(about) 1 version: v1 2 name: 3 build: 4 excludes: 5 # for golang we handle prometheus as a buf dep so we exclude it from generate, this proto 6 # file is required by languages such as rust. 7 - io/prometheus 8 breaking: 9 use: 10 - FILE 11 deps: 12 - 13 lint: 14 use: 15 - DEFAULT 16 except: 17 - SERVICE_SUFFIX # service requirement of <name>+Service 18 - RPC_REQUEST_STANDARD_NAME # explicit <rpc>+Request naming 19 - RPC_RESPONSE_STANDARD_NAME # explicit <rpc>+Response naming 20 - PACKAGE_VERSION_SUFFIX # versioned naming <service>.v1beta 21 ignore: 22 # TODO: how will fixing this affect functionality. Multiple fields are used as the request 23 # or response type for multiple RPCs 24 - aliasreader/aliasreader.proto 25 - net/conn/conn.proto 26 # allows RPC requests or responses to be google.protobuf.Empty messages. This can be set if you 27 # want to allow messages to be void forever, that is they will never take any parameters. 28 rpc_allow_google_protobuf_empty_requests: true 29 rpc_allow_google_protobuf_empty_responses: true 30 # allows the same message type to be used for a single RPC's request and response type. 31 # TODO: this should not be tolerated and if it is only perscriptivly. 32 rpc_allow_same_request_response: true