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that add new primary network delegators")
   109  	fs.Uint64(AddSubnetValidatorFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.AddSubnetValidatorFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that add new subnet validators")
   110  	fs.Uint64(AddSubnetDelegatorFeeKey, genesis.LocalParams.AddSubnetDelegatorFee, "Transaction fee, in nAVAX, for transactions that add new subnet delegators")
   112  	// Database
   113  	fs.String(DBTypeKey, leveldb.Name, fmt.Sprintf("Database type to use. Must be one of {%s, %s, %s}", leveldb.Name, memdb.Name, pebbledb.Name))
   114  	fs.Bool(DBReadOnlyKey, false, "If true, database writes are to memory and never persisted. May still initialize database directory/files on disk if they don't exist")
   115  	fs.String(DBPathKey, defaultDBDir, "Path to database directory")
   116  	fs.String(DBConfigFileKey, "", fmt.Sprintf("Path to database config file. Ignored if %s is specified", DBConfigContentKey))
   117  	fs.String(DBConfigContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded database config content")
   119  	// Logging
   120  	fs.String(LogsDirKey, defaultLogDir, "Logging directory for Avalanche")
   121  	fs.String(LogLevelKey, "info", "The log level. Should be one of {verbo, debug, trace, info, warn, error, fatal, off}")
   122  	fs.String(LogDisplayLevelKey, "", "The log display level. If left blank, will inherit the value of log-level. Otherwise, should be one of {verbo, debug, trace, info, warn, error, fatal, off}")
   123  	fs.String(LogFormatKey, "auto", "The structure of log format. Defaults to 'auto' which formats terminal-like logs, when the output is a terminal. Otherwise, should be one of {auto, plain, colors, json}")
   124  	fs.Uint(LogRotaterMaxSizeKey, 8, "The maximum file size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated.")
   125  	fs.Uint(LogRotaterMaxFilesKey, 7, "The maximum number of old log files to retain. 0 means retain all old log files.")
   126  	fs.Uint(LogRotaterMaxAgeKey, 0, "The maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the timestamp encoded in their filename. 0 means retain all old log files.")
   127  	fs.Bool(LogRotaterCompressEnabledKey, false, "Enables the compression of rotated log files through gzip.")
   128  	fs.Bool(LogDisableDisplayPluginLogsKey, false, "Disables displaying plugin logs in stdout.")
   130  	// Peer List Gossip
   131  	fs.Uint(NetworkPeerListNumValidatorIPsKey, constants.DefaultNetworkPeerListNumValidatorIPs, "Number of validator IPs to gossip to other nodes")
   132  	fs.Duration(NetworkPeerListPullGossipFreqKey, constants.DefaultNetworkPeerListPullGossipFreq, "Frequency to request peers from other nodes")
   133  	fs.Duration(NetworkPeerListBloomResetFreqKey, constants.DefaultNetworkPeerListBloomResetFreq, "Frequency to recalculate the bloom filter used to request new peers from other nodes")
   135  	// Public IP Resolution
   136  	fs.String(PublicIPKey, "", "Public IP of this node for P2P communication")
   137  	fs.Duration(PublicIPResolutionFreqKey, 5*time.Minute, "Frequency at which this node resolves/updates its public IP and renew NAT mappings, if applicable")
   138  	fs.String(PublicIPResolutionServiceKey, "", fmt.Sprintf("Only acceptable values are %q, %q or %q. When provided, the node will use that service to periodically resolve/update its public IP", dynamicip.OpenDNSName, dynamicip.IFConfigCoName, dynamicip.IFConfigMeName))
   140  	// Inbound Connection Throttling
   141  	fs.Duration(NetworkInboundConnUpgradeThrottlerCooldownKey, constants.DefaultInboundConnUpgradeThrottlerCooldown, "Upgrade an inbound connection from a given IP at most once per this duration. If 0, don't rate-limit inbound connection upgrades")
   142  	fs.Float64(NetworkInboundThrottlerMaxConnsPerSecKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerMaxConnsPerSec, "Max number of inbound connections to accept (from all peers) per second")
   143  	// Outbound Connection Throttling
   144  	fs.Uint(NetworkOutboundConnectionThrottlingRpsKey, constants.DefaultOutboundConnectionThrottlingRps, "Make at most this number of outgoing peer connection attempts per second")
   145  	fs.Duration(NetworkOutboundConnectionTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultOutboundConnectionTimeout, "Timeout when dialing a peer")
   146  	// Timeouts
   147  	fs.Duration(NetworkInitialTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultNetworkInitialTimeout, "Initial timeout value of the adaptive timeout manager")
   148  	fs.Duration(NetworkMinimumTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultNetworkMinimumTimeout, "Minimum timeout value of the adaptive timeout manager")
   149  	fs.Duration(NetworkMaximumTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultNetworkMaximumTimeout, "Maximum timeout value of the adaptive timeout manager")
   150  	fs.Duration(NetworkMaximumInboundTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultNetworkMaximumInboundTimeout, "Maximum timeout value of an inbound message. Defines duration within which an incoming message must be fulfilled. Incoming messages containing deadline higher than this value will be overridden with this value.")
   151  	fs.Duration(NetworkTimeoutHalflifeKey, constants.DefaultNetworkTimeoutHalflife, "Halflife of average network response time. Higher value --> network timeout is less volatile. Can't be 0")
   152  	fs.Float64(NetworkTimeoutCoefficientKey, constants.DefaultNetworkTimeoutCoefficient, "Multiplied by average network response time to get the network timeout. Must be >= 1")
   153  	fs.Duration(NetworkReadHandshakeTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultNetworkReadHandshakeTimeout, "Timeout value for reading handshake messages")
   154  	fs.Duration(NetworkPingTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultPingPongTimeout, "Timeout value for Ping-Pong with a peer")
   155  	fs.Duration(NetworkPingFrequencyKey, constants.DefaultPingFrequency, "Frequency of pinging other peers")
   157  	fs.String(NetworkCompressionTypeKey, constants.DefaultNetworkCompressionType.String(), fmt.Sprintf("Compression type for outbound messages. Must be one of [%s, %s]", compression.TypeZstd, compression.TypeNone))
   159  	fs.Duration(NetworkMaxClockDifferenceKey, constants.DefaultNetworkMaxClockDifference, "Max allowed clock difference value between this node and peers")
   160  	// Note: The default value is set to false here because the default
   161  	// networkID is mainnet. The real default value of NetworkAllowPrivateIPs is
   162  	// based on the networkID.
   163  	fs.Bool(NetworkAllowPrivateIPsKey, false, fmt.Sprintf("Allows the node to initiate outbound connection attempts to peers with private IPs. If the provided --%s is one of [%s, %s] the default is false. Oterhwise, the default is true", NetworkNameKey, constants.MainnetName, constants.TahoeName))
   164  	fs.Bool(NetworkRequireValidatorToConnectKey, constants.DefaultNetworkRequireValidatorToConnect, "If true, this node will only maintain a connection with another node if this node is a validator, the other node is a validator, or the other node is a beacon")
   165  	fs.Uint(NetworkPeerReadBufferSizeKey, constants.DefaultNetworkPeerReadBufferSize, "Size, in bytes, of the buffer that we read peer messages into (there is one buffer per peer)")
   166  	fs.Uint(NetworkPeerWriteBufferSizeKey, constants.DefaultNetworkPeerWriteBufferSize, "Size, in bytes, of the buffer that we write peer messages into (there is one buffer per peer)")
   168  	fs.Bool(NetworkTCPProxyEnabledKey, constants.DefaultNetworkTCPProxyEnabled, "Require all P2P connections to be initiated with a TCP proxy header")
   169  	// The PROXY protocol specification recommends setting this value to be at
   170  	// least 3 seconds to cover a TCP retransmit.
   171  	// Ref:
   172  	// Specifying a timeout of 0 will actually result in a timeout of 200ms, but
   173  	// a timeout of 0 should generally not be provided.
   174  	fs.Duration(NetworkTCPProxyReadTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultNetworkTCPProxyReadTimeout, "Maximum duration to wait for a TCP proxy header")
   176  	fs.String(NetworkTLSKeyLogFileKey, "", "TLS key log file path. Should only be specified for debugging")
   178  	// Benchlist
   179  	fs.Int(BenchlistFailThresholdKey, constants.DefaultBenchlistFailThreshold, "Number of consecutive failed queries before benchlisting a node")
   180  	fs.Duration(BenchlistDurationKey, constants.DefaultBenchlistDuration, "Max amount of time a peer is benchlisted after surpassing the threshold")
   181  	fs.Duration(BenchlistMinFailingDurationKey, constants.DefaultBenchlistMinFailingDuration, "Minimum amount of time messages to a peer must be failing before the peer is benched")
   183  	// Router
   184  	fs.Uint(ConsensusAppConcurrencyKey, constants.DefaultConsensusAppConcurrency, "Maximum number of goroutines to use when handling App messages on a chain")
   185  	fs.Duration(ConsensusShutdownTimeoutKey, constants.DefaultConsensusShutdownTimeout, "Timeout before killing an unresponsive chain")
   186  	fs.Duration(ConsensusFrontierPollFrequencyKey, constants.DefaultFrontierPollFrequency, "Frequency of polling for new consensus frontiers")
   188  	// Inbound Throttling
   189  	fs.Uint64(InboundThrottlerAtLargeAllocSizeKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerAtLargeAllocSize, "Size, in bytes, of at-large byte allocation in inbound message throttler")
   190  	fs.Uint64(InboundThrottlerVdrAllocSizeKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerVdrAllocSize, "Size, in bytes, of validator byte allocation in inbound message throttler")
   191  	fs.Uint64(InboundThrottlerNodeMaxAtLargeBytesKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerNodeMaxAtLargeBytes, "Max number of bytes a node can take from the inbound message throttler's at-large allocation. Must be at least the max message size")
   192  	fs.Uint64(InboundThrottlerMaxProcessingMsgsPerNodeKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerMaxProcessingMsgsPerNode, "Max number of messages currently processing from a given node")
   193  	fs.Uint64(InboundThrottlerBandwidthRefillRateKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerBandwidthRefillRate, "Max average inbound bandwidth usage of a peer, in bytes per second. See BandwidthThrottler")
   194  	fs.Uint64(InboundThrottlerBandwidthMaxBurstSizeKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerBandwidthMaxBurstSize, "Max inbound bandwidth a node can use at once. Must be at least the max message size. See BandwidthThrottler")
   195  	fs.Duration(InboundThrottlerCPUMaxRecheckDelayKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerCPUMaxRecheckDelay, "In the CPU-based network throttler, check at least this often whether the node's CPU usage has fallen to an acceptable level")
   196  	fs.Duration(InboundThrottlerDiskMaxRecheckDelayKey, constants.DefaultInboundThrottlerDiskMaxRecheckDelay, "In the disk-based network throttler, check at least this often whether the node's disk usage has fallen to an acceptable level")
   198  	// Outbound Throttling
   199  	fs.Uint64(OutboundThrottlerAtLargeAllocSizeKey, constants.DefaultOutboundThrottlerAtLargeAllocSize, "Size, in bytes, of at-large byte allocation in outbound message throttler")
   200  	fs.Uint64(OutboundThrottlerVdrAllocSizeKey, constants.DefaultOutboundThrottlerVdrAllocSize, "Size, in bytes, of validator byte allocation in outbound message throttler")
   201  	fs.Uint64(OutboundThrottlerNodeMaxAtLargeBytesKey, constants.DefaultOutboundThrottlerNodeMaxAtLargeBytes, "Max number of bytes a node can take from the outbound message throttler's at-large allocation. Must be at least the max message size")
   203  	// HTTP APIs
   204  	fs.String(HTTPHostKey, "", "Address of the HTTP server. If the address is empty or a literal unspecified IP address, the server will bind on all available unicast and anycast IP addresses of the local system")
   205  	fs.Uint(HTTPPortKey, DefaultHTTPPort, "Port of the HTTP server. If the port is 0 a port number is automatically chosen")
   206  	fs.Bool(HTTPSEnabledKey, false, "Upgrade the HTTP server to HTTPs")
   207  	fs.String(HTTPSKeyFileKey, "", fmt.Sprintf("TLS private key file for the HTTPs server. Ignored if %s is specified", HTTPSKeyContentKey))
   208  	fs.String(HTTPSKeyContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded TLS private key for the HTTPs server")
   209  	fs.String(HTTPSCertFileKey, "", fmt.Sprintf("TLS certificate file for the HTTPs server. Ignored if %s is specified", HTTPSCertContentKey))
   210  	fs.String(HTTPSCertContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded TLS certificate for the HTTPs server")
   211  	fs.String(HTTPAllowedOrigins, "*", "Origins to allow on the HTTP port. Defaults to * which allows all origins. Example: https://* https://*")
   212  	fs.StringSlice(HTTPAllowedHostsKey, []string{"localhost"}, "List of acceptable host names in API requests. Provide the wildcard ('*') to accept requests from all hosts. API requests where the Host field is empty or an IP address will always be accepted. An API call whose HTTP Host field isn't acceptable will receive a 403 error code")
   213  	fs.Duration(HTTPShutdownWaitKey, 0, "Duration to wait after receiving SIGTERM or SIGINT before initiating shutdown. The /health endpoint will return unhealthy during this duration")
   214  	fs.Duration(HTTPShutdownTimeoutKey, 10*time.Second, "Maximum duration to wait for existing connections to complete during node shutdown")
   215  	fs.Duration(HTTPReadTimeoutKey, 30*time.Second, "Maximum duration for reading the entire request, including the body. A zero or negative value means there will be no timeout")
   216  	fs.Duration(HTTPReadHeaderTimeoutKey, 30*time.Second, fmt.Sprintf("Maximum duration to read request headers. The connection's read deadline is reset after reading the headers. If %s is zero, the value of %s is used. If both are zero, there is no timeout.", HTTPReadHeaderTimeoutKey, HTTPReadTimeoutKey))
   217  	fs.Duration(HTTPWriteTimeoutKey, 30*time.Second, "Maximum duration before timing out writes of the response. It is reset whenever a new request's header is read. A zero or negative value means there will be no timeout.")
   218  	fs.Duration(HTTPIdleTimeoutKey, 120*time.Second, fmt.Sprintf("Maximum duration to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled. If %s is zero, the value of %s is used. If both are zero, there is no timeout.", HTTPIdleTimeoutKey, HTTPReadTimeoutKey))
   220  	// Enable/Disable APIs
   221  	fs.Bool(AdminAPIEnabledKey, false, "If true, this node exposes the Admin API")
   222  	fs.Bool(InfoAPIEnabledKey, true, "If true, this node exposes the Info API")
   223  	fs.Bool(KeystoreAPIEnabledKey, false, "If true, this node exposes the Keystore API")
   224  	fs.Bool(MetricsAPIEnabledKey, true, "If true, this node exposes the Metrics API")
   225  	fs.Bool(HealthAPIEnabledKey, true, "If true, this node exposes the Health API")
   227  	// Health Checks
   228  	fs.Duration(HealthCheckFreqKey, 30*time.Second, "Time between health checks")
   229  	fs.Duration(HealthCheckAveragerHalflifeKey, constants.DefaultHealthCheckAveragerHalflife, "Halflife of averager when calculating a running average in a health check")
   230  	// Network Layer Health
   231  	fs.Duration(NetworkHealthMaxTimeSinceMsgSentKey, constants.DefaultNetworkHealthMaxTimeSinceMsgSent, "Network layer returns unhealthy if haven't sent a message for at least this much time")
   232  	fs.Duration(NetworkHealthMaxTimeSinceMsgReceivedKey, constants.DefaultNetworkHealthMaxTimeSinceMsgReceived, "Network layer returns unhealthy if haven't received a message for at least this much time")
   233  	fs.Float64(NetworkHealthMaxPortionSendQueueFillKey, constants.DefaultNetworkHealthMaxPortionSendQueueFill, "Network layer returns unhealthy if more than this portion of the pending send queue is full")
   234  	fs.Uint(NetworkHealthMinPeersKey, constants.DefaultNetworkHealthMinPeers, "Network layer returns unhealthy if connected to less than this many peers")
   235  	fs.Float64(NetworkHealthMaxSendFailRateKey, constants.DefaultNetworkHealthMaxSendFailRate, "Network layer reports unhealthy if more than this portion of attempted message sends fail")
   236  	// Router Health
   237  	fs.Float64(RouterHealthMaxDropRateKey, 1, "Node reports unhealthy if the router drops more than this portion of messages")
   238  	fs.Uint(RouterHealthMaxOutstandingRequestsKey, 1024, "Node reports unhealthy if there are more than this many outstanding consensus requests (Get, PullQuery, etc.) over all chains")
   239  	fs.Duration(NetworkHealthMaxOutstandingDurationKey, 5*time.Minute, "Node reports unhealthy if there has been a request outstanding for this duration")
   241  	// Staking
   242  	fs.String(StakingHostKey, "", "Address of the consensus server. If the address is empty or a literal unspecified IP address, the server will bind on all available unicast and anycast IP addresses of the local system") // Bind to all interfaces by default.
   243  	fs.Uint(StakingPortKey, DefaultStakingPort, "Port of the consensus server. If the port is 0 a port number is automatically chosen")
   244  	fs.Bool(StakingEphemeralCertEnabledKey, false, "If true, the node uses an ephemeral staking TLS key and certificate, and has an ephemeral node ID")
   245  	fs.String(StakingTLSKeyPathKey, defaultStakingTLSKeyPath, fmt.Sprintf("Path to the TLS private key for staking. Ignored if %s is specified", StakingTLSKeyContentKey))
   246  	fs.String(StakingTLSKeyContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded TLS private key for staking")
   247  	fs.String(StakingCertPathKey, defaultStakingCertPath, fmt.Sprintf("Path to the TLS certificate for staking. Ignored if %s is specified", StakingCertContentKey))
   248  	fs.String(StakingCertContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded TLS certificate for staking")
   249  	fs.Bool(StakingEphemeralSignerEnabledKey, false, "If true, the node uses an ephemeral staking signer key")
   250  	fs.String(StakingSignerKeyPathKey, defaultStakingSignerKeyPath, fmt.Sprintf("Path to the signer private key for staking. Ignored if %s is specified", StakingSignerKeyContentKey))
   251  	fs.String(StakingSignerKeyContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded signer private key for staking")
   252  	fs.Bool(SybilProtectionEnabledKey, true, "Enables sybil protection. If enabled, Network TLS is required")
   253  	fs.Uint64(SybilProtectionDisabledWeightKey, 100, "Weight to provide to each peer when sybil protection is disabled")
   254  	fs.Bool(PartialSyncPrimaryNetworkKey, false, "Only sync the P-chain on the Primary Network. If the node is a Primary Network validator, it will report unhealthy")
   255  	// Uptime Requirement
   256  	fs.Float64(UptimeRequirementKey, genesis.LocalParams.UptimeRequirement, "Fraction of time a validator must be online to receive rewards")
   257  	// Minimum Stake required to validate the Primary Network
   258  	fs.Uint64(MinValidatorStakeKey, genesis.LocalParams.MinValidatorStake, "Minimum stake, in nAVAX, required to validate the primary network")
   259  	// Maximum Stake that can be staked and delegated to a validator on the Primary Network
   260  	fs.Uint64(MaxValidatorStakeKey, genesis.LocalParams.MaxValidatorStake, "Maximum stake, in nAVAX, that can be placed on a validator on the primary network")
   261  	// Minimum Stake that can be delegated on the Primary Network
   262  	fs.Uint64(MinDelegatorStakeKey, genesis.LocalParams.MinDelegatorStake, "Minimum stake, in nAVAX, that can be delegated on the primary network")
   263  	fs.Uint64(MinDelegatorFeeKey, uint64(genesis.LocalParams.MinDelegationFee), "Minimum delegation fee, in the range [0, 1000000], that can be charged for delegation on the primary network")
   264  	// Minimum Stake Duration
   265  	fs.Duration(MinStakeDurationKey, genesis.LocalParams.MinStakeDuration, "Minimum staking duration")
   266  	// Maximum Stake Duration
   267  	fs.Duration(MaxStakeDurationKey, genesis.LocalParams.MaxStakeDuration, "Maximum staking duration")
   268  	// Stake Reward Configs
   269  	fs.Uint64(StakeMaxConsumptionRateKey, genesis.LocalParams.RewardConfig.MaxConsumptionRate, "Maximum consumption rate of the remaining tokens to mint in the staking function")
   270  	fs.Uint64(StakeMinConsumptionRateKey, genesis.LocalParams.RewardConfig.MinConsumptionRate, "Minimum consumption rate of the remaining tokens to mint in the staking function")
   271  	fs.Duration(StakeMintingPeriodKey, genesis.LocalParams.RewardConfig.MintingPeriod, "Consumption period of the staking function")
   272  	fs.Uint64(StakeSupplyCapKey, genesis.LocalParams.RewardConfig.SupplyCap, "Supply cap of the staking function")
   273  	// Subnets
   274  	fs.String(TrackSubnetsKey, "", "List of subnets for the node to track. A node tracking a subnet will track the uptimes of the subnet validators and attempt to sync all the chains in the subnet. Before validating a subnet, a node should be tracking the subnet to avoid impacting their subnet validation uptime")
   276  	// State syncing
   277  	fs.String(StateSyncIPsKey, "", "Comma separated list of state sync peer ips to connect to. Example:,")
   278  	fs.String(StateSyncIDsKey, "", "Comma separated list of state sync peer ids to connect to. Example: NodeID-JR4dVmy6ffUGAKCBDkyCbeZbyHQBeDsET,NodeID-8CrVPQZ4VSqgL8zTdvL14G8HqAfrBr4z")
   280  	// Bootstrapping
   281  	// TODO: combine "BootstrapIPsKey" and "BootstrapIDsKey" into one flag
   282  	fs.String(BootstrapIPsKey, "", "Comma separated list of bootstrap peer ips to connect to. Example:,")
   283  	fs.String(BootstrapIDsKey, "", "Comma separated list of bootstrap peer ids to connect to. Example: NodeID-JR4dVmy6ffUGAKCBDkyCbeZbyHQBeDsET,NodeID-8CrVPQZ4VSqgL8zTdvL14G8HqAfrBr4z")
   284  	fs.Duration(BootstrapBeaconConnectionTimeoutKey, time.Minute, "Timeout before emitting a warn log when connecting to bootstrapping beacons")
   285  	fs.Duration(BootstrapMaxTimeGetAncestorsKey, 50*time.Millisecond, "Max Time to spend fetching a container and its ancestors when responding to a GetAncestors")
   286  	fs.Uint(BootstrapAncestorsMaxContainersSentKey, 2000, "Max number of containers in an Ancestors message sent by this node")
   287  	fs.Uint(BootstrapAncestorsMaxContainersReceivedKey, 2000, "This node reads at most this many containers from an incoming Ancestors message")
   289  	// Consensus
   290  	fs.Int(SnowSampleSizeKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.K, "Number of nodes to query for each network poll")
   291  	fs.Int(SnowQuorumSizeKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.AlphaConfidence, "Threshold of nodes required to update this node's preference and increase its confidence in a network poll")
   292  	fs.Int(SnowPreferenceQuorumSizeKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.AlphaPreference, fmt.Sprintf("Threshold of nodes required to update this node's preference in a network poll. Ignored if %s is provided", SnowQuorumSizeKey))
   293  	fs.Int(SnowConfidenceQuorumSizeKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.AlphaConfidence, fmt.Sprintf("Threshold of nodes required to increase this node's confidence in a network poll. Ignored if %s is provided", SnowQuorumSizeKey))
   295  	fs.Int(SnowCommitThresholdKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.Beta, "Beta value to use for consensus")
   297  	fs.Int(SnowConcurrentRepollsKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.ConcurrentRepolls, "Minimum number of concurrent polls for finalizing consensus")
   298  	fs.Int(SnowOptimalProcessingKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.OptimalProcessing, "Optimal number of processing containers in consensus")
   299  	fs.Int(SnowMaxProcessingKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.MaxOutstandingItems, "Maximum number of processing items to be considered healthy")
   300  	fs.Duration(SnowMaxTimeProcessingKey, snowball.DefaultParameters.MaxItemProcessingTime, "Maximum amount of time an item should be processing and still be healthy")
   302  	// ProposerVM
   303  	fs.Bool(ProposerVMUseCurrentHeightKey, false, "Have the ProposerVM always report the last accepted P-chain block height")
   305  	// Metrics
   306  	fs.Bool(MeterVMsEnabledKey, true, "Enable Meter VMs to track VM performance with more granularity")
   307  	fs.Duration(UptimeMetricFreqKey, 30*time.Second, "Frequency of renewing this node's average uptime metric")
   309  	// Indexer
   310  	fs.Bool(IndexEnabledKey, false, "If true, index all accepted containers and transactions and expose them via an API")
   311  	fs.Bool(IndexAllowIncompleteKey, false, "If true, allow running the node in such a way that could cause an index to miss transactions. Ignored if index is disabled")
   313  	// Config Directories
   314  	fs.String(ChainConfigDirKey, defaultChainConfigDir, fmt.Sprintf("Chain specific configurations parent directory. Ignored if %s is specified", ChainConfigContentKey))
   315  	fs.String(ChainConfigContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded chains configurations")
   316  	fs.String(SubnetConfigDirKey, defaultSubnetConfigDir, fmt.Sprintf("Subnet specific configurations parent directory. Ignored if %s is specified", SubnetConfigContentKey))
   317  	fs.String(SubnetConfigContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded subnets configurations")
   319  	// Chain Data Directory
   320  	fs.String(ChainDataDirKey, defaultChainDataDir, "Chain specific data directory")
   322  	// Profiles
   323  	fs.String(ProfileDirKey, defaultProfileDir, "Path to the profile directory")
   324  	fs.Bool(ProfileContinuousEnabledKey, false, "Whether the app should continuously produce performance profiles")
   325  	fs.Duration(ProfileContinuousFreqKey, 15*time.Minute, "How frequently to rotate performance profiles")
   326  	fs.Int(ProfileContinuousMaxFilesKey, 5, "Maximum number of historical profiles to keep")
   328  	// Aliasing
   329  	fs.String(VMAliasesFileKey, defaultVMAliasFilePath, fmt.Sprintf("Specifies a JSON file that maps vmIDs with custom aliases. Ignored if %s is specified", VMAliasesContentKey))
   330  	fs.String(VMAliasesContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded maps vmIDs with custom aliases")
   331  	fs.String(ChainAliasesFileKey, defaultChainAliasFilePath, fmt.Sprintf("Specifies a JSON file that maps blockchainIDs with custom aliases. Ignored if %s is specified", ChainConfigContentKey))
   332  	fs.String(ChainAliasesContentKey, "", "Specifies base64 encoded map from blockchainID to custom aliases")
   334  	// Delays
   335  	fs.Duration(NetworkInitialReconnectDelayKey, constants.DefaultNetworkInitialReconnectDelay, "Initial delay duration must be waited before attempting to reconnect a peer")
   336  	fs.Duration(NetworkMaxReconnectDelayKey, constants.DefaultNetworkMaxReconnectDelay, "Maximum delay duration must be waited before attempting to reconnect a peer")
   338  	// System resource trackers
   339  	fs.Duration(SystemTrackerFrequencyKey, 500*time.Millisecond, "Frequency to check the real system usage of tracked processes. More frequent checks --> usage metrics are more accurate, but more expensive to track")
   340  	fs.Duration(SystemTrackerProcessingHalflifeKey, 15*time.Second, "Halflife to use for the processing requests tracker. Larger halflife --> usage metrics change more slowly")
   341  	fs.Duration(SystemTrackerCPUHalflifeKey, 15*time.Second, "Halflife to use for the cpu tracker. Larger halflife --> cpu usage metrics change more slowly")
   342  	fs.Duration(SystemTrackerDiskHalflifeKey, time.Minute, "Halflife to use for the disk tracker. Larger halflife --> disk usage metrics change more slowly")
   343  	fs.Uint64(SystemTrackerRequiredAvailableDiskSpaceKey, units.GiB/2, "Minimum number of available bytes on disk, under which the node will shutdown.")
   344  	fs.Uint64(SystemTrackerWarningThresholdAvailableDiskSpaceKey, units.GiB, fmt.Sprintf("Warning threshold for the number of available bytes on disk, under which the node will be considered unhealthy.  Must be >= [%s]", SystemTrackerRequiredAvailableDiskSpaceKey))
   346  	// CPU management
   347  	fs.Float64(CPUVdrAllocKey, float64(runtime.NumCPU()), "Maximum number of CPUs to allocate for use by validators. Value should be in range [0, total core count]")
   348  	fs.Float64(CPUMaxNonVdrUsageKey, .8*float64(runtime.NumCPU()), "Number of CPUs that if fully utilized, will rate limit all non-validators. Value should be in range [0, total core count]")
   349  	fs.Float64(CPUMaxNonVdrNodeUsageKey, float64(runtime.NumCPU())/8, "Maximum number of CPUs that a non-validator can utilize. Value should be in range [0, total core count]")
   351  	// Disk management
   352  	fs.Float64(DiskVdrAllocKey, 1000*units.GiB, "Maximum number of disk reads/writes per second to allocate for use by validators. Must be > 0")
   353  	fs.Float64(DiskMaxNonVdrUsageKey, 1000*units.GiB, "Number of disk reads/writes per second that, if fully utilized, will rate limit all non-validators. Must be >= 0")
   354  	fs.Float64(DiskMaxNonVdrNodeUsageKey, 1000*units.GiB, "Maximum number of disk reads/writes per second that a non-validator can utilize. Must be >= 0")
   356  	// Opentelemetry tracing
   357  	fs.Bool(TracingEnabledKey, false, "If true, enable opentelemetry tracing")
   358  	fs.String(TracingExporterTypeKey, trace.GRPC.String(), fmt.Sprintf("Type of exporter to use for tracing. Options are [%s, %s]", trace.GRPC, trace.HTTP))
   359  	fs.String(TracingEndpointKey, "localhost:4317", "The endpoint to send trace data to")
   360  	fs.Bool(TracingInsecureKey, true, "If true, don't use TLS when sending trace data")
   361  	fs.Float64(TracingSampleRateKey, 0.1, "The fraction of traces to sample. If >= 1, always sample. If <= 0, never sample")
   362  	fs.StringToString(TracingHeadersKey, map[string]string{}, "The headers to provide the trace indexer")
   364  	fs.String(ProcessContextFileKey, defaultProcessContextPath, "The path to write process context to (including PID, API URI, and staking address).")
   365  }
   367  // BuildFlagSet returns a complete set of flags for avalanchego
   368  func BuildFlagSet() *pflag.FlagSet {
   369  	fs := pflag.NewFlagSet(constants.AppName, pflag.ContinueOnError)
   370  	addProcessFlags(fs)
   371  	addNodeFlags(fs)
   372  	return fs
   373  }
   375  // GetExpandedArg gets the string in viper corresponding to [key] and expands
   376  // any variables using the OS env. If the [AvalancheGoDataDirVar] var is used,
   377  // we expand the value of the variable with the string in viper corresponding to
   378  // [DataDirKey].
   379  func GetExpandedArg(v *viper.Viper, key string) string {
   380  	return GetExpandedString(v, v.GetString(key))
   381  }
   383  // GetExpandedString expands [s] with any variables using the OS env. If the
   384  // [AvalancheGoDataDirVar] var is used, we expand the value of the variable with
   385  // the string in viper corresponding to [DataDirKey].
   386  func GetExpandedString(v *viper.Viper, s string) string {
   387  	return os.Expand(
   388  		s,
   389  		func(strVar string) string {
   390  			if strVar == AvalancheGoDataDirVar {
   391  				return os.ExpandEnv(v.GetString(DataDirKey))
   392  			}
   393  			return os.Getenv(strVar)
   394  		},
   395  	)
   396  }