
     1  // Copyright (C) 2019-2024, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
     2  // See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.
     4  package network
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"math"
    11  	"net"
    12  	"net/netip"
    13  	"strings"
    14  	"sync"
    15  	"sync/atomic"
    16  	"time"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    41  	safemath ""
    42  )
    44  const (
    45  	ConnectedPeersKey           = "connectedPeers"
    46  	TimeSinceLastMsgReceivedKey = "timeSinceLastMsgReceived"
    47  	TimeSinceLastMsgSentKey     = "timeSinceLastMsgSent"
    48  	SendFailRateKey             = "sendFailRate"
    49  )
    51  var (
    52  	_ Network = (*network)(nil)
    54  	errNotValidator        = errors.New("node is not a validator")
    55  	errNotTracked          = errors.New("subnet is not tracked")
    56  	errExpectedProxy       = errors.New("expected proxy")
    57  	errExpectedTCPProtocol = errors.New("expected TCP protocol")
    58  )
    60  // Network defines the functionality of the networking library.
    61  type Network interface {
    62  	// All consensus messages can be sent through this interface. Thread safety
    63  	// must be managed internally in the network.
    64  	sender.ExternalSender
    66  	// Has a health check
    67  	health.Checker
    69  	peer.Network
    71  	// StartClose this network and all existing connections it has. Calling
    72  	// StartClose multiple times is handled gracefully.
    73  	StartClose()
    75  	// Should only be called once, will run until either a fatal error occurs,
    76  	// or the network is closed.
    77  	Dispatch() error
    79  	// Attempt to connect to this IP. The network will never stop attempting to
    80  	// connect to this ID.
    81  	ManuallyTrack(nodeID ids.NodeID, ip netip.AddrPort)
    83  	// PeerInfo returns information about peers. If [nodeIDs] is empty, returns
    84  	// info about all peers that have finished the handshake. Otherwise, returns
    85  	// info about the peers in [nodeIDs] that have finished the handshake.
    86  	PeerInfo(nodeIDs []ids.NodeID) []peer.Info
    88  	// NodeUptime returns given node's [subnetID] UptimeResults in the view of
    89  	// this node's peer validators.
    90  	NodeUptime(subnetID ids.ID) (UptimeResult, error)
    91  }
    93  type UptimeResult struct {
    94  	// RewardingStakePercentage shows what percent of network stake thinks we're
    95  	// above the uptime requirement.
    96  	RewardingStakePercentage float64
    98  	// WeightedAveragePercentage is the average perceived uptime of this node,
    99  	// weighted by stake.
   100  	// Note that this is different from RewardingStakePercentage, which shows
   101  	// the percent of the network stake that thinks this node is above the
   102  	// uptime requirement. WeightedAveragePercentage is weighted by uptime.
   103  	// i.e If uptime requirement is 85 and a peer reports 40 percent it will be
   104  	// counted (40*weight) in WeightedAveragePercentage but not in
   105  	// RewardingStakePercentage since 40 < 85
   106  	WeightedAveragePercentage float64
   107  }
   109  // To avoid potential deadlocks, we maintain that locks must be grabbed in the
   110  // following order:
   111  //
   112  // 1. peersLock
   113  // 2. manuallyTrackedIDsLock
   114  //
   115  // If a higher lock (e.g. manuallyTrackedIDsLock) is held when trying to grab a
   116  // lower lock (e.g. peersLock) a deadlock could occur.
   117  type network struct {
   118  	config     *Config
   119  	peerConfig *peer.Config
   120  	metrics    *metrics
   122  	outboundMsgThrottler throttling.OutboundMsgThrottler
   124  	// Limits the number of connection attempts based on IP.
   125  	inboundConnUpgradeThrottler throttling.InboundConnUpgradeThrottler
   126  	// Listens for and accepts new inbound connections
   127  	listener net.Listener
   128  	// Makes new outbound connections
   129  	dialer dialer.Dialer
   130  	// Does TLS handshakes for inbound connections
   131  	serverUpgrader peer.Upgrader
   132  	// Does TLS handshakes for outbound connections
   133  	clientUpgrader peer.Upgrader
   135  	// ensures the close of the network only happens once.
   136  	closeOnce sync.Once
   137  	// Cancelled on close
   138  	onCloseCtx context.Context
   139  	// Call [onCloseCtxCancel] to cancel [onCloseCtx] during close()
   140  	onCloseCtxCancel context.CancelFunc
   142  	sendFailRateCalculator safemath.Averager
   144  	// Tracks which peers know about which peers
   145  	ipTracker *ipTracker
   146  	peersLock sync.RWMutex
   147  	// trackedIPs contains the set of IPs that we are currently attempting to
   148  	// connect to. An entry is added to this set when we first start attempting
   149  	// to connect to the peer. An entry is deleted from this set once we have
   150  	// finished the handshake.
   151  	trackedIPs      map[ids.NodeID]*trackedIP
   152  	connectingPeers peer.Set
   153  	connectedPeers  peer.Set
   154  	closing         bool
   156  	// router is notified about all peer [Connected] and [Disconnected] events
   157  	// as well as all non-handshake peer messages.
   158  	//
   159  	// It is ensured that [Connected] and [Disconnected] are called in
   160  	// consistent ways. Specifically, the a peer starts in the disconnected
   161  	// state and the network can change the peer's state from disconnected to
   162  	// connected and back.
   163  	//
   164  	// It is ensured that [HandleInbound] is only called with a message from a
   165  	// peer that is in the connected state.
   166  	//
   167  	// It is expected that the implementation of this interface can handle
   168  	// concurrent calls to [Connected], [Disconnected], and [HandleInbound].
   169  	router router.ExternalHandler
   170  }
   172  // NewNetwork returns a new Network implementation with the provided parameters.
   173  func NewNetwork(
   174  	config *Config,
   175  	msgCreator message.Creator,
   176  	metricsRegisterer prometheus.Registerer,
   177  	log logging.Logger,
   178  	listener net.Listener,
   179  	dialer dialer.Dialer,
   180  	router router.ExternalHandler,
   181  ) (Network, error) {
   182  	if config.ProxyEnabled {
   183  		// Wrap the listener to process the proxy header.
   184  		listener = &proxyproto.Listener{
   185  			Listener: listener,
   186  			Policy: func(net.Addr) (proxyproto.Policy, error) {
   187  				// Do not perform any fuzzy matching, the header must be
   188  				// provided.
   189  				return proxyproto.REQUIRE, nil
   190  			},
   191  			ValidateHeader: func(h *proxyproto.Header) error {
   192  				if !h.Command.IsProxy() {
   193  					return errExpectedProxy
   194  				}
   195  				if h.TransportProtocol != proxyproto.TCPv4 && h.TransportProtocol != proxyproto.TCPv6 {
   196  					return errExpectedTCPProtocol
   197  				}
   198  				return nil
   199  			},
   200  			ReadHeaderTimeout: config.ProxyReadHeaderTimeout,
   201  		}
   202  	}
   204  	inboundMsgThrottler, err := throttling.NewInboundMsgThrottler(
   205  		log,
   206  		metricsRegisterer,
   207  		config.Validators,
   208  		config.ThrottlerConfig.InboundMsgThrottlerConfig,
   209  		config.ResourceTracker,
   210  		config.CPUTargeter,
   211  		config.DiskTargeter,
   212  	)
   213  	if err != nil {
   214  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing inbound message throttler failed with: %w", err)
   215  	}
   217  	outboundMsgThrottler, err := throttling.NewSybilOutboundMsgThrottler(
   218  		log,
   219  		metricsRegisterer,
   220  		config.Validators,
   221  		config.ThrottlerConfig.OutboundMsgThrottlerConfig,
   222  	)
   223  	if err != nil {
   224  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing outbound message throttler failed with: %w", err)
   225  	}
   227  	peerMetrics, err := peer.NewMetrics(metricsRegisterer)
   228  	if err != nil {
   229  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing peer metrics failed with: %w", err)
   230  	}
   232  	metrics, err := newMetrics(metricsRegisterer, config.TrackedSubnets)
   233  	if err != nil {
   234  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing network metrics failed with: %w", err)
   235  	}
   237  	ipTracker, err := newIPTracker(log, metricsRegisterer)
   238  	if err != nil {
   239  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("initializing ip tracker failed with: %w", err)
   240  	}
   241  	config.Validators.RegisterSetCallbackListener(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, ipTracker)
   243  	// Track all default bootstrappers to ensure their current IPs are gossiped
   244  	// like validator IPs.
   245  	for _, bootstrapper := range genesis.GetBootstrappers(config.NetworkID) {
   246  		ipTracker.ManuallyGossip(bootstrapper.ID)
   247  	}
   248  	// Track all recent validators to optimistically connect to them before the
   249  	// P-chain has finished syncing.
   250  	for nodeID := range genesis.GetValidators(config.NetworkID) {
   251  		ipTracker.ManuallyTrack(nodeID)
   252  	}
   254  	peerConfig := &peer.Config{
   255  		ReadBufferSize:  config.PeerReadBufferSize,
   256  		WriteBufferSize: config.PeerWriteBufferSize,
   257  		Metrics:         peerMetrics,
   258  		MessageCreator:  msgCreator,
   260  		Log:                  log,
   261  		InboundMsgThrottler:  inboundMsgThrottler,
   262  		Network:              nil, // This is set below.
   263  		Router:               router,
   264  		VersionCompatibility: version.GetCompatibility(config.NetworkID),
   265  		MySubnets:            config.TrackedSubnets,
   266  		Beacons:              config.Beacons,
   267  		Validators:           config.Validators,
   268  		NetworkID:            config.NetworkID,
   269  		PingFrequency:        config.PingFrequency,
   270  		PongTimeout:          config.PingPongTimeout,
   271  		MaxClockDifference:   config.MaxClockDifference,
   272  		SupportedACPs:        config.SupportedACPs.List(),
   273  		ObjectedACPs:         config.ObjectedACPs.List(),
   274  		ResourceTracker:      config.ResourceTracker,
   275  		UptimeCalculator:     config.UptimeCalculator,
   276  		IPSigner:             peer.NewIPSigner(config.MyIPPort, config.TLSKey, config.BLSKey),
   277  	}
   279  	onCloseCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   280  	n := &network{
   281  		config:               config,
   282  		peerConfig:           peerConfig,
   283  		metrics:              metrics,
   284  		outboundMsgThrottler: outboundMsgThrottler,
   286  		inboundConnUpgradeThrottler: throttling.NewInboundConnUpgradeThrottler(log, config.ThrottlerConfig.InboundConnUpgradeThrottlerConfig),
   287  		listener:                    listener,
   288  		dialer:                      dialer,
   289  		serverUpgrader:              peer.NewTLSServerUpgrader(config.TLSConfig, metrics.tlsConnRejected),
   290  		clientUpgrader:              peer.NewTLSClientUpgrader(config.TLSConfig, metrics.tlsConnRejected),
   292  		onCloseCtx:       onCloseCtx,
   293  		onCloseCtxCancel: cancel,
   295  		sendFailRateCalculator: safemath.NewSyncAverager(safemath.NewAverager(
   296  			0,
   297  			config.SendFailRateHalflife,
   298  			time.Now(),
   299  		)),
   301  		trackedIPs:      make(map[ids.NodeID]*trackedIP),
   302  		ipTracker:       ipTracker,
   303  		connectingPeers: peer.NewSet(),
   304  		connectedPeers:  peer.NewSet(),
   305  		router:          router,
   306  	}
   307  	n.peerConfig.Network = n
   308  	return n, nil
   309  }
   311  func (n *network) Send(
   312  	msg message.OutboundMessage,
   313  	config common.SendConfig,
   314  	subnetID ids.ID,
   315  	allower subnets.Allower,
   316  ) set.Set[ids.NodeID] {
   317  	namedPeers := n.getPeers(config.NodeIDs, subnetID, allower)
   318  	n.peerConfig.Metrics.MultipleSendsFailed(
   319  		msg.Op(),
   320  		config.NodeIDs.Len()-len(namedPeers),
   321  	)
   323  	var (
   324  		sampledPeers = n.samplePeers(config, subnetID, allower)
   325  		sentTo       = set.NewSet[ids.NodeID](len(namedPeers) + len(sampledPeers))
   326  		now          = n.peerConfig.Clock.Time()
   327  	)
   329  	// send to peers and update metrics
   330  	//
   331  	// Note: It is guaranteed that namedPeers and sampledPeers are disjoint.
   332  	for _, peers := range [][]peer.Peer{namedPeers, sampledPeers} {
   333  		for _, peer := range peers {
   334  			if peer.Send(n.onCloseCtx, msg) {
   335  				sentTo.Add(peer.ID())
   337  				// TODO: move send fail rate calculations into the peer metrics
   338  				// record metrics for success
   339  				n.sendFailRateCalculator.Observe(0, now)
   340  			} else {
   341  				// record metrics for failure
   342  				n.sendFailRateCalculator.Observe(1, now)
   343  			}
   344  		}
   345  	}
   346  	return sentTo
   347  }
   349  // HealthCheck returns information about several network layer health checks.
   350  // 1) Information about health check results
   351  // 2) An error if the health check reports unhealthy
   352  func (n *network) HealthCheck(context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
   353  	n.peersLock.RLock()
   354  	connectedTo := n.connectedPeers.Len()
   355  	n.peersLock.RUnlock()
   357  	sendFailRate := n.sendFailRateCalculator.Read()
   359  	// Make sure we're connected to at least the minimum number of peers
   360  	isConnected := connectedTo >= int(n.config.HealthConfig.MinConnectedPeers)
   361  	healthy := isConnected
   362  	details := map[string]interface{}{
   363  		ConnectedPeersKey: connectedTo,
   364  	}
   366  	// Make sure we've received an incoming message within the threshold
   367  	now := n.peerConfig.Clock.Time()
   369  	lastMsgReceivedAt, msgReceived := n.getLastReceived()
   370  	wasMsgReceivedRecently := msgReceived
   371  	timeSinceLastMsgReceived := time.Duration(0)
   372  	if msgReceived {
   373  		timeSinceLastMsgReceived = now.Sub(lastMsgReceivedAt)
   374  		wasMsgReceivedRecently = timeSinceLastMsgReceived <= n.config.HealthConfig.MaxTimeSinceMsgReceived
   375  		details[TimeSinceLastMsgReceivedKey] = timeSinceLastMsgReceived.String()
   376  		n.metrics.timeSinceLastMsgReceived.Set(float64(timeSinceLastMsgReceived))
   377  	}
   378  	healthy = healthy && wasMsgReceivedRecently
   380  	// Make sure we've sent an outgoing message within the threshold
   381  	lastMsgSentAt, msgSent := n.getLastSent()
   382  	wasMsgSentRecently := msgSent
   383  	timeSinceLastMsgSent := time.Duration(0)
   384  	if msgSent {
   385  		timeSinceLastMsgSent = now.Sub(lastMsgSentAt)
   386  		wasMsgSentRecently = timeSinceLastMsgSent <= n.config.HealthConfig.MaxTimeSinceMsgSent
   387  		details[TimeSinceLastMsgSentKey] = timeSinceLastMsgSent.String()
   388  		n.metrics.timeSinceLastMsgSent.Set(float64(timeSinceLastMsgSent))
   389  	}
   390  	healthy = healthy && wasMsgSentRecently
   392  	// Make sure the message send failed rate isn't too high
   393  	isMsgFailRate := sendFailRate <= n.config.HealthConfig.MaxSendFailRate
   394  	healthy = healthy && isMsgFailRate
   395  	details[SendFailRateKey] = sendFailRate
   396  	n.metrics.sendFailRate.Set(sendFailRate)
   398  	// emit metrics about the lifetime of peer connections
   399  	n.metrics.updatePeerConnectionLifetimeMetrics()
   401  	// Network layer is healthy
   402  	if healthy || !n.config.HealthConfig.Enabled {
   403  		return details, nil
   404  	}
   406  	var errorReasons []string
   407  	if !isConnected {
   408  		errorReasons = append(errorReasons, fmt.Sprintf("not connected to a minimum of %d peer(s) only %d", n.config.HealthConfig.MinConnectedPeers, connectedTo))
   409  	}
   410  	if !msgReceived {
   411  		errorReasons = append(errorReasons, "no messages received from network")
   412  	} else if !wasMsgReceivedRecently {
   413  		errorReasons = append(errorReasons, fmt.Sprintf("no messages from network received in %s > %s", timeSinceLastMsgReceived, n.config.HealthConfig.MaxTimeSinceMsgReceived))
   414  	}
   415  	if !msgSent {
   416  		errorReasons = append(errorReasons, "no messages sent to network")
   417  	} else if !wasMsgSentRecently {
   418  		errorReasons = append(errorReasons, fmt.Sprintf("no messages from network sent in %s > %s", timeSinceLastMsgSent, n.config.HealthConfig.MaxTimeSinceMsgSent))
   419  	}
   421  	if !isMsgFailRate {
   422  		errorReasons = append(errorReasons, fmt.Sprintf("messages failure send rate %g > %g", sendFailRate, n.config.HealthConfig.MaxSendFailRate))
   423  	}
   424  	return details, fmt.Errorf("network layer is unhealthy reason: %s", strings.Join(errorReasons, ", "))
   425  }
   427  // Connected is called after the peer finishes the handshake.
   428  // Will not be called after [Disconnected] is called with this peer.
   429  func (n *network) Connected(nodeID ids.NodeID) {
   430  	n.peersLock.Lock()
   431  	peer, ok := n.connectingPeers.GetByID(nodeID)
   432  	if !ok {
   433  		n.peerConfig.Log.Error(
   434  			"unexpectedly connected to peer when not marked as attempting to connect",
   435  			zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
   436  		)
   437  		n.peersLock.Unlock()
   438  		return
   439  	}
   441  	if tracked, ok := n.trackedIPs[nodeID]; ok {
   442  		tracked.stopTracking()
   443  		delete(n.trackedIPs, nodeID)
   444  	}
   445  	n.connectingPeers.Remove(nodeID)
   446  	n.connectedPeers.Add(peer)
   447  	n.peersLock.Unlock()
   449  	peerIP := peer.IP()
   450  	newIP := ips.NewClaimedIPPort(
   451  		peer.Cert(),
   452  		peerIP.AddrPort,
   453  		peerIP.Timestamp,
   454  		peerIP.TLSSignature,
   455  	)
   456  	n.ipTracker.Connected(newIP)
   458  	n.metrics.markConnected(peer)
   460  	peerVersion := peer.Version()
   461  	n.router.Connected(nodeID, peerVersion, constants.PrimaryNetworkID)
   463  	trackedSubnets := peer.TrackedSubnets()
   464  	for subnetID := range n.peerConfig.MySubnets {
   465  		if trackedSubnets.Contains(subnetID) {
   466  			n.router.Connected(nodeID, peerVersion, subnetID)
   467  		}
   468  	}
   469  }
   471  // AllowConnection returns true if this node should have a connection to the
   472  // provided nodeID. If the node is attempting to connect to the minimum number
   473  // of peers, then it should only connect if this node is a validator, or the
   474  // peer is a validator/beacon.
   475  func (n *network) AllowConnection(nodeID ids.NodeID) bool {
   476  	if !n.config.RequireValidatorToConnect {
   477  		return true
   478  	}
   479  	_, iAmAValidator := n.config.Validators.GetValidator(constants.PrimaryNetworkID, n.config.MyNodeID)
   480  	return iAmAValidator || n.ipTracker.WantsConnection(nodeID)
   481  }
   483  func (n *network) Track(claimedIPPorts []*ips.ClaimedIPPort) error {
   484  	for _, ip := range claimedIPPorts {
   485  		if err := n.track(ip); err != nil {
   486  			return err
   487  		}
   488  	}
   489  	return nil
   490  }
   492  // Disconnected is called after the peer's handling has been shutdown.
   493  // It is not guaranteed that [Connected] was previously called with [nodeID].
   494  // It is guaranteed that [Connected] will not be called with [nodeID] after this
   495  // call. Note that this is from the perspective of a single peer object, because
   496  // a peer with the same ID can reconnect to this network instance.
   497  func (n *network) Disconnected(nodeID ids.NodeID) {
   498  	n.peersLock.RLock()
   499  	_, connecting := n.connectingPeers.GetByID(nodeID)
   500  	peer, connected := n.connectedPeers.GetByID(nodeID)
   501  	n.peersLock.RUnlock()
   503  	if connecting {
   504  		n.disconnectedFromConnecting(nodeID)
   505  	}
   506  	if connected {
   507  		n.disconnectedFromConnected(peer, nodeID)
   508  	}
   509  }
   511  func (n *network) KnownPeers() ([]byte, []byte) {
   512  	return n.ipTracker.Bloom()
   513  }
   515  func (n *network) Peers(except ids.NodeID, knownPeers *bloom.ReadFilter, salt []byte) []*ips.ClaimedIPPort {
   516  	return n.ipTracker.GetGossipableIPs(
   517  		except,
   518  		knownPeers,
   519  		salt,
   520  		int(n.config.PeerListNumValidatorIPs),
   521  	)
   522  }
   524  // Dispatch starts accepting connections from other nodes attempting to connect
   525  // to this node.
   526  func (n *network) Dispatch() error {
   527  	go n.runTimers() // Periodically perform operations
   528  	go n.inboundConnUpgradeThrottler.Dispatch()
   529  	for { // Continuously accept new connections
   530  		if n.onCloseCtx.Err() != nil {
   531  			break
   532  		}
   534  		conn, err := n.listener.Accept() // Returns error when n.Close() is called
   535  		if err != nil {
   536  			n.peerConfig.Log.Debug("error during server accept", zap.Error(err))
   537  			// Sleep for a small amount of time to try to wait for the
   538  			// error to go away.
   539  			time.Sleep(time.Millisecond)
   540  			n.metrics.acceptFailed.Inc()
   541  			continue
   542  		}
   544  		// Note: listener.Accept is rate limited outside of this package, so a
   545  		// peer can not just arbitrarily spin up goroutines here.
   546  		go func() {
   547  			// Note: Calling [RemoteAddr] with the Proxy protocol enabled may
   548  			// block for up to ProxyReadHeaderTimeout. Therefore, we ensure to
   549  			// call this function inside the go-routine, rather than the main
   550  			// accept loop.
   551  			remoteAddr := conn.RemoteAddr().String()
   552  			ip, err := ips.ParseAddrPort(remoteAddr)
   553  			if err != nil {
   554  				n.peerConfig.Log.Error("failed to parse remote address",
   555  					zap.String("peerIP", remoteAddr),
   556  					zap.Error(err),
   557  				)
   558  				_ = conn.Close()
   559  				return
   560  			}
   562  			if !n.inboundConnUpgradeThrottler.ShouldUpgrade(ip) {
   563  				n.peerConfig.Log.Debug("failed to upgrade connection",
   564  					zap.String("reason", "rate-limiting"),
   565  					zap.Stringer("peerIP", ip),
   566  				)
   567  				n.metrics.inboundConnRateLimited.Inc()
   568  				_ = conn.Close()
   569  				return
   570  			}
   571  			n.metrics.inboundConnAllowed.Inc()
   573  			n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("starting to upgrade connection",
   574  				zap.String("direction", "inbound"),
   575  				zap.Stringer("peerIP", ip),
   576  			)
   578  			if err := n.upgrade(conn, n.serverUpgrader); err != nil {
   579  				n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("failed to upgrade connection",
   580  					zap.String("direction", "inbound"),
   581  					zap.Error(err),
   582  				)
   583  			}
   584  		}()
   585  	}
   586  	n.inboundConnUpgradeThrottler.Stop()
   587  	n.StartClose()
   589  	n.peersLock.RLock()
   590  	connecting := n.connectingPeers.Sample(n.connectingPeers.Len(), peer.NoPrecondition)
   591  	connected := n.connectedPeers.Sample(n.connectedPeers.Len(), peer.NoPrecondition)
   592  	n.peersLock.RUnlock()
   594  	errs := wrappers.Errs{}
   595  	for _, peer := range append(connecting, connected...) {
   596  		errs.Add(peer.AwaitClosed(context.TODO()))
   597  	}
   598  	return errs.Err
   599  }
   601  func (n *network) ManuallyTrack(nodeID ids.NodeID, ip netip.AddrPort) {
   602  	n.ipTracker.ManuallyTrack(nodeID)
   604  	n.peersLock.Lock()
   605  	defer n.peersLock.Unlock()
   607  	_, connected := n.connectedPeers.GetByID(nodeID)
   608  	if connected {
   609  		// If I'm currently connected to [nodeID] then they will have told me
   610  		// how to connect to them in the future, and I don't need to attempt to
   611  		// connect to them now.
   612  		return
   613  	}
   615  	_, isTracked := n.trackedIPs[nodeID]
   616  	if !isTracked {
   617  		tracked := newTrackedIP(ip)
   618  		n.trackedIPs[nodeID] = tracked
   619  		n.dial(nodeID, tracked)
   620  	}
   621  }
   623  func (n *network) track(ip *ips.ClaimedIPPort) error {
   624  	// To avoid signature verification when the IP isn't needed, we
   625  	// optimistically filter out IPs. This can result in us not tracking an IP
   626  	// that we otherwise would have. This case can only happen if the node
   627  	// became a validator between the time we verified the signature and when we
   628  	// processed the IP; which should be very rare.
   629  	//
   630  	// Note: Avoiding signature verification when the IP isn't needed is a
   631  	// **significant** performance optimization.
   632  	if !n.ipTracker.ShouldVerifyIP(ip) {
   633  		n.metrics.numUselessPeerListBytes.Add(float64(ip.Size()))
   634  		return nil
   635  	}
   637  	// Perform all signature verification and hashing before grabbing the peer
   638  	// lock.
   639  	signedIP := peer.SignedIP{
   640  		UnsignedIP: peer.UnsignedIP{
   641  			AddrPort:  ip.AddrPort,
   642  			Timestamp: ip.Timestamp,
   643  		},
   644  		TLSSignature: ip.Signature,
   645  	}
   646  	maxTimestamp := n.peerConfig.Clock.Time().Add(n.peerConfig.MaxClockDifference)
   647  	if err := signedIP.Verify(ip.Cert, maxTimestamp); err != nil {
   648  		return err
   649  	}
   651  	n.peersLock.Lock()
   652  	defer n.peersLock.Unlock()
   654  	if !n.ipTracker.AddIP(ip) {
   655  		return nil
   656  	}
   658  	if _, connected := n.connectedPeers.GetByID(ip.NodeID); connected {
   659  		// If I'm currently connected to [nodeID] then I'll attempt to dial them
   660  		// when we disconnect.
   661  		return nil
   662  	}
   664  	tracked, isTracked := n.trackedIPs[ip.NodeID]
   665  	if isTracked {
   666  		// Stop tracking the old IP and start tracking the new one.
   667  		tracked = tracked.trackNewIP(ip.AddrPort)
   668  	} else {
   669  		tracked = newTrackedIP(ip.AddrPort)
   670  	}
   671  	n.trackedIPs[ip.NodeID] = tracked
   672  	n.dial(ip.NodeID, tracked)
   673  	return nil
   674  }
   676  // getPeers returns a slice of connected peers from a set of [nodeIDs].
   677  //
   678  //   - [nodeIDs] the IDs of the peers that should be returned if they are
   679  //     connected.
   680  //   - [subnetID] the subnetID whose membership should be considered if
   681  //     [validatorOnly] is set to true.
   682  //   - [validatorOnly] is the flag to drop any nodes from [nodeIDs] that are not
   683  //     validators in [subnetID].
   684  func (n *network) getPeers(
   685  	nodeIDs set.Set[ids.NodeID],
   686  	subnetID ids.ID,
   687  	allower subnets.Allower,
   688  ) []peer.Peer {
   689  	peers := make([]peer.Peer, 0, nodeIDs.Len())
   691  	n.peersLock.RLock()
   692  	defer n.peersLock.RUnlock()
   694  	for nodeID := range nodeIDs {
   695  		peer, ok := n.connectedPeers.GetByID(nodeID)
   696  		if !ok {
   697  			continue
   698  		}
   700  		if trackedSubnets := peer.TrackedSubnets(); !trackedSubnets.Contains(subnetID) {
   701  			continue
   702  		}
   704  		_, isValidator := n.config.Validators.GetValidator(subnetID, nodeID)
   705  		// check if the peer is allowed to connect to the subnet
   706  		if !allower.IsAllowed(nodeID, isValidator) {
   707  			continue
   708  		}
   710  		peers = append(peers, peer)
   711  	}
   713  	return peers
   714  }
   716  // samplePeers samples connected peers attempting to align with the number of
   717  // requested validators, non-validators, and peers. This function will
   718  // explicitly ignore nodeIDs already included in the send config.
   719  func (n *network) samplePeers(
   720  	config common.SendConfig,
   721  	subnetID ids.ID,
   722  	allower subnets.Allower,
   723  ) []peer.Peer {
   724  	// As an optimization, if there are fewer validators than
   725  	// [numValidatorsToSample], only attempt to sample [numValidatorsToSample]
   726  	// validators to potentially avoid iterating over the entire peer set.
   727  	numValidatorsToSample := min(config.Validators, n.config.Validators.Count(subnetID))
   729  	n.peersLock.RLock()
   730  	defer n.peersLock.RUnlock()
   732  	return n.connectedPeers.Sample(
   733  		numValidatorsToSample+config.NonValidators+config.Peers,
   734  		func(p peer.Peer) bool {
   735  			// Only return peers that are tracking [subnetID]
   736  			if trackedSubnets := p.TrackedSubnets(); !trackedSubnets.Contains(subnetID) {
   737  				return false
   738  			}
   740  			peerID := p.ID()
   741  			// if the peer was already explicitly included, don't include in the
   742  			// sample
   743  			if config.NodeIDs.Contains(peerID) {
   744  				return false
   745  			}
   747  			_, isValidator := n.config.Validators.GetValidator(subnetID, peerID)
   748  			// check if the peer is allowed to connect to the subnet
   749  			if !allower.IsAllowed(peerID, isValidator) {
   750  				return false
   751  			}
   753  			if config.Peers > 0 {
   754  				config.Peers--
   755  				return true
   756  			}
   758  			if isValidator {
   759  				numValidatorsToSample--
   760  				return numValidatorsToSample >= 0
   761  			}
   763  			config.NonValidators--
   764  			return config.NonValidators >= 0
   765  		},
   766  	)
   767  }
   769  func (n *network) disconnectedFromConnecting(nodeID ids.NodeID) {
   770  	n.peersLock.Lock()
   771  	defer n.peersLock.Unlock()
   773  	n.connectingPeers.Remove(nodeID)
   775  	// The peer that is disconnecting from us didn't finish the handshake
   776  	tracked, ok := n.trackedIPs[nodeID]
   777  	if ok {
   778  		if n.ipTracker.WantsConnection(nodeID) {
   779  			tracked := tracked.trackNewIP(tracked.ip)
   780  			n.trackedIPs[nodeID] = tracked
   781  			n.dial(nodeID, tracked)
   782  		} else {
   783  			tracked.stopTracking()
   784  			delete(n.trackedIPs, nodeID)
   785  		}
   786  	}
   788  	n.metrics.disconnected.Inc()
   789  }
   791  func (n *network) disconnectedFromConnected(peer peer.Peer, nodeID ids.NodeID) {
   792  	n.ipTracker.Disconnected(nodeID)
   793  	n.router.Disconnected(nodeID)
   795  	n.peersLock.Lock()
   796  	defer n.peersLock.Unlock()
   798  	n.connectedPeers.Remove(nodeID)
   800  	// The peer that is disconnecting from us finished the handshake
   801  	if ip, wantsConnection := n.ipTracker.GetIP(nodeID); wantsConnection {
   802  		tracked := newTrackedIP(ip.AddrPort)
   803  		n.trackedIPs[nodeID] = tracked
   804  		n.dial(nodeID, tracked)
   805  	}
   807  	n.metrics.markDisconnected(peer)
   808  }
   810  // dial will spin up a new goroutine and attempt to establish a connection with
   811  // [nodeID] at [ip].
   812  //
   813  // If the connection established at [ip] doesn't match [nodeID]:
   814  // - attempts to reach [nodeID] at [ip] will be halted.
   815  // - the connection will be checked to see if the connection is desired or not.
   816  //
   817  // If [ip] has been flagged with [ip.stopTracking] then this goroutine will
   818  // exit.
   819  //
   820  // If [nodeID] is marked as connecting or connected then this goroutine will
   821  // exit.
   822  //
   823  // If [nodeID] is no longer marked as desired then this goroutine will exit and
   824  // the entry in the [trackedIP]s set will be removed.
   825  //
   826  // If initiating a connection to [ip] fails, then dial will reattempt. However,
   827  // there is a randomized exponential backoff to avoid spamming connection
   828  // attempts.
   829  func (n *network) dial(nodeID ids.NodeID, ip *trackedIP) {
   830  	n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("attempting to dial node",
   831  		zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
   832  		zap.Stringer("ip", ip.ip),
   833  	)
   834  	go func() {
   835  		n.metrics.numTracked.Inc()
   836  		defer n.metrics.numTracked.Dec()
   838  		for {
   839  			timer := time.NewTimer(ip.getDelay())
   841  			select {
   842  			case <-n.onCloseCtx.Done():
   843  				timer.Stop()
   844  				return
   845  			case <-ip.onStopTracking:
   846  				timer.Stop()
   847  				return
   848  			case <-timer.C:
   849  			}
   851  			n.peersLock.Lock()
   852  			// If we no longer desire a connect to nodeID, we should cleanup
   853  			// trackedIPs and this goroutine. This prevents a memory leak when
   854  			// the tracked nodeID leaves the validator set and is never able to
   855  			// be connected to.
   856  			if !n.ipTracker.WantsConnection(nodeID) {
   857  				// Typically [n.trackedIPs[nodeID]] will already equal [ip], but
   858  				// the reference to [ip] is refreshed to avoid any potential
   859  				// race conditions before removing the entry.
   860  				if ip, exists := n.trackedIPs[nodeID]; exists {
   861  					ip.stopTracking()
   862  					delete(n.trackedIPs, nodeID)
   863  				}
   864  				n.peersLock.Unlock()
   865  				return
   866  			}
   867  			_, connecting := n.connectingPeers.GetByID(nodeID)
   868  			_, connected := n.connectedPeers.GetByID(nodeID)
   869  			n.peersLock.Unlock()
   871  			// While it may not be strictly needed to stop attempting to connect
   872  			// to an already connected peer here. It does prevent unnecessary
   873  			// outbound connections. Additionally, because the peer would
   874  			// immediately drop a duplicated connection, this prevents any
   875  			// "connection reset by peer" errors from interfering with the
   876  			// later duplicated connection check.
   877  			if connecting || connected {
   878  				n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo(
   879  					"exiting attempt to dial peer",
   880  					zap.String("reason", "already connected"),
   881  					zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
   882  				)
   883  				return
   884  			}
   886  			// Increase the delay that we will use for a future connection
   887  			// attempt.
   888  			ip.increaseDelay(
   889  				n.config.InitialReconnectDelay,
   890  				n.config.MaxReconnectDelay,
   891  			)
   893  			// If the network is configured to disallow private IPs and the
   894  			// provided IP is private, we skip all attempts to initiate a
   895  			// connection.
   896  			//
   897  			// Invariant: We perform this check inside of the looping goroutine
   898  			// because this goroutine must clean up the trackedIPs entry if
   899  			// nodeID leaves the validator set. This is why we continue the loop
   900  			// rather than returning even though we will never initiate an
   901  			// outbound connection with this IP.
   902  			if !n.config.AllowPrivateIPs && !ips.IsPublic(ip.ip.Addr()) {
   903  				n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("skipping connection dial",
   904  					zap.String("reason", "outbound connections to private IPs are prohibited"),
   905  					zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
   906  					zap.Stringer("peerIP", ip.ip),
   907  					zap.Duration("delay", ip.delay),
   908  				)
   909  				continue
   910  			}
   912  			conn, err := n.dialer.Dial(n.onCloseCtx, ip.ip)
   913  			if err != nil {
   914  				n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo(
   915  					"failed to reach peer, attempting again",
   916  					zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
   917  					zap.Stringer("peerIP", ip.ip),
   918  					zap.Duration("delay", ip.delay),
   919  				)
   920  				continue
   921  			}
   923  			n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("starting to upgrade connection",
   924  				zap.String("direction", "outbound"),
   925  				zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
   926  				zap.Stringer("peerIP", ip.ip),
   927  			)
   929  			err = n.upgrade(conn, n.clientUpgrader)
   930  			if err != nil {
   931  				n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo(
   932  					"failed to upgrade, attempting again",
   933  					zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
   934  					zap.Stringer("peerIP", ip.ip),
   935  					zap.Duration("delay", ip.delay),
   936  				)
   937  				continue
   938  			}
   939  			return
   940  		}
   941  	}()
   942  }
   944  // upgrade the provided connection, which may be an inbound connection or an
   945  // outbound connection, with the provided [upgrader].
   946  //
   947  // If the connection is successfully upgraded, [nil] will be returned.
   948  //
   949  // If the connection is desired by the node, then the resulting upgraded
   950  // connection will be used to create a new peer. Otherwise the connection will
   951  // be immediately closed.
   952  func (n *network) upgrade(conn net.Conn, upgrader peer.Upgrader) error {
   953  	upgradeTimeout := n.peerConfig.Clock.Time().Add(n.config.ReadHandshakeTimeout)
   954  	if err := conn.SetReadDeadline(upgradeTimeout); err != nil {
   955  		_ = conn.Close()
   956  		n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("failed to set the read deadline",
   957  			zap.Error(err),
   958  		)
   959  		return err
   960  	}
   962  	nodeID, tlsConn, cert, err := upgrader.Upgrade(conn)
   963  	if err != nil {
   964  		_ = conn.Close()
   965  		n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("failed to upgrade connection",
   966  			zap.Error(err),
   967  		)
   968  		return err
   969  	}
   971  	if err := tlsConn.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{}); err != nil {
   972  		_ = tlsConn.Close()
   973  		n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("failed to clear the read deadline",
   974  			zap.Error(err),
   975  		)
   976  		return err
   977  	}
   979  	// At this point we have successfully upgraded the connection and will
   980  	// return a nil error.
   982  	if nodeID == n.config.MyNodeID {
   983  		_ = tlsConn.Close()
   984  		n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("dropping connection to myself")
   985  		return nil
   986  	}
   988  	if !n.AllowConnection(nodeID) {
   989  		_ = tlsConn.Close()
   990  		n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo(
   991  			"dropping undesired connection",
   992  			zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
   993  		)
   994  		return nil
   995  	}
   997  	n.peersLock.Lock()
   998  	if n.closing {
   999  		n.peersLock.Unlock()
  1001  		_ = tlsConn.Close()
  1002  		n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo(
  1003  			"dropping connection",
  1004  			zap.String("reason", "shutting down the p2p network"),
  1005  			zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
  1006  		)
  1007  		return nil
  1008  	}
  1010  	if _, connecting := n.connectingPeers.GetByID(nodeID); connecting {
  1011  		n.peersLock.Unlock()
  1013  		_ = tlsConn.Close()
  1014  		n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo(
  1015  			"dropping connection",
  1016  			zap.String("reason", "already connecting to peer"),
  1017  			zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
  1018  		)
  1019  		return nil
  1020  	}
  1022  	if _, connected := n.connectedPeers.GetByID(nodeID); connected {
  1023  		n.peersLock.Unlock()
  1025  		_ = tlsConn.Close()
  1026  		n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo(
  1027  			"dropping connection",
  1028  			zap.String("reason", "already connecting to peer"),
  1029  			zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
  1030  		)
  1031  		return nil
  1032  	}
  1034  	n.peerConfig.Log.Verbo("starting handshake",
  1035  		zap.Stringer("nodeID", nodeID),
  1036  	)
  1038  	// peer.Start requires there is only ever one peer instance running with the
  1039  	// same [peerConfig.InboundMsgThrottler]. This is guaranteed by the above
  1040  	// de-duplications for [connectingPeers] and [connectedPeers].
  1041  	peer := peer.Start(
  1042  		n.peerConfig,
  1043  		tlsConn,
  1044  		cert,
  1045  		nodeID,
  1046  		peer.NewThrottledMessageQueue(
  1047  			n.peerConfig.Metrics,
  1048  			nodeID,
  1049  			n.peerConfig.Log,
  1050  			n.outboundMsgThrottler,
  1051  		),
  1052  	)
  1053  	n.connectingPeers.Add(peer)
  1054  	n.peersLock.Unlock()
  1055  	return nil
  1056  }
  1058  func (n *network) PeerInfo(nodeIDs []ids.NodeID) []peer.Info {
  1059  	n.peersLock.RLock()
  1060  	defer n.peersLock.RUnlock()
  1062  	if len(nodeIDs) == 0 {
  1063  		return n.connectedPeers.AllInfo()
  1064  	}
  1065  	return n.connectedPeers.Info(nodeIDs)
  1066  }
  1068  func (n *network) StartClose() {
  1069  	n.closeOnce.Do(func() {
  1070  		n.peerConfig.Log.Info("shutting down the p2p networking")
  1072  		if err := n.listener.Close(); err != nil {
  1073  			n.peerConfig.Log.Debug("closing the network listener",
  1074  				zap.Error(err),
  1075  			)
  1076  		}
  1078  		n.peersLock.Lock()
  1079  		defer n.peersLock.Unlock()
  1081  		n.closing = true
  1082  		n.onCloseCtxCancel()
  1084  		for nodeID, tracked := range n.trackedIPs {
  1085  			tracked.stopTracking()
  1086  			delete(n.trackedIPs, nodeID)
  1087  		}
  1089  		for i := 0; i < n.connectingPeers.Len(); i++ {
  1090  			peer, _ := n.connectingPeers.GetByIndex(i)
  1091  			peer.StartClose()
  1092  		}
  1094  		for i := 0; i < n.connectedPeers.Len(); i++ {
  1095  			peer, _ := n.connectedPeers.GetByIndex(i)
  1096  			peer.StartClose()
  1097  		}
  1098  	})
  1099  }
  1101  func (n *network) NodeUptime(subnetID ids.ID) (UptimeResult, error) {
  1102  	if subnetID != constants.PrimaryNetworkID && !n.config.TrackedSubnets.Contains(subnetID) {
  1103  		return UptimeResult{}, errNotTracked
  1104  	}
  1106  	myStake := n.config.Validators.GetWeight(subnetID, n.config.MyNodeID)
  1107  	if myStake == 0 {
  1108  		return UptimeResult{}, errNotValidator
  1109  	}
  1111  	totalWeightInt, err := n.config.Validators.TotalWeight(subnetID)
  1112  	if err != nil {
  1113  		return UptimeResult{}, fmt.Errorf("error while fetching weight for subnet %s: %w", subnetID, err)
  1114  	}
  1116  	var (
  1117  		totalWeight          = float64(totalWeightInt)
  1118  		totalWeightedPercent = 100 * float64(myStake)
  1119  		rewardingStake       = float64(myStake)
  1120  	)
  1122  	n.peersLock.RLock()
  1123  	defer n.peersLock.RUnlock()
  1125  	for i := 0; i < n.connectedPeers.Len(); i++ {
  1126  		peer, _ := n.connectedPeers.GetByIndex(i)
  1128  		nodeID := peer.ID()
  1129  		weight := n.config.Validators.GetWeight(subnetID, nodeID)
  1130  		if weight == 0 {
  1131  			// this is not a validator skip it.
  1132  			continue
  1133  		}
  1135  		observedUptime, exist := peer.ObservedUptime(subnetID)
  1136  		if !exist {
  1137  			observedUptime = 0
  1138  		}
  1139  		percent := float64(observedUptime)
  1140  		weightFloat := float64(weight)
  1141  		totalWeightedPercent += percent * weightFloat
  1143  		// if this peer thinks we're above requirement add the weight
  1144  		// TODO: use subnet-specific uptime requirements
  1145  		if percent/100 >= n.config.UptimeRequirement {
  1146  			rewardingStake += weightFloat
  1147  		}
  1148  	}
  1150  	return UptimeResult{
  1151  		WeightedAveragePercentage: math.Abs(totalWeightedPercent / totalWeight),
  1152  		RewardingStakePercentage:  math.Abs(100 * rewardingStake / totalWeight),
  1153  	}, nil
  1154  }
  1156  func (n *network) runTimers() {
  1157  	pullGossipPeerlists := time.NewTicker(n.config.PeerListPullGossipFreq)
  1158  	resetPeerListBloom := time.NewTicker(n.config.PeerListBloomResetFreq)
  1159  	updateUptimes := time.NewTicker(n.config.UptimeMetricFreq)
  1160  	defer func() {
  1161  		resetPeerListBloom.Stop()
  1162  		updateUptimes.Stop()
  1163  	}()
  1165  	for {
  1166  		select {
  1167  		case <-n.onCloseCtx.Done():
  1168  			return
  1169  		case <-pullGossipPeerlists.C:
  1170  			n.pullGossipPeerLists()
  1171  		case <-resetPeerListBloom.C:
  1172  			if err := n.ipTracker.ResetBloom(); err != nil {
  1173  				n.peerConfig.Log.Error("failed to reset ip tracker bloom filter",
  1174  					zap.Error(err),
  1175  				)
  1176  			} else {
  1177  				n.peerConfig.Log.Debug("reset ip tracker bloom filter")
  1178  			}
  1179  		case <-updateUptimes.C:
  1180  			primaryUptime, err := n.NodeUptime(constants.PrimaryNetworkID)
  1181  			if err != nil {
  1182  				n.peerConfig.Log.Debug("failed to get primary network uptime",
  1183  					zap.Error(err),
  1184  				)
  1185  			}
  1186  			n.metrics.nodeUptimeWeightedAverage.Set(primaryUptime.WeightedAveragePercentage)
  1187  			n.metrics.nodeUptimeRewardingStake.Set(primaryUptime.RewardingStakePercentage)
  1189  			for subnetID := range n.config.TrackedSubnets {
  1190  				result, err := n.NodeUptime(subnetID)
  1191  				if err != nil {
  1192  					n.peerConfig.Log.Debug("failed to get subnet uptime",
  1193  						zap.Stringer("subnetID", subnetID),
  1194  						zap.Error(err),
  1195  					)
  1196  				}
  1197  				subnetIDStr := subnetID.String()
  1198  				n.metrics.nodeSubnetUptimeWeightedAverage.WithLabelValues(subnetIDStr).Set(result.WeightedAveragePercentage)
  1199  				n.metrics.nodeSubnetUptimeRewardingStake.WithLabelValues(subnetIDStr).Set(result.RewardingStakePercentage)
  1200  			}
  1201  		}
  1202  	}
  1203  }
  1205  // pullGossipPeerLists requests validators from peers in the network
  1206  func (n *network) pullGossipPeerLists() {
  1207  	peers := n.samplePeers(
  1208  		common.SendConfig{
  1209  			Validators: 1,
  1210  		},
  1211  		constants.PrimaryNetworkID,
  1212  		subnets.NoOpAllower,
  1213  	)
  1215  	for _, p := range peers {
  1216  		p.StartSendGetPeerList()
  1217  	}
  1218  }
  1220  func (n *network) getLastReceived() (time.Time, bool) {
  1221  	lastReceived := atomic.LoadInt64(&n.peerConfig.LastReceived)
  1222  	if lastReceived == 0 {
  1223  		return time.Time{}, false
  1224  	}
  1225  	return time.Unix(lastReceived, 0), true
  1226  }
  1228  func (n *network) getLastSent() (time.Time, bool) {
  1229  	lastSent := atomic.LoadInt64(&n.peerConfig.LastSent)
  1230  	if lastSent == 0 {
  1231  		return time.Time{}, false
  1232  	}
  1233  	return time.Unix(lastSent, 0), true
  1234  }