
     1  // Copyright (C) 2019-2024, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
     4  package network
     6  import (
     7  	"crypto"
     8  	"crypto/tls"
     9  	"net/netip"
    10  	"time"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  // HealthConfig describes parameters for network layer health checks.
    25  type HealthConfig struct {
    26  	// Marks if the health check should be enabled
    27  	Enabled bool `json:"-"`
    29  	// MinConnectedPeers is the minimum number of peers that the network should
    30  	// be connected to be considered healthy.
    31  	MinConnectedPeers uint `json:"minConnectedPeers"`
    33  	// MaxTimeSinceMsgReceived is the maximum amount of time since the network
    34  	// last received a message to be considered healthy.
    35  	MaxTimeSinceMsgReceived time.Duration `json:"maxTimeSinceMsgReceived"`
    37  	// MaxTimeSinceMsgSent is the maximum amount of time since the network last
    38  	// sent a message to be considered healthy.
    39  	MaxTimeSinceMsgSent time.Duration `json:"maxTimeSinceMsgSent"`
    41  	// MaxPortionSendQueueBytesFull is the maximum percentage of the pending
    42  	// send byte queue that should be used for the network to be considered
    43  	// healthy. Should be in (0,1].
    44  	MaxPortionSendQueueBytesFull float64 `json:"maxPortionSendQueueBytesFull"`
    46  	// MaxSendFailRate is the maximum percentage of send attempts that should be
    47  	// failing for the network to be considered healthy. This does not include
    48  	// send attempts that were not made due to benching. Should be in [0,1].
    49  	MaxSendFailRate float64 `json:"maxSendFailRate"`
    51  	// SendFailRateHalflife is the halflife of the averager used to calculate
    52  	// the send fail rate percentage. Should be > 0. Larger values mean that the
    53  	// fail rate is affected less by recently dropped messages.
    54  	SendFailRateHalflife time.Duration `json:"sendFailRateHalflife"`
    55  }
    57  type PeerListGossipConfig struct {
    58  	// PeerListNumValidatorIPs is the number of validator IPs to gossip in every
    59  	// gossip event.
    60  	PeerListNumValidatorIPs uint32 `json:"peerListNumValidatorIPs"`
    62  	// PeerListPullGossipFreq is the frequency that this node will attempt to
    63  	// request signed IPs from its peers.
    64  	PeerListPullGossipFreq time.Duration `json:"peerListPullGossipFreq"`
    66  	// PeerListBloomResetFreq is how frequently this node will recalculate the
    67  	// IP tracker's bloom filter.
    68  	PeerListBloomResetFreq time.Duration `json:"peerListBloomResetFreq"`
    69  }
    71  type TimeoutConfig struct {
    72  	// PingPongTimeout is the maximum amount of time to wait for a Pong response
    73  	// from a peer we sent a Ping to.
    74  	PingPongTimeout time.Duration `json:"pingPongTimeout"`
    76  	// ReadHandshakeTimeout is the maximum amount of time to wait for the peer's
    77  	// connection upgrade to finish before starting the p2p handshake.
    78  	ReadHandshakeTimeout time.Duration `json:"readHandshakeTimeout"`
    79  }
    81  type DelayConfig struct {
    82  	// InitialReconnectDelay is the minimum amount of time the node will delay a
    83  	// reconnection to a peer. This value is used to start the exponential
    84  	// backoff.
    85  	InitialReconnectDelay time.Duration `json:"initialReconnectDelay"`
    87  	// MaxReconnectDelay is the maximum amount of time the node will delay a
    88  	// reconnection to a peer.
    89  	MaxReconnectDelay time.Duration `json:"maxReconnectDelay"`
    90  }
    92  type ThrottlerConfig struct {
    93  	InboundConnUpgradeThrottlerConfig throttling.InboundConnUpgradeThrottlerConfig `json:"inboundConnUpgradeThrottlerConfig"`
    94  	InboundMsgThrottlerConfig         throttling.InboundMsgThrottlerConfig         `json:"inboundMsgThrottlerConfig"`
    95  	OutboundMsgThrottlerConfig        throttling.MsgByteThrottlerConfig            `json:"outboundMsgThrottlerConfig"`
    96  	MaxInboundConnsPerSec             float64                                      `json:"maxInboundConnsPerSec"`
    97  }
    99  type Config struct {
   100  	HealthConfig         `json:"healthConfig"`
   101  	PeerListGossipConfig `json:"peerListGossipConfig"`
   102  	TimeoutConfig        `json:"timeoutConfigs"`
   103  	DelayConfig          `json:"delayConfig"`
   104  	ThrottlerConfig      ThrottlerConfig `json:"throttlerConfig"`
   106  	ProxyEnabled           bool          `json:"proxyEnabled"`
   107  	ProxyReadHeaderTimeout time.Duration `json:"proxyReadHeaderTimeout"`
   109  	DialerConfig dialer.Config `json:"dialerConfig"`
   110  	TLSConfig    *tls.Config   `json:"-"`
   112  	TLSKeyLogFile string `json:"tlsKeyLogFile"`
   114  	MyNodeID           ids.NodeID                    `json:"myNodeID"`
   115  	MyIPPort           *utils.Atomic[netip.AddrPort] `json:"myIP"`
   116  	NetworkID          uint32                        `json:"networkID"`
   117  	MaxClockDifference time.Duration                 `json:"maxClockDifference"`
   118  	PingFrequency      time.Duration                 `json:"pingFrequency"`
   119  	AllowPrivateIPs    bool                          `json:"allowPrivateIPs"`
   121  	SupportedACPs set.Set[uint32] `json:"supportedACPs"`
   122  	ObjectedACPs  set.Set[uint32] `json:"objectedACPs"`
   124  	// The compression type to use when compressing outbound messages.
   125  	// Assumes all peers support this compression type.
   126  	CompressionType compression.Type `json:"compressionType"`
   128  	// TLSKey is this node's TLS key that is used to sign IPs.
   129  	TLSKey crypto.Signer `json:"-"`
   130  	// BLSKey is this node's BLS key that is used to sign IPs.
   131  	BLSKey *bls.SecretKey `json:"-"`
   133  	// TrackedSubnets of the node.
   134  	TrackedSubnets set.Set[ids.ID]    `json:"-"`
   135  	Beacons        validators.Manager `json:"-"`
   137  	// Validators are the current validators in the Avalanche network
   138  	Validators validators.Manager `json:"-"`
   140  	UptimeCalculator uptime.Calculator `json:"-"`
   142  	// UptimeMetricFreq marks how frequently this node will recalculate the
   143  	// observed average uptime metrics.
   144  	UptimeMetricFreq time.Duration `json:"uptimeMetricFreq"`
   146  	// UptimeRequirement is the fraction of time a validator must be online and
   147  	// responsive for us to vote that they should receive a staking reward.
   148  	UptimeRequirement float64 `json:"-"`
   150  	// RequireValidatorToConnect require that all connections must have at least
   151  	// one validator between the 2 peers. This can be useful to enable if the
   152  	// node wants to connect to the minimum number of nodes without impacting
   153  	// the network negatively.
   154  	RequireValidatorToConnect bool `json:"requireValidatorToConnect"`
   156  	// MaximumInboundMessageTimeout is the maximum deadline duration in a
   157  	// message. Messages sent by clients setting values higher than this value
   158  	// will be reset to this value.
   159  	MaximumInboundMessageTimeout time.Duration `json:"maximumInboundMessageTimeout"`
   161  	// Size, in bytes, of the buffer that we read peer messages into
   162  	// (there is one buffer per peer)
   163  	PeerReadBufferSize int `json:"peerReadBufferSize"`
   165  	// Size, in bytes, of the buffer that we write peer messages into
   166  	// (there is one buffer per peer)
   167  	PeerWriteBufferSize int `json:"peerWriteBufferSize"`
   169  	// Tracks the CPU/disk usage caused by processing messages of each peer.
   170  	ResourceTracker tracker.ResourceTracker `json:"-"`
   172  	// Specifies how much CPU usage each peer can cause before
   173  	// we rate-limit them.
   174  	CPUTargeter tracker.Targeter `json:"-"`
   176  	// Specifies how much disk usage each peer can cause before
   177  	// we rate-limit them.
   178  	DiskTargeter tracker.Targeter `json:"-"`
   179  }